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Page 7

by Silver, Jordan

  She shook her head in the negative and I felt my heart speed up and my thrust grow stronger, it was as if knowing there were no barriers between my seed and her womb fed some baser instinct to breed, suddenly it's all I could think of. It was one thing to tell her I wanted it and quite another knowing it was a possibility even now.

  "I want to give you another baby now, I don't want to wait I know Colin Anthony is still young, but I want to, I want to be there from beginning to end. I need to see you ripe with my child."

  When she nodded her assent my body and mind separated, my body was on a mad rush to fill her with my seed as soon as possible while in my mind I saw her swollen with my child, the twin stimuli worked to send us both over the edge.

  "I love you my Amber, now and forever."

  "And I love you." We kissed and nipped each other's lips playfully as we came down from our high.

  Chapter 17

  Since that night we have been happier than I ever thought possible. We visited the little town off the shores of the island, me the proud daddy carrying my son on my chest while holding my love's hand in mine.

  We were leaving the island today and Amber was a nervous wreck. I wish I could forgo the things I had set in motion but I couldn't it was as much for her as it was for me. I think she needed this she needed to see me defend her against the ones who had sought to destroy her.

  We arrived home after the sun was down, I was careful to the point of paranoia about our enemies finding out anything. I had Kurt keeping an eye on the parties involved. So far he hadn't said anything so I guess everything was okay on that front.

  That night in bed I had to make love to her countless times to calm her fears. Every time she would voice her fears I would turn her over onto her back and love her until she calmed again. That went on practically the whole night until Anthony woke up for his three o'clock feeding.

  The next day I presented her with my grandmother's ring, a ring that had been in my family for generations, one that represented love and commitment. I was never so happy as when she accepted with tears of joy.

  Now all I had to do was get us through tonight and all will be complete.

  I chose her dress and her jewelry for the night, it was a point of pride with me, I wanted her to outshine everyone, she deserved to. Not that she couldn't dress herself but I know my girl, she wouldn't make a fuss. And since one of the arguments used against her was that she wouldn't fit in with my peers, I wanted them to know that for me she was the brightest star in my universe.

  I timed it so that everyone would be there when we arrived. They were standing or sitting around in the informal parlor having pre-dinner drinks and canapés.

  "Colin, Amber you're here." Mom drew us into the room as she took the baby. I kept my eyes on the guilty parties as we entered. Cindy almost dropped her martini and the other lost all color.

  Terry was across the room like a shot, I had called her earlier and sworn her to secrecy without telling her anything. I just wanted princess to have as many people in her corner as possible. I only had to promise to tell her everything as soon as I could. All I had to tell her for now was that there had been a misunderstanding and it was all my fault; to which she admitted she always suspected I was the culprit. Of course.

  I didn't put it off, for Amber's sake I needed to get it over with.

  "That's a lovely necklace Cindy." I started my attack, her accomplice tried to slither away but I nipped that in the bud.

  "Don't take another step." I moved farther into the room.

  "Colin." Mom started to question me at my tone but I stopped her with one raised finger.

  "Where'd you get the necklace Cindy?"

  "Donald gave it to me of course." She moved closer to her husband placing her hand on his chest.

  "No I didn't Cindy, how could you?" He moved away from her, I'd had him ask her to wear the necklace under some guise or another. Nothing that would cause suspicion.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about if you didn't buy it then I must've bought it on one of my shopping trips."

  "Isn't that grandma Stewart's diamond necklace?"

  "Yes it is mom."

  "Well then obviously Donald must've given it to her."

  "No mom, Donald got the sapphires and I got the emeralds remember?"

  "Oh yes that's right, what's going on?" She held the baby closer as if to shield him from what was swirling in the air.

  "I repeat Cindy how could you? When Colin first told me about this I couldn't believe it, I mean I've always known that you were a vain greedy bitch, but I thought I took pretty damn good care of you. So tell me why you would join with someone else to destroy my brother's life, it can't be about a piece of jewelry, not even you can be that greedy."

