Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1) Page 8

by Aimie Jennison

  Releasing me he turns and closes the door. I wrap my arms around myself to wash away the cold from the loss of his arms. Jesse turns back around, his eyes trained on my midriff. “Tracey told me about the horrendous scar I left you with. It’s bad enough leaving you with the memories of the bite. Memories can fade but a physical scar will always be there to refresh those memories. I’m so sorry.”

  I watch as his eyes well up, my own eyes widening in shock at his explanation.

  Lifting my tank top I expose the scar he’s talking about. A gasp escapes Jesse’s mouth and I place my hand on my scar, stroking it gently, trying to show him the love I feel towards it. The reminder it represents.

  His water filled eyes are still focused on my stomach, one blink will send tears falling down his cheeks.

  I drop my shirt and lift his chin with my hand, bringing his eyes in contact with mine. Grabbing his hand with my free one I place it on the scar; he stands with his shoulders as stiff as the door behind him. My eyes roam across his pale face taking in his haunted look before they land to look directly into his eyes so he can see the truth I’m speaking as he hears it.

  “This isn’t an horrendous reminder of a horrible act. It’s a beautiful souvenir of you saving my life.” I belatedly add the “Thank you” I’ve been waiting to say since I’d realised what he’d done.

  His shoulders drop as the tension leaves his body, finally letting go of the guilt he’d been drowning in. Kneeling down he kisses the beautiful souvenir, leaving me with a wonderful memory. I run my hands through his hair and hug his head to my stomach. Our scents become overwhelming as they mingle together making a whole new scent. My wolf reaches out for his. I feel his wolf start to reciprocate before Jesse pulls back, cutting our contact, and looks up at me. Not liking the silence or the serious look on his face, I speak, “I sat at the cemetery everyday hoping Tony would show up. I missed you.”

  Standing up with a sigh he crosses the room to his desk. “I’m sorry,” he says grabbing a glass filled with amber liquid and downing it before opening a drawer in a filing cabinet behind his desk and pulling out a bottle of the amber liquid. “Do you want a glass?” he offers looking across the room at me.

  I shake my head. “No, thanks. I’m driving.”

  He pulls out another glass and pours a generous amount into both glasses before holding one out towards me. “You’ve not had any alcohol since your change.” I shake my head in answer, even though it was more of a statement than a question. “Your metabolism's completely changed, it won’t stay in your system long enough to have you drink driving.”

  Reaching out I take the glass tentatively. As our hands touch my wolf’s energy dances along my skin. I place the glass down on the desk without taking a sip and before I can really think about what I’m doing I pin Jesse to the wall and plant my lips on his, kissing, tasting. Jesse is frozen against the wall, not kissing me back but the smell of his arousal keeps me kissing him. Wanting more than a one sided kiss I nip at his bottom lip, hoping to tempt him into kissing me back.

  He releases a growl and spins us around, effectively pinning me to the wall. He repays me with a nip of his own, telling me he is the one in control here. The Alpha. He pulls his mouth away from mine, but not before lapping at the blood he’d drawn from my lip. Turning his back on me he walks back to his desk, as if nothing had happened. “Things are going to get tense in the pack for a while after we’ve introduced you, but it needs to be done,” he states, more to himself than me, as he picks up his mobile phone off his desk and starts typing on it, making me think he must be texting someone.

  Standing where he left me against the wall, I watch the muscles in his back flex under the tight t-shirt he’s wearing as he leans over and places his phone back on his desk. I wonder if I should just leave since I’ve told him what I came to say.

  Jesse turns to look at me and I feel myself blush as I quickly look away, knowing he caught me watching him. “She’s a flirtatious little wolf,” he says. The smile in his voice has me looking back at him just as quickly as I’d looked away. “I have a feeling she’s going to be testing many of our men. Just be careful, Frankie, because they don’t all have as much control as I do,” he adds, turning serious. “I nearly lost it. That nip could have led to far worse things. I don’t want you ending up hurt or in a position you can’t handle.” Filling his drink once again he picks it up and downs it in one.

