"Need to strike fast," Owain said.
"Surprise is as good a weapon as any."
I contributed a bark of agreement.
Diarmuid tentatively stroked my shoulder. He had been odd with me ever since he realised I was more than just a dog. Often he would stretch out a hand to touch me but then pull back at the last moment. I gently touched my nose to his hand. He might be a fool sometimes but he was still my fool.
"What do we do about Rhiwallon?" Diarmuid asked.
They looked at each other in silence. I read the same answer on each of their faces but neither wanted to be the one to say it.
"I don't know whether we can trust her," Diarmuid said, eventually.
Owain studied his hands. "Don't know. Hope so."
"Maybe she shouldn't come with us next time. Just in case. She has been lying to us the whole time."
"Protecting herself."
"But how do we know she's not still lying? That she wouldn't betray us if she thought it would save her? She helps Ida and Ida helps her to hide?"
Owain shrugged. "Either she'll betray us or she won't. Not much you can do 'bout it either way."
WHAT WOULD CAEDMON say if he was here? He was born to be a soldier, one who fought and delivered death. I had never thought less of him for it. It was simply not the path I had envisioned for myself. But perhaps to defeat Ida, I needed to become a soldier too.
"How would I do it?" I asked.
"Cut her throat," Owain said. "Messy but quick."
I tried to picture myself standing over a bound woman, knife in hand. Owain would hold her steady. There would be blood. Would she feel pain? Would she scream? Beg for mercy? My stomach contracted and I pushed the thoughts away.
"I'll find some rope," Owain said. "When we go back, you distract her. I'll get behind her and grab her. Then you tie her up."
"Then I… kill her?"
He looked me right in the eyes. "Has to be done, Diarmuid. I can do it, if you can't."
I swallowed, hard. "It has to be me. I have to be the one to stop her."
"I'll get the rope," he said and left.
Bramble and I waited beneath the oak tree. The street around us was quiet and empty, unusual for this time of day. Perhaps folk were staying inside, away from Ida's attention. My hands shook. Today I would kill a woman. No, not a woman. She wasn't human. I had to remember that. I also had to remember that she might be able to read my thoughts. I couldn't think anything I didn't want her to know. I definitely shouldn't think about our plan.
When Owain returned, he had a length of rope wrapped around his waist, beneath his shirt. He was such a large man that the extra bulk was barely noticeable. My small dagger was already in my boot. Would it be enough to slit a woman's throat? No, she wasn't a woman, no matter how much she looked like one. She wasn't even real.
There was nothing left to say. Owain clapped me on the shoulder, nearly knocking me off my feet. Bramble met my eyes with a solemn gaze. I wished my feet would sink down into the earth beneath me and root themselves there. But step by step, we returned to the house Ida had made her own.
The curtains were drawn and there was no sign of habitation. But she was there. I felt her sense my arrival almost as clearly as if I could see her. She lifted her head, as if scenting me, and turned her face towards where we stood. Despite the walls between us, it felt as if we locked eyes.
"Oh, silly boy." Her voice was a mixture of surprise and disappointment. "You're not really going to try again, are you?"
"Let's go," I said to my companions, gritting my teeth and trying to look confident, despite my quavering voice and shaking knees. I laid my hand against the smooth panels of the door and pushed. It stayed firmly shut. I tried the handle but it seemed to be locked.
"Let me," Owain said.
I stepped back.
He lowered his shoulder and slammed into the door. It splintered with a groan and swung open, wobbling on loosened hinges. Owain started to enter but I stopped him with my hand on his arm.
"It should be me," I said. "I should be the one who goes first."
He met my eyes and for a moment I thought he would argue. Then he stepped aside. The interior was dimmer than before, a strange thing since the sky was clear and the sun had yet to lose its morning harshness. Yet inside was the murkiness of late afternoon when the border separating one thing from another becomes harder to distinguish and one must squint to make out the details of a thing. The air here was colder than outside and I shuddered as a chill danced down my spine.
