Sons of Lyra: Runaway Hearts [Sons of Lyra Series]

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Sons of Lyra: Runaway Hearts [Sons of Lyra Series] Page 5

by Felicity Heaton

  He walked slowly to the door and stared through the small glass window and the window on the other door in the hull. The Minervan fighter drifted backwards, turned and then disappeared from view. He leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against the glass.

  His eyes lost focus as he placed his hands against the cold metal door.

  Emptiness filled him.

  He'd never see her again.

  The ship shook again but this time he didn't care. It was probably another Minervan ship come to take him in anyway. How had they found him so quickly? Had one of the crew recognised him?

  "Your Highness."

  He frowned and looked to the side without moving. There were several men stood there, all wearing the Lyran Imperial Army flight suits. He heaved a sigh and pushed away from the door when they stepped aside and his brother, Acer, walked towards him.

  "You gave us quite the scare, what with that Minervan fighter. Good thing for you we showed up when we did and they high-tailed it.” Acer smirked and slapped him on the shoulder. “Sorry, old man, I've got orders to bring you home."

  "I need to go after them,” he said, pushing his brother's hand off him and frowning. “I never ask you for much, but I need you to do this for me. You will do this for me as my brother."

  Acer looked shocked for a moment.

  "I can't go against orders issued by my superiors, you know that. What you're asking me to do is impossible and would most likely result in destruction of either of the ships or war.” Acer's look turned dark and serious.

  Sebastian realised that he was right. All was lost whatever he did. If they went after the Minervans, they would open fire and Terea could be injured or killed in the battle. That battle could lead to war between the Lyra and Minerva. The relationship between the two systems were strained at best, and it would only take a single push to break the tie between them completely and push them into war. He couldn't put the lives of his people at risk for the sake of her, and he couldn't risk her. He had to do as she'd asked and go on without her, hoping one day that they'd meet again.

  He lowered his head and sighed in resignation.

  "Besides, I don't have time to be running after Minervans. I have strict orders to get you back in time for your wedding. I hope you enjoyed your jaunt, brother, because when you get back, you're going to be under lock and key."

  Acer's words chilled him to the bone. He'd forgotten that returning to Lyra Prime meant returning to be married. He knew his parents and they weren't going to let him out of their sight until he was wed. There was no way he'd be able to escape again and find Terea.

  "Come,” Acer said and placed his arm around his shoulders, grinning. “The whole of the galaxy is waiting to see you get hitched."

  Sebastian couldn't manage a smile or anything remotely near one. He stared out of the airlock windows at the dark space beyond. He'd seen the stars as he'd wanted but at the same time, he'd found so much more. He'd found the woman he wanted.

  Now he'd never see her again.

  * * * *

  Sebastian stared through the tall glass panelled doors that led onto his balcony, feeling nothing and seeing nothing. It was a matter of minutes now. This week had been the longest and most painful of his life. His parents wouldn't hear a word of his protests and had banned the mention of Terea's name. They'd assured him that he'd forget her.

  What did they know?

  It had been a week and he hadn't stopped thinking about her, replaying every moment in their short time together. He'd never forget her. He'd never stop thinking about her.

  Acer had been little comfort, and neither had Balt. Not even his youngest brother Remi had been able to lift his spirits. He'd banned them all from his room two days ago. He couldn't bear to speak to anyone anymore. He only wanted to see her and speak to her.

  The only one who had managed to get a smile out of him had been Kayla, and that was because she'd reassured him that he would see Terea again one day and that he could divorce his future bride once his parents were dead and he was king. It had even made him laugh for a moment. She knew his family's stubbornness so well and she'd only been with them a short while.

  "Your Highness, it's time,” someone said as they opened the door to his room and then left again.

  He stood and sighed as he walked to the door and followed them down the hall. Kayla was right. In a few years, his parents might be dead and he could divorce his current wife and find Terea again. He hated to wish that fate upon them, but he couldn't help himself. He longed to see her.

