Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1) Page 10

by Aimie Jennison

  I clear my throat before speaking, feeling somewhat out of sorts. I have a sudden flash back to being drunk when I was a teenager and realise that’s exactly what this feels like. Being inebriated. “Yeah, let's go somewhere quieter,” I state distractedly, trying to get a grip on myself, knowing I can’t be drunk. A werewolf’s metabolism won’t allow it.

  Frankie's hand drops away and I turn, leading the way through the dining room and into the kitchen. With the physical contact cut my mind becomes less foggy and I realise what had just happened. She used her Omega influence on me. As I turn to ask her about it, I catch such a look of wonder on her face as she takes in the granite surfaces and the slate floors that I can’t bring myself to break the spell she’s clearly under. Pulling a pan down from the cupboard I fill it with milk and put it on the gas stove top.

  I lean a hip against the counter and watch as Frankie runs a finger over the intricate swirls that are carved into the cupboard door before her. “Do you like it?” I ask.

  She looks up, eyes wide in surprise no doubt, to find me watching her. She smiles. “It's beautiful. So perfect, it must of taken hours to just carve one of theses doors.” She looks around the whole room taking in the dozen matching doors.

  I nod. “About five days a door. The billiard table took me three months, I was glad when that was finished.”

  She rubs the carvings, seeming to appreciate them all the more hearing my words.

  I turn back to the milk, and stir it making sure it doesn't burn to the bottom of the pan. Once I can see it’s reached the right heat I add my secret ingredients and the room fills with the wonderful smell of hot chocolate. I look over my shoulder at Frankie. “Do you want one?” I ask, nodding towards the saucepan.

  “Yes please,” she answers with a nod, settling herself against the worktop opposite me.

  Reaching for two mugs out of the cupboard beside the range hood, I fill them with the steaming liquid and hand one across to Frankie. I watch as she blows on it and takes a tentative sip.

  “Mmm… Cinnamon?” she questions trying to pick out the extra ingredients I sprinkled in.

  I nod in answer, taking a sip of my own drink. I’m always taken back to my childhood when I make hot chocolate; it’s my grandmother’s recipe after all. Why wouldn’t I be taken back to the times I shared a hot chocolate with her in her small kitchen with the canary yellow cabinets hanging on the walls. I drink half a mug before I pull myself out of my memories and into the present. “You wanted to talk? Is something wrong?” I ask, suddenly remembering there was a reason we came in here in the first place that had nothing to do with hot chocolates.

  Frankie startles at the sound of my voice, having obviously been in her own world enjoying her drink. She looks at me with a blank expression, clearly having no idea what I’m talking about, or maybe she is struggling to arrive back in the present from wherever she may have been visiting just then.

  I jump in with an apology, hoping to refresh her mind. “Look, I'm sorry about how I reacted in there.” I nod towards the door, signaling to where we’d been before we came in here. “Tim should be allowed to show his appreciation of you. I just… I didn't like the look on his face. I've been protecting you from the likes of him for years. It's going to take a while to be able to watch it calmly,” I say, hoping to explain my reaction sufficiently.

  She shakes her head and her sparkling chocolate brown eyes widen in surprise. “No. That didn't bother me. In fact, I didn't like the wicked thoughts he had plastered on his face either. I didn’t really need to talk.” A blush flows over her face, making her look even more beautiful. “I just thought you'd maybe appreciate the distance,” she admits her blush deepening. “Although now we are here there is something I’d like to ask. It’s about my 24/7 shadow.” She pulls a face as the words leave her mouth and I know what she wants to ask.

  The tension that had left my body with her earlier touch suddenly floods back in, causing my spine to stiffen. I place my mug on the side before I crush it in my hand. “Has Kelly done something wrong?”

  “No!” she denies quickly. “I just don't think it's fair that he gave up his life to guard me.”

  Realisation hits me; she’s worrying about things that had been said earlier. “If it's about what he said to Carter earlier… he only said that to stick up for you.” I glance around the room and listen to ensure no one else is around to hear, before dropping my voice to a whisper just to be sure. “The thing is, I think he needs the company. He hasn't been this happy since Gabby died.”

