Mr. Always & Forever

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Mr. Always & Forever Page 57

by Ashlee Price

  And then I heard footsteps…

  Someone, with a very slow, measured gait, was walking up toward me. My chest was tightening, I was having trouble swallowing, and my head was spinning, as I tried to remember to keep my cool.

  He sat down beside me.

  Slowly, carefully, I looked up, afraid of what I might see regardless of the outcome – and God, was he handsome… Sexy as hell in fact, with perfect features, rugged and dark, his white skin prickled with stubble, his eyes nearly black as he peered into me, and a smile peeling flirtatiously across those sexy, kissable lips of his.

  I blinked at him hard, as though certain if I stared for too long he might disappear, or his features might distort into those of a man far less appealing than himself. But when at last several seconds had passed, and he remained real and tangible, I cautiously tilted my empty glass up to him, inquisitively.

  “Was this you?” I asked, straightening up a bit in my seat.

  “Yeah… I just sort of thought, from your expression, that you seemed like the sort of person who could use a drink this evening.”

  I smiled at him, embarrassed, but hopeful. “Yeah… Yeah I did, actually… Thank you…”

  He smiled back at me, making me a little bit woozy, not to mention considerably wet between the legs. God, I couldn’t help myself… I was swooning big time right now, getting far, far ahead of myself, and I could feel myself losing control inwardly – something that always proved dangerous to a good girl like me…

  “There’s also a chance,” he added, smirking even harder now, “that I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the bar, and I couldn’t just sit there without buying you a drink.”

  I flashed him a broad, toothy smile, clearly flustered and gratified, but I just couldn’t help myself at this point. “Oh, God, thank you,” I said, heat rising up in me, clearly not actually believing what I’d just been told, or having expected to hear it. “That’s… That’s really sweet… It’s nice to hear, actually,” I laughed. “You’re not too bad looking yourself, actually…”

  I wriggled my body a bit, in a way that was wholly unintentional and reflexive, yet erotic in a vaguely uncomfortable way. He didn’t seem to mind it at all, though, and I could see his eyes briefly making their way down to my cleavage, which peered subtly out over the top of my blouse. With as little obviousness as I could manage to do so, I brought my arms a bit more inward toward one another, pushing my breasts together, and deepening the cleavage. I caught him looking at this point, and smiled, pleased at myself. He seemed unbothered by it, and perhaps more aroused than anything by the little game we’d just played. At any rate, I could see he had an erection now, pushing through his jeans, putting my mind on sex to a degree that I could no longer have a hope in hell of escaping.

  “My name’s Danny,” he said, grinning that cheeky grin of his, and giving off an air of unbearable sexual want in that moment.

  “Heather,” I replied, flashing him my own smile, which I knew to be an innocent one, but dazzling in its own simple way.

  “So, um, Heather…” he said, picking up where we’d left off before all this. “If you don’t mind me asking, is there something on your mind? Something you want to get off your chest?”

  I sighed, unhappy to be brought back down from the realm of the purely carnal and physical, and back on the plane of reality where things like emotions and feelings actually mattered. “It’s nothing, really, I just…” I tried to think of how I wanted to word this, being honest without burdening Danny here with too many of my problems. I was impressed, actually, that he genuinely wanted to know about how I was feeling, instead of simply trying to get into my panties with record speed, and somewhere deep inside me, I felt a vague, probably stupid hope that this could eventually turn into something more than just a one night stand.

  “I’m just sort of thinking about the past, I guess, and wishing I’d done certain things differently. That’s all, really…”

  “I can understand that,” he said, looking sincerely at me, and I couldn’t help but flare my nostrils at him a bit. “I’ve had several things in my life like that, actually, truth be told… A lot of regrets… A lot of choices I’ve made that I shouldn’t have, or that I wish I would have made differently. But that’s life, I guess. You learn from your own stupidity, and hopefully you change for the better.” I smiled, and then he added, grinning, “Of course, I still haven’t done enough wising up yet to have changed all that much.”

