The Birth Of Decay

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The Birth Of Decay Page 9

by Kelley Jr, John E

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ricky and I loaded up the truck with some supplies and found out that Jasmine’s father was a doctor. It had been three days since they joined us, and they were slowly recovering. Her father David had flu like symptoms and we were giving him medicine to try and stabilize him; it was working and he was showing signs of improvement. I gave Ted a shotgun and pistol and told him to keep an eye on things. Claire and the others always had their guns at their sides and were willing to protect our home. Jasmine told us there were six people at the hospital and four of them were kids. The other two were an elderly couple that used to help around the hospital. Claire kissed me and handed us a bag of food and water. I plotted our trip on the map and we were off.

  We were about half way to our destination when I noticed a car following us down the old country road. Ricky and I watched the car swerve erratically and smack into other abandoned vehicles along the way. The car came up to the side of us and passed us going well over a hundred miles an hour. I noticed the driver covered in dried blood and knew what we were dealing with; decayed. He continued to drive ahead of us until he nearly disappeared from view. “You have got too be kidding me!” I said. Ricky shook his head and rolled down his window. We kept the truck at a steady sixty miles an hour; that gave me a chance to maneuver the heavy truck around obstacles.

  I noticed the car in the distance driving towards us; it obviously wanted a head on collision. I started to slow the truck down and drove around a few dead cars as I continued down the road. I could hear the loud engine quickly approaching us as the muscle car got closer to its target, us. He got right up on us and I turned the truck sharply to the right; its car flew past us and slammed into an abandoned car. I heard the heavy impact and slowed the truck down to a stop. Ricky and I jumped out and ran back to the crashed car. I covered my mouth and nose with the sleeve of my shirt and noticed the car had heavy black smoke rising from it. The driver side door swung open and the decayed crawled out on the pavement. Ricky and I fired our guns at it and one of our bullets hit it in the head. I looked around and noticed small groups of the decayed were coming from the surrounding trees and heading our way. “Shit, shoot out the tires of the other cars!” I yelled. Ricky and I ran up to a couple of the other cars and shot out some of the tires. We quickly ran back to our truck and continued our trip.

  The sun was overhead and the cool air blew through the vents, I liked it cool. I turned on the CB radio and put it on auto scan; I knew the odds were low but I needed proof there was no one on the other end. Ricky opened a bottle of water and took a drink. He put it back into his backpack and watched the scenery from his window. “Maybe we’re dead.” He said to himself. I looked over at him and then quickly back to the road. “Dead?” I repeated. He looked over at me and shook his head. I could tell he was bothered by the recent events but I always tried to keep his mind straight. “What if we are dead and in hell?” He asked.

  I kept my eyes on the road and his haunting words settled in’ causing me to shiver. I looked over at him and smiled. “Then let’s show the devil what we can do!” I said. He laughed and looked back out the window. The random house or barn we passed seemed to be from a bad dream or horror movie. I even started to notice the sky had slightly changed into a greenish hue; perhaps the dead were causing smog.

  I started thinking about the people that had died and continued too both walk and rot. Their flesh started peeling from their faces and exposed their bones. I used to watch movies on this kind of stuff but this was far more disgusting. The air not only filled your lungs with the decayed but it also reminded you with each breath that you were a survivor in this world of decay. Ricky and I both learned how to fire a gun and how to stay on our toes. We could have lay on our back and let the world take us away but that was not going to happen, not as long as I am still breathing.

  I watched the lines in the middle of the road and the pattern became almost hypnotizing. I then thought about Claire and my unborn child; what was I going to do? I knew what this world had become and how hard it truly was. I know the world had never been perfect but this was just ridiculous. When I was young, I knew that when you died, you died. Now these things were walking around and they did not need a heart too do it? I have become a soldier in this hellhole and was ready for the challenge, but was I ready for a child? I knew from that moment on that I would not only survive; I would thrive.

  We managed to find the town we was looking for and slowly approached it. We noticed the decayed walking around the streets and going in and out of buildings. A man ran in the distance and hid behind a green dumpster. He suddenly jumped out and started shooting at a group of the decayed. He emptied his clip and they ran violently towards him. He threw the gun at one and tried to run away but they jumped on him. “Shit.” I said to myself. Ricky looked over and shook his head. “There are a lot of them decayed here.” He said with concern. I nodded my head and looked at the horizon. “The hospital has to be some where out there, just hope we find it quick.” I said. My eyes wondered back at the man being attacked and realized he was now surrounded by blood. I shook my head and looked at Ricky. “I can’t slow down when we get down there. If this truck stops we are going to be surrounded.” I said. Ricky reached over and fastened his seatbelt. “We will just have to pray that this truck can hold up.” I said.

  I put the truck into drive and slammed down on the gas. I turned and avoided a couple of cars and ended up at an intersection. The large tires squealed loudly as I turned right and headed down the street. I noticed the decayed started running from all directions at our truck. A few stood in the middle of the road and I drove into them. “Ricky, keep your eye out for a hospital sign!” I yelled.

