Mr. Always & Forever

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Mr. Always & Forever Page 85

by Ashlee Price

  Ana watched him through her opening, his shadow against the vinyl. She saw his shirt come off and the ridges that were even visible in his outline against the tent. Then his outline turned towards her and she slipped back behind her flap, her heart racing. There was so much that Ana wanted to learn, but she was still reluctant to go the next level with a boy, let alone a man. Mike made her feel strange, kind of like her first crush in high school. Ana was older now though and her curiosity was a lot stronger than before.


  Mike slept fitfully and all he could think about was the young woman that he couldn’t have. His best friend of course had to have a daughter that he would have given his left nut to have had. He tried to remember what Jerry had said about her through the years, but nothing could make him forget how innocently she had looked at him. She acted like a girl surprised by her own body’s response and it made Mike wonder just how innocent she really was.

  Morning came earlier for the camp, but even earlier for Mike. He was up and down at the river fishing with Glenn by the time most of the rest of the family was stirring. Mike caught the blonde hair of Ana as she walked into the woods. He figured he knew what she was doing and even though it was going to make him a pervert, he told his companion that he had to piss and took off several yards behind her.

  Ana was not paying attention to anything more than her need to relieve herself. She had awoken early in the morning, but had willed herself back to bed because of how dark the woods were. Ana was not afraid of the dark per say, but it was another issue to drop your pants and crouch in a pile of leaves that can’t be inspected. It was one of those times that Ana wished that it could be as easy for her, as it was for a man.

  She heard a twig crack and looked around but didn’t see anyone. After she pulled her pants back up, she started to walk back to the small camp and was startled as Mike came around a tree and she almost ran into him. She apologized and kept walking, but looked back behind her as he passed. There was something in his eyes and it made her wonder how long he had been there. How much had he seen?

  Mike went back to fishing fifteen minutes later and no one seemed to notice that it took him an exceptionally long time. Jerry and Mike started talking about old fishing trips they had taken as kids, but Mike’s blue eyes met hers several times throughout the conversation. When he looked a certain way at her, her cheeks turned pink and she looked down. She really was that innocent, he thought to himself. He wanted to do what any hot-blooded man would have done. He wanted to exploit it.

  Chapter 3

  “I don’t know about you, but those two are fucking hot.”

  Mike looked back at the two young women and then back at Glenn. He shook his head. The man never had much sense. At least Jerry and his wife were up ahead far enough to not hear the conversation, but he should have known better. Beyond his exasperation, there was also a moment of hesitation on his part, a singular desire to not share Ana. The redhead didn’t really appeal to him in a way, the safer one, but he was not sure that he wanted to share Ana, even with his best friend. Not to mention how pissed off Jerry would be. If only she would stop looking at him with those large blue eyes, it would be a lot easier for him to refuse.

  “You need to chill with that shit Glenn. Jerry would not be okay with you talking about his daughter like that.” Glenn made a face and pushed his fingers through the straw-colored strands on his head.

  “Don’t get all high and mighty now Mike. I have seen you checking her out all day. Wait till we get to the swimming hole. I bet you are going to walk around with a woody the rest of the week.”

  Mike knew his words were right. While he looked forward to seeing what she wore, he dreaded it because he was right. He would walk around rock hard and Jerry would know that he was lusting after someone. Between his daughter and his wife, neither one were an option, which left the gangly redhead. Problem was that Jerry knew Mike better than that. He liked women with curves and he never had been into the skinnier women. While thinking of all of that, he started to wonder how old she was.

  “Do you have to be such an ass Glenn? Just be good and don’t get caught with your dick somewhere it shouldn’t be. Remember that cruise ship? We had to hide in the fucking cabin the last two days because you got caught.”

  Glenn’s fair complexion reddened and he had the good sense to shut his mouth for a while. The hike was over abruptly as they came through the woods and to the clearing. The trees towered over them and shadowed the sun to make it feel later in the day. When the small lake came into view, there was a collective sigh from the group.

  The two girls were quickly to the front of the pack and rushing towards the water’s edge at a break-neck speed. One pushed the other in and soon both were laughing in the water. Ana could not help but be in any body of water around her that was warm enough to swim in. She wished she had taken off some of her clothes though, because they were both a soggy mess as they walked out of the water.

  Ana started to take her shirt off and she caught a stern look from Jerry. He was not as daft as everyone thought he was, nor was he blind to his daughter’s beauty. He was more worried about Mike’s interest, just because he only set his sights on things that he would eventually have. Jerry did not want her flaunting her body and he wondered how he could ban her from wearing a bathing suit. The bikini top underneath her shirt was skimpy and showed off far more of her curves than he wanted.

  Pulling out a dry shirt, she pushed a summer dress over her head and then shifted out of her shorts and bottoms. Mike was paying more attention than he should have and he was fixated with her womanly curves. There was very little attention given to Marie, though Glenn seemed to like the smaller woman. Jerry grabbed some beer from the cooler and pushed them off towards the lake to fish.

  “Come on guys. Let’s let the womenfolk get the camp ready.”

