Mr. Always & Forever

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Mr. Always & Forever Page 143

by Ashlee Price

  “Perfect.” He kissed her on the lips again and she ran off to the barn.

  Shania checked the stew when she got upstairs, it looked delicious, then she headed to the bathroom to grab a quick shower. She started the water and closed the door of the shower so it could heat up. She stripped off her dirty clothes and stepped inside. The water was warm and wonderful. She was just about to shampoo her hair when she heard the bathroom door open.

  “Hello?” she asked.

  No reply. Instead, Taylor opened the door of the shower and stepped in beside her. As soon as she saw his naked body and that he was fully erect, she felt her stomach clench and her sex was swelled and wet, ready for him. He wrapped his arms around her and they were both under the spray of the water. Their lips met and Taylor’s hands started to roam around Shania’s body. The water made her skin slick so his hands went smoothly over her as, up her lower back and over her hips to her breasts. He pinched her nipples and she moaned in to his mouth.

  With his right hand he kept playing with her breasts and with his left he wandered down towards her core. He slipped one finger in and moaned; “You’re ready for me.”

  His voice made her core throb; squeezing his finger. “So ready.” She whispered back to him.

  Slowly he turned her around and pushed her towards the wall of the shower, back to him. She braced herself with her palms flat against the shower. His hands started to move all over her again. Starting at her hips and moving up to her breasts and then back down to her hips. His hands grabbed on as he slowly entered her. The pace was slow, steady and steamy. They both moaned as the friction began to build and Taylor got deeper and deeper; pushing himself all the way in to Shania and filling her up.

  Holding on to Shania’s hip with one hand, Taylor brought his hand over her other hip and started to massage her. That put her over the top and the orgasm started to build fast. Up and up, then finally she burst in to an intense orgasm, needing to brace herself against the wall for support. Taylor orgasmed along with her; pushing himself as far in to her as he could go, filling her up in two different ways.

  When they were done, Taylor brought Shania back under the water and he washed her. He shampooed her hair, massaging her; he took the cloth and ran it all over her body, and when she was nice and clean, he rinsed her off and turned off the shower. He got out first and wrapped a towel around his hips and then wrapped a big fluffy towel around her shoulders.

  They got dried off and dressed in some comfy clothes (he brought his with him) and then they sat on the couch with big bowls of stew in front of them. They ate it with thick sliced of bread and butter and Shania was impressed that it was so good.

  While they ate they watched a movie that was on the TV. It was nice to just sit and relax. When they were done eating, she brought their bowls to the kitchen and rinsed them off then went back to the couch. He was sitting at one end so she lay down and put her head on his lap. They sat like that for a long time, until the movie was over and even longer still.

  When they finally got up, it was because it was very late and Taylor had to get up early to do chores. He gave her a long kiss on the lips and headed to the main house. Shania didn’t have to get up early, so she decided she would flip through the channels and see what was on.

  Family Guy, a cooking show, Criminal Minds, I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant, Family Feud were the ones she flipped through. Abruptly she flipped back to I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant. Shania shot off of the couch and ran to the kitchen to look at the date. She didn’t keep track because she was having such a good time.

  Oh God. She was three weeks late. How could that be? She was on the pill, had she forgotten to take them? She thought back to that morning and didn’t remember taking one. Oh crap. She decided not to get too worried about it until she could go in to town and get a pregnancy test.

  Bright and early the next day she had Liam take her to Wal-Mart. She bought a test and a couple other things so he didn’t know why she came. When they got home she ran up the stairs to the loft and peed on the stick. Two minutes later, it was official. She was pregnant.

  She sat down on the toilet seat and just stared at the stick. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Sure, she wanted to have kids someday, but that wasn’t in the plan for a while. What was she going to tell Taylor? They hadn’t talked about kids; they hadn’t talked about anything serious; she was only supposed to be here for three months. She couldn’t keep it from him, she was going to have to tell him; she just had to get enough courage.