  “Oh,” she says, as a grave expression crosses her face, which tells me Kelly has told her about Gabby and her death in the time they’ve spent together.

  The sound of someone attempting to sing ABBA’s ‘Dancing Queen’ flows through the open door to the lounge. I catch Frankie look in the direction of the sound, leaning towards it in curiosity, causing a smile to cross my face. “It sounds like the party has moved to the lounge and, unfortunately, Niki has pulled out the Singstar.” Giving a small chuckle she turns her attention once again to me. Feeling the need to get back on subject I drop my smile and let the seriousness fall back over me. “If it's bothering you having Kelly as a shadow, we can stop it. In fact, I'd rather go back to keeping my own eye on you, anyway.”

  “You keeping an eye on me?” The puzzled expression she gives me causes me to laugh.

  “Do you really think you've been wandering around all these years without someone watching over you?” I step towards her before she can answer and turn her in the direction of the door leading to the lounge, the opposite direction from where we entered the room. “Let's go join the party!” I order, hoping she doesn’t question me about my comment.

  Chapter Eighteen


  We enter the lounge room to find Niki handing her microphone to Kelly. Nate picks up another off the floor and stands beside him. A song starts and I recognise it immediately, ‘Don’t go breaking my heart’. The cheers and laughter running around, coming from everyone, makes me think I’m not the only one to recognise the song. Standing in front of a huge projector screen pulled down from the ceiling, Nate opens his mouth and sings Elton John's part, leaving Kelly to be Kiki Dee. I gasp in surprise at how good they are. I was expecting them to sound as bad as Niki had.

  Between the singers and us are two large L shaped sofas which is where everyone else is sitting, laughing at the pair’s overacting. In the middle of the room between the sofas is a magnificent coffee table. As we get closer I can see the most exquisite carving I’ve ever seen under a glass table top; a pack of wolves creeping up on a herd of deer in a forest. I flick my eyes to Jesse, who’s taking a seat on the sofa, a question in my eyes. Did he do this?

  He nods in answer. Wanting to feel the carvings my hand reaches out and rubs the glass of its own accord as I sit in an empty spot on the sofa, my mind imagining the ridges of the wolves fur like I’d felt on the front doors earlier.

  “It’s nice isn’t it?” Clarissa’s question pulls me out of the trance I'd fallen into over the scene on the table. My God! Is Clarissa actually starting a nice conversation with me?

  “Breathtaking.” is the only word worthy to describe it. Taking my eyes off the table I turn to Jesse again. “How long did it take?”

  “Two months,” he says looking down at the table in question, a slight blush marring his cheeks.

  Tracey looks between the two of us and down at the table before reaching out from the sofa where she’s sitting to rub her hand on the glass, almost mirroring my actions. “Did you do this?” she asks gazing at Jesse with an emotion I can't quite put my finger on.

  All eyes in the room flit from the table to Jesse, astonishment clear on their faces with the wide eyes and dropped jaws. Did no one know that all these carvings around the house were done by his hand?

  Jesse glances up and, seeing everyone’s eyes on him, his blush brightens. “Yes. Anything made of wood in this house is probably carved by me. It's what I
do. I took up carpentry after I was turned in World War I.”

  “What? That makes you…” Clarissa pauses, probably trying to work out his age. “Old,” she adds, clearly giving up on the math. “I've never come onto you, have I?” Showing her concern over the question she pulls a bottle of vodka out of Carter’s hand beside her and chugs a mouthful, before passing the bottle to Tim.

  “No, Clarissa. There’s no need to panic, you haven't made a move on this Grandad,” Jesse jokes, making us all laugh, Clarissa sighing in relief causes Jesse to join in with the laughter.

  Tim holds up the now empty vodka bottle. “Anyone fancy playing spin the bottle?”

  “How old are you, Tim? We're not in high school,” Nate admonishes, taking a seat on the sofa.

  “Aw, go on,” Niki begs, before biting her lip. Kate and Tracey nod along in agreement, holding their breath in hope.

  “Older than you, Nate.” Tim grins. “A war behind the boss though,” he admits, shoulders slumping in disappointment.

  “Ew, Carter, you’re not old like these two are you?” Clarissa asks wringing her hands in her lap.

