The Night Off

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The Night Off Page 10

by Meghan O'Brien

  “I hope you like it.” Nat smoothed her napkin across her lap and searched Emily’s face. “Will you think I’m an idiot if I tell you that I’m nervous as hell right now?”

  “Why?” Emily cut a neat bite from one end of her crepe, making sure to get equal portions of mushroom, onion, and egg. “This looks amazing. I’m sure it’ll taste the same.”

  “I’ve never cooked for someone like this before.”


  “Well, just for my friend Bridget. But she’s known me forever. I’m long past caring about impressing her.” Nat twirled her fork between her thumb and index finger, darting her gaze between Emily’s first bite and her mouth. “You’re only the second person to try my food.”

  Aware that Nat needed feedback, Emily popped the forkful of warm food into her mouth. Flavor exploded across her palette, drawing forth a low moan from deep in her chest. She closed her eyes in appreciation as she chewed and swallowed, already salivating for more. “Holy shit, Nat!” She sawed off another bite, shoveling it into her mouth with a satisfied murmur. “That’s so fucking good.”

  Nat’s entire body relaxed. Grinning, she took a bite of her own crepe, nodding in agreement. “It’s not bad, huh?”

  “Not bad?” Normally she didn’t talk with her mouth full, but she didn’t want to stop eating long enough to be polite. “You’re really talented, Nat. Like, seriously. I can’t remember the last time I ate something so good.” She paused to chew, wiggling in pleasure at the sweetness of the caramelized onion. “You could do this professionally. Why don’t you do this professionally?”

  Nat shrugged, uncharacteristically bashful. “I’ve thought about it. But I don’t have any experience, I’ve never been to culinary school—”

  “To hell with that.” Pointing at her half-eaten crepe with her fork, Emily said, “You can cook.” She fell silent, considering. “You probably make more money escorting, huh?”

  “No doubt. But I can’t sell my body forever. Nor do I want to do it forever. I’ve been saving money for years now, waiting to work up the courage to make a change. The thought of training to be a chef…has crossed my mind.” Nat met her gaze shyly. “Thank you for the confidence boost. It means a lot.”

  “You’re very welcome. Thank you for an absolutely incredible morning.” Emily shook her head, amused. “From the best sex to the best breakfast. Is there anything you can’t do?”


  Emily giggled. “I guess we complement each other well, then.”

  “That’s for damn sure.” Nat reclined in her chair, folding her well-defined arms over her chest. She dragged her gaze from Emily’s mouth to her breasts. “In bed and out.”

  Emily warmed under Nat’s appraisal. She set down her fork and pushed her plate to the side, folding her hands on the table. “I want you to know, when I asked why you didn’t cook professionally, it wasn’t because I think escorting isn’t just as valid a choice. It totally is. And you are unbelievable at what you do.”

  Nat sobered enough for Emily to notice a subtle shift in her mood. “Honestly, I started selling myself when I was seventeen years old—about five months after I left home—because I was homeless and a high-school dropout and I couldn’t imagine any other options. I met a man who offered to help—he’d book the clients, I just had to show up and let them have sex with me. For that I got forty percent of whatever my pimp charged. In the beginning it was really hard. I hated fucking men, and even though my pimp was a relatively nice guy, he was obviously using me. For a while he convinced me that I couldn’t make it without him.”

  Emily battled a twinge of guilt. Nat had fallen into this life because she hadn’t known what else to do. People had been using her for impersonal pleasure since she was a kid—even younger than Colleen, she realized with a shudder. “I’m sorry, Nat.”

  Nat smiled and shook her head. “I left my pimp when I was twenty. He wasn’t happy about it—gave me one hell of a beating, actually—but I stood my ground.” She pointed to her tattoo, half of which was obscured by her sleeve. “I got this when I stopped fucking men. A symbol of my independence.”

  “So how did you end up at Xtreme Encounters?”

  “I met Janis Copeland at a party only a few months later, and she hired me to work for Xtreme by promising to book me appointments only with women, which was a clientele I hadn’t even realized existed. That’s when selling sex went from being a nightmare to, honestly, a bit of a dream. I don’t always love the sex I have, but it can be fun. Most important, I know my clients appreciate me, that I’ve helped a lot of women feel less lonely—and more desired—and that’s undeniably satisfying.” With a shrug, Nat straightened and started gathering their empty plates. “But I’m pushing thirty now. It’s probably time to prove I can do more than fuck.”