  Pushing myself off the wall, I walk over to his desk and reach for my drink. I take a mouthful, hoping to settle my nerves that suddenly feel on edge. “My wolf was testing you?”

  “Your wolf likes mine. It could be for a number of reasons but it’s more than likely it will be the power of an Alpha that she likes. That’s usually the case when it comes to females being attracted to me,” he states. I don’t miss the sadness in his tone. “Because my wolf let all that just happen,” he points to the wall where we’d pinned each other. “I’d say he likes her too.”

  My heart starts racing with his words. His wolf likes my wolf. I tell myself to calm down. He didn’t say he likes me.

  He must see something in my face because he quickly picks up where he left off. “It doesn’t mean you have to like me or I you. Our wolves are looking for their mate. Sometimes the wolf and human choose the same mate, other times they don’t.”

  “Does that mean I could end up with two mates?” I ask, still unsure about how these things work.

  Jesse laughs short and sharp. “No. They’d tear each other apart. I’ve witnessed the aftermath when someone chooses a mate because of their wolf, only to then change their mind and go for the human choice,” he states staring off into the distance, before giving his head a slight shake. “No one comes out of that unscathed.”

  “What if she chooses someone I really don’t like? Will I be stuck with them?” I can’t help picturing myself stuck in a relationship with someone grotesque.

  Jesse’s brows furrow. “No. Whichever choice you make whether it be the wolf’s or the human’s, your other half will learn to love them. Your tastes will be similar but she’ll be more influenced by the male’s power than, say, his caring nature. Whereas you’ll probably favour someone who is romantic, not necessarily someone with the power to protect you.”

  I watch as he refills both our glasses and think to myself; if I chose Jesse he’d fit both of our requirements easily. “I’m sorry she tested you, I didn’t hurt you did I?” I ask, still watching the glass, knowing the bite he gave me was harder having drawn blood and I had hardly felt it.

  He’s around the desk and standing in front of me, tilting my chin with a finger before I even realise he’s moved. “You didn’t hurt me, Frankie. You turned me on.” His words are punctuated by his scent getting stronger with each one. “It took every ounce of will power to pull away when I did.”

  I flick my eyes away from his too quickly to see anything in his. I don’t know if it’s my wolf or the alcohol loosening my tongue but I find myself asking the next question before I can stop myself. “Do you want me?”

  Suddenly the room is heavy with silence. I realise belatedly how much I want him to say yes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.” I say, with a shake of my head.

  Unable to take the silence any more, I turn to leave and feel Jesse grab my upper arms, pulling me back towards him. He leans into me and presses his lips gently against mine, kissing me passionately, returning the kiss like I’d wanted him to earlier. My head suddenly spinning I fist my hands in his light grey shirt.

  Jesse ends the kiss pulling back mere inches, just enough to look in my eyes without going cross eyed. “I want you, Frankie, more than I have ever wanted anyone. But you’re just getting used to your wolf. You need time and space to weigh up your options and know that when you make the choice it’s the right one for you.” He pauses and I nod. “Just remember I’m one of those options,” he adds before kissing me, full of passion once again.

  I vaguely recognise the sound of the do
or bursting open but I don't care enough to pull away, not wanting the kiss to end.

  “Boss, the—” is all Carter manages to say before his words turn into a growl. Carter’s scent of fresh grass fills the room.

  Jesse pulls back and I try to move away from him but he holds me firmly in place with his hands on my back. “Are the pack arriving?” he asks Carter over my shoulder.

  “Yes,” Carter says sounding defeated, before the sound of the door closing alerts me to his exit.

  I turn to look at the closed door, feeling awful for what must be going through Carter’s mind. We may not be together anymore but the sadness in his voice was enough to know how much he regretted what he had thrown away.

  Jesse steps away from me. “Go, talk to him,” he says reading my mind with a flat, monotone voice. I glimpse his sad, downturned features before he turns to his desk, ignoring me as though I’d already left.