  I hit the back bumper of a car and it went rolling to the side of the road and knocked over a few decayed. I soon noticed the stench that covered the city and started gagging. “I see the sign for the hospital! Turn right on the next set of lights.” Ricky said.

  I kept as calm as I could and noticed the street I needed to turn down and slowed the truck down. I noticed a large pile-up of cars ahead and slowed down. “Shit!” I yelled in frustration. Several decayed ran up to the sides of the truck and started climbing up to the doors. I pushed the bumper up against the pile of cars and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The truck growled loudly as it slowly made its way through the obstacle. I turned right and broke through the barrier. Ricky rolled down his window and shot one of the decayed in the face; it flew off the truck and landed on the street.

  “Roll down your window!” Ricky called out. I rolled down my window and Ricky shot the decayed woman at my door. I noticed the hospital coming up on the left. “Grab our bags! We got to get in as soon as possible.” I said to Ricky. He grabbed our bags and rolled up his window. I skidded to a stop and jumped out. We locked doors, ran up to the sliding glass doors, and squeezed our way through. Ricky and I quickly slid it shut and turned the lock. We heard grunting in the distance and a few seconds later a few of the decayed walked up to the door and started scratching the glass.

  Ricky and I spent a few minutes pushing benches over and pile them against the door. I knew hospitals were safe but I am not sure if the glass is shatter proof or not; I pray it keeps them back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ricky and I walked cautiously passed the front desk and down the hallway. I was glad the emergency light system was still on, even if it flickered. I placed my handgun back into the holster, pulled my shotgun down from my shoulder, and looked at Ricky. “We have to check each of these rooms.” I whispered. He gave me a nod and we walked up to our first door. I held my gun tightly in my hand and Ricky swung the door open; it appeared to be a supply closet. We continued down the hall and walked up to another door. I turned the handle as quietly as I could and pushed it open. Ricky and I peered in the empty room with one hospital bed and quickly exited.

  I heard grunting at the end of the hall and noticed a tall figure standing with his arms to the sides. He h
ad of been well over six feet in height and very thin. I motioned to Ricky and we pointed our guns at it. The light flickered a few times and it suddenly started walking. The lights flickered once again and I noticed the black blood pouring from its wide-open mouth. “Decayed!” I called out to Ricky. We opened fired and it dropped to the ground. I stood there and watched the figure slowly get back onto its feet and start running at us. I fired a shot and its head exploded off its shoulders. Its body hit the hospital floor and slid up to our feet. “Son of a bitch!” Ricky said in fear. I shook my head and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

  We walked further down the hall and entered another room. I heard grunting outside in the hall and shut the door. “Damn decayed, there are a bunch of them.” Ricky said disappointedly. I looked around the room and noticed a dead woman lying in a bed; her eyes were in the back of her head and her skin was gray. I covered her with a sheet, walked back to the door, and pressed my ear against it; I could hear the decayed walking passed the door. Ricky pulled out a few shotgun shells and re-loaded his gun. I motioned for him and he walked up to the door. I quickly opened it and we ran back into the hallway.

  We eventually found a stairway, went up one floor, and started to explore. We walked down the hallway and started hearing distant pounding. We made our way to a large set of double doors and noticed they were moving; someone or something was pushing against it. We was about to turn around when the doors suddenly flew open and several decayed ran at us. We fired several shots at the blood-covered crowd but did little to slow them down. We ran back down the stairs, continued past the first floor, and ran out into the basement area. We heard the decayed grunting in the stairway, ran down a couple of hallways, and found the cafeteria. We ran in and locked the doors. We grabbed a few tables and chairs and reinforced the doors.

  “Their not zombies.” A man suddenly called out. I quickly turned around and noticed the survivors standing on the other side of the room. Ricky and I walked up to them and I shook my head. “No, we’re here to rescue you.” I said to the old man. He looked at the door we barricaded and shook his head. “That’s not going to hold them back long son.” He said in a gravely voice. I nodded in agreement and ran past him. I entered the kitchen area and noticed a group of people hiding behind some shelves. “How many are there?” I asked. The old man walked in with Ricky and he picked up a flashlight with his shaking hand. He shined the light on the small crowd of survivors and put his hand out. “It is okay, their here to rescue us.” He said calmly. A couple of seconds’ later three kids walked out with an old woman. I looked back at the old man. “What’s your name?” I asked. “My name is Carter. That’s my wife Olivia and we found these kids hiding in one of the hospital rooms.” He said in an exhausted voice.

  Ricky opened his backpack and started handed everyone some food and bottled water. I took out my handgun and held it out for Carter. He looked down at the gun and shook his head. “You just get these kids out of here, don’t worry about me.” He said. I looked over at Ricky. “See if there are any emergency exits in the back.” He nodded and headed to the back. I looked at Carter and was curious why he said what he did. “You will need a gun.” I said with the gun still held out for him. He sat down on a cafeteria chair and put his flashlight down on the table. “Olivia and I are staying, just promise you will get the kids out of here.” He said. I heard the tables and chairs scrape against the floor in the other room; the decayed had broke the lock and were beginning to push back the barrier. Ricky ran back in the room and looked at the kids. “Follow me.” He commanded. He then looked over at me and pumped his shotgun. “I found the exit stairway.”