  “No, Clarissa. I'm the age I look, you’re safe with me,” Carter answers before pulling her into his lap for a kiss.

  “Come on, don't be a killjoy, Nate,” Kelly says, causing all eyes to fall on him questioningly, knowing he’s only recently lost his wife; and worse, mate. “Oh, come on, it’s only a bit of fun.”

  A chorus of “I'm in,” flies around the room.

  “I have things to do, but have fun,” Jesse says, standing and moving towards the door.

  I yawn and glance at my watch. “Oh wow, look at the time. I'm going to head home,” I say, standing up. Kelly suddenly jumps up from his spot on the floor against the side of the sofa, as though he plans to leave too. “You’re alright, Kelly. I've spoken to Jesse and he’s freed you from twenty-four-seven guard duty.” I walk to the door and shout over my shoulder. “Have some fun, Kelly. Hell, you deserve it for putting up with me all this time.”

  I reach my hand out for the handle but the door bursts open before I make contact with it. Leaving me face to face with Jesse who has three full bottles of spirits held to his chest with one arm.

  He spins me around with his free arm. “If I have to suffer this, it's only fair you do too.” He hands me a bottle of Jack Daniels. “Here, have a mouthful of this. It might help.”

  I look at the bottle for a second before taking it and cracking the lid. It can’t hurt, that’s for sure.

  We all settle in on the sofas, Kate and Niki both taking seats on the floor beside Kelly and Joey. Tim places the bottle on the centre of the table and quickly twists it, making it spin on the spot. We all watch with rapt attention.

  Excitement runs through me. I haven’t played this game since I was fourteen. I shudder as I remember the kiss I’d had with a pimple faced boy, wearing braces. I can’t even remember his name, just his sweat. Even the memory of it almost makes me gag.

  The bottle stops, pointing at Clarissa. “Ugh, you’re old enough to be my Grandad,” she says, before giving Tim a quick peck on the lips, much to his dismay.

  Clarissa sends the bottle spinning and Kelly chooses that moment to get up and head into the kitchen, which means, food will be coming soon. My stomach grumbles at the thought. It suddenly dawns on me that I'm going to miss his cooking when he's not shadowing me anymore. He's such an amazing chef. I wonder if he'd move in permanently if I asked? It would solve my issue with the house being too quiet without Nonna.

  Although Kelly had wanted us all to play, I’m pretty sure him going into the kitchen is his way of escaping the game. I knew he wouldn’t want to be kissing someone that isn’t his mate.

  The bottle stops its rotation, pointing at Tim. “No way! You fixed it, you were the last one to touch it,” Clarissa complains, clearly unhappy with the outcome. “I’m spinning again,” she states as she leans forward giving the bottle another spin, all the while glaring at Tim. I don't blame her really. I wouldn't want to kiss him once, let alone twice. Don't get me wrong. He's a good looking guy; a tall, dark and handsome poster boy in fact. He just oozes creep factor, definitely the kind of person you don't want to come across in a dark alley. I hold my breath as the bottle starts to slow and see it lands on Carter. She crawls into his lap and they immediately start with the tonsil tennis, nothing we haven’t been watching them do all night.

  “Pizza will be ready in fifteen,” Kelly announces popping his head through the door before disappearing into the kitchen once again.

  “Carter, come up for air man or forfeit your spin,” Tim states as he shoves Carter’s shoulder, causing him and Clarissa to bang teeth.

  Clarissa breaks away and rubs her teeth with a finger. “Ow, Tim,” she whines.

  Ignoring Clarissa, Carter takes his spin and we all watch it with rapt attention. “Oh no. No way. Not after you've been all over Clarissa,” Tracey quickly declines, shaking her head frantically as the bottle comes to a stop on her.

  “Just give him a peck on the cheek and move on, you won’t catch anything. I want a spin,” Niki demands. With a huff Tracey does as she’s told and we once again watch the bottle do its thing.