  "Why should she have anything of ours? Who is she but a little nobody that he picked up on the beach? Why should the rest of us have to accept him shoving her down our throats? Tell me Sarah, do you think the ladies of the garden club would welcome the little nothing with open arms? She has no pedigree..." "You were Trevor Dunlop's whore for two years before I met you, who're you trying to kid? Oh yeah you didn't think I'd ever find out about that did you? Well a few of his buddies were only too happy to tell me about your days with him. Let's just say the only reason I didn't throw your skanky ass out of my house is because of my daughter, but this, this takes the cake. You fucked with my little brother."

  "I'm your wife don't think for one minute..."

  “Save it, your bags are being packed as we speak, you're no longer welcomed in my home and my daughter stays with me of course."

  "Over my dead body." She was stubborn to the end.

  "That can be arranged." I pulled my brother back, as much as I'd like to belt the bitch I couldn't let him do it. Oh the irony.

  "Would someone please tell me what is going on?"

  "Sure mom, it seems that when I brought Amber home she posed some type of threat to Cindy, what that is I haven't a clue other than she's a narcissistic bitch. Anyway she and Jocelyn cooked up a scheme to get rid of her."

  "What?" She sounded like she was choking. Dad who had been quiet throughout this whole thing went to her drawing her close as she swayed.

  "It gets better, to frame her and make a sap out of me they pawned my portion of grandma's jewelry using Amber's name. At the same time they convinced her that I was engaged to Jocelyn, which is blasphemous as far as I'm concerned. Listen to me for the last time Jocelyn, I told you years ago and I told you after Amber was gone and you tried to slither your way into my bed, not now not ever. I wouldn't fuck you with a plastic dick bitch."

  "Damn that's cold bro." Terry was finally heard from.

  "You two are pathetic, you know you give blondes a bad name, because contrary to cult myth blondes are far from dumb. But then I look at you two rejects and I have to wonder. Then again oops...being a bottled blonde doesn't count, my bad." My sister had a way with words didn't she?

  "I don't have to stay here and listen to this." Jocelyn tried once more to leave the room but I waylaid her.

  “I'm afraid you do, you see what you two did is considered theft and since the merchandise was worth millions not to mention the pieces that the wicked witch kept for herself you're looking at ten years easy."

  "What? You can't...Sarah you can't let him do that, I was only doing what I thought was right. I mean everyone was always saying how perfect Colin and I were for each other, I thought it's what the families wanted."

  "I don't even know you son hurry up and finish this so I can get this trash out of my house. I'm taking my grandson upstairs with his cousin I've had enough." She walked over to Amber and hugged and kissed her.

  "We'll talk later daughter I have to get out of this room before I commit murder." I had to whisper something to her before she left, to which she shook her head in resignation.

  "So, whose idea was it to steal the jewels? That was a good move by the way, how you so happened to find the slip from the pawnshop Jocel
yn. You knew I would be too fucked in the head to dig too deep; you knew I'd just take your word for it that she had stolen from me and ran because I considered you family. Too bad your signature is so vastly different from Amber's Jocelyn, not to mention that you're on camera pawning the goods."

  "I did nothing wrong all I'm guilty of is falling in love with the wrong man."

  "Bitch please."

  "Terry..." I scolded her as she shrugged at me. I needed these two to talk so I could get this over with.

  "This has nothing to do with you Terry, why don't you go somewhere?"

  "You really are stupid aren't you Jocelyn?" She shook her head as if in wonder.

  "I have nothing to do with this, Cindy asked me to pawn those things she didn't tell me where she got them.”

  "Why you lying bitch, it was all your idea, you wanted to get rid of the little bitch as much as I did. I gave you the combination but you're the one who actually broke into the safe and you're the one on camera pawning them."

  "Yes stupid bitch number two, but you're the one wearing said stolen merchandise." Terry was on a roll, I never knew she didn't like these two; guess I should've known when she refused to go shopping with either of them.

  When the two men entered the room you could've heard a pin drop.

  "Did you get what you needed Kurt?"

  "Yep, these two are gonna go away for a long time."