Ida was in the kitchen, a scene of apparent domesticity. She wore a wide apron, the ties wrapped several times around her slender waist. In front of her, on the workbench, was a large pot, a bunch of herbs and a freshly-skinned hare. The wood stove was lit but I felt no heat from it. The knife flashed as Ida chopped carrots and turnips.
"Boy," Ida said and her tone was entirely pleasant. "Whatever are you doing here?"
She spoke as if she had expected me to be gone for the day and I had instead returned home early. I felt wispy tendrils of power snaking out from her and wrapping around my mind. My thoughts wandered. I shook my head and steeled myself against her power.
"You know why," I said. "I'm here to stop you."
"What on earth are you talking about?" Ida trilled a silvery laugh. "I'm merely making soup. And you, my boy, are being extremely rude. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends? I suppose there will be enough soup for us all. I'll add more vegetables to make it stretch."
Where was Owain? Why wasn't he inching around behind her, ready to grab her so I could tie her up? I suddenly realised what I was thinking and turned my thoughts instead to the ocean. I felt the motion of the waves in my mind and let my thoughts drift with the movement of the water.
Owain stood beside me, gazing at Ida, open-mouthed, his eyes seeing nothing but what she wanted him to.
"Stop it," I said to Ida. "I know what you're doing."
Her eyes were wide and innocent. "You know you're a silly boy sometimes. Now, who are your friends? I think there's one fewer than last time. Where is the pretty girl? My oh my, I suppose you boys must fight over her. Such a pretty little thing."
Beside me, Bramble shifted and growled, so softly as to be almost inaudible. A rush of relief flooded me. Owain might succumb to Ida's charms but not Bramble. But without Owain, I didn't have the strength to hold Ida down. I would need a new plan. I tried not to stare at the knife in Ida's hands. Tried not to picture myself pressing it to her throat. Waves on sand, erasing footprints, leaving behind shells and rocks in their place.
"Do you live here alone?" I asked, stalling.
She smiled but there was no warmth in it. "Oh no, I have a companion. A fine young man. He is not presently here but you may meet him if he returns."
Ida finished chopping vegetables and started on the hare. She removed the limbs with a couple of expert slices and began stripping the flesh from the carcass. Beside me, Bramble whined and, for a moment, I saw her skinless form there on the chopping board, her body being divested of flesh in preparation for Ida's soup. Then I blinked and the world shifted and Bramble was by my side again. I restrained the urge to touch her, to reassure myself she was really all right. The more Ida knew about my friends, about how much they meant to me, the more danger they would be in. Even thinking about Bramble might put her in danger. Seagulls flying above the waves, dipping and soaring with the wind.
But Ida already knew. Of course she knew. She stared at Bramble even as she continued to strip the hare's carcass. "What a sweet creature," she said. "Is she yours?"
I hesitated. If I said yes, Bramble might be in even more danger. If I said no, perhaps she would think Bramble didn't belong to anyone and add her to the cooking pot with the hare.
"Yes," I said at last.
Bramble's huff was both immediate and expected.
"She's darling," Ida said. "Her spirit fairly blazes from her eyes,
but then I expect you know that, don't you?"
"She's just a dog." I carefully kept my voice casual and thought of restless waves. "Not terribly obedient but she's company."
Bramble's head instantly turned to me and now indeed her spirit did blaze from her eyes. I wanted to beg her to understand but I looked away and didn't let myself think about how I was trying to protect her. Several soft thuds came as Ida finished chopping the hare and threw the pieces into her cooking pot. She lifted the pot and turned towards the stove. This was our chance.
Owain stared at Ida as she placed the pot on the stove and stirred the contents. I kept my mind blank, not letting myself think about how this was the moment in which Owain was supposed to act. I waved at him, trying to catch his attention without alerting Ida, and finally, reluctantly, he looked at me. I raised my eyebrows and tipped my head towards Ida. Waves and currents. Swirling sand and frothy water. Owain's face was expressionless, his eyes empty. Ida finished stirring and set down the spoon.
Beside me, Bramble uttered a soft growl. Slowly, the fog cleared from Owain's eyes and, finally, it seemed he actually saw me. Ida turned back to us, wiping her hands on her apron. At the other end of the house, a door opened and closed.