  Her cheeks turn beetroot red as the bottle stops pointing at none other than Jesse. I’m starting to think this girl has it bad for our Alpha. Leaning over the coffee table she kisses him with a ferocity that would even give Carter and Clarissa a run for their money. The poor girl is full of passion, making it more than clear how she feels about Jesse. Being sat next to Jesse gives me a clear view and I can see it isn't all one sided, Jesse is kissing her back and allowing the opened mouthed kiss. Tracey's energy flows out of her in waves, her excitement is almost palpable. She pulls away and averts her eyes to the floor as she sits back looking even more flushed.

  We all watch as Jesse's spin seems to be never ending. It spins around and around, and doesn’t seem to be slowing. “Me, me, me,” Niki chants under her breath.

  Clarissa spins her head to glance at Niki, giving her an ‘are you crazy?’ look with her raised eyebrows. “Aren’t you bothered that he’s old enough to be your grandfather?”

  “Hell no, that just means he has more experience,” Niki says, raising her own eyebrows at Clarissa. “It’s not like he looks his age. He’s fucking hot.” She glances across at Jesse as he clears his throat, no doubt in embarrassment at being talked about like that. “Sorry, but it’s true.” She shrugs.

  His bottle finally comes to a stop the neck pointing directly at me. A huge grin crosses his face and I immediately snatch a bottle of Jack’s out of Nate’s hands just as he’d brought it to his lips. Dutch courage and all that jazz.

  “Ready for a good show guys?” Jesse asks the others, knowing exactly how our wolves react to each other. Our moment in his office earlier today flashes through my mind and I feel a blush cross my face as I swallow the mouthful of Jacks and hand the bottle back to Nate. Jesse settles back into the cushions of the sofa and crooks a finger at me, telling me to come to him.

  My wolf’s energy dances along my skin, seeing the playfulness in his eyes. I turn towards him and close my eyes as our lips touch. We start slow. Barely touching.

  He doesn’t push for more. He’s giving my wolf and I control, allowing us to take this as far as we’d like.

  Having him hand the reins to me gives me the courage to lean in closer, pressing my lips to his more forcefully. I want to consume him. My hands grip into his shirtfront, pulling him closer. I hear the sound of material ripping, but I don’t care. I don’t let it deter me. Wanting to melt into him, to merge with him and become one, I explore his mouth. Every inch of it. I’m vaguely aware of myself moving, crawling into his lap, but his hands running down my back and stopping in a death grip on my arse distract me from thoughts about my own movements.

  The rumble of a growl vibrates through his chest under my hands. It reminds me of the purring of a cat. We, my wolf and I, love the fact that we’re the reaso
n he’s making that sound.

  Something hard hits me on the head with such force it jerks me forward, causing my teeth to bite into Jesse’s lip. The taste of blood and the horrendous pain soaring through my skull’s pulling my wolf to the surface. I force myself to pull away from Jesse and turn to see who’d hit me with the bottle of Jack’s. The taste of Jack’s running down my face and into my mouth makes it clear that’s exactly what hit me.

  Tracey is towering over us, the now broken bottle pulled back ready to strike again.

  The room around us fades and my focus is solely on her. I see her arm move a fraction and all I can do to protect myself is throw my hands up to cover my face, the jagged glass cutting into my wrist. If I’m not already dying of blood loss from my head, the wrist might just do the trick, I think before reacting to her actions. I blindly grab for her wrist and manage to capture it with my uninjured arm. I don’t let the warm blood running down my arm distract me; I can worry about that later. I need to get that bottle out of her hands before she can cause more damage. Grabbing the bottle I wince in pain as it slices into my fingers but I grip it hard, not caring about the pain, and give it a good tug hoping to loosen her hold. It works; she releases her hold on the bottle and her shoulders slump with the defeat.

  My adrenalin kicks in.

  Dropping the bottle to the floor, I push her across the room stopping only when I have her pinned against the wall. “What the hell do you think you’re doing!” I growl in her face, spit flying everywhere.

  “He’s our Alpha, he’s mine. You’ve only just released your wolf. He deserves someone who knows how to be an Alpha’s mate, not some tart that flirts with any male she lays her eyes on,” she snaps back. She has guts I'll give her that, but she loses any respect I have for her the second she drops her eyes to the floor, breaking eye contact with me. Letting us both know exactly how submissive she actually is. Being an Omega I feel submissive to other pack members, no one should feel the need to drop their eyes to me.


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