Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1) Page 13

by Aimie Jennison

  I glance around at the others who are still standing around the lounge watching our conversation. Their serious faces tell me that they agree with Jesse wholeheartedly. The five dominant wolves before me will lay their lives on the line to save me. I nod my agreement to Jesse’s question and decide to break the tension that I can feel building up in the air. “What’s for tea, Kelly? I’m famished.” The guys all laugh and the tension that had been almost suffocating a moment ago fizzles away to nothing.

  “I best go see what we’ve got then,” Kelly says before glancing at Jesse. “How many am I cooking for, Boss?”

  After giving the top of my head a gentle kiss, Jesse slowly releases me from his embrace. I miss the comfort of his arms immediately. The stiffness in his own body as he pulls away tells me I’m not the only one reluctant to lose the comfort. “Carter, Tim and I are leaving. I’d appreciate it if you two would stay with Frankie tonight?”

  “Of course,” Nate says with a nod. At the same time Kelly says, “No worries.”

  “Does that mean I’ve got my shadow back?” I grumble, knowing that’s what they’ll expect. As much as it was driving me insane to have a shadow only a day ago, it’s somewhat comforting to know I’ll have two strong werewolves with me if Rick decides to come back. Not that I want them to know that’s how I feel.

  Jesse gives me a sad smile. “Unfortunately it does.”

  “That’s okay, I don’t think I can live without Kelly’s cooking anyway,” I say with a smile, not quite joking like the others think I am. Jesse is the only one who doesn’t laugh, knowing I’m not one to eat unless it’s put in front of me. I quickly change the subject hoping to remove the anger from Jesse’s eyes. “Thanks for fighting for me.”

  “You’re one of us. Pack. You’ll never be left to fight on your own. If you need us, we’ll be there,” Jesse states flatly before turning on his heel and leaving the kitchen the same way Big Mac had, Tim following behind.

  Carter follows too, only to stop before me and take my hands in his. “I love you, Frankie. I’ll fight for you until my dying day.”

  Seeing that he meant every word he’d said I pull a hand out of his and caress his cheek with the back of my fingers. “Don’t make promises like that because I can't face losing you as well.”

  “I’ll just have to make sure I win then,” He says, grinning wildly before dropping my hand and leaving the room.

  I sigh, sitting down on the sofa a little heavier than I had planned to as I listen to Kelly clanging pots and pans around in the kitchen.

  “You and Carter are back together,” Nate blurts out of the blue.

  I frown, wondering where the hell he’d gotten that idea from? “No. As far as I know he’s still with Clarissa. We just came to an…” I try to think of the right phrase to use, “understanding this morning. This morning… It feels like days ago,” I say with a shake of my head. It really does feel like a lifetime ago.

  “It has been a long few hours, that’s for sure.” He sounds as exhausted as I feel. Having seemingly read my mind he sits beside me and picking a cushion up, he places it on his lap before gently patting it with his hand. “Here, close your eyes for a few minutes before the food’s ready.” I oblige, laying my head down, my eyes suddenly heavy as I breathe in his calming scent. I’ve always loved the smell of rain. His hand gently stroking my hair helps me drift into a light slumber.

  “Grubs up.” Kelly’s voice causes me to suddenly jump out of Nate’s lap. “You know, I’m starting to feel left out. I seem to missing out on all these hugs.”

  I follow him back not the kitchen and watch as he places three plates of burger and chips on the table. I wait for him to straighten up before I grab him in a huge bear hug.

  He laughs into my hair. “Thanks, now eat up. I don’t want my hard work going to waste,” he says as he pulls away after only hugging me back for a few seconds.

  “I’m glad you’re alive, Kelly. You were the first one I found when I felt …Joey.” I couldn’t bear to say the words dead aloud. Thinking them is hard enough. “I found you all, then found the severed connection but…I didn’t know who it was. Not until I smelt him as I approached. I don't want to feel that pain again. Especially not for either of you two,” I admit as I look from Kelly to Nate, who had joined us in the kitchen, letting them see the truth in my eyes even though they’d be able to hear it in my words.