  Emily put her hand over Nat’s. “Whatever you decide, I’m sure you’ll be great.”

  “Thanks.” Nat hesitated a moment, then covered Emily’s fingers with her free hand. “You know, I meant what I said before—about wanting to return your money. Whatever it is that we’re doing is very mutual. I don’t feel right about getting paid for any of it.”

  Sensing that this was an argument she couldn’t win—and didn’t particularly want to have—Emily nodded. “Fine.”

  “Good.” Nat exhaled, staring at her with dark, glittering eyes. Emily could see that she was done talking, now that their bellies were full and emotions were running high. In a single, thrilling instant, she was once again the sole focus of Nat’s primal need. “I want you again.”

  Emily’s heart thumped. “Then have me.”

  Nat licked her lips, then stood and carried their plates to the sink. Emily watched from the table, waiting to see what she would do next. Sexual tension hung heavy in the air, and it was only a matter of time before it exploded. But when Nat turned back around, she seemed nervous, almost uncertain.

  “Will you excuse me for a few minutes?” Nat braced herself against the sink. “I need to…take care of something.”

  Emily had a gut feeling that what Nat really needed was a moment to clear her head. And that was fine by her. She felt just as shaken by the intimacy between them as Nat looked. Having never before connected with someone at this level, she didn’t quite know how to proceed. She wanted to go back to bed, but she knew it was no longer just sex. Not now that she genuinely cared about Nat.

  “I’ll clean up.” Emily stood and walked to the sink, touching Nat’s arm without meeting her eyes. “Take as long as you need.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  Whenever Emily became overwhelmed, she cleaned. It was the easiest way to regain a sense of control over her life. “I want to. Besides, I have a feeling nobody’s been taking care of you, either.”

  “Thank you.” Nat caught Emily’s wrist as she reached for a dirty plate. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

  Emily could hear a trace of anxiety in Nat’s voice, like she was afraid Emily would run away if Nat let her out of her sight. Summoning her courage, she wrapped her arms around Nat’s waist and rested her head on her chest. Nat returned the hug with a grateful sigh.

  No, Emily didn’t intend to leave. She couldn’t. Drawing away, she patted Nat’s bottom and edged past her toward the dishes. “I’ll be here.”

  Chapter Nine

  Nat escaped to her bedroom. She hated to leave Emily alone when all she really wanted was to touch her, but talking about her past had flayed her open and triggered her natural instinct to retreat. As much as she wanted to make love to Emily, she needed to get her head together before she could perform. Sharing her body wasn’t an option when she felt this exposed.

  She’d never told anyone that story about her mother’s photograph. Not even Bridget, who’d been her best friend for eight years now. She had no idea what had possessed her to volunteer so much to a woman she barely knew. Maybe it was Emily’s kind eyes, or her beautiful body, or the way her hugs made Nat believe that life was suddenl
y full of new possibilities. Whatever the reason, Nat trusted her. She shouldn’t feel that way about a woman who she sensed could easily break her heart, but there it was.

  Nat shut the bedroom door behind her, glad for the brief respite. She closed her eyes and exhaled, trying hard to calm down. She didn’t want to be away too long. The longer Emily was alone, the more likely that she would have second thoughts about staying for the rest of the day. Nat had seen flashes of uncertainty in Emily’s eyes throughout the morning; she was probably just looking for a reason to bolt.

  Nat got it. Emily was scared. So was she, because everything about what was happening between them was scary—the instant connection, the unthinking trust that had sprung up like nothing at all. It was scary but also thrilling. Chemistry like this didn’t come along very often, if ever. At least not for her. She didn’t want to do anything to fuck it up.

  That meant she needed a shot of confidence, and fast.

  Nat crossed the room and opened her bottom dresser drawer. Though she didn’t often fuck for pleasure, she always had a strap-on harness and dildo ready and waiting. Wearing a cock made her feel powerful and in control, which was exactly what she needed right now. That Emily also enjoyed using toys was serendipitous and just one of many reasons Nat was falling for her already.

