My Blind Familiar_The Ash Golem

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My Blind Familiar_The Ash Golem Page 30

by Nathan Valerio

This was Univa and her bigger brother, Rufus Belacqua Crost, the boy was clearly in his teens, 16 years old, and was an Everlight Academy 6th year student. He had the same blonde hair as his little sister and sky blue eyes that were part of his strong family line. As a 16 year old, he had a robust body and pronounced chest that stuck out naturally forming a charismatic aura.

  “Big Bro, aren’t you cold!?” Univa said shivering as bundled herself more with the fur coats they brought. Even so it did not help much as the wind flowing over the dragons on them was quite fierce.

  Rufus chuckled, “You’ve still a long way if you are affected by a bit of cold as one of the Crost family’s children, Univa.” he chuckled.

  “Forget about that! I didn’t expect the Lurian empire to be so far south!” She exclaimed shivering as she hid her numb hands in her sleeve and put it in front of her face to huff warm breaths to heat her face and hands at the same time.

  “We have already checked the location of the Trolls through the pillar, you may not have noticed but we passed the village a few minutes ago. In about five minutes we will arrive at the mountain so don’t worry about the cold.” He said.

  “Yay!” She exclaimed jumping up but quickly crouched once more to hide from the wind.

  The wings kept beating as the dragons descended and soon they saw a large barren snow covered mountain and upon it were several large caverns and many hidden ones.

  “Seems we have a troll nest, I hope there is at least one ice troll, that would make the travel even for me worth it.” Rufus said.

  Although troll blood is good for making advanced elixirs, most people would use it to try and enhance the recovering ability of their familiars. Ice trolls were even stronger than common trolls so one can only guess the effect of their blood.

  “Vulcan, draw them out. Univa, fly off so that you will not be caught in the crossfire.” He said.

  “Alright!” She said and turned before jumping off the dragon and her familiar seal flashed and her drake appeared under her flying away. The drake looked like a hatchling compared to the true dragons.


  Vulcan, the fire dragon and Rufus’s familiar, bellowed before his mouth lit up and a massive fireball burst out flying right at the mountain smashing into the side causing it to shake.


  The three dragons land shaking the ground and from the caves there were sounds of desperate retreat and soon trolls began to appear in twos and threes.

  “Brothers, we have truly scored a big one this time!” The second youth on one of the dragons laughed.

  He was one of the Crost branch family members and had bright red hair instead of the head families blonde hair.

  “Indeed, a troll colony is not easy to come by. I believe a rough estimate is between 60 to 100 trolls.” The other dragon owner said. With long blue hair, this woman was another branch family member of the same year as Rufus.

  “Alright kiddies, get off and stay out of trouble.” The redhead said.

  On the back of the two dragons, several children jumped off and their familiars, either lizard beasts or dragons all appeared and they ran or flew off to get away from the battle. They were here to enhance their healing capabilities but they knew that they couldn’t easily get in the middle of the matches.

  All the people were also servants, branch or main family members of the Crost family. The fact that the family helped improve the servants potentials was one of the reasons they were such a strong family.

  “Attack!” Rufus commanded and Vulcan roared before pouncing at the escaping trolls.

  With one swing it slammed its paw into the ground. The level 48 fire dragon’s strength can’t be compared by the same standard of the other creatures. Only celestials, demons and combat type spirits can be evaluated on the same scale as dragons.

  The paw smashed and the shockwave sent the trolls near flying. With a turn Vulcan spun and hit those flying with his tail killing them.

  He let out a roar before fire began to burn in his mouth and suddenly a flaming torrent burst out of his mouth over 10 escaping trolls.

  None of them had plans to fight, even so their bodies were very robust and even burned, they stood and kept running while limping as their body regenerated.

  “As expected of trolls.” Rufus said. “Cain, Yasmine, deal with the ones running north and west, I will deal with those to the east.” Rufus said.