  I pick up my plate and turn heading for the lounge. “Let’s eat on the sofa, I need comfort tonight.” They both follow, Nate taking a seat next to me on the sofa once again and Kelly sitting in the armchair. We all tuck in and, after a few minutes, something about earlier comes to mind. “Nate, how did you hear what I said to Jesse in the cemetery?” I ask, referring to when both Jesse and I were in wolf form and talking in each other’s minds.

  “You said it to me, not Jesse,” he informs me, a sparkle in his eyes and a smile hidden behind a forkful of food.

  “No. Jesse had just told me to leave but I was concerned about you and Carter. Last time I saw you, you were unconscious on the floor,” I say hoping to explain myself, thinking he’d gotten mixed up.

  He shakes his head and finishes the food in his mouth before talking. “When you thought about me being unconscious, did you picture it?”

  I think back to the moment and try to remember whether I had. I vaguely remember the vision that flashed through my mind. “Yes, I did,” I answer excitedly. “Why?”

  Both Nate and Kelly seem to smile and nod, clearly seeing something I don’t. “That’s how talking in wolf form works. You have to picture who you want to talk to, otherwise the whole pack would be talking at the same time. It would be confusing and noisy, we wouldn't hear what anyone was saying,” Kelly states, while Nate chews on another mouthful of burger.

  I think about how overwhelming that could be. “I’ll have to remember that next time. I wouldn’t want to say something to the wrong person,” I say, imagining how embarrassing things could be in an instance like that.

  “Hey. How did you shift anyways?” Kelly asks suddenly. Being a new wolf I shouldn’t be able to shift until the first full moon calls my wolf out of me. Some new wolves are known to come out before then but it doesn’t happen often, even in dire circumstances like yesterday.

  I take a moment to eat some of my burger while I think about when I changed into my wolf. “I don’t really know.” I shake my head. “I heard the guy gaining on me and my wolf was pushing me to run faster, but we both knew my human body couldn't go fast enough.” I close my eyes as I live through the moment again in my mind. “One second I was thinking I’d be able to get away in wolf form, and the next I’d shifted and had four paws on the floor.” I open my eyes and glance up at Kelly. “Does it hurt that much every time?”

  He nods and Nate answers my question from beside me. “You’ll learn to live with the pain, if that’s any consolation.”

  “Not really.” We all laugh and focus on finishing our meals in a comfortable silence.

  Nate clears the plates as I bring some bedding down for him to make a bed up on the sofa while Kelly has a run around the property to check there is no one out there that shouldn’t be. It’s not long before we all retire to bed after ensuring the doors are locked.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  A knock on the door wakes me from a deep sleep but I don’t bother jumping out of bed knowing it will only be Joey and he has keys to let himself in. I allow myself drift back to sleep. Nate’s concerned shout brings me to reality and has me bounding out of bed before I’m reminded that Joey won’t be letting himself in ever again.

  After throwing yesterday’s clothes back on I dart through my bedroom door and I’m halfway down the stairs when I hear Nate call out to me. “Frankie, there’s someone at the door. He’s saying he’s an old friend.” I’ve never heard Nate sound so skeptical.

  “I'm on my way,” I call back loud enough so that the other person - presuming he’s human - would also
hear me, wondering all the way through the house who the hell it could be? I don't have any friends.

  Arriving at the front door I find Nate in the doorway, effectively blocking my view. I hadn’t previously thought of Nate as a big guy but seeing him fill a door way makes him look extremely intimidating. I tap him on the back and he moves to the side just enough to give me a five centimetre view between him and the door jamb.

  “Gareth!" I call out in excitement, a little too loud for Nate’s super sensitive ears. He flinches beside me. I haven't seen Gareth since high school, he moved across the country to go to university, so I can’t help but be excited.

  Nate turns his head to look at me without moving his body even a centimetre. “You know him?”

  I bat at his arm. “Yes, move out of the way.”

  He moves grudgingly. “I’ll be right in here. If you need me, shout,” he says, hooking a thumb over his shoulder and pointing to the lounge before leaving Gareth and I to our reunion on the doorstep.