  Knowing our moment is over I leave the room and close the door behind me trying to ignore the ache in my chest.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Listening to the door close I sit in my chair and take deep calming breaths as I run my hands through my short hair. My wolf’s fighting for control, wanting to call Frankie back in and demand her to be his mate. I push him down, reminding him of what happened last time we chose a mate. “Where is she now?” I ask the wolf silently.


  The word rings out in my head. Not knowing if it was me or the wolf that said it I carry the on with our silent conversation, “We don’t want Frankie dead. Let her go.”

  The wolf inside me settles down and I sigh in relief while I can, knowing the threat will only placate him for so long.

  Even though I told Frankie I’d give her time to make her decision, I hope she’ll be quick about it. Being an Omega will always be dangerous for her and her mate but once she is mated some wolves will feel less threatened by her; they’ll feel that the mate will hold her in check. When a new female joins a pack there is always tension until she puts the males into their place, making it clear she is either interested or not. So, if and when she mates with the lucky male, the tension in the pack will ease. The fact that she is born to two werewolf parents, one having been wolf born like herself, also adds to her appeal. She is more likely to carry a child to full term and even have a wolf born child herself as she carries a stronger werewolf gene than she does human genes. When a regular werewolf has a child it’s a lucky dip as to which gene is the strongest, wolf or human. They can easily miscarry if the female wolf tries to shift during her pregnancy. The moon’s call can be fought if The Alpha wishes to share his power to the pregnant pack member, helping her hold her human form. If her emotions cause her to shift that’s a whole other story. It often happens too quickly for The Alpha to have chance to help.

  I try to clear my mind. Why the hell am I thinking about children? I’ve never been interested in having a family. I watched the struggle Rossi went through protecting his family and look at the outcome of that; Frankie is the only one left. My attraction to Frankie has nothing to do with whether she can or can’t carry a child to term. As much as I know her wolf will give me a run for my money - she’ll push the boundaries at every chance. I tell myself to quit thinking about it; she probably won’t even choose me, there are plenty of honourable contenders in our pack.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Letting go of the door handle I look up to find the room before me full of strangers. I glance around in search of Carter, feeling the need to explain what he'd just walked in on. It doesn’t take me long to spot him on the sofa plastered all over Clarissa. Turning back to the door I’d just closed I plan to tell Jesse to stuff my options, but I catch Nate’s scent. Having not seen him since the night he'd lay with me when I was healing I turn my gaze back on the room searching the faces for him. I find Kelly and Joey talking to three other guys near the big bay window that looks out on the drive. Kate’s standing at the bar with Tracey, who had been my nurse, and another girl I haven’t yet met.

  Seeing me, Kate waves me over. “Hey Frankie, this is Gemma,” she says introducing the tall blonde.

  “Hi,” I say as I walk over to them.

  Gemma offers her hand in a shake and I take it. “Hello, it’s lovely to meet you. I was close friends with your mum.” She swallows hard, as though she’s becoming overwhelmed with emotion. “I’m sorry. You look so much like her, you have her chocolate brown eyes. The last time I saw her she’d had her hair cut in a similar style to how yours is today. I miss her a great deal.”

  Seeing her struggling with her emotions I pull her into a hug. It’s somewhat comforting to think that this woman cared about my mum and, going by her reaction to meeting me, I’d say she still cares even though my mum is no longer here. “I miss her too. I wish I could remember her more clearly.”

  She steps back from the hug. “Maybe I could tell you about her sometime? The things we got up to; she was never one to shy away from trouble.”

  “I would love that,” I say with a grateful smile. Reaching out she pats me on the arm and mentions the bathroom before walking off, probably in the direction of the bathroom.

  Feeling someone’s eyes boring into my back I turn and find Nate standing in the doorway, staring back at me. I let a big grin cross my face and practically skip over to him. Stopping in front of him I rise on my tiptoes and gently kiss him on the cheek.

  Nate reaches his hand up and touches where I had just kissed him. “What was that for?” he asks, eyes wide in surprise.