  "What? Take your hands off me." Kurt and his partner moved to handcuff the two women, Jocelyn got away and went for Amber who had been standing off to the side not saying a word this whole time, just taking it all in.

  "This is all your fault you stupid b..." Amber clocked her in her face, right between the eyes.

  "Holy shit, little sister, you knocked her the fuck out." Don picked Amber up like a prizefighter in the ring.

  "Put my woman down bro." I went and rescued her from his clutches.

  "You're gonna need some ice for this." I kissed her knuckles.

  "I'll get it." Dad went to get some ice and a towel to wrap her bruised hand.

  I knew my brother was putting on a good face but he was hurting. I'd confided in him from the first day I saw the tape and had my suspicions, so he'd had a few days to come to terms with what his wife had done. Surprisingly he seemed to feel relief, I never realized they were having any problems in their marriage. It didn't matter though it still had to hurt and I promised myself to be there for him.

  After Kurt had revived Jocelyn to the point where she could stand on her own he took them away. He called it a citizen's arrest. Whatever, I'm just happy that shit's over, now I can focus on my life and my love.



  It's three months since everything came to a head, three months of pure bliss. Amber and I have reforged our bond and were now stronger than ever. Our son is fat and healthy at four and a half months and she was already three months pregnant with our second. But today, today's special, it's our wedding day. I've been waiting for this day for three months. I wanted to get married right away but thanks to the women in my life I've had to wait. Amber had been on board with me of course. But mom and Terry threw a fit of monumental proportions and threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't let them plan the wedding of the century. They had a good point of course. Amber did deserve the fairy tale wedding. After everything she'd been through, waiting a couple months to make her completely mine wasn't such a hardship. I've had a few rough spots over the months, still did actually, every time I remembered what I'd set out to do to her I broke out in a cold sweat. Those two vicious vipers were behind bars. Dad had done something that had sped up the process and I was only too grateful for that. Ten years each, closing that chapter in our lives went a long way to soothing me. I do wish they'd gotten more time, for all the heartache they'd caused they'd never do enough time as far as I'm concerned.

  "You ready to do this little brother?" Donald and I were getting dressed he was my best man of course. We had the kids in the room with us; Giselle doesn’t like to be away from her father still after losing her mom. She was cute as hell in her little dress while little Anthony was wearing an Armani tux; Lord knows where Terry found such a thing.

  I'd had to spend the night away from my woman last night mom and her traditions.

  I hardly slept a wink, and neither had Amber, since we'd spent the better part of the night on the phone. She wasn't too happy with the arrangement either, but mom had become even more of a tyrant with this wedding stuff and it was best to just let her have her way.

  So, here we are my wedding day, looking back now I'm amazed that we made it here, the deck had been stacked against us but we somehow pulled through; we made it through the rain

  I still awaken some nights with a scream in my throat and terror in my heart from a nightmare in which I'm searching for my family to no avail. On those nights I would turn to my love and lose myself in her body, and she was always there, welcoming me with open arms.

  The other big thing that's going on in our lives now is something that my brother and father especially, find immense joy in and some might even call it poetic justice.

  I'm speaking of course of the unlikely fact that I suffer Amber's morning sickness, no I don't mean like every other caring husband or significant other who feels bad to see their woman suffering, I mean I literally have morning sickness. She on the other hand just has cravings, no throwing up for her.

  The doctor says it's some sort of sympathetic syndrome; whatever it is it's brutal. Every morning and some evenings too just for kicks, I have to make a run for the bathroom to throw up the contents of my stomach.

  Of course my beautiful love just had to share that with my mother, who thought it was too funny not to share and proceeded to tell everyone who would listen. Talk about embarrassing.

  They all found my agony amusing. I didn't mind too much though, I'd bear any amount of pain if it meant she would be spared. But I'm thinking if it's going to be like this, this just might be our last. Amber says no way; she wants at least two more.

  Amber gave birth to our beautiful daughter Catalina six months and one week later. She was the spitting image of Amber, with my crazy hair.


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  Enjoy these other offerings from Jordan Silver



  Night Visits

  Lyon’s Crew

  And many more

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