  I laughed, not really sure what he meant all the way, but maybe just nervous. There was a darkness to his aura, an intangible sense of foreboding that I couldn’t quite define or place my finger on – but this was, without a doubt, a bad boy, and the promise of being involved with him in that way got me very, very turned on.

  “I guess maybe what I mean is a little bit different… Like, it’s not so much that I’ve made bad choices – it’s like I just haven’t made my own choices at all. I’ve always let other people make them for me, and my life’s just sort of been so safe and sheltered because of it. God, why am I telling you all this?” I shook my head, feeling like I was blowing it.

  But he was smiling at me, reading me like a book. “So you’re a good girl, is what you’re trying to say? And you’d like to be a bad girl…”

  I shrugged, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. “Well, I mean, I don’t want to go out and rob a fucking bank or anything… I just want some excitement in my life, you know? I want to feel like I’m actually living once in a while, and doing things my own way… Like, I dunno… Does that make sense…?”

  He smiled at me, like of course, obviously it made perfect sense to him in every way, and then he said, “I think you’re right, about a person needing to make their own choices. But as far as looking for excitement goes, I don’t think it’s ever too late for a person to start…”

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked flirtatiously, my thoughts, obviously, on the bedroom.

  He smiled at me, and then caught me off-guard.

  “Ever ridden on a motorcycle before?”

  Chapter 2

  It wasn’t at all what I’d had in mind when I set out for excitement that evening, but I found, instantly, that it gave me what I was looking for, and more…

  I sat with my arms wrapped around Danny’s waist, holding on for dear life, not daring to let go. I didn’t wear a helmet, which was more risk than I was genuinely willing to take, under normal circumstances – and even in hindsight, it isn’t my preferred source of “danger,” as much as it is sheer stupidity. But all the same, I loved the feeling of the wind whipping my hair, feeling it flow behind me in streams as we sliced across the black of night, his engine revving up loudly in my ears, stirring something amazing in the center of my chest, and giving me that feeling of being truly and genuinely alive that I’d been seeking out for so very, very long now.

  I had no reason, whatsoever, to trust this man enough to ride with him so dangerously. He wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me, or the first thing about himself, for that matter, and yet somehow I felt that I could trust myself entirely in his hands, regardless of whether or not it made any sense, or of how much risk I was putting myself in with that trust.

  His radio blared classic rock, and it threw me back to an era that I’d not even existed through, yet it made me feel a part of it, enveloped in the music, in the rushing of the trees around me and the highway beneath me. And, in the melting of my body up against Danny’s, hugged tightly around him, my interlocked fingers trembling around his waist, and the feeling of his heat up against mine astonishing.

  God, it was all so wonderful… It felt like something had just opened up in my life, something I’d not even known was missing, but that I now felt certain I could never go without again.

  At one point, I actually let myself completely loose, and indulged in a bit of excess celebration. I took my arms from around Danny’s midriff, and I pumped my fist up into the night sky, cheering wildly, “Woo

  It was actually pretty lame, to be honest, like if you were an outsider observing it, and I nearly lost my balance and toppled over off the bike in the process. I caught myself again quickly enough, though, and God, it was just so damn liberating… I felt my pulse pounding in my ears, and Danny looked back over his shoulder after me, smiling, almost as amused as I was.

  I leaned forward onto him, and closed my eyes, letting him drive me along into the night.

  When I opened my eyes again, I was positively astonished by the sight I saw laid out before me. Danny had driven me to the very highest peak in the city, and parked there, so that the two of us stared down into the sprawl of lights and buildings and traffic, sparkling like Christmas lights, making my eyes burn from the sheer beauty of it.

  I stared in awe of the view for some time, disbelieving that something so perfect could be real, and gripping Danny’s body tightly, as though I never wanted to relinquish him from my grasp.