  The sun was bright today, warm on his face as he stepped out of the palace and onto the white wide open square in front of it. The walk to the end of the rich blue line of carpet that marked the aisle was long and made him even wearier. His heart was heavy, empty. He wondered if it would always feel this way, as though it was missing and a black hole had opened up in its space, sucking every feeling into it and leaving him numb.

  The priest said something to him that he didn't bother listening to. He stood with his back to everyone, the gathered hundreds that sat either side of the aisle, and stared off into the distance.

  The fanfare began. He didn't turn around. He didn't care if it was tradition to watch the bride approach. It would give him no joy to see her. He wanted Terea. His eyes went skyward and he wished he were out there amongst the stars with her, free of this life. She'd wanted to be free with him. She'd said as much. Had their short time together affected her as deeply as it had affected him?

  The woman came to a halt beside him, dressed in black and silver. He glared at her where she stood facing the priest, her side to him and her face hidden beneath the black veil.

  A Minervan?

  His lip curled in disgust.

  His parents were marrying him off to a Minervan?

  The fanfare ended and the priest called for everyone to stand. Sebastian turned to face her. She lowered her head, her hand disappearing under her veil. He frowned as she pressed the back of her index finger to below her eyes as though she was catching tears. Was she happy or sad? The priest told her to turn to face him. She turned her head away instead and took a long deep breath as though trying to control her emotions. The priest again told her to face him.

  She did this time.

  She turned with head bowed and stood in silence as her attendants lifted her veil and placed it over her hair.

  He frowned and stepped back.


  She raised her head slowly, her expression sad until her eyes reached his face. Her frown matched his.

  "You're the Lyran I was running away from?” Terea said, too shocked to take any notice of the priest or the audience they had.

  It was impossible.

  Was she dreaming?

  He hesitated a moment, his mouth hanging open and his feelings in disarray, telling her that he was having difficulty understanding this too.

  She smiled and he followed suit.

  "Heir Prince Sebastian Lyra I,” he said and held his hand out to her as though introducing himself.

  She placed hers into it and realised he was shaking as badly as she was. “Princess Terea Atelier."

  She laughed when his fingers closed around hers and he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  "I can't believe I ran away from you,” she said and then frowned at him. “Were you running away from me too?"

  He nodded and gave a low laugh. “What a pair we are."

  She stepped up to him and ran her free hand up his dark blue jacket, curling it around his neck. “We certainly are."

  Her eyes rolled closed when he dipped his head and kissed her, his other hand wrapping around her back and tugging her close until her body was pressed against his.

  "Your Highness, it isn't supposed to start with a kiss,” the priest whispered.

  She smiled when Sebastian looked at him and then at her. “It always starts with a kiss."

  "Your Highness, I implore you."

  She p
ressed her hand against Sebastian's chest to stop him when he leaned towards her. The priest thanked her with a smile. It was painful stopping Sebastian when all she wanted to do was kiss him. She held his gaze while the priest continued with the ceremony. Sebastian looked so handsome, his black hair tousled by her fingers and his tight blue jacket emphasising the broadness of his chest and shoulders. She shook her head.

  "To think, I thought you a common thief,” she whispered, hoping not to disturb the priest. She couldn't stand here mute when she had so many things to say to Sebastian. She'd thought she'd never see him again. This past week without him had been hell. She'd thought of only him, had cried her heart out every day until she had run out of tears.

  He smiled, his dark eyes shining with it. Tears rose into hers, but this time they were tears of happiness. She couldn't believe she'd run away from her arranged marriage only to end up in the arms of her future husband anyway. At least this way she felt as though he was someone of her own choosing. She would have to thank her father now. He'd been furious when she'd been brought back and had refused to marry the Lyran prince.

  She was so thankful that her father was stubborn. She might have talked her way out of marrying Sebastian.

  The backs of his fingers brushed her cheek. “And I know you're a thief."

  She dropped her gaze to her feet, unable to look him in the eye. “I admit, I did steal five hundred silver Lynans from you."

  His hand opened and cupped her cheek. He raised it, forcing her to lift her head and look at him again.

  "You stole more than that,” he whispered.