  She stayed in the loft for the most part of that day; she told anyone who came looking for her that she was sick. The news must have reached Taylor because once the sun went down, he came to see her.

  “Hey, I heard you’re sick.” He said as he walked in the door.

  She couldn’t look at him, she was so nervous. “Yeah, kind of.” She said quietly.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” he was so concerned.

  Shania couldn’t hold it in she had to tell him. “I’m not sick.” She blurted. “I’m pregnant.”

  Taylor, who was on the way to the couch to sit with her, stopped in his tracks. He didn’t say anything, he just stood there not moving a muscle; an expression of utter shock across his face.

  When he finally spoke all he said was “what?”

  “I’m pregnant.” She said again, more confidence now that she had already said it once.

  “Say that again.” he said.

  She didn’t know why he wanted her to but she said it for a third time, “I’m pregnant. I was three weeks late so I got a test and I’m pregnant.”

  Suddenly Taylor was no longer in the middle of the room; he was on the couch lifting her out of her seat and on to his lap, kissing her all over her face. Shania was confused; he was happy?

  “I can’t believe it!” he said in between kisses. “This is great! Pregnant! Pregnant! We’re going to have a baby!”

  “Whoa, whoa.” she said and held his shoulders so she could look at him. “You want this?”

  “Of course!” he said with a big grin on his face. “It’s a little fast but I couldn’t be happier. A baby!” Then he started to kiss her again.

  “We need to talk about this I think Taylor.”

  He stopped then. “Why?”

  “I don’t live in Texas remember? What am I supposed to do?

  Bring the baby here to see you every couple months? Send pictures?”

  “No, you’re going to move in with me. And you’re going to marry me. That is my seed in there and that means you and I are staying here. Quit your job and live here with me.”

  Shania was caught off guard by what he was saying. Move to Texas? Could she do that? She sat quiet for a couple minutes and made a decision in her head. She looked at Taylor and said, “Pass me the phone. I’m going to have to tell my parents I’m moving out.”

  Taylor ripped his hat off of his head and yelled “Yee-Haw!” like the cowboy he was; then he picked Shania up and swung her around in his arms, kissing her hard on the mouth.

  The next day Shania called her parents and told them the news. They were sad to hear she wouldn’t be living with them anymore, but they were ecstatic to be having a grandbaby. Then Shania called Andrew Smith and let him know that she would be quitting. She emailed all of the pictures she had taken to him and he sent her an email money transfer. She had her parents close up the studio and send everything to her so she could open one in Texas if she decided to.

  She didn’t know where her life would take her now, but for sure Shania knew that she would have her cowboy and his seed.


  The Outnumbered Wife

  Stacey had met Reese at the restaurant where she waitressed. She could not believe the large man had seen her. She knew she was pretty; hell, there had been a number of men over the years who had told her so, but Reese had been different. He had come back every night for the two weeks he had been in town on business, with the express desire to see
her, her plumpness seeming to not matter to him, as it had to many men in her past. She knew she had extra kilo’s on the clock, which had been a problem most of her life, yet it had not seemed to bother him, in fact, it seemed to turn him on. She had finally agreed to go on a date, and the rest, as they say, is history; married within six weeks, back from their four week honeymoon, and on her way to a new life.

  Here she was now, she reflected, sitting next to him in his truck, driving down the dirt road on the last legs of their journey before reaching the ranch. She felt hot and tired, and looked forward to something cool to drink and a bed to lie on. The seven hours’ drive from Galveston seemed to take forever. Looking at her new husband, she thought herself blessed. He was tall, with chiseled features, and lean, the way she liked her men. Reese looked over her way, gave her a smile, and squeezed her hand.

  “We’re almost there, honey, almost home.”

  Stacey felt her heart skip a beat. He was hot! Hot and sexy, and amazing in bed! The type of guy who could make her forget all her fantasies…almost.