  “Yes sir.” they said and their dragons took to the air to circle around the trolls while Vulcan jumped and cornered the escaping trolls. To keep the body intact, they resorted to smashing tactics and with the large strength of dragons.

  The entire region shook and were filled with the miserable screams of trolls, every time they finished they would fly and find another group or single troll and smash them while handing it over to their master to store it to preserve as much troll blood as possible.

  Trolls were 3 meter tall brutes that used clubs and were quite primitive. With robust bodies and ugly gorilla like figure, they were hard to kill without overwhelming strength.

  Soon there was none left and the caves were left empty of trolls. To make certain of this, the dragons each took a different large entrance and together, they breathed a burst of fire into the three entrances. After a moment, all the caves burst with fire and any hiding trolls were either killed and pushed out in pain.

  “Good, we have completed our objective, we should search for someone with extraction skills to remove the pure blood of the trolls.” Rufus said after everyone gathered up.

  “Brother, why don’t we look at the village, even if there isn’t someone, there might be herbs since this region is quite remote so it wouldn’t cost us any trouble.” Univa said.

  Rufus though a moment and nodded, “Let us try then. We need to report the extermination anyway and collect the reward money anyway so there shouldn’t be any problem.” He said.

  Climbing on the dragons they all headed to the Null family to report the mission.

  Chapter 25

  When the three dragons flew over the town, the villagers, who had never seen such creatures completely feared for their lives, especially when they landed just out of the village in front of the lord's manor.

  Some people even cursed the new nobles saying they brought this upon the village hurting the harmony that had formed between humans and monsters. Now these monstrosities were here but to the dismay of the villagers, the beasts simply laid down.

  At the Null family home, they all came out and invited the Crost family inside.

  “So Young master has already exterminated the Trolls, I did not expect it to be cleared so quickly.” Nil said in shock by how quick the requests were complete.

  “Sir Nil would be surprised by how many people want troll blood. Not only alchemy but it can help enhance our own familiars improving their vitality and regeneration capabilities.” Rufus said sitting down while Opal brought in tea to serve them. The Null’s were using the herbs that were good for tea to treat these high nobles from another nation.

  “Sir Nil, we have around 100 trolls from our harvest, as you should know, the blood is the most precious commodity trolls have to offer. Does this village by chance have someone that has a familiar with extraction skills?” Rufus asked.

  “Extraction?” Nil said scratching his head.

  “Father, extraction means butchering, Nadir’s pot does that but it’s not really strong and even to extract from common level 10 monsters, it almost bursts.” Xero said.

  “So there is one, well we aren’t really in a hurry, if the extraction doesn’t waste material when failed then we do not mind completing more hunting requests in the surroundings while the blood is extracted.” He said.

  Nil showed an eccentric expression and called over Nadir and asked about her pot. “Extracting? No everything is stored inside Potty but he only pulls the stuff out if it succeeds but if it fails nothing much happens besides getting a bit stronger.” She said summoning the pot. The C
rost’s saw why it would fail under extraction of level 10 monsters.

  “Then we can leave the extraction to you then?” Rufus asked.

  She nodded, “Sure!” She smiled innocently.

  Rufus pulled out four magic bags and the pot sucked out their entire content directly from the bag causing the people some shock by the suction force.

  “Alright! ‘Extract “Blood”’ she said specifically targeting the troll's blood.


  Almost instantly the pot burst leaving the room in silence as it was reabsorbed into the seal.

  Nil smiled wryly, “As we said, it might take a little while.” Nil said.

  “It is expected, the pot spirit shouldn’t be more than level 5 with many closed channels, to extract troll blood is a bit hard. So what kind of monsters are most troublesome for the expansion?” Rufus asked.

  “Most definitely the goblins to the east, they block the passage to the river which has a good supply of fish and fresh water the village will need for expanding and work. Also they block the passage to the cleared troll mountain that also should should have minerals located below.” He said.