  “Was that exciting enough for you?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at me with a smile, when I failed to answer him for a long enough period of time. I kept jerking my head back and forth, from him to the view and back again, like he’d just performed a trick of some kind and I was struggling to comprehend how he’d done it. Maybe I’d gotten a bit carried away, but I was somehow overcome with emotion at the sight of the city below, feeling like this one small toe stepped outside the boundary of my comfort zone had led to such a fun and impressive sight.

  I never did end up answering him, now that I think about it in retrospect. Instead, I let it suffice for me to lean in, overcome with feeling, and plant a kiss on his lips, inhaling his mouth, and loving the prickle of his stubble across my skin.

  We pulled apart for a moment, both of us at attention now, and feeling a bit woozy with pleasure. It had been an experiment, a successful one, and a moment later we leaned in, and we kissed again. And again. And again, and again, and again…

  Each kiss became longer, hotter, wetter, more passionate. We nearly knocked ourselves off the motorcycle at one point, giggling, but then we got off of it properly, and he parked it so the two of us could have a moment to ourselves.

  He pulled my body into him, and we began to make out wildly, pushing our tongues into one another’s mouths, our hands all over one another. He grabbed my ass, and pulled my voluptuous body into himself, squeezing me as though trying to force the air right out of me, and I moaned with pleasure, loving the feeling of his hard cock, warm against my leg through the denim of his jeans.

  He grabbed my breast with his hand, and God I loved being swept up in the sensations, my nipple hardening against my bra, the nerves in my body all lit up like mad. Then, God help me, with his other hand, he was reaching up my skirt, letting his fingers creep along my inner thigh, until he got to the point where he was rubbing my pussy through the fabric of my panties, getting me high on the pleasure of it. My mind was spinning, I was reeling, and I thought I might fall over, lost in how very, very bad I was being, forgetting to concentrate on anything else in the world.

  But then I heard something… The sound of a car approaching, its lights beginning to illuminate us, and I suddenly came to my senses. Danny was beginning to undress me just then without my having realized it, peeling my blouse up over my head, and I stopped him hurriedly, pulling away, and leaving him clearly disappointed as the car that nearly spotted us zoomed on by, seeming not to notice us.

  “Heather? What’s wrong?” he asked, confused by my sudden hesitation.

  “I – We can’t do – I mean, come on, not here…”

  He smiled, clearly catching my meaning. “You’re afraid we’ll get caught, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yes… Caught or plowed into by a semi… Jesus…”

  “Take it easy,” he said, and I really was getting a bit too hysterical. “I thought you wanted a little bit of excitement in your life…”

  “I do,” I insisted, “Just – not death by screwing in the middle of the road, excitement…”

  “Technically, it’s a scenic overlook, not the middle of the road,” he said, but I could tell he knew even as he said it that it was a baseless argument.

  “Look, I really like you, and I want to… You know… But can’t we just like, go back to your place or something? Please?”

  “Of course,” he said, taking me in his arms again. “I just wanted to show you something a little bit different…” And it wasn’t like I didn’t secretly burn to keep going, to fuck right there on the side of the way, naked in full view of whatever cars might pass by. It honestly turned me on like hell to even consider it, but the consequences struck me as far too grave in the event that things didn’t quite go as planned.

  I realized suddenly that I was actually shaking at that point, apparently more anxious than I’d anticipated at my plunge into the life of a bad girl, and he quickly calmed me down, putting his lips against mine, as though to reassure me that it was all okay with him.

  “Come on, you good girl,” he said, with a twitch of his lips, as he escorted me back onto his motorcycle, and we rode off once more into the night.

  Chapter 3

  I hit the surface of his bed hard, bouncing as my body settled into place, and he came sliding up over top of me like a blanket, picking up right where the two of us had left off. His cock was once again stiff as a board up against my body, and I hurriedly unzipped his pants to plunge my hand into his underwear, seizing a vicious handful of his long, hard immensity as we kissed.