  Throwing myself at Gareth I have a second’s concern that he won’t catch me. His arms tightening around my lower back chases the silly concern away and I enjoy the bear hug he was always famous for in school.

  “Wow, what’s with the bouncer?” he asks, causing me to laugh wholeheartedly for the first time since yesterday’s horror.

  Having no idea what to tell him I stick as close to the truth as I can. “A jerk tried to kidnap me yesterday, my friends are being a little over protective today.”

  “Jesus, Frankie. It looks like I came at the right time. Do you have room for an extra bouncer?” he asks while pointing to his suitcase, which I hadn’t seen standing at his feet until now.

  Stepping aside, I gesture for him to come in. “I’m sure we can squeeze you in somewhere.” Walking into the lounge, Nate gives me a filthy look from his position leaning against the kitchen doorjamb. “Make yourself comfy, I’m going to go get some drinks,” I say gesturing to the armchair, before heading for the kitchen knowing from Nate’s look he has something to say to me. Stepping back, he allows me entry and I close the door behind me. Kelly steps up holding a tray of drinks out towards me, clearly having heard my offer of drinks. “Do you mind taking them, Kelly? Nate has something he wants to say to me.”

  Taking a quick glance at Nate’s face, Kelly nods. “No problem.”

  “Be nice,” I say before clicking open the door behind me and moving aside for Kelly to pass.

  “I always am.” True to his word I hear him offer Gareth a drink and introduce himself as my lodger before closing the door once again and turning my attention back to Nate.

  I open my mouth to prompt him only to close it again as he opens his own. “What do you think you’re doing?” He pauses, and I once again open my mouth only to close it again as he carries on. “He’s human, it’s too dangerous for him to stay here. Not while Rick is still breathing.” Calling him angry would be an understatement: he’s livid.

  “You heard Jesse, he doesn’t think Rick will come back until he’s thought of a new plan and has better back up. We’ll be fine for a few days at least,” I say, hoping both Jesse and I are right. “He’ll need to be with his pack tonight anyway, because of the full moon,” I add hastily.

  “Okay, a few days. But you need to tell Jesse about this tonight and see what he thinks,” he grumbles, clearly not able to argue with my logic.

  Smiling, I give him a quick hug before pecking him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  Friends once again, we join Kelly and Gareth back in lounge. Seeing Kelly sitting casually in the armchair I join Gareth on the sofa. Nate chooses to stand in a corner, playing intimidating bouncer once again, instead of sitting on the footstool next to Kelly. Gareth, completely unfazed by Nate’s actions, stands and offers him his hand. “I’m Gareth, we seemed to miss introductions earlier.” Being a bouncer himself I’m not completely surprised. I’m sure if he knew Nate was a werewolf he’d be more cautious.

  Nate shakes his hand and gives him a gruff, “Nate,” before leaning back against the wall dismissing Gareth.

  I wait for Gareth to get comfortable once again before speaking. “Come on then, let us have it. What’s the real reason you’re here?” I ask. He glances at Kelly and Nate warily, making me think whatever he has to say he doesn’t want to say it in front of strangers. “If it’s personal they can leave, but if it’s about me it’s okay. I don't keep secrets from my friends.”

  Taking me at my word he nods. “Danny and Mel broke up,” he says as though it tells me everything. It tells me nothing. I know who Danny and Mel are but why I need to know they’ve broken up beats me. My returning silence and blank look makes him explain in more detail. “Danny thinks he has a chance with you now Mel is out the picture. He’s coming here. I thought I’d better come first and warn you.”

  My hands start to shake and I take a deep breath. “When will he be arriving?”

  Gareth reaches out and gives my hand a comforting squeeze, not even aware it’s exactly what I need. Sometimes humans need the comfort of touch too. “He’ll be here tomorrow, or Monday. He’s gonna be pissed when he gets here and finds out I've spoiled his surprise.”

  “It doesn’t take much, he’s always pissed at something.” I retort with a laugh, remembering all the times he’d lost his temper in the past at the smallest things.

  “Who is this Danny?” Nate says, sounding deadly calm and showing his concern by making his way across the room, perching on the arm of the sofa next to me before placing an arm over my shoulders.

