Stalked in the Night

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Stalked in the Night Page 18

by Carla Cassidy

  He leaned forward and raked his hands through his hair once again. “My family has caused nothing but pain in your life, Eva.” He straightened up. “Why didn’t you tell me at the time what my father had done?”

  “Oh Jake, I knew how much you loved your father. The last thing I wanted to do was take that away from you. In any case, even if I told you, your father still held all the power.”

  “It all just makes me so sad.” His gaze softened as he looked at her. “I was so in love with you, Eva. If my father hadn’t interfered, I believe we would have gotten married and been happy for the rest of our lives.”

  “I believe the same thing, but he did interfere and that didn’t happen,” she replied softly.

  They were silent for a moment, and all Eva could think about was the bombshell secret she still had to confess to him. She was vaguely surprised he hadn’t already figured it out from what David had said about inheritances. However, the shock of finding out it was his own brother behind her terror might have made him miss a lot of what David had actually said.

  She suddenly realized how much she wanted Jake to love her as he had before his father had gotten involved. She wanted him to love her for the rest of his life, as she knew she would love him. But she feared her final confession would send him out of her life, and he would leave behind utter devastation.

  “Let me tell you what happened after I broke up with you and you went to Italy.” She got up from the sofa, unable to sit next to him and tell him the depth of her deception.

  She pulled the shade on the window, letting in the sunshine, and then turned to face him. “You’d been gone about two and a half weeks when my father died. Needless to say, I was devastated, and that’s when Andrew stepped up as a comfort to me. I was overwhelmed with so many things, and he’s the one who taught me what I needed to do to keep the ranch running smoothly.”

  “I wish it had been me, Eva,” Jake said softly.

  She nodded and smiled. “I know.” Her smile lasted only a moment. “Anyway, Andrew came to me with the idea of an arrangement. He already knew he was dying. He hadn’t been given that long to live, but he didn’t want to die alone in a hospital surrounded by strangers. So, I agreed to marry him and take care of him to the end.”

  Jake frowned. “But if it was an arrangement, then what was in it for you? Were you in love with Andrew?”

  “I came to love him in the three years we had together, but no, I didn’t marry him for love. I agreed to marry him because he would give my unborn baby a name. I was pregnant, Jake. I was pregnant with your baby when I broke up with you.”

  “Andy is my son?”

  She nodded and held her breath as he stared at her. The softness she’d seen shining from his eyes cooled and then hardened. “You should have told me, Eva. If you really wanted to, you could have figured out a way to get in touch with me in Italy.”

  “I was afraid, Jake. I was so afraid that if your father found out I was pregnant with your child, he would figure out a way to get the baby taken away from me and he’d follow through on his threat to destroy my father,” she replied.

  He stood, his eyes dark and unfathomable. “Why didn’t you tell me when I got back here? My father was dead. Why didn’t you tell me then?”

  He didn’t wait for a response from her. “You had no right, Eva. You had no right to keep him away from me. Nine years... I’ve lost nine years of his life, Eva.” Anger tightened his features. “I’ve got to get out of here.” He headed for the front door.

  “Jake...wait,” she protested. “Please, let’s talk.”

  “Right now I’m too angry to talk.” He opened the door and stalked outside.

  Eva fought the impulse to run after him, to throw her arms around his neck and beg him to forgive her. But she didn’t. Instead she sank down on the sofa and began to weep.

  It had been her cowardice that had kept her silent when she’d first realized she was pregnant. She’d been a coward again when she hadn’t told him about his son when he’d shown back up in town.

  Jake had been betrayed today first by his brother, then by his father and finally by the woman he loved. While her heart ached for him, her tears were also for herself.

  She’d been devastated when she’d lost Jake’s love the first time, and she realized it was very possible she’d just lost it for a second time.

  She’d survived the attack by David, but she wasn’t at all sure she’d survive what might happen in her future where Jake and Andy were concerned.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jake felt as if his very heart had been ripped out of his chest. He drove aimlessly as his chaotic thoughts tried to find some sense of order in his brain.

  He’d thought David was just spewing out some kind of delusional nonsense when he’d talked about his son sharing his inheritance. He’d believed David was worried that he and Eva might have a child together in the future. He hadn’t thought about Andy.

  He was thrilled that the bright, loving boy was his own, but right now his heart was too bruised and battered by the fact that he’d lost so many years with Andy.

  He’d missed not only the birth, but the first word...first step...a million other firsts that had already occurred. It was all time he could never get back.

  She should have contacted him the minute she’d realized she was pregnant. Somehow, someway, they would have figured something out. But she obviously hadn’t trusted him enough to be able to stand up to his father. He would have stood up to the devil himself if it meant staying with Eva and his son.

  He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to rage or to weep at all the overwhelming events of the day. He drove back country roads for the next hour or so and finally wound up at the Albright mansion.

  His head was no clearer, but he was exhausted by all the emotional turmoil. It wasn’t until he parked out front that he suddenly thought about his sister-in-law. Oh God, had Stephanie heard about what had happened?