  I pumped and caressed him, savoring his heat as pre-ejaculate began to drip down his shaft and all across the palm of my hand. He breathed me in as though I was essential to his well-being, putting his tongue in my mouth and exploring wildly, unable to get enough of me. I was getting high on him, and fast, stars flashing before my eyes as I struggled to comprehend just how very fast this was all progressing.

  And God, I loved it…

  He put his hand up my skirt once more, rubbing my cunt, looking for my clitoris through the layers of lace, and even his meager, clumsy efforts at doing so succeeded in getting me hot as hell with arousal. I pushed my face forward into him as though to show him how much I appreciated him, and he pushed right back, and then pull his hand back away from me, bringing them both up now to my skirt, instead. He peeled the fabric seductively upward, letting it melt across the dark ebony curves of my body, at last casting the article to the floor beside the bed.

  He leaned up off of me for a moment, as well, and stripped out of his own shirt, revealing to me a sculpted, muscular physique, bulging with glorious pecs, a staggering set of six-pack abdominals, and the overall picture one that turned me on like you wouldn’t believe.

  He let his body come back down onto me, his penis harder than ever as he wrapped his arms around me, and began to undo the hook of my bra from beneath me. He continued to suck on my lips as though they were delectable in every way, nibbling on the flesh, pulling them out between his teeth, and massaging my breasts all the while, sinking his claws into them in a manner that filled me with delight. I moaned, and he brought his lips to the underside of my chin. Then to my neck, sinking his teeth lightly into me, making my toes curl, making me burn with sensations that defied my ability to put into words on any level.

  And down, down, down his mouth fell, at last making its way to my cleavage, the straps of my bra having been slid down my arms, hanging loosely by a thread from my anatomy. He peeled the cups away, and seized two vicious, enthusiastic handfuls of my supple chocolate breasts. He kneaded my flesh up like dough, squeezing my nipples between his fingers so that they grew hard and sensitized with arousal. Then, he brought his face in, alternating back and forth between each one, taking them into his mouth. He suckled on me like a newborn, rolling his tongue around each tit, sinking his teeth into me, and then alternating, back, forth, back, forth, until my spine arched up from the bed, and I experienced an unbelievable nipple orgasm.

  “Oh God… Fuck…” I moaned,
spasming all over, feeling as though my body was about to burst.

  Slowly, the sensations began to subside, and my breathing resumed something close to its normal rate. Danny was, once again, smiling at me, his devilish, bad boy intentions clear.

  “Take your panties off,” he commanded, in a low, seductive voice, and of course there was no way I could refuse in my present state of demeanor.

  I slid my body out from under him, dripping with sweat and arousal, and I shimmied seductively out of my skirt, feeling just a little bit slutty, in the best of ways, and loving every moment of it. Then, I turned my back to him, and doubled my body over at the waist, sliding out of my panties as I did so. The cheeks of my buttocks splayed wide as I brought myself down to the ground, my anus and pussy both glistening for his delight, and just to drive the point home I began to rub my cunt, sliding my fingers through the slick ebony folds, rubbing myself around and around in circles.

  I brought myself slowly back up, then, and turned to face him with hungry bedroom eyes. He’d slipped down to nothing but his underwear in preparation for this moment, sitting on the edge of the bed expectantly, and I put my fingers in my mouth, tasting my own fluids as I sauntered toward the bed in his direction, like a predator stalking its prey.

  God, I really had taken a turn for the dark side, and God it felt so amazing to give into the seediest of temptations…

  I kissed him on the mouth, and slowly dredged the fabric of his underwear down off of him, letting them sink to the floor. I stared for a long moment at the engorged purple tip of his cock, dripping with jizz and ready to be licked. I brought my hand up to him and stroked him a bit, loving the stickiness as my wrist pumped along him, and I felt his hand begin to glide through my hair, pulling it out of the way so that my next actions could take place unobstructed. Then, once my hair was out of the way, he seized a tight, slightly painful handful of it, gripping it forcefully, as a means, I realized, of controlling me.


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