  The women ended up putting the tents together, as well as the fire pit. Before long fish were brought back and they were preparing a late lunch. Jerry kept his friends close in his sights, but he could not stop Mike from glancing back several times to her direction.

  “I will kill you, you know that right?”

  Mike’s head turned and he grinned. “What are you talking about Jerry?”

  “You know what I’m talking about. Keep your eyes, hands and dick to yourself. Ana is not like most girls her age.” Jerry cast his pole back into the water. Glenn looked between the two men and waited for what would surely be a blow-up.

  “I can’t believe you would think that of me. I mean, is she even legal?”

  Jerry’s eyes squinted. “She is 21, but she will always be my little girl.”

  There was no come back and Mike didn’t even try. He chided himself for being so obvious about it, but it was hard to act like he wasn’t attracted to her. Ana’s body was young and ripe for the picking, her added innocence only made him want her more. But Jerry was a good friend and he did not want to piss him off. Mike was torn between his two heads and when he snuck a look over at Ana, he had a better idea of which one was going to win.

  “Mike!” He looked over at Glenn questioningly. The blonde man said nothing but smiled and pointed towards his bobber or where his bobber was supposed to be.

  “I think you got a hit man.”

  Mike started to reel in the small trout and reddened from the two men chuckling. Ana was making him go a little crazy and he was only thankful that his musing had not made him completely hard. He covered himself with his hands as he sat back down on the folding chair.

  “Got to keep that mind out of the gutter man.” Mike scowled at Glenn, who was enjoying his discomfort far too much. He snuck a glance at his other friend’s hard face and cast out his hook.

  Chapter 4

  The evening came quickly and after Jerry’s apparent aversion to the girl’s swimming, Marie and Ana went off for a walk before it go too dark. They invited her brother’s new wife, but she was not doing so well in the great outdoors. Out of everyone, Ana
had figured that Marie would be the Princess, but her brother’s new love took the cake. Between complaining and smacking herself every 30 seconds, she was becoming a huge party pooper.

  “Can you believe her?”

  “Be nice Marie. You have been whining about bugs before we even got here.”

  “I know, but it isn’t near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Besides, I kind of like it, being out here with your family. You know how my folks are, we never go anywhere together. Too many stepparents that hate each other.”

  Ana nodded. She knew that her friend’s home life had never been good, but it had gotten better when she was old enough to move out. That is why they had always been so close and Ana’s reason for always inviting her to those kinds of things. Not to mention, Marie was just fun to be around.

  “So have you seen the way that Mike is looking at you? I think your dad is going to kill him.”

  Ana laughed. While she had noticed, she was sure that he wouldn’t do anything about it. Maybe she wanted him to, but she knew that with her dad around, she would never have a chance. “You know how my dad is. He won’t let anything happen. He still acts like I am a kid.” The two walked through a half-beaten trail and Ana found a log to climb on. When she got to the top of it, she tried to balance on the rotting wood. Marie sat down at the base and watched her friend. “So what are we doing the rest of the week?”

  “Well we will do some more hiking tomorrow and dad says there is a place he wants to go to that he saw pictures of. We should be camping there tomorrow. I am not sure what is so special about it, but he always finds some of the best spots.”

  “Cool. I really like this. I just wish I could talk to Jeff. I kind of miss him and this is the longest we have gone without talking and, you know.”

  Ana sighed. Sex was all the girl seemed to talk about. She figured it couldn’t be as good as Marie made it out to be, though she was part of the reason that Ana had been thinking about it more. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done anything with a guy. She just hadn’t found the one to go all the way with.

  “Does everything have to be about sex with you?”

  “No, but it should be. Wait until you start, like those chips, can’t stop once you pop.”

  Ana shook her head and laughed. Jumping down from the tree, they started to walk back.

  “Is it really that great Marie?”

  Marie turned towards her and she shook her head.

  “Yes. Even better than you can imagine. Especially if you get an older guy. They are the best because they know so much more and they are all about pleasing you. Guys our age don’t really care most of the time. The first time, find an older guy that turns you on. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Ana nodded, but she wasn’t sure if she agreed. The idea of an older man had always appealed to her. Guys her own age seemed to be less mature and she didn’t have much in common with them. Her mind went to Mike and she felt a shiver go through her spine.

  “You really think older is the way to go the first time?”

  Marie had a surprised look. “You are thinking about it, aren’t you?”

  “I never stopped. I just can’t believe that I am 21 and I still haven’t found “the one.” I am really starting to think that he doesn’t exist.”

  “We can be happy with many people Ana. The soul mate thing is just a myth. There are many guys that are perfect for you. I think Mike has been looking mighty hard your way. What about him?”

  Ana looked down, unable to meet her eyes. Ana knew that her bluedepths would give her away, as it always had in the past. She tried to shrug it off like it was no big deal, but she could feel herself reddening.

  “I can’t believe it. Finally!”

  Ana giggled. “Calm down. I am just thinking about it. Would be impossible to do anything here, the way my dad is acting. Have you seen him watching me like a hawk? He seriously told me that I should swim in my clothes.”

