My Blind Familiar_The Ash Golem

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My Blind Familiar_The Ash Golem Page 12

by Nathan Valerio

  Ash began to follow his order and grabbing scale by scale he got closer to the eye and when he was over it the Dragon hissed and its eye grew wide when the obsidian claws suddenly stabbed into the eye. It reared up and crashed heavily into a tree while Ash was clawing further and started to bite and eat the eye.

  Xero and Univa had already left them behind again and didn’t see the grotesque sight.

  From behind they heard a roar and a moment later a red pearl flashed into Xero’s seal.

  “Damn it died.” He cursed and tried to push his speed faster and soon he saw the clearing but suddenly he heard an even more enraged crashing and looking back through the corner of his eye he saw the forest dragon with a bleeding eye. It’s green scales were bright red as it went berserk and was catching up quickly. He paled and ran even faster as he began to move his mana to his legs and suddenly he burst almost twice as far and broke out of tree line and another jump and he covered a large part of the clearing as he made his way to the outpost.

  A really powerful roar came and the dragon suddenly broke out of the treeline and entering a clearing it suddenly picked up speed as if something added boasted the creature with a buff spell.

  “OI brat! You brought something nice back!” Grunt shouted grinning as he saw the Forest dragon. The axe in his hand fell on his shoulder as he grinned.

  “JUST KILL IT ALREADY!” Xero shouted.

  Grunt bellowed out a laugh and took the axe in his right arm and made an arch as he suddenly threw it with blinding speed. The axe fly past Xero and Univa and ended smashing right in the middle of the Dragon’s head but it bounced off since it wasn’t some powerful weapon but the strength behind it caused the dragon to stop and when it did and shook its head it only had enough time to see Grunt appear above its head and his fist landed on the head before the entire body smashed down and the head caved in.

  “Bahahahaha! Good good!” He bellowed as he clapped his hand as if dusting something off. “It’s been a long time since I ate forest dragon! Not only that but this beauty is a female level 14!” he said and wiped the drool off his lips.

  Xero who had collapsed with Univa when the shock wave from the punch pushed himself up and pushed the girl from his back while his arms and legs trembled and his breath was ragged.

  “Damn it Grunt!” He cursed and got up, “Don’t throw a damned axe right beside my head! What if I miss step and it cleaves my damned head off?!” Xero shouted at the teacher.

  “Ahahaha! Don’t mind the details boy! Hows this! I'll give you 2 meters of the tail for your imp, I'm sure it will evolve with such a healthy dose of mana.” He said.

  Xero clicked his tongue and looked back at Univa.

  “So how did you attract such a big one?” He asked.

  “Wasn’t me.” Xero said and Grunt looked at the miss that had been holding onto Xero and he raised his brow.

  At this time the other teachers came outside.

  “Mr Crack! What is the meaning of this?!” Miss Gilbody asked as she looked at the exhausted girl and the dragon.

  “Ah the brats were running from this little bugger, they sure had the right choice of action they could have died if they didn’t return.” Grunt said.

  “A Female forest dragon? It should be breeding season around this time isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Yep.” Grunt grinned.

  “Alright…” She turned to the other teachers. “Follow the mess the dragon did and obtain the eggs. They will be good additions to the Forest training zone once they grow up.” She said and turned to the children. “Don’t be so reckless next time.” She said.

  “It was her, she came running back suddenly after meeting it and I had to carry her all the way back!” Xero said pointing at Univa who suddenly looked back.

  “Don’t blame it all on me! If you ran without provoking it with your familiar you think it would go berserk!” She shouted back.

  “If you didn’t mistake it for a damned Forest Salamander you wouldn’t have caused trouble to begin with! And who attacks a massive lizard! The only huge monsters that should be attacked are low leveled herbivores!” Xero shouted back.

  Sparkes began to fly between the two.

  “Alright brats, don’t fight, each of you did good and brought back something more valuable, call out your Familiars and let them eat part of the tail, for you missy it will help your salamander advance more since it will eat dragon meat and blood.” Grunt said and took the axe on the ground and suddenly chopped two sections of the tail and put a large section in front of Xero and another for the girl.