  Had she known what her husband was up to? No, there was no way Jake believed Stephanie would have any part in harming another human being. There was no way anything like that was in her DNA.

  He walked into the hallway and called her name. She came out of the sitting room and stood frozen in the doorway. Her eyes were swollen and red-rimmed, and he instantly knew that she had heard what had happened.

  “Ah, Steph,” he said softly and opened his arms to her. She walked into his embrace and cried into his shoulder for several minutes. She finally stepped back from him and swiped her cheeks.

  He took her by the hand and led her to the sofa in the sitting room where he pulled her down to sit next to him. “How did you hear?”

  “Wayne stopped by to question me. I...Jake...I had no idea.” Tears once again filled her eyes. “I knew something was going on with him. David was gone almost all the time. He left here early in the morning and didn’t return until the middle of the night.

  “He told me he was working on some new contracts, that it was business that had him staying gone all the time. But normally he did his work here in the office. He told me he was spending his time in his office in town, but I drove by there one night and he wasn’t there.”

  She released a short, half-hysterical laugh as more tears spilled from her eyes. “He’d become so secretive and distant, I suspected he was having an affair. God, I wish it had been an affair. What he did...what he tried to do was absolutely unspeakable.”

  Her eyes became haunted. “I knew there were times David could be ruthless in his business dealings. I also knew he could have a cruel streak with the way he sometimes spoke to me, but even I wasn’t aware of the utter evil he had inside him. I’m so sorry, Jake. And please tell Eva how sorry I am.”

  “I’m not sure how long it will be before I’m ready to speak to Eva again,” he replied, his heart aching once again.

  “What do you mean?” />
  Jake told Stephanie about everything he’d learned from Eva...about his father’s machinations to keep the young lovers apart and about Jake being Andy’s father.

  “Nine years, Stephanie. I’ve missed nine years of Andy’s life because Eva kept this secret from me.” Anger swept through him once again.

  “I’m so sorry, Jake,” Stephanie said. “So, what are you going to do now?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know,” he confessed. “I’m too angry right now to make any kind of a decision.”

  “I hope whatever you decide to do, you’ll be kind to Eva. She must have been so afraid that your father would find out, and in any case, hasn’t the Albright family done enough damage to her?” Stephanie stood. “And now I’ve got some packing to do. If you could give me just a couple of days, then I’ll be out of here.”

  Jake looked at her in surprise. “Out of here? Stephanie, this is your home. Why would you pack up and leave?”

  Her eyes became red and glassy with impending tears. “I was here because I was married to your brother, and now I intend to seek a divorce from him and he’ll be in prison for years to come. I have no place here anymore.”

  “That’s nonsense. You are still my sister-in-law, and Richard is still my nephew. You’re my family, and you’re welcome to live here for as long as you want.”

  “Are you sure?” Tears filled her eyes once again and escaped down her cheeks.

  “I’m very sure,” Jake replied firmly.

  “Thank you, Jake. I was feeling so lost. I was feeling like I’d not only lost my husband but also my home. I’ve been in a haze since Wayne left.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about losing your home. You and Richard will always have a place here.” Jake stood and so did Steph.

  She hugged Jake and then stepped back, tears chasing down her cheeks once again. “I still can’t believe what David did. I wish I could have someway stopped him, but I just didn’t see the evil and hatred he had in his heart for Eva.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Steph. None of us saw this coming.”

  She nodded. “Richard is taking a nap. I think maybe I’ll rest a bit.”

  “That’s exactly what I plan on doing right now.”

  Together they walked up the staircase. “Jake, I hope you find forgiveness in your heart for Eva. She’s been a victim in this for a long time.” She didn’t wait for his reply, but instead turned and headed down the hallway toward her suite of rooms.

  Jake released a deep sigh and headed for his own rooms. He couldn’t imagine what Stephanie was going through right now. Her entire world had been destroyed by the man she’d loved and trusted, by the man who was the father of her son.

  He slumped down on the sofa in his sitting room, his thoughts still in chaos where Eva was concerned. He wanted to hate her for what she’d done. He wanted to despise her for keeping Andy a secret for so many years.

  But there was a more rational part of his brain that understood the choices she’d made. Certainly he now understood why she had broken up with him on that night so long ago.

  Eva would have done anything to protect her father, and Jake knew how frightening his father could be. Eva had loved her father, and the threat against him must have been terrifying for her. Jake had adored his father, but now he realized he’d adored a man who didn’t exist.

  Justin Albright had been a bully who used his power and money to bend people to his will. God knew how many victims Justin had left behind when he’d died. He’d used his power and money against his own son, to destroy Jake’s dream of marrying Eva and living the life of a simple rancher.

  He tried to imagine how Eva must have felt when she’d been eighteen years old. Her father had died unexpectedly, and she’d discovered she was pregnant by a man who lived in Italy and at that time had hated her for breaking up with him.

  She must have been absolutely terrified. She could have decided not to have the baby. Thankfully she hadn’t made that choice. She’d chosen to have his baby despite the odds stacked against her.