"Ida, my love, are you here?" a voice called.
"Of course I'm here," Ida snapped. "Where else would I be, you silly man?"
Heavy footsteps along the hall. My palms began to sweat. I pictured an enormous beast of a man, as broad as he was tall, and fierce. When the man entered, I swallowed my surprise. He was rugged, yes, and of muscular physique. But he was no larger than average and had a face which, under other circumstances, I might have described as kind. I saw echoes of his brother in the shape of his forehead and his chin.
"Ida, is everything all right?" Davin asked, scanning us each in turn. I could not hold his gaze but looked at my feet. I did not want him to see an intent to murder in my eyes.
"Everything is fine," Ida said. "My dear friend has come to visit. And, look, he brought some friends."
Davin eyed me, as if waiting for me to contradict her. Fish swimming, deep beneath the surface. I said nothing.
Ida fluttered her eyelashes at Davin. "My dear, you are home earlier than I expected." For all her soft words, her voice was waspish. "Did I not tell you to take your time?"
"But I did not want to leave you for so long," Davin protested. "It is not good for you to be alone so much and it is not seemly either."
A shadow crossed Ida's face and she turned her back on him. "Will you stay for lunch?" she asked me. "The soup will be ready in a while."
"No." I meant to say something further but unease was building within me. Those few moments while she stirred the pot might have been our only chance.
"Oh, what a pity." Ida pouted.
Davin frowned. "Why would you want other company, my love? Am I not enough?"
"No, you silly man," she said. "You're boring. You never talk about anything interesting. In fact, I'm growing quite tired of you."
There was barely time for a look of disappointment to cross Davin's face before Ida turned to Owain. Bramble barked once, a brief warning.
"Kill him," Ida said with a nod towards Davin. "Do it for me."
Owain's eyes were glazed and his face blank as he drew a dagger from his boot. It took him only four steps around the bench to reach Davin.
Davin looked disappointed, rather than fearful. "My love, you cannot mean this."
"Oh but I do," Ida said with a vicious smile. "And you would please me by not resisting."
"Owain—" I started, but I was too late.
Davin's eyes were still locked on Ida as Owain raised the knife and stabbed him in the heart. Davin staggered and blood ran down his chest but he never took his eyes off Ida. I was too stunned to move until something splattered on my face. When I wiped it, my hand was covered in blood.
Owain pulled his knife from Davin's chest. Davin swayed for a moment before crumpling to the floor. He gasped and tried to lift an arm towards Ida. Even as he died, his gaze was fastened on her.
Ida merely nodded and turned back to the stove. "You may leave now."
I couldn't take my eyes off Davin's body. A pool of blood seeped around him, slowly stretching across the wooden floor. When I finally looked away, Owain was gone. Even now, he obeyed her.
Bramble barked and there was urgency in her voice. She was waiting by the door. I stumbled after her. As we left, I glanced back. Ida stirred the contents of the pot on the stove. She looked calm and unperturbed. To see her, nobody would know that a man lay in his own blood beside her.
Bramble barked again and finally I followed, a sudden chill wracking my body. The sun was bright and warm as we exited the house. It soaked into my skin although it didn't ease the chill. I had failed again and, this time, a man had died.
I stumbled along, seeing nothing and aware only of Bramble's presence at my side and the pain in my ankle until we caught up to Owain. He was standing in the middle of the path, staring at the bloody dagger in his hand.
"Diarmuid." His voice was full of anguish. "What have I done? Tell me, what have I done?"
"You killed a man, Owain." The words were bitter on my tongue. "And he didn't even raise a hand to defend himself."
"No," he said and then lifted his head and screamed to the sky. "No."
I left him there and headed for the inn. First Rhiwallon, then Owain. Would Bramble be next? Would I stand in Ida's house as each of my companions betrayed me in turn? I suddenly realised I was alone. Bramble had stayed with Owain.