  “I didn’t get to thank you for laying with me the other night,” I say, hoping he can see the gratitude in my eyes. “Thank you,” I add quickly.

  A huge smile plays across his face as his scent, that wonderful smell of rain, gets stronger. “Anytime,” he says with a wink.

  “I might hold you to that. I haven’t slept so well since,” I flirt back with a wicked grin on my face. This darn wolf has a lot to answer to; I never flirt. The words ‘you do now,’ resonate through my head.

  “For fucks sake.” Carter growls. “Here’s a tip for you Frank, if you go in the kitchen you’ll find some guys you haven’t met yet, I’m sure they’d be more than willing to make out with you, too.”

  “Carter!” Kelly chastises. “She pecked him on the cheek. If anyone is making out, it’s you and Clarissa. You’ve been dry humping on that sofa for the last five minutes.”

  Grateful for Kelly jumping in and sticking up for me, I shoot him a small smile as I catch his eye.

  Carter smirks before opening his mouth to speak and I suddenly wish Kelly had kept quiet. “You’ve already had your fill of her. What else would you be doing while you’ve been guarding her twenty-four-seven this last fortnight?”

  “I’m the only one that was willing to take guard duty. She was your girlfriend and you didn’t offer because you didn’t wanna lose out on your casual sex time with the bike there,” Kelly spits the last few words angrily pointing at Clarissa, labelling her the bike he’d been talking about.

  Carter stands up, loosens the collar on his polo shirt and cracks his knuckles. “Clarissa might be a bike, but Frankie isn’t far off it herself. I just found her in Jesse’s office with her tongue down his throat,” he states, glaring at anyone who makes eye contact with him.

  Jesse’s office door flies open and he storms out, his energy full of rage; so much rage. It burns against my skin. Looking at the grimaces on the faces around the room, I’m not the only one feeling it. Jesse’s eyes level on Carter, taking his energy with them and hitting Carter full force. “That’s enough, Carter,” Jesse demands, his voice full of authority.

  Carter collapses on to his knees with the weight of Jesse’s order and rage.

  Jesse’s body takes a formal stance, feet shoulder width apart as he looks around the room, making sure to make eye contact with everyone as his eyes fall upon them. He reminds me of a sergeant, making me picture him in his army fa
tigues in the past. “Everyone’s here,” he states.

  The room is full of heavy silence; the sound of a pin dropping would be deafening.

  “Frankie, come here,” Jesse says softly. The command behind his words can’t be missed as he holds his hand out towards me.

  So much for easing me into the pack gently.

  I watch my feet as I make my way over to him and take his offered hand. The moment our hands make contact my wolf’s energy dances along my skin, recognising her Alpha. Everyone in the room gasps, having felt my energy and knowing what it means.

  I pray to whoever may be listening my wolf doesn’t take things too far, like she did in the office earlier. Not in front of an audience like this. I try pulling my hand back but Jesse holds on tight, putting a halt to my plan to take the temptation of him away from her.

  “That’s not possible. She feels like pack.” Clarissa breaks the silence. “But she’s not. We haven’t voted her in… There hasn’t been a ceremony.”

  “You can all feel her energy; she is pack. I brought you all here to be introduced to the newest member of our pack, who has actually been in the pack for the last twenty-four years,” Jesse states.

  “Boss, how is that possible? She hasn’t even had her first change yet,” a big guy who’s stood by the door asks with a puzzled expression on his face, which really doesn’t suit the biker look he has going on with his leather cut.

  “Meet Rosa Rossi. Our last Alpha Pair’s, Rossi and Maria, daughter.” Jesse waves his hand in my direction, as though he’d just made me visible by some magic trick.

  Seeing everyone’s eyes turn to me, I look down at my feet uneasily as I mutter, “Frankie. I go by Frankie.” I hate being the centre of attention but I don’t want them calling me by a name I’ve never gone by. Jesse gives my hand a gentle, comforting squeeze, reminding me that I’m not alone. I glance up with a smile and catch sight of a few people nodding their heads, accepting Jesse’s explanation as truth.


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