  Xero glared at her and grabbed the end of the tail and lifted it easily before turning and walking into the camp.

  She was left to summon her familiar there and have it eat it all there before they walked back into the camp with what remained.

  News of the dragon spread quickly and the meat was distributed all around as well as the other hunted prey.

  Chapter 11

  Returning to his tent Xero sat on a rock as he watched Ash eat the tail of the forest dragon. It was the top and from it to the end it was 2 meters long, Univa had gotten a little more than 1 meter of tail but it clearly contained the same amount of meat.

  Xero was not worried about it. Comparing her familiar to his, Ash had larger growth potential then the salamander she had.

  As he thought this Ash stopped eating after taking only 5 bites from the tail. Suddenly the familiar seal began to glow and it took Xero by surprise but after a moment he felt into the seal and found what the cause was. Inside Ash’s body there was a tremendous amount of mana circulating from just those several bites and was slowly forming a magical formula.

  “This is when he makes new innate magic if I remember correctly.” Xero thought.

  It was taught in class, there are times where a sudden increase in mana within the body of the familiar could trigger them creating a new magical ability. When this happens the master can impose his will and work on the formula with the familiar sometimes making it really powerful.

  The first year had been 70% about learning the ins and outs of magical formulas. Now that he was seeing one forming he could alter it to make a stronger innate spell.

  He slowly watched for figures of the magical formula form in the body of the Scaled Imp and after a while he figured out what the spell could be.

  “So this is a Demon Claw spell.” Xero said in his head..

  The Demon Claw is a Spell imps have that uses Demon Magic. Demon magic can only be used by demons or people corrupted by demons. Its an extremely corrosive magic that can cause lots of problems such as festering of flesh, plague and other things.

  Xero frowned, he did not want something like this since it would be hard to find a chance to use this. Still this is quite easy to change, within the structure of magical formulas there exists specific points that correspond with a branch of magic. Innate spells in general also always use the affinity of the monster in question so it is said that Innate spells have a huge effect on the future evolution of the monster so when new Innate spells appear the master should always take precautious when making the Innate spells.

  He quickly found the magical rune that corresponds with the Demon Magic and after thinking a bit replaced the single ‘Demon’ rune which stands for the Demon magic for ‘Fire’ and ‘Air’.

  The previously black colored formula suddenly begins to burn as the formula coming after it was destroyed and began to rewrite itself. It expelled quite a large degree of heat from the formula as he expected.

  “Now it’s Blue Imp Flame Claws.” He thought with a smile and kept reading.

  There were some calculations that made the spell quite unruly and slowly he changed some of the earlier ones causing another section further down to burn up and rebuild itself. Finding another that caused the fire and air proportion to be off making the air dissipate the fire faster making the spell duration shorter. Changing that made another piece burn and rebuild it as well.

  Each ch
ange slowly affected a section further down and slowly the formula rapidly stabilized into a powerful Blue Fire ability.

  As the spell finished, Xero smiled and read the spell over. Blue Imp Flame Claw, creates a large claw of blue fire that will burn anything it touches. So nice.” Xero thought excited.

  As the spell finished it integrated itself into Ash’s body and he simply turned and took another bite of the meat and froze once more as the Familiar seal lit up again.

  “Again!” Xero thought and this time he looked once more.

  He carefully watched the spell and slowly it formed into something that he never expected but should have.

  “This spell? Isn’t it a skill? No wait this section puts a duration!” Xero analyzed and was shocked to find a buff type enchantment spell. Grinning he started from the start and moved some key magical runes. Like before sections further day were altered. “Oh wow! Who know that Ash’s jumping strength would get boosted!” Xero said to himself as he reached half way when he finally figured out the spell. “The spell is called Super Pounce, this skill can enchant any target the caster chooses and their jumping power doubles.” He read out the description he could make out.