  She frowned. “I did?"

  "You stole my heart,” he said with so much affection in his eyes that she blushed.

  Before she could open her mouth to respond, he was kissing her again. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, her arms going around his neck. The kiss was sweet and gentle, filled with love and tenderness that made her melt inside. She tightened her hands against him, not wanting to let him go.

  The priest cleared his throat. This time they both ignored him.

  He sighed and then said, with a slam of his book, “I pronounce you husband and wife."

  She smiled against Sebastian's lips when he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her hard.

  Her eyes widened when his hands slid lower and he scooped her up into his arms, cradling her with one arm against her back and one hooked under her knees. He didn't stop kissing her as he carried her down the aisle. A murmur rose amongst the gathered guests. She could sense their curiosity and their intrigued stares.

  "Where do you think you're going?” A strong female voice cut through the rest.

  Sebastian stopped and his lips left hers. She craned her neck to see one woman standing and recognised who it was. His mother. Sebastian's grip on her tightened.

  "This is Terea,” he said with a wide smile. “I suppose I can mention her name in our house again now that she's my wife?"

  His mother looked shocked.

  "For once, I am glad that you are as stubborn as a Gavaelian farnsk.” His smile became a grin and he started walking again.

  Terea looked up at him, at her husband, and wondered just what gods of the universe were smiling on them to bring them together like this. Perhaps Iskara and Arkus were working together for once.

  "Answer me, young man!” His mother's voice rang in the distance.

  He didn't.

  She looked at the people they were passing as he walked down the aisle with her and then towards the palace they were heading towards.

  "Where are we going?” she said with a curious frown.

  He lowered his head and kissed her cheek before drawing back and looking deep into her eyes.

  "To catch up ... I have a bottle of Koji in my room.” He grinned. It was infectious. She couldn't help smiling at him as she remembered their night together.

  "We have a lot of catching up to do,” she said and pulled herself up so she could kiss him.

  He didn't stop walking. She peppered his cheek and neck with kisses.

  "You don't care that I'm Minervan?” She reached out to his mind a little, wanting to see if he told her the truth.

  "Not at all,” he said and started up the steps to the palace with her. It was cooler inside the building. She leaned back and looked at him. He wasn't lying. He really didn't care. “But if you keep invading my mind..."

  Her eyes widened.

  "You can feel me?” she said.

  He nodded. “It only happened after we'd—well, you know what happened. I was so addled with our feelings and the Koji that I didn't realise until after ... and I didn't know that it was a Minervan gift."

  "It isn't,” she said and played with the hair at the back of his head. “My mother was Varkan. It's a trait I picked up from her. No one knows I have it."

  "No one but me,” he corrected.

  "I still can't believe I was running away from you, and ran right into your arms."

  He pressed his cheek against hers and squeezed her.

  "And here you'll stay, my love,” he whispered into her ear.

  She sighed and buried her face against his neck, relieved that she had found him again and that his feelings for her were the same as her own.

  "My love,” she echoed and closed her eyes.

  He pressed a kiss to her hair.

  "I like feeling you happy,” he said and turned down a corridor.

  She smiled.

  "I'll never be sad when we're together,” she whispered.

  He held her tighter and she felt warm inside when she sensed all his love for her and his need to protect her. She'd never felt so happy.

  He was happy too.

  "If that's the case,” he whispered back at her. “I'll never let you out of my arms again."

  She'd like that.

  She would stay in his arms.


  The End

  About the Author

  Felicity Heaton is a great believer in love at first sight and the romantic ideal. Having grown up reading extensively, she developed a deep love of classical literature, ranking Jane Eyre, North & South, and Persuasion amongst her all time favourite reads. The most romantic moment of her life was when her husband got down on bended knee on the steps of Sacré Coeur, Paris, at night in front of several hundred spectators and proposed. She was too drunk on love, and subsequently champagne, to care about the audience. All she could see was the man that she loved. A writer of emotion and life, she always strives to touch a chord of familiarity in her readers and give them characters they can love and a read to remember.

  To see her other novels, visit:

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