  "I see, what was the reward for it?” Rufus asked.

  “Well besides keeping the body as usual, the price was 8 gold for driving them away, 15 gold for complete extermination without a single goblin left. The same request for the orcs is 10 gold for driving them off and 20 gold for killing them off but they are to the north but we fear raiding parties eventually coming.” Nil said.

  “That is quite a high price to pay.” Rufus said.

  “The danger to the village is high enough because once the village really starts expanding they will threaten us far too much. Without getting rid of them in one go it would be too hard.” Nil said.

  “Have you thought of using goblins as workers?” Rufus said.

  It was common to use special slavery brands of monsters like goblins who have a fast breeding rate but also good potential. As long as they are raised a bit better than common slaves they will evolve into something a bit stronger and fit for mining.

  "I would need slavers and trainers, with the funds we have it isn’t good at this time. Only once the mines and farms are set up will the village get income. I still need to improve the roads as wells.” he said.

  "I see.” Rufus nodded understanding the outlook of the man. “We shall accept the goblin and orc extermination, it will also present a good place to train our juniors.” Rufus said and drank his tea and nodded, “Also, this tea is quite good, I wonder if I can get some leaves.” He asked.

  “My my, why thank you, we make it from mountain herbs we found around here.” Opal said and walked off before returning with a small jar holding the herb. “Here is a live herb, I'm sure someone like you can easily cultivate it.” She said.

  One of the servants received it and stored it away while thanking Opal.

  "I believe we can complete these tasks by the end of the day, at most tomorrow. Thank you for the refreshing Winter Sunshine herb tea. It was quite warming, we shall take our leave as to complete the tasks quickly.” Rufus said and stood up.

  Nil stood up as well and lead them to the door and watched them climb up and fly off on the dragons.

  “As expected of a noble, even drinking such tea from our home he was respectful even if he didn’t have to be.” Nil sighed.

  “Daddy, I want some rocks.” Nadir said suddenly.

  Nil looked at her confused, “Is there a reason sweetie?” he asked.

  “Potty isn’t coming out, I keep getting images of rocks so he wants rocks.” She said.

  “If it is only that I can help with it.” Xero said and called out Ashley, “Can you spawn a strong earth sword.” He asked.

  “Anything for master~!” She said and her from her hands a shine came taking the form of a huge greatsword.

  Xero took it and held it in front of his sister, “Oh~! As expected of little bro.” She said and put her right hand with the familiar seal on the blade.

  It slowly began to shine and and was suddenly sucked into the familiar seal. After that Nadir suddenly yelped as she grabbed her arm in pain. Blue lines traveled through her body and a few cracking sounds were heard as some mana channels were opened and began to flow more naturally through her body.

  It lasted no more than 10 seconds but it covered her body. Even so it only had 10% of the channels open. Then the Pot spirit suddenly shined and appeared in front of her and not it was no longer a clay cup but a stone jar with a stone lid and all. It looked similar to a juice or ale container unlike the previous form.

  “Oh, it seems to have evolved or maybe it grew up.” Xero said.

  He looked interested at the pot that was made of the dense stone that Ashley made her sword from.

  “It looks quite sturdy now, I wonder if it can survive extracting the trolls now?” Zip said.

  Nadir was pouting, “That hurt.” She cried out.

  “Sister, try to extract the troll blood now.” Nil said.

  Pouting she snorted and flowed her mana into the pot, “Extract blood.”

  The pot shined and vibrated and burst and withdrew into her seal while blinking, “Bro Potty wants more stone.” She said.

  Xero smiled reluctantly and had Ashley make a few more allowing his sister to transmit it to the pot making the dirt rocks slowly compress slowly become solid grey stone as it grew harder and denser.

  Finally after 4 great swords the pot had a large change and it suddenly appeared made out of hard stone but its outer image was made of smooth white stone and written on the side was the word ‘Spirit Pot’.