  “Just double? Let’s see.” He muttered and reviewed again and found a small formula that when changed just a tiny bit caused the entire spell to shake and the skill ranked up to Triple power boost which is a huge increase and he was satisfied since he probably won’t get much more. Then he worked slowly finishing.

  “There, Super Pounce, A spell with a duration of 2 minutes, it will improve jumping power by three times the normal amount. It can be used on the caster and any target the caster chooses. ”

  Reading the complete formula this is what he figured out from it and was extremely happy. With the recent incident he found that this was a perfect escape magic as long as he got used to the massive boost of speed. Not only that but if Ash aimed right his jump boosting his sword could have serious penetrating power.

  When he noticed Ash had stopped eating and looked at him, There was a flow of emotions from the imp as if wanting something.

  “Oh you want to use the new magic? That would probably kill you since you just gained them.” He explained.

  The emotions were still there and it was clear that it was what Ash wanted.

  Xero stored the huge tail and walked with him back outside and after look for a bit Xero looked upwards.

  “It might not be safe if the fire spreads but…” He pondered as he looked for a really wide space and found Miss Gilbody walking about.

  “Mr Null? Did you already feed your familiar the tail?” She asked.

  “Yes, in a few bites he developed two innate skills. He doesn’t want to eat until I use them.” He explained.

  The woman's eyes widened. “What spells?” She asked.

  “The first would have been Demon Claw but I changed the demon magic for Fire and Air magic making Blue Imp Fire Claws. And the other is a boost spell called Super Pounce the original spell boosted jumping power by two times for 40 seconds, I raised it to three time the jumping power for 2 minutes.” He explained excited.

  “Oh my.” She looked shocked and then showed a slight smile as she looked down at him. “Come then, I can erect a barrier for you to utilize your spell.” She said.

  She turned and walked a bit before stopping in a clearing and with a snap of her finger her familiar seal shined. From the seal a light shined and expanded greatly in the air before it burst revealing a massive Owl with Grey feathers. It flew in the air for a moment and circled around before landing behind Miss Gilbody.

  “This is Merlin, he is my familiar, a Sage Owl.” She introduced him, “Merlin this is Mr. Xero Null.” She introduced Xero to the owl.

  “Hoo~! So this is the one possessing the unique imp? Hoo~!” He asked bending over and looking at the two more carefully. “They both possess such potential. Hoo~!” Merlin says.

  “Merlin is a unique Owl, he holds an innate ability to sense potential in others and it seems we were right to keep you Mr. Null.” She said.

  “Hoo~! What did you need of me?” He asked Miss Gilbody.

  “Right, the Imp just formed two Innate skills, one of which is attack based and will most likely cause surrounding destruction. We need to set up a simple barrier to reduce the damage.” She said.

  “Hoo~! Then let us begin.” He said.

  She looked at Xero and nodded.

  With an Order he made Ash move some distance away and with a wave of her wand Miss Gilbody fused her mana into the Sage Owl who spread his wing and large 10 meter in diameter dome barrier formed around Ash.

  “Alright.” Merlin said and closed his wings.

  Xero pulled out his sword and pointed at Ash and found the Blue Imp Fire Claw and began to feed it mana. The flow of mana was the same as the Imp fire but as it reached the arms it suddenly began to take several different routes and the mana began to change between fire and Air mana and instantly these new channels began to hit snags but the fire mana followed the previous route halfway and then turned into several routes and all hit snags.

  Instantly Ash’s body turned from dark grey to bright blue and turned into a blinding light before a resound explosion happened and even began to form cracks on the barrier.

  “Hoo~! Oh my!” Merlin exclaimed.

  Miss Gilbody was also greatly shocked by the shockwave. The barrier dissolved and the a steaming red pearl shot out of the dust and entered the familiar seal.

  The seal turned from grey to Black but only a moment before it began to shine as shockwaves of mana burst and returned into the seal several times and when it settled down the seal began to suck up mana from Xero like normal.

