Leaning Into Always: Eric and Zane part 2 (Leaning Into Stories Book 1)

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Leaning Into Always: Eric and Zane part 2 (Leaning Into Stories Book 1) Page 2

by Lane Hayes

  “I thought I’d check in with you before I head to the lab. I’m not supposed to be anywhere else today, am I?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not your secretary or your keeper, Nick. Ask Barb. She knows everything that goes on around here. And if she’s stumped, Miles will know.”

  “Barb says I’m in the clear, and Miles and I discussed his Deadpool socks for about ten minutes while you were yapping with Zane. I figured since I was here, I might as well see how my ol’ buddy’s doing,” he said with a wide grin that transformed his already handsome features into something truly special.

  Nick Jorgensen was one of the most attractive men I knew. He was six foot two and lean with dark hair, gray eyes, and a sculpted jawline that might have earned him a lucrative modeling gig if he wasn’t obsessed with technology. The guy was a genius. Literally. He was the cyber tech geek brain behind EN Tech and I was the business guru who made sure his network security solutions were patented and sold at an elite level to government agencies and high-profile firms. We made a good team. We’d been friends since college. Hell, we’d even been lovers at one time. But that was years ago. The point was, we knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses well.

  Nick was a brilliant, absent-minded professor. His rabid focus was a blessing and a curse. It was up to me to finesse his messaging in business and yeah…sometimes outside of the office too. He couldn’t help himself. He had no filter whatsoever. He tended to say exactly what he was thinking and act accordingly. It got him into trouble on the regular. The latest of note was his broken engagement to Don Carrigan’s daughter, Lisa.

  I’d known from the start it wouldn’t last, but he had to figure it out his own way and leave his usual trail of destruction. He was exasperating, but underneath his seemingly stubborn ambivalence, Nick was a good man. The people who knew him best appreciated his quirks. Different was good. It wasn’t always easy though, I mused.

  “I’m fine. I have a meeting with Pete Cornell. He wants in on your—”

  Nick covered his ears and chanted, “La la la la la.” When I stopped talking, he scowled at me. “I don’t want to hear about old equipment when I’m about to deliver something a hundred times better.”

  “Okay, how’s that going?”

  “I don’t want to talk about that either. Tell me about you and Z. Miles said you’re visiting the families this weekend.”

  “My secretary talks too much, but yeah, we are. We’re leaving Friday. We’re having dinner with his mom that night. My parents are in Cabo until Saturday night so it looks like we’ll see them for brunch on Sunday. Or we’ll catch them the next time they’re in the city. I think this trip is really about visiting Zane’s mom.”

  “Hmm. Sounds serious.”

  “It is serious. We’re getting married, for Christ’s sake,” I huffed. “You didn’t think I’d change my mind, did you?”

  “No. I know you wouldn’t. You love him and he feels the same about you. It’s just…weird to think everything’s going to change. That’s all,” he replied matter-of-factly.

  “Why would anything change? We’re still the same people.”

  “Yeah, but now you live together, soon you’ll be married and—crap, are you gonna have kids?” His dismayed expression was almost funny.

  I gave a half laugh and sighed. “Maybe someday. But nothing’s going to change. Zane moved into my place months ago. Has it really been that strange?”

  Nick shook his head. “Nah. Actually, it’s been pretty normal when the five of us get together. Grant and Josh think so too. I guess I thought I’d be the one tying the knot. It’s weird that you are instead. You know?”

  I observed my friend for a moment. His charcoal suit was well-fitted, and he must have just had his hair cut. He looked put-together and professional. It wouldn’t last. The second he stepped into the lab, he’d lose his coat and tie, roll up his sleeves, and run his hands through his hair until it stood up on end. Nick was the smartest man I knew, but his occasional bouts of insecurity took me by surprise, revealing a side to him he didn’t let most people see.

  I picked up the apple Miles had brought me from the café downstairs and tossed it at Nick’s chest.

  “Snap out of it, asshole. The only thing weird here is me hanging out with my future mother-in-law and an ex-boyfriend this weekend. Have a little sympathy,” I snarked.