  I shake my head, not believing how hectic and complicated my life has become in the last few weeks. When am I going to catch a break? “He’s someone I dated back in high school, he dumped me for his ex, Mel. They went to Uni in Melbourne with Gareth. He’s aggressive at the drop of a hat.”

  “He’s going to get here expecting to stay and by the looks of it, there isn’t going to be enough room. I can book a hotel if you want?” Gareth offers, showing how well he knows Danny. I bite my lip unsure what to do for the best.

  “No, you’re okay. He can have my room,” Kelly offers.

  “You are not leaving Frankie here with this guy. I don’t like the sound of him,” Nate states standing up and clenching his fists at his sides, practically forgetting Gareth, a human, is even in the room.

  “I didn’t say anything about leaving her. I’m sleeping on Frankie’s floor,” Kelly states.

  I flick my eyes to Kelly wanting to see if he's joking, but by the serious look on his face I can tell he isn’t. “That’ll piss him off even more.”

  “Tough shit,” Nate states with a shrug as Kelly says, “more fun for me,” while flashing me a mischievous grin.

  Another knock on the door causes us all to jump, which shows how distracted we all were. None of the werewolves picked up on the sound of someone approaching. We all look around the room, eyes flitting from one to another, trying to decide who should answer the door. Nate gives Kelly a nod and he makes his way to the front door. We sit in silence, focusing on the click of the door opening, and the room fills with the smell of a hot summers day, allowing both Nate and I to relax. It’s Kate. Kate is Nate’s twin sister and we both know she is nothing to worry about. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gareth edge forward on his seat, straining his ears to hear anything Kelly and the person at the door could be saying.

  We hear a commotion as Kate barges past Kelly and storms into the lounge. “You guys should be at Jesse’s. He's getting tetchy, and today is not a good day for tetchy w—” Kate stops mid-sentence the instant she spots Gareth perched on the edge of his seat.

  “Wankers… not a good day for tetchy wankers. Not after the kidnapping yesterday.” Nate quickly finishes Kate's sentence before Gareth can question what her W word was going to be. It was quick thinking from Nate; it just looks like she doesn’t want to swear in front of company.

  I glance at the clock as I see Kelly lift his arm to look at the watch on his wrist. One-thirty, no
wonder he’s tetchy, he wanted us there by noon. “Shit! Gareth, I totally forgot we’ve got…” I pause to scan my mind for a suitable excuse. “Tickets for a nature show,” I blurt saying the first thing that comes to mind. It’s somewhat close to the truth. “We were going to stay at Jesse’s house tonight. The show ends late and he lives practically next door to the venue. Do you mind if you are on your own tonight? There’s plenty of food in.”

  Gareth relaxes back into the sofa. “No, not at all. I can feel the jet lag creeping in anyway, I’ll be asleep soon.”

  “Thanks Gareth,” I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek before running upstairs and packing a little bag to ensure I have some clean clothes for tomorrow. I grab some clean bedding out of the small linen cupboard on the landing as I pass for Gareth. Arriving back downstairs I can hear Kelly showing Gareth where everything is in the kitchen and how it all works.

  I quickly swap Nate’s used bedding with the clean stuff and place it in the laundry basket beside the washing machine in the corner of the kitchen. Entering the lounge once again, behind Gareth and Kelly, I catch the moment Kate gives Gareth a longing look. She quickly glances from him to me and a slow knowing smile crosses my face. Kate is interested in the Teddy Bear.

  “What are you grinning at?” Nate asks giving me a nudge with his elbow, having evidently seen my smile.

  “Nothing,” I lie, not wanting to give Nate any more reasons to dislike Gareth more than he already does. I remember a little belatedly I’m surrounded by wolves who’ll know I’m lying.

  Kate steps forward and pushes me out of the house. “You’re lying, but we don’t have time to discuss it. Jesse was already close to having a coronary when I left, I dread to think what state he’ll be in now.”

  Kelly leaves on his bike. Kate following behind him in the car she must have arrived in. I turn to grab my helmet and keys to find Nate blocking my way back to the house. “You can ride with me,” he says, spinning me around by my shoulders.


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