  She unbuttoned her jeans and shoved them down to her ankles, along with her boxer briefs. She quickly buckled the harness around her hips, then fitted the dildo through the O-ring. Her cock was hard enough for fucking, but with a bendable spine so she could use it to pack. Pleased by the familiar heft of the phallus between her legs, Nat paused a moment to fist its length, already anticipating how good it would feel to bury the thick shaft inside Emily’s snug pussy. Aware that Emily was hers for the taking—and waiting—she bent the dildo into place, then tugged her briefs up to conceal it. After a moment of consideration, she found a baggy pair of jeans in her dresser and pulled those on, too.

  There. Nat checked her reflection in the mirror, pleased to see that the dildo wasn’t obvious beneath her clothing. She wanted the addition to be a surprise—one that Emily wouldn’t notice until she felt it pressed against her. Unfortunately, her cock was slightly larger than the one Emily had chosen for herself the night before, but with any luck, Emily would be eager to take it even if she was still a little sore from the first time.

  Every bit of Nat’s unease vanished when she returned to the kitchen and saw Emily standing at the sink. She washed the last of their breakfast dishes with practiced, efficient hands, humming under her breath with an appealing lilt that made Nat feel warm all over. Immediately her gaze drifted to the tempting sight of Emily’s round, spankable ass—it was so supple, so delicious, so hot and tight inside. She had never been this attracted to someone before, and she’d never, ever wanted a woman so badly.

  Nat crept across the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist from behind. She didn’t say anything, just pulled Emily away from the counter so her back was flush against Nat’s chest. Emily blindly reached for a towel and dried her hands before relaxing into her embrace. Then she turned her head, searching Nat’s eyes before brushing their lips together in a gentle kiss.

  “Welcome back,” Emily whispered.

  Desire surging, Nat turned Emily in her arms then lifted her up. She used one hand to support Emily’s ass, splaying the other over her shoulder blades to keep her close. Although she was half-tempted to deposit Emily on the counter and simply fuck her there, she wanted to make this last. Better to go somewhere more comfortable.

  She carried Emily out of the kitchen, heading for her bedroom, but changed direction when she spotted the large leather couch in front of the television. It was closer, which meant getting inside Emily faster. Setting Emily on her feet in front of the couch, Nat wasted no time unbuttoning Emily’s jeans and shoving them down around her ankles.

  Earlier, Emily had changed into clean clothes from an overnight bag she kept in her car, and this was Nat’s first glimpse of her spare panties. They were pink and covered in rainbows. But it was the cartoon unicorn emblazoned over the crotch that snapped Nat out of her lust-fueled haze, making her chuckle.

  “Unicorn, huh?” Tickled by the idea that these panties might have been the inspiration for their safe word, Nat ran her finger along the elastic waistband. “So darling.”

  “Right?” Emily caressed her shaved scalp, turning Nat’s laughter into a throaty groan. The woman was so soft, so gentle, so adorable. Once again, Nat yearned to get Emily dirty, to make her lose control. “If I’d realized how I’d be spending the day, I would’ve packed sexier underwear, believe me.”

  “These are very sexy.” Nat cupped Emily’s mound, rubbing her hot flesh through the thin cotton. She kissed Emily’s earlobe, delighted by the way her breathing hitched. “You are very sexy.” With that, she sat on the couch and beckoned Emily forward. “Come sit on my lap.”

  Flushing, Emily lowered herself onto the couch. Nat grabbed her hips, encouraging her to straddle the width of her thighs. She pulled Emily down onto her lap and kissed her, then moved her hand back to the crotch of Emily’s silly pink panties. She broke the kiss so she could hear Emily’s excited whimper as she drew a blunt fingernail along her cotton-covered slit.

  “That’s my girl,” Nat murmured, increasing the pressure of her touch. “You love it when I play with your pussy, don’t you?”

  Emily moved around in an obvious search for friction. Refusing to give in that easily, Nat tickled her labia through the cotton, then angled lower to graze her opening. Her fingers were damp now, Emily’s arousal no match for the thin barrier between them.

  “Please don’t tease me.” Breathless, Emily lowered herself onto Nat’s hand. “I can’t wait. Not right now.”