  Nick bent to retrieve the apple. He held it back like he was going to chuck it at my head, which would have been all kinds of bad. The guy had the worst aim of anyone I knew. He set it on my desk instead and gave me a dirty look before leaning back in his chair.

  “What ex-boyfriend? I didn’t think Zane had a boyfriend before you.”

  That made me smile. It was true. I was his first. Don’t get me wrong. Zane had plenty of experience with men and women. But I was his first real relationship. Or at least the first person he acknowledged as his significant other. The mystery continued.

  “Dean…his ex-fuck buddy from high school,” I clarified. “Honestly, I didn’t think they talked at all anymore, but now he wants his help to find a boat for your almost-father-in-law. If this goes sideways, I’m pretty sure it’ll be your fault.”

  Nick scoffed. “Oh please. Quit being a drama queen. The family stuff will be a cakewalk. You already know each other anyway. As far as the ex-booty call goes, I wouldn’t worry. He’s probably a balding old guy now with a beer belly, three ex-wives, six kids, and—”

  “Supposedly he’s married with three kids,” I interrupted. “He’s only two years older than us, so I have my doubts about the beer belly and hair loss too. He was a good-looking, athletic dude back then and I’m sure he still is. Whatever.”

  “Either way, don’t be a hypocrite. Technically I’m your ex and Zane doesn’t seem to have a problem with us working together and being friends,” he singsonged.

  I sputtered indignantly. “That’s totally different! We’ve been friends for years and you’re Zane’s friend too. And while our time as ‘more than friends’ was nice, we’re like brothers now. Zane knows that. This isn’t the same thing. Zane and Dean were popular surf rats and I was…a nerd.”

  “You still are,” Nick reminded me with a grin. “A very successful nerd with a fuckton of dough in the bank. But everyone grows up to some degree. Even the surfer dudes Zane used to hang out with. You may be pleasantly surprised. And if you aren’t…you’ll still have Zane. You can’t lose, Er.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Nick. You’re a good egg.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Slightly scrambled. I know.” He stood and moved to the door. “Honestly, I’m more concerned about Don Carrigan than anyone.”

  “Why? He loves Zane.”

  “But he hates me and by association, he hates you too. I could see him using Zane to get back at us.”

  “Paranoid much? Don doesn’t hate me. He hates you…with good cause.” I gestured meaningfully toward the door.

  “Hmph. I may be paranoid but you have a naïve streak. Don is more dangerous than any hot surfer Z used to screw around with. His intentions aren’t pure. He’s just the sort of evil genius who waits until his enemy is complacent before he goes in for the kill.” Nick opened the door and then rubbed his hands together gleefully. “See ya, Er. I’m off to do combat.”

  “In the lab?”

  “Yep. The ultimate weapon is brainpower. Don can’t touch us if we’re light years ahead of our competitors. My new project will propel us to the next level. I promise. I’ll keep working at it and you keep your eyes and ears peeled, especially when it comes to Carrigan. See ya, buddy.”

  I stared at the space he’d vacated for a moment. The inclination to brush aside Nick’s warning was strong, but there was a modicum of truth here I couldn’t refute. Racing was one thing, but why was Don suddenly asking Zane to help him purchase a boat? Maybe it was nothing. Zane could handle Don and truthfully, he actually seemed to like the guy. But Nick was right. Complacency was the surest road to failure. It was wise to stay on guard f
or all our sakes.


  The one-hour flight from San Francisco to Orange County was relatively painless. The fifteen-minute drive to the luxury resort on the harbor was less so. My stomach dropped with every twist in the winding road along the bay. The closer we got to our final destination, the quieter I became. It was okay. Zane talked for both of us. He happily pointed out egrets gliding over the water and paddle boarders he spotted edging their way around the marsh. His excitement was palpable and so at odds with my turbulent thoughts, it was almost comical.

  “They obviously don’t know what they’re doing. There are so many great places to paddleboard here, and this section of the bay is definitely not one of them,” he groused, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel of our rented Jeep.

  “What is the best place?” My idle question was a weak attempt at engaging in conversation. I didn’t want to rain on Zane’s parade when he was clearly excited to be home.