  It pulled mana longer than it did before and when it finished Xero summoned it. The Red pearl shot out and all the ash in the ground and in the dust cloud began to gather around it pulling all the surrounding dust and soon formed the body of the imp but this time it had a really drastic change.

  Standing with a strong figure of a 15 year old human standing around 165 cm tall, his body was covered in shiny black scales, his hand was complete with a fully developed thumb. His nails were long claws. On his back was a large black bat like wing. The chest of the large imp was defined and the body shape could only be called human and the face now looked sculpted even more but as he grinned the sharp black fangs showed. On his forehead were two long 10 cm long black horns. He opened his eyes and showed the white eyes with the blue ring forming his Iris. On his back, the previously small thin tail was now thick and long and the scales on them made it looked like a black scaled dragon tail. Looking down the legs were now fully muscular and well built and the feet were much larger. The large toe had formed but it didn't take the position that human feet had and looked like a demonized ape foot where all the top digits of the fingers were sharp black claws.

  Ash was attracting a large amount of ashes and was building his body but even then he lifted his hand and closed it as he felt his human like hands that he had built.

  “Oh my! Hoo~! A truly unique demon! Hoo~! Human shaped even at this early level of development and even a complete five finger hand! Hoo~! This race? It is the Obsidian Scaled Imp yet it feels more like a Demon Dragonewt or Black Scaled Devil to me. Hoo~!” Merlin said as he examined the imp.

  “Is there a difference?” Xero asked.

  “Yes Mr. Null. A Demon Dragonewt is like a demon form of Dragonewt and is commonly called the Black Dragonewt because they are descendants of a Black Dragon which is usually called the Demon Dragon. I don’t believe it’s a Dragonewt because the legs aren’t curved like lizard legs and are instead human legs. As for a Black Scaled Devil, it’s a very rare evolution of Scaled Imp that are born in respawn pools with lava flow near them I believe. They are ruthless and normally distorted.” She explained.

  “And the Obsidian Scaled Imp?” Xero asked.

  “Hoo~! The original Scaled Imp would already be a slightly more distorted Imp with scales, the Obsidi
an Scaled imp would even start to walk on four legs for a period of time like a lizard and usually later on evolve into demon reptiles. Hoo~!” Merlin said.

  “So with the most safety I can call him a Black Scaled Devil?” Xero asked.

  “No.” Merlin shot him down. “Black scaled Imp. Hoo~! He is only Level 5, Black Scaled Devils appear rarely appear at level 10. Hoo~!” He said.

  “Oh, this is confusing.” Xero said scratching his head. “I always wondered but what are the differences between Demon and Devil?” Xero asked something that was always on his mind since he obtained an imp familiar.

  “Hoo~! Demons are more distorted and will willingly torture and attack other creatures, most are mindless killers. Devils are intelligent and cunning, although they follow the same instincts as Demons they control impulses for the thrill of the hunt. Hoo~!” Merlin explained.

  “Ah! One more thing, what level is he? You said level 5 but just by looking it feels off.” Xero said.

  “You will have to go to Niska and see if there is any identification mage that can properly view your familiars basic characteristics including his race. Until then you may not know.” Miss Gilbody said.

  “Alright, thank you for the help Miss Gilbody and thank you for the information from you both.” Xero said and bowed.

  “Hoo~! Anytime young man.” Merlin said.

  With a bow Xero turned and recalled Ash. He now needed to head to Grunt to see about resizing the Restraints for Ash and also to gauge his new strengths.

  In another part of the camp Univa sat watching her Salamander and sighed. She had eaten a bit of the dragon meat and stored the rest once her familiar had eaten. Now it had entered a state of full rest. As she watched her Seal shined and she looked and found it was slowly gathering mana making a new Innate skill. She brightened up since it was a chance to boost her strength.

  Slowly the meat broke down in the salamanders stomach and it absorbed the mana at a much slower pace compared to Ash.

  Slowly it formed and she found it was Acidic Bite. The salamander covers its fangs with poison magic and bites another creature.


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