  He also wanted to hate Andrew Martin, but he couldn’t hate the man who had helped Eva survive, the man who had agreed to give his son his name. He couldn’t hate the man who had loved Andy for three years before his death. In fact, he thanked God that Andrew had been there for Eva.

  Jake got up and began to pace, trying to untangle his emotions. There was no question that he now wanted plenty of quality time with his son.

  Andy should be home from school now. Had Eva told him? If she hadn’t yet, then when did she intend to tell him the truth? He had a feeling Andy would be thrilled to have a real, living and breathing father to add to his life. And Jake was positive Andy would be happy to discover that man was Jake.

  In the time Jake had spent at Eva’s, he and Andy had completely bonded. Jake had fallen in love with Andy even when he’d believed he wasn’t Andy’s father.

  All he had to figure out now was exactly how or if he intended to coparent with Eva.

  * * *

  EVA SANK DOWN on her sofa and listened to the silence around her. It was the first time in weeks she didn’t have the simmering fear as a companion. David Albright was in jail, and her back door had been repaired.

  There would be no more dead cattle or chilling notes. She didn’t have to worry about anyone wanting to kill her anymore. The danger was gone, and she should feel deliriously happy.

  But she didn’t. All she felt was a deep sadness and a new kind of fear. She hadn’t told Andy the truth about Jake yet. Andy was now sleeping peacefully in bed, unaware of how his life was going to change.

  And it was that change that now frightened her. She had no idea what Jake was going to do about Andy. Would he fight her for full custody because she had had Andy to herself for the past nine years?

  She couldn’t imagine not tucking her son into bed at night or seeing his bright morning smile. It was torturous to think that she wouldn’t hear about Andy’s school adventures the minute he got off the bus, or they wouldn’t deliver his eggs together.

  And the worst thing of all was that without the danger, without the fear, she was left with only her love for Jake. It had always been him in her heart.

  The teenage boy who had sat barefoot on the dock next to her had become the man she wished to spend the rest of her life with. But she didn’t believe that would happen now.

  In the end Justin Albright had won and the two young lovers would never, ever find happily-ever-after with each other.

  Tears filled her eyes, but she quickly swiped them away. Maybe she’d cry later. What had happened with Jake was her own fault. She’d kept the secret of Andy too long, and now she could only wonder what price she’d have to pay.

  Maybe she should just go to bed. She’d already put on her nightgown, and exhaustion weighed heavily on her. She could escape all her worry, escape the utter heartache of knowing the man she loved probably hated her now for a little while, if she’d just go to sleep.

  But she remained where she was on the sofa, and even though she told herself she’d cry later, tears seeped from her eyes and ran down her cheeks faster and faster.

  She felt as alone now as she had years ago when her father had suddenly died and she’d just realized she was pregnant. She’d find her strength tomorrow, and somehow or other she’d weather the storm that she feared was coming. Tomorrow she’d be strong for Andy, but tonight she had no more strength left. She just felt sad and anxious about what would happen next.

  She was just about to head to her bedroom when she heard a soft knock on her door. Instantly her stomach clenched into a million knots. It could only be one person.

  She opened the door to Jake. He looked tense and imposing and incredibly handsome dressed in a navy polo shirt and jeans. “Can I come in?” he asked.

  Nodding, she opened the door wider to allow him entry. H
e took a seat on the sofa, his features unreadable. She closed the door and took a seat in the chair opposite him, her heart beating fast and furiously as she faced him.

  “Needless to say, we need to talk,” he said.

  “I know,” she replied.

  “How are you feeling?” He frowned. “Your throat is really bruised.”

  She reached a hand up and touched her tender neck. “It’s sore, and to be honest, I kind of feel like I was run over by a big truck this morning. But it will be fine.” The last thing she wanted was any pity from him.

  “Is Andy sleeping?”


  “Did you tell him about me?” he asked.

  “No. I thought that was a conversation we needed to have with him together,” she replied.

  Was he prolonging what he was here to discuss with her on purpose? She couldn’t stand the tension any longer. “Jake, have you decided what you intend to do concerning Andy?”

  “I have.” His gaze held hers intently. “I want full custody of Andy.”

  Eva’s world crashed down around her. She could hear nothing but the explosion of her heart. It was her worst nightmare come true. She would never be able to stop him. He had all the money, and she had none to fight him in a court of law.

  He got up from the sofa and approached where she sat. “Eva, I also want full custody of you,” he continued. “I want to marry you and live here with you and my son. I want to ranch with you here on your land. I want to make more babies with you and live the life we once dreamed about, but I don’t know what you want, and I don’t want you to choose me because of Andy. If you don’t want me, then we’ll work out a reasonable coparenting relationship.”

  She gazed up at him as she slowly digested his words. “Oh Jake, I want you. You’ve always been in my heart and soul. I want that love we pledged to each other in the hayloft. I love you, Jake.”

  He grabbed her up from the chair and pulled her into his arms. His lips captured hers in a kiss that spoke of breathtaking passion and enduring love.


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