  “The harbor. Especially the area around Lido Island. Wanna go? We can head over there in the morning if you’re up to it.” He stopped at a red light and turned to me with a winning smile.

  I returned the gesture and reached for his free hand, impulsively entwining our fingers. “Would that be before or after surf lessons, sailing lessons, or the hike around Moro Canyon?”

  “Hmm. Tough question, but if we wake up at the crack of dawn we may be able to tackle everything.”

  “Oh, brother. What comes first?”

  Zane squeezed my fingers then let go of my hand when the light changed. “Surfing always comes first, babe.”

  “Always?” I purred, moving my hand to his cup his jean-clad crotch.

  “Uh…no. Not always.”

  “Good.” I kissed his shoulder then sat back in my seat and let the Beach Boys lull me with good vibrations.

  This was going to be fine. I could survive forty-eight hours anywhere with this guy at my side. Even home.

  The Beach Club Resort must have had a facelift since the last time I’d been there. The reception area was a sophisticated blend of marble and crystal chandeliers with grand pillars that framed an amazing view of sand and beach and the ginormous multi-million-dollar yachts docked just beyond. When we were growing up, this was a more casual destination for locals. A place to lie on the sand with your friends or goof around on the playground slide stuck in the middle of the bay. There were burger bashes, movie nights, and other tame family activities. My parents had a membership here years ago, but they let it go when ownership changed and the monthly dues hiked to the equivalent of a down payment on a house.

  I wasn’t surprised Zane chose to stay here. This was the only waterfront hotel in the area. He wasn’t the type to be intimidated by the radical uptick in wealth on display compared to when we were kids. He spent time in some of the most prestigious yacht clubs in Northern California, around boats that were worth more than I could comprehend.

  “If I had my way, we wouldn’t stay here.” Zane plucked his T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the king-sized bed before opening the sliding glass door and stepping out to the balcony. He held out his hand and motioned for me to join him.

  “Did you want to stay with your mom?” I made a face before adding, “Or my parents?”

  “Hell, no.” Zane pulled me into his arms so he stood behind me. His deep voice reverberated through his chest and moved through me, grounding me to him. “Don’t you think it would be cool to own a tiny bungalow on the sand just big enough for the two of us? Someplace quiet where I could look out the window to gauge the surf before getting into my wet suit. You could read on the patio and watch me until your longboard called. Then you’d get undressed”—he paused to unbutton and then unzip my jeans—“and put on your sexy Speedo before—”

  I spun in his hold and rested my arms on his shoulders. “I don’t own a Speedo. And I think you should thank me for that.”

  Zane chuckled. “No way. That’s a crime. We’ll fix that later, but now…I want to do other things.”

  I sighed when he splayed one hand under my shirt and grabbed my ass with the other, molding his pelvis to mine so I could feel his obvious hard-on. I ran my fingers through his longish hair as I tilted my chin then licked his bottom lip. He groaned in response and slipped his tongue inside. We made out on the balcony in broad daylight for longer than we should have. This wasn’t San Francisco and LA was an hour north of here. This was a conservative mecca where no one spoke about gays. Unless of course, they were talking about the fabulous designer they’d hired to decorate their beach house.

  I reluctantly broke the kiss and angled my head toward our suite. “Inside. How much time do we have before dinner?”

  “As much as we want. Go on, baby. Get naked for me.”

  I moved into the suite, undressing as I made my way to the bed. I folded the white duvet back then sat on the edge of the mattress to kick off my shoes and socks. Zane hummed in approval and came to stand in front of me, palming his heavy dick absently as he stared at me. He looked mesmerized, which made me want to crack a joke because seriously…this was me here. Not some bodybuilder or model or rock star. Me. He’d seen me naked a million times. He knew exactly what he was getting. How could he act like I was so special every single time? I didn’t get it, but this certainly wasn’t the time for questions.

  I set my hands on his muscular thighs and studied his hardening shaft as he stroked himself. Precum pooled at the tip of the wide mushroom head. I licked my lips greedily and then glanced up at him as though awaiting his direction. It was a funny thing to do, but it drove him crazy. In a good way. Like he secretly got off on the show of subservience. It wasn’t a dominance thing. He would have died laughing if I called him daddy or asked him if he wanted to try anything kinky like—

  “Do you want to spank me?” I blurted.