  “I don’t know. My grandmother always said, if there is a will, there is a way.”


  The night time seemed to be the hardest time for Mike. While he hadn’t slept much the night before, he was finding it even harder to fall asleep the second night. Jerry had made it clear that his daughter was off limits, but Ana was all that he could think about. He blamed his friend for forbidding it. Saying that he couldn’t have something or someone, only made him want it that much more. The two girls had gone to sleep first, coming back tired from their long walk.

  Mike wanted to go to her, to wake her up. There had to be a way that he could spend some alone time with her and see if what he wanted, was what she wanted as well. His eyes looked through the semi-opened flap and his gaze was on her tent. He was surprised when her tent flap started to unzip. Mike pulled back out of sight and watched the young blonde step out.

  Ana did not see anyone else stirring and since she couldn’t sleep, she decided to go down by the lake for a swim. The air was still warm from the day and she was only wearing her bathing suit and a towel wrapped around her. She was followed the hundred yards to the lake, but she did not see or hear anyone else. Ana was in her own little world, enjoying the blackness around her.

  Mike peeked from behind a tree as she dropped her towel, showing off her voluptuous body. His cock grew and he made a gasping sound when she started to undo her top. Her breasts broke free from their confines and he could see the hard tips of her nipples from the profile. When she wiggled out of her panties and stuck a toe in the water, Michael was doing everything he could to stay where he was. He wanted to be with her, touching her, but he knew that he shouldn’t.

  The man watched for some time. Ana swam around and dove to the bottom several times, pushing her ass fully into view. She did it once more and he found his body moving from behind it of its own volition. Mike didn’t realize that he was out in the open until he heard her make a surprised sound when she saw him.

  Mike did not say anything. Instead, his hands went to his shirt and he pulled it over his head in a rush. His hard chest was bare and covered in tattoos. Ana couldn’t believe what he was doing, but she could not pull her gaze from his tanned flesh. His skin was smooth and he was built better than she had imagined. She felt a tingle in between her legs as his fingers unzipped and pulled his khaki shorts off.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Chapter 5

  Ana’s eyes widened when she saw all of him and she backpedaled slightly away from the hulking man. She did not answer the question, though he didn’t seem particularly worried about her answer anyways. Mike got closer and then he stopped when he was halfway submerged. It helped Ana to focus without his long rod pointed towards her. She then realized that her top half was naked and she covered her breasts with her hands.

  “Hi.” Ana didn’t like that her voice sounded so strained. His eyes devoured hers and even in the darkness, he could see beneath the surface. The moon spilled down from the sky, covering their bodies in moonlight.

  “What are you doing out here all alone?”

  Ana shrugged and finally pulled her arms down to her sides. She wanted him to see her and Ana wanted to see the desire in his face when he did. She was not disappointed when his eyes darkened and he came towards her. Stopping inches from her body, his eyes took in her large globes and small pink nipples. His head bent down and she whimpered when he took her into his mouth.


  Ana touched his hair, pulling his head down to her breasts harder. He sucked greedily and played with the neglected nipple, before changing. Ana was gasping and urging him forward. She was not sure what she needed, but every touch on her chest, sent cravings to the rest of her. Mike pulled away and he kissed her gently on her lips. His tongue pushed into her mouth and twirled around hers. His hands pulled her closer and she felt his hardened length against her stomach. It was scorching hot to the cool water and he started to pull her to deeper water.

  By the time they were chest deep, Ana was clinging t
o his neck and kissing him as passionately as she could muster. He groaned as she lifted up and wrapped her legs around his waist. His cock came in contact with more than just her flesh, as he felt her hot lips push open for him. He started to add pressure, but stopped when he immediately felt her barrier.

  “Ana. Are you sure?”

  While Mike was dying to push forward, but he wanted to make sure before he changed her forever.

  He needed to hear her say yes for his own conscious.

  “Yes Mike. I want you to make me a woman. I want you to be my first.”

  “Well then hold on.”

  His hands went to her round ass and the water helped move her up and position her over his cock. He wanted to be gentle, but he knew that there was some pain that was inevitable. He watched her eyes widened and then squeeze shut.

  Ana waited for the pain and the hard thrust inside of her that she expected. She could already feel pressure inside and he kissed her to distract her. It worked well and she was soon swept up in a fiery kiss from Mike. It was when she had forgotten what was pressed so hard against her, that he started to pull her down onto his length. The cockhead pushed through her barrier and opened her up to the velvet rod that thrust forward.

  Mike stopped covered her mouth, to cover the squeal coming out of her. Ana was being stretched beyond her limit and she made it worse by clenching him as hard as she could. Ana bit his bottom lip and cried out when he pulled back in shock.

  “Shhh. You don’t want to wake your dad up, do you?”

  Ana clamped her mouth shut, but her eyes fluttered closed and she moaned low when he pulled out. Another gasp as he pushed in fully that time, bottoming out against her womb. He was too much for her and she was unable to stop the sounds. He kissed her again, trying to silence her as much as possible.


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