In my mind, I saw Fiachra. He sat at a desk, a sheaf of papers spread out in front of him. I will be watching you on your journey, he had said. If you have need of me, call and I will come if I can. He had not told me how but somehow I knew. Fiachra, I screamed silently, holding his image in my mind. I need you.
Fiachra seemed to lift his head and look right at me. "I am coming, Diarmuid," he said.
My mood lifted slightly as I hurried to the inn. Fiachra would be there, waiting. He would know what to do. There would be another way to destroy Ida. I burst into the inn, my eyes searching the common room. He would be there, I knew it. But there were only two men there and neither was Fiachra. My heart sank. Even Fiachra had abandoned me. I stumbled towards the staircase that led up to our room.
"Ho there," the innkeeper called. "Can I get you something, friend?"
"A bath," I muttered. "Send up water."
If he noticed the blood on me, he said nothing.
I was relieved to find our bedchamber empty. I didn't know where Rhiwallon might have gone but at least she wasn't here. A boy brought a bucket of water and I washed thoroughly. Blood swirled in the bowl, leaving it muddy-red. I pulled off my clothes and left them in the corner of the room. I would not wear them again. Even if the blood splatters came out, they would always remind me of the day I watched my friend stab a man to death.
As I dressed, heavy footsteps announced Owain's arrival. My stomach twisted. How could I face him after what he had just done? I kept my back to the door and finished buttoning my shirt.
"Diarmuid." Owain's voice was tormented.
Despite my intention to not look at him, I did. His face was pale beneath splashes of blood. My sympathy surged at the horror in his eyes but I ruthlessly squashed it down.
"She made me do it." His voice pleaded with me to believe. "It was a charm. I would never do such a thing. I've never killed a man without a contract."
"You're a killer." I spat the words at him. "No wonder you do what you do for a living."
I pushed past him and left. He didn't try to stop me. Bramble waited behind him in the hallway. I met her eyes and the disapproval I saw there made me feel even worse. The last thing I needed was to be judged by a dog.
I stormed down to the common room and ordered an ale. I intended to drink until I fell off my chair. Then perhaps I might forget, if only for a while, what a failure I was.
I MIGHT HAVE expected one of my companions to join me in the common room — Bramble perhaps — but, hour after hour, I sat alone. I lost count of how many ales I drank. At some stage, I must have told the innkeeper to keep them coming because as soon as I finished one, the next would appear beside me. Eventually he brought me a bowl of soup.
"You need to eat, my friend," he said softly, depositing the bowl by my elbow. "Too much ale without food is not good for a young man." He didn't wait for a response.
I intended to ignore the meal but the savoury scent hit my nostrils and my stomach growled. The room had been bright and almost empty of patrons when I sat down. It was now more than half full. Lamps drove back the encroaching darkness and a small fire blazed in the hearth. I must have sat here for hours, noticing nothing but my own miserable thoughts.
My one remaining friend was Bramble but she had stayed with Owain. Owain the killer. Owain who had stabbed to death a man who never even raised a hand in his own defence. My stomach churned abruptly and the soup came back up, splashing into the nearly empty bowl. The innkeeper appeared promptly at my side.
"I'll take that," he said, reaching for the bowl. "And I think perhaps you've had enough ale for today, my friend. How about you go upstairs and get some sleep?"
"Do you have any spare bedchambers?"
"Sorry, we're all full up tonight." If he wondered at my request, he didn't ask. "You're welcome to sleep in the barn though."
I found an unoccupied corner in the hayloft. I had left my blood-splattered coat in our bedchamber but I found a horse blanket that didn't smell too strongly. I wrapped myself up and burrowed into the hay. My head spun and my stomach churned. I vomited twice more although I managed to avoid the hay. The loft smelled like sickness and sour ale as I pulled the blanket over my face and fell asleep.
I felt thoroughly wretched when I woke. My head throbbed, my stomach still churned and my mouth tasted bitter. The loft reeked, making my stomach roll and empty itself yet again. I washed outside in a horse trough, the water cold and none too fresh. The early morning glare burned my eyes and my head throbbed even harder. I stumbled into the inn.
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