  Rounding the last bend, the ranch house came into view. It was built along the lines of a typical ranchero house; long, stuccoed, with smaller windows and arches. It suited its setting beautifully, looking down a low hill towards a slow moving river at the bottom. The land was dotted with cows, and a large corral to the side of the house held some horses, with a few foals. Seeing her attention was drawn to the horses, Reese stopped the vehicle for a few minutes, allowing her some time to admire them.

  “Those are quarter horses,” he said. “We breed and train them. Do you ride?”

  Stacey shook her head. “Nope, never had the opportunity to learn how.”

  “Maybe you’ll get your chance to learn how to now, huh?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “I sure would like that!”

  Reese smiled, gunned the engine, and drove up to the house.

  Grabbing all she owned, two suitcases, he motioned her towards the house, where he dropped the luggage, opened the door, and swept her off her feet and over the threshold. “Welcome home, Mrs. Matthews.”

  She squealed. “Put me down! You’ll put your back out!”

  Reese looked down into the face of the laughing woman and leaned in to kiss her briefly.

  “Nope, if I can rustle a cow, madam, I can lug you around!”

  He raced down the hall with her still in his arms and into a large bedroom with a four-poster bed onto which he unceremoniously dumped her, her long dark hair flying around, and her large brown eyes laughing up at him.


  “Stacey!” he mimicked, before unceremoniously pulling off his boots one at a time, keeping his balance while hopping around on one foot at a time. “Come on, girl, I want you to myself, before my bro gets back!”

  “Well now, cowboy, why don’t you do something about it?”

  “Ah, I plan on it!” Reese shut the door and walked towards the bed, his body taking on a mock-menacing stance. “I’m gonna take you and fuck you, darlin’, till you scream my name!”

  He pounced on the giggling woman and made short measure of undressing her, blowing raspberries on any skin available, tipping Stacey’s giggling fit into one of full blown laughter. “Stop it, please, oh please stop it, Reese. No more!”

  “Gonna behave like a good wife?”

  Stacey nodded her head, and lifted her arms out to her new husband.

  “Don’t I always?”

  Undressing the rest of her, he looked her over, from top to bottom.

  “Honey, you have one hell of a body,” he kissed her collarbone, “and I aim to explore each little itty bit of it,” he kissed her soft stomach, “to my heart’s content,” he finally zoomed in on her pussy, pulling the lips apart to get better access to her clit. His tongue licked and flicked her, making her writhe beneath his onslaught. Her low moan made him smile. As a reward, he stuck one finger into her, swirling it around until he found her G-spot, to which he paid special attention while sucking at her.

  “Oh Reese, yes, there!”

  Stacey could feel the tension building with every stroke and every lick and with every suck at her tender clit, her body tensing up, and then starting to shake with anticipation and need. Just as she thought she was going to come, Reese stopped and positioned himself between her legs.

  “I want to feel you come on my dick, honey. Come for me!”

  He plunged into her wetness, increasing the pace with each frenzied upward thrust from Stacey, loving the fact that he had found a woman who loved sex as much as he did, and who, he had found, was not averse to experimenting.

  He’d had her in any way imaginable, and could not get enough of her. He found, he had learnt to his astonishment that he wanted even more. He wanted to have her fucked by, and see her fucked by, someone else. He wanted her to come in his arms while on another man’s dick, wanted to see her ample breasts bounce around, hell, he even wanted to fuck her while she was being fucked by someone else. He wanted, in fact, to own her sexually, in all ways possible, while calling all the shots.

  His fantasies brought him to the edge, and when he felt her first, shuddering contractions, he lost his own control, coming in gusts that at the same time shocked him and delighted him. If his plans could come together, the ranch was going to become an exciting place indeed!

  Later, sated and freshly showered, the two went to the back of the house where the kitchen was housed. The log cupboards were dark and polished, with a range at the one wall which housed a huge stove, with electric ovens built into the wall at the side. All the amenities of a first class working kitchen were scattered around, neat and tidy, waiting a woman’s touch, she noticed.

  “I was just about to rustle us up some steaks, baked potatoes and a salad. Care to join me?”