  When she finally tried the words shined and the pot lifted into the air and began to spin as mana began to flow inside at a steady pace. For a whole ten minutes it was like this before both it and Nadir ran out of mana and she was sweating.

  “Potty was able to extract 10 trolls.” She said tired before she suddenly started to cry like a child and jumped into her mother's arms saying she was so tired.

  Opal pet her daughter back to calm her, “If you want to help daddy, you should work hard to grow up into a strong girl okay.” Opal said warmly.

  Even though Nadir was 15, being spoiled she retained a childish personality so she reacted just like one and nodded with a runny nose. Opal took out one of Nadir’s mana stones and told her to hold it and keep extracting so that she could get stronger for her father.

  With a childish nod, she took the stone and activated the extraction skill once more and the pot started to spin again as it once more began to extract the troll blood.


  “Young master Rufus, why were you so courteous to those Rank 1’s?” Cain asked Rufus.

  Rufus looked back at the red headed distance cousin of his, “Is there a reason that I must not be courteous towards them? As nobles from the Crost family, a Duke family from the Radiance Empire, what is the point of acting in a pompous manner towards a family were one of them possesses a devil familiar. At the very least by the end of his life, he will be a Rank 6 noble. What is the use of butting heads. Also his family is just risen nobles but in one generation they can leap a large number of ranks. If that talent persists, eventually a royal family member would be married to their family or someone from their family into the royal family gaining duke level nobility. Only a fool would openly antagonize everyone below their rank like all the nobles that are normally expelled.” He said

  “As expected of young master. Still I wonder…” Yasmine said and looked back at the only other person riding with Rufus, “Could it be that young master thinks that…” She stopped mid way but Rufus understood and smiled.

  He waved it off but chuckled.

  Univa just saw Yasmine looking at her but was confused by the exchange.

  They flew to the north west area and soon found a large settlement with rough buildings and a number of goblins all around. A space of 20 meters around were cleared of wood and they even had a palisade built with watchtowers.
  The goblin population here was also very well geared, when smarter evolutions begin to spawn, they always cause the goblin population to slowly advance like a primitive tribe going through several eras in a short time even discovering blacksmithing and other such things.

  “Ho~! The village lord wasn’t lying when he said this was a headache. He had guessed around 100 goblins but there are nearly four times the number of goblins, and subsequent evolutions.” Cain said as they looked down.

  “The tribe is more developed than the village. It seems they have a mine which they extract metal and stone. From the looks of it, as long as this village persists for at least 2 more years, they will expand and start forming a goblin nation.” Yasmine said.

  “It is too bad for them that we have them as a target.” Cain laughed.

  “We do a fly by, all who possess flying dragons call forth, we shall take care of the goblins in a single sweep, burning the village in a sea of flames. It is the quickest method to deal with the weaklings. The strong ones will come later.” Rufus instructed.

  The servants, and Univa, jumped off and their flying beasts summoned, they all began to fly alongside the dragons.

  They moved in quick but from the watchtowers the goblins still saw them and sounded the alarm but it wasn’t quick enough as the speed they were flying, they quickly appeared before the village and without warning the three dragons released a continuous stream of fire while all the smaller dragons shot fireballs at the goblins or at buildings.

  Within moments the entire village was a sea of flames and the dragons flew overhead and began to circle around like vultures.

  At that time four larger goblins appeared. One was a muscular ogre holding a large battleaxe, one was a goblin mage with robes and a staff in hand, another was a swordsman and the last was a yellowish ogre.

  They roared in anger and the yellow one looked up and stuck his hand out. With a blinding light coming out of his hand, it struck Cain’s dragon from behind.

  “Damn it! It’s a thunder Ogre, damn fucker, want to fight daddy so much fine!” Cain cursed and took out his wand and chanted a spell that caused green light to flash on his dragon and the wound closed before he cast another spell with a long chant releasing blue light onto the dragon.


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