  Nat pulled her fingers away before Emily could find any satisfaction. Her withdrawal wasn’t meant to punish, but Emily cried out in disappointment anyway. Swiftly, she grabbed Emily’s hips and forced her down onto the hard bulge concealed in her jeans. Emily’s protest died with a sharp gasp of realization.

  Nat held her in place. “You’d better believe I’m going to tease you—and you’re going to love every second of it. You’ll also appreciate it, because I need to prepare you to take this.” She punctuated her words with a thrust of her hips, driving the firm cock up into Emily’s sensitive folds. “It’s a little bigger than last night, darling, but I promise it’ll feel so good.”

  Emily gripped her shoulders, rocking wildly. “Just fuck me, Nat. Please.”

  Nat knew from Emily’s tone that she wasn’t in the mood to play games. But that didn’t mean that she was ready to take out her cock yet. She wanted to draw the moment out, to prepare Emily fully. “Lift up,” she said, squeezing Emily’s hips. “Let me touch you.”

  Emily rose up on her knees, bringing her heaving chest level with Nat’s face. In the same motion, she yanked her shirt over her head and tossed it behind the couch. Then she unclasped her bra, peeling it away from her shoulders to reveal her bare breasts. Nat flattened her hand on Emily’s back to keep her steady and bent to suck an erect nipple into her mouth.

  Her skin tasted so good—a mixture of this morning’s shower gel, light sweat, and the unique flavor of Emily Parker. Nat licked around her pebbled nipple, thrilling at the sensation of the skin tightening beneath her tongue. She snuck her hand back between Emily’s thighs and rubbed her sex through her soaked panties, delighted by the tiny grunt of pleasure that she coaxed out with her questing fingertips.

  “Nat.” The way Emily whispered her name raised gooseflesh on Nat’s arms. “More.”

  “Should I do something about these?” Nat tugged lightly on the crotch of the panties, then traced her fingertip along the elastic edge of one leg, very nearly slipping beneath. “Are they in the way?”

  Emily nodded frantically. “Take them off.”

  But Nat merely pushed the sodden material to the side. She tilted her head, watching her fingers play with the slick pink fold
s she’d revealed. “No, let’s leave them. They’re so fucking cute.” She lifted her face and made eye contact as she slipped a finger inside Emily, going deep. “You look so darling in them.”

  Emily threw her arms around Nat’s shoulders and shuddered, grinding against her palm. “I don’t feel ‘darling’ right now.” She rose onto her knees, then sank back onto Nat’s finger with a satisfied groan. “And I will fuck myself if that’s what it takes to get off.”

  Laughter erupted from Nat’s chest. Her amusement seemed to spur Emily on, driving her to piston her hips even faster. Nat watched, enraptured by the fierce determination on Emily’s face as she chased her release. Jaw set, eyes blazing, she radiated an intensity Nat hadn’t seen from her before.

  So this was in-control Emily. Hot.

  Hot, but only one of them could be in charge. Nat withdrew her finger without warning, eliciting a mournful noise of protest that made her shiver with regret. She licked one of Emily’s nipples, then the other, to apologize for leaving her wanting. Then she grabbed two handfuls of Emily’s ass, slouched down on the couch, and tugged Emily’s hips forward so she could bury her face between her thighs.

  “Oh.” Emily threatened to tumble backward, but Nat kept her upright in her iron grip. She dragged her tongue up Emily’s slit, through her panties, then hooked a finger in the elastic leg and tugged the cloth covering aside. She went back with enthusiasm, pushing her mouth and nose into Emily’s pussy, reveling in the wetness that coated her face. “Oh!” Emily cried out again, and placed one hand on top of Nat’s head, the other on her shoulder. “Oh.”

  It wasn’t long before Nat saw the wisdom in following Emily’s suggestion. “Let’s lose the panties,” she growled, and without waiting for an answer, she yanked them down roughly, leaving them just above Emily’s knees. “Use your hands to spread your pussy open for me.”

  Emily’s throat tensed. She never faltered as she obeyed, using her fingers to hold open her labia and expose her swollen clit and her slippery entrance to Nat’s hungry mouth. Keeping the contact light in the beginning, Nat traced Emily’s folds with her tongue, paying special attention to her opening. She poked her tongue inside briefly, enough to tantalize, then moved up to suck her clit like it was a tiny cock.


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