  Zane’s eyes bugged out in shock. He looked like a cartoon character. It was funny, actually, and it went a long way toward easing my instant mortification. I couldn’t believe I’d said that aloud. My cheeks had to be bright red. My outburst was so unlike me, neither of us knew how to touch it. I supposed it was up to me to try.

  I cleared my throat noisily and gave a weak half chuckle. “I was kidding.”

  “Fuck, I hope not.” Zane pounced on me immediately.

  I let out an oomph of surprise as he flattened himself over me, gyrating his rock-hard prick against mine. He captured my hands above my head and rutted wildly then drove his tongue into my mouth. I hooked my legs over his ass and lifted my hips to meet his frenetic thrusts. The lusty sensual slide of skin pushed us into another realm. We were a tangle of arms and legs, humping like mad as we sucked on tongues, lips, and jaws. We couldn’t get close enough. Zane rolled us sideways and threw his leg over mine, anchoring me close. His right hand roamed down my back and rested on my ass as he nibbled my bottom lip. I wiggled backward, looking for friction. Any friction would do. I hadn’t been this near combustion without penetration of some kind in a while. Cock, fingers, dildo. Even when giving a blowjob, Zane wasn’t shy about using his fingers to tease my hole. I whimpered as I arched back, burying my face in his neck. He splayed his hand over my right ass cheek and then smacked it. Hard.

  “Is that what you want, baby?” he whispered, licking the seam of my mouth as he raked his fingers down my back and then along my crack.

  “I don’t—”

  “You don’t know? Or you do know, but you’ve been keeping this to yourself? Come on, Er. Tell me. Have you been naughty? Do you need a spanking?”

  “Yes! Do it!” I bit his shoulder and dug my nails into his biceps to spur him into action. I was teetering on the edge. It wouldn’t take much. Just one…

  Zane smacked my ass once more and I exploded.

  All orgasms were amazing in my book, but this one was extraordinary. It blindsided me, pulling me under a wave of pleasure so deep I lost my breath as cum jetted between us. I clung to him until the shaking stopped. Then I twisted my fingers in his ha
ir and rained kisses over his scruffy chin and down his neck in an odd show of gratitude.

  Zane gently pushed me onto my back then knelt between my legs. He gripped his shaft, jacking himself furiously as his gaze traveled over my cum-slicked chest and spent penis. I swiped the precum gathered at his slit and made sure he was watching when I brought my finger to my lips.

  “Holy fuck, I’m gonna come!”

  He braced himself on my bent knee and bucked his hips as his release spurted over my stomach and up my chest. He threw his head back and growled like a caveman, milking every last drop from his beautiful cock. Then he closed his eyes as though he needed a moment to gather his strength. When he opened them again, he laughed. The blissful sound washed over me, wrapping us both in a gossamer veil of pure joy.

  My grin was so wide it hurt. “Come here.”

  Zane nodded then collapsed on top of me and blew raspberries on my neck until I shrieked and shoved him. He was too big to move on my own and he didn’t seem bothered by the sticky, sweaty mess binding us together. I gave in and held him close, sending a silent prayer of thanks to whatever force brought this man into my life. Falling for my best friend had been scary as hell, but it was by far the best thing that had ever happened to me.

  He pressed a sweet kiss on my brow then fell to my side and pulled me with him so we lay face-to-face.

  “Just when I think I know everything about you, you say or do something so…mind-boggling I—I don’t know where to begin. That was hot.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “Really? You don’t think I’m weird or perverted?”

  Zane shrugged then swiped his finger through the cum on my stomach and licked it clean. “If you’re weird, I guess I am too. As far as perverted goes…bring it on, baby. I don’t think I’ve ever come like that without being inside you. I want to know every little kink going through your head. What else have you been hiding from me?”


  “You sure? I’m willing to do more than paddle your ass once in a while, but you’ve got to tell me what else you’re into. Want me to tie you up and lick chocolate off your body? Or should we assume aliases and pretend we’re meeting for the first time in a hotel bar?”


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