  I tried getting Olivia and Carter to join us but they refused. Carter just told us to hurry and we guided the kids to the stairway. I shut the door and we started to run up the stairs. I noticed a couple of decayed wearing nursing uniforms limping down the stairs and I opened fired. I had switched over to my 9mm and the muzzle flashed and loud shots caused the kids too cover their ears and duck down. Ricky and I help them back to their feet and noticed an exit and peeked outside. It was clear and we ran outside with the kids.

  We came around the side of the building and stopped. The heavy stench of the town had hit me and I gagged a few times. “Cover your noses.” I said to the kids behind me.

  I pressed my back against the hospital wall and peered around the corner; the small group of decayed were still biting and smacking the front entrance doors. I looked back at Ricky. “There are about seven of them, lets run up and ambush them. Hit fast and aim to kill.” I said. I looked down at the kids and knelt down. “We are going to take you guys to Jasmine and Dr. David. Cover your ears and stay behind us.” They covered their ears and I motioned for Ricky. We ran out from the side of the hospital and started shooting at the decayed. We did not stop moving until they were all dropped.

  I reached up and unlocked Ricky’s door and opened it for him and the kids. “Get in!” I yelled. Ricky and I helped them climb into the truck and a few decayed started running towards us. Ricky jumped in and I turned around and fired at the decayed. I missed their heads but the burette of bullets caused them too fall down. I jumped in the truck and Ricky locked the door. The kids were crying and Ricky went in the cab with them and tried calming them down. “It’s okay, we’re safe now. You’re going to see Jasmine and David again.”

  I started the truck and drove into the decayed I shot earlier and ran them over. I noticed the fuel indicator was blinking and I continued to drive further from the hospital. “Ricky we are low on fuel. I’m going to stop at a gas station.” He came up and sat down in the passenger seat. “Alright, you hold them off and I will pump.” He said. I noticed a gas station earlier when we entered the town near our exit. I drove into a few more decayed and noticed the gas station in the distance. “We’re going to die!” One of the kids cried. I quickly turned around and noticed the eldest kid crying. She appeared to be ten or so years old. I looked back at the road and drove around a few cars. “We are going to be alright, I promise.” I said bravely.

  I pulled into the gas station and parked near the manhole covers for filling the underground tanks. I went to the cab and grabbed my hunting rifle with the scope. “Stay in here kids, you will be safe.” I said calmly. Ricky and I jumped out from the truck and looked around for signs of the decayed. Ricky took the pump system from the trucks’ side compartment and I looked through my scope. I noticed a decayed limping towards us and I steadied my breathing. My heart started to sink as I realized this decayed could not have been no older than twelve years old. I watched through the scope as it bit at the air and its arms frayed violently around trying to attack everything in its path. I let out a breath and shot it in the head. I watched it fall to the ground and I looked back at Ricky. He was filling the first tank and sweating heavily. I turned back around and looked back through the scope.

  A large crowd of decayed came around the corner and was heading right for us. “Abort!” I yelled. I ran over and helped Ricky put the pump back in the side of the truck and we climbed back in. We drove out and ended up hitting a large number of the decayed; their body ripped apart and busted when the truck smacked into them. We managed to get onto the country road and we started the trip back home.

  I started thinking about Carter and Olivia and how they had chosen to die. It saddened me, knowing they were so strong for these kids when they needed them but when we arrived there job was done. I knew that there had to be thousands of survivors around these cities and some of them may be entering the final stages of their survival. I needed to get to that military base soon and be able to work with top of the line equipment. I knew most of the advanced weapons were going to be hard to learn but I was willing to take my time and learn each and everything I got my hands on. I knew it was mandatory for the military to have them chips planted in their heads and there would be thousands of decayed at the base. I also knew that humanity could get through this and have a new life. I will help rebuild this worl
d everyday until my dying breath.

  I pulled the truck over on the side of the road and the sun was now gone and the moon was coming up from the horizon. I checked on the kids and gave them some more food and water. I took this opportunity to get to know them. There was Maya the oldest of the kids, Karen who was six years old and the youngest. There was also a nine-year-old boy named Timothy. I goofed around with them and got them to calm down. I explained that my town was safe and that we can start over. I laid them down for bed and continued driving.

  I noticed bright flashes off in the distance and heard explosions; perhaps survivors like me were engaging in fights with the decayed or worse, with each other. I knew that the entire Earth had too of been one giant battlefield and people were fighting until their last breaths. It was only a matter of time until my town became a target of the decayed or bandits. This kind of situation brings out the worst of the worst and the best of the best. However, you had to defend what was yours. Claire was holding my child and I was ready to be a father, even in this hellhole.

  We got back to our town and locked down the barricades. It was in the middle of the night and we put the kids to bed in the church. Claire woke up and I told her the trip had gone well and there was nothing to worry about. She fell back asleep and I went outside with Ricky too smoke a cigarette. We sat down on the bench and Dr. David came outside too join us.


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