  The voice behind Stacey was deeper than Reece’s. She turned around and looked up into the bluest eyes in the tannest face she had ever seen.


  “Stacey, this is my half-brother Abraham, Abe for short. We owe the property together.”

  The older man introduced as Abe was taller than Reese, broader of shoulder, and every bit as imposing, if not more.

  She stuck out a hand. “Hello, pleased to meet you.”

  The two men shared a look and burst out laughing. “She’s formal, yeah?” came the rumbling voice of Abe, before he swooped down and lifted her off the ground in a bear-hug. “Welcome home, darlin’, it’s going to be a pleasure having a beautiful woman such as yourself around the place.”

  With a resounding kiss on the cheek, she was put down on her feet, and ignored as the two men started cooking. They were a good team, it seemed, as they quickly and efficiently threw a meal together in no time.

  “Oh this is good!” Stacey said around a mouthful of the steak. “Where did you learn to cook like this!”

  Reese’s mama knew how to keep growing boys happy,” it came from Abe, “and she believes that we needed to know how to look after ourselves.”

  “Where is your mother, Reese? I had presumed she was dead and that Abe was your only living family?”

  “Nope, she is alive and well, living in Scotland with the new husband. Met him three years ago when we sponsored her a holiday in Europe.

  She’s the wife of an early or something. Never was good at the blueblood hierarchy, but he is titled. Met him a few times when they came over to visit. Nice man, and he looks after her well. We got no problems with him. His son, though, is a different matter. Elite fop who tried looking down his nose at us until he found out we could buy him and his father out a few times. We might be ranchers in our blood, but we have business savvy too, which is why I need to go to the city at times.”

  “And your mother, Abe? Reece said she and your father divorced when you were still a baby?”

  Abe shifted around uncomfortably. “She’s a self-styled artiste, met her just after dad died. She came around looking for something to inherit, as it seemed she had worked through the fortune
the old man had given her just to get rid of her in the end. She was living in a dive with some guy. Now we pay her a monthly allowance but have no truck with her and her so-called friends. Lazy fuckers, the lot of them. But she expected the high life when she married the old man. Saw herself hosting parties and playing the diva. On a ranch? No idea what she was thinking. Actually, I have no idea who my father is. Dad adopted me when he married my mother.”

  “Oh,” Stacey managed, not sure what to say. “So, ahm, you are not related by blood, then?”

  “We are related in all ways that count, Stacey. Abe is my brother, more than any brother in blood could ever be.”

  “Eat up, sugar, your supper is getting cold.” Looking at the older brother, she smiled, and dug into her food. Damn he was sexy, not that Reece wasn’t, but she wondered what it would be like kissing him. Flushing at her suddenly un-wifely thoughts, Stacey reprimanded herself and tried concentrating on her food on the plate, unaware of the look that passed between the two men seated at the table with her.

  They cleared up together, Stacey washing the dishes, while the two men dried and put them away. All the while, she was aware of the two men, their body heat seeming to burn her each time one came closer, their different smells mingling, sending her senses spinning. She was in serious trouble, she knew. She was married to the one, and she loved him, but Abe. Abe was something else; gruff where Reese was suave, hard where Reese was soft, the true rancher while Reese was more the businessman.

  She was shocked from her reverie when she felt Abe come up behind her, close; too close. His body brushed hers when he took the plate out of her hand that she had been washing the past two minutes while lost in thought. Her sharply indrawn breath was not lost on either of the men.

  “If you wash that plate any more, darlin’, you’re going to wash a hole clear through it.”

  Stacey managed a soft “Sorry”, and went on doing the rest of the dishes.

  “Why don’t you go on to bed, sweetheart, you must be bushed. Abe and I will finish up here.”

  Given the opportunity to escape, Stacey dried off her hands and made her way to their bedroom, the soft tones of the men following her all the way down the passage until she managed to close the bedroom door behind her. Her hands, she realized, were shaking.


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