In Bed with her Best Friend

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In Bed with her Best Friend Page 5

by Eden Proctor

  She didn’t regret touching him, having him watch her touch herself. But if it was the cost of their friendship, it wasn’t worth it.

  Still, he could be honest with her. Instead he was doing that icing out thing that was so irritating.

  In the next couple moments, Lexi went from worried to angry. She jammed her feet into her sneakers and swiped her wallet and jammed her keys into her pocket.

  Just because Eric was being a jerk didn’t mean she wouldn’t have fun. And there were always folks around to play pool with, so she refused to sit at home and be sad because Eric was being obnoxious.

  She made it to the Palace in no time and when she entered she felt the familiar calm come over her. It wasn’t the same as when she was here with Eric, but she loved this place.

  “A basket and two beers?” Callahan called.

  “One,” she said as she approached the bar.

  “By yourself tonight?” he asked.

  “Looks that way,” she said.

  “Well let me know if Eric shows up,” he said and then he went off to get her order.

  Twenty minutes later and half the basket of fries down, Lexi looked up when she felt a presence materialize at her side.

  She vaguely recognized the man who sat next to her. He was a regular, but she couldn’t recall his name.

  “By yourself?”

  Second time someone had asked her that today. Callahan had been friendly and inquiring, but there was something more loaded in the question this time.

  And an interest in his eyes that Lexi hadn’t seen before.

  “I am,” she said, smiling.

  She paused a moment, thinking about Eric, but then pushed that way. She wasn’t going to be with the guy, and besides, this would be good practice.

  She’d have to get out there at some point and getting more comfortable talking to people would be useful.

  “There’s an open table. Can I interest you in a game?” he said.

  She nodded and then stood, ignoring the stab of guilt in her head.

  She wasn’t breaking her agreement.

  “I’m Sam,” he said, offering her his hand.

  “Lexi,” she said, shaking his. He held her hand for a moment longer than was necessary and held her eye for even longer.

  He dropped her hand as they approached the table.

  “You any good?” Sam asked.

  Lexi, who had been walking around the table, paused and then broke the balls. “See for yourself,” she said.

  Sam smiled and then leaned against his stick.

  “I can’t wait to see for myself,” he replied.

  Lexi looked away, focused on the table, and tried to ignore the implication in his words and the burning guilt in the back of her head.

  She focused on the game and took one shot, then another, but on the third she missed.

  “Damn. Your turn—”

  Lexi shifted to where Sam had been standing before, but Sam was gone.

  And in his place was Eric, who glared at him as he walked away.

  Lexi hadn’t heard either of them say a word, but then there probably hadn’t needed to be any. Eric looked like he was in the mood to kill, and Sam definitely got the hint.

  He lifted his hands in surrender and didn’t even look at Lexi before he went back to join his friends at one of the tables in back.

  “I thought you couldn’t make it?” Lexi said. Her voice trembled, but she ignored that and stood, holding the stick in a death grip.

  Eric didn’t speak and instead marched toward her, glaring at her with each step.

  But she refused to do anything and instead stood until he was inches away from her.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  “I was in the middle of something,” she said, lifting her chin in defiance.

  He leaned forward, his face inches from hers, his lips hovering above hers.

  “Lexi, let’s go,” he said.

  His voice was a whisper of caress, but it didn’t change the fact that he still looked as angry as she had ever seen him.

  “As I said, Eric, I—”

  Lexi’s words were clipped by her sharp yell as Eric lifted her, took the stick from her hand, slammed it onto the table, and then carried her out of the bar.

  “Eric, what the hell—”

  “Shut up, Lex,” he said as he kept his eyes forward and stomped down the side street that the bar exited into.

  He held her close and didn’t seem at all affected by her weight in his arms. Still, her protest came out on instinct.

  “You’re being ridiculous! And you’re going to hurt yourself. Put me down. I—”

  “I’m not going to hurt myself. Don’t say anything like that again,” he said, his voice still that whisper that was more dangerous than a yell would’ve been.

  Lexi snapped her mouth shut.

  “What were you doing?” Eric ground out through gritted teeth.

  “What was I doing? What are you doing?” Lexi said, glaring at him.

  She was mere inches from his face, close enough that she could see the beginnings of stubble on his cheek. See the strong column of his neck. For an instant, she pictured pressing her lips against it, but then she remembered that she was angry with him. That he was being ridiculous.

  He sat her down and put his hands against the wall next to her head, trapping her between his body and the smooth bricks.

  She ignored his hand, and instead glared up at him.

  “What did it look like I was doing?” she said.

  “We have an arrangement, Lexi,” he replied.

  He hadn’t answered the question, but his anger hadn’t decreased either.

  “And did I break it?” she said.

  “What were you doing with that asshole?” he said, still ignoring her question.

  “What was I doing with him?” she said, her voice going out as an angry hiss.

  He nodded curtly, his blue eyes deep, dark.

  “I was playing pool. You know, like you and I were supposed to,” she said.

  “So you were playing pool and forgot about out agreement?” he said, his voice edging dangerously.

  “Oh God, Eric! Do you think I was going to fuck the guy in the middle of the Palace?” she said.

  He frowned. “Don’t talk like that,” he said.

  “You don’t tell me how to talk,” she snapped.

  “Yeah I do. We had an agreement. And I make the rules remember?” he said.

  “And you’re accusing me of not upholding my end?” she said, seeing red now.

  He nodded.

  She breathed out hard and could feel the muscles of her face twist. She stood there a moment, staring up at Eric as he stared down at her, his bulky body trapping her. It was an intimidating pose, but Eric didn’t intimidate her, not one single bit.

  Instead, she crossed her arms across her chest and noticed that he dropped his gaze to her breasts before he quickly looked up at her.

  “Up here,” she said.

  His angry expression broke for a moment when his eyes met hers, but it quickly came back.

  “You were saying?” he said.

  “I was saying you’re all pissed about my agreement. But what about yours?”


  “Yeah, yours. I’m still a virgin last time I checked,” she said.

  He scowled, and she looked away guiltily but then again remembered how ridiculous he was being.

  “So that’s what this is about? I’m taking too long, so you’ve decided to go somewhere else?”

  He said the last words through clenched teeth, and Lexi thought he was even angrier now than he had been before.

  “I was just playing pool. But it’s a good question. What is going on?” she said.

  His eyes darkened further. “So you want to fuck me?” he asked.

  She snorted. “Of course. That’s the whole idea,” she said, looking at him incredulously.

  “Right here, right now,” he said, keeping one arm
on the wall next to her head but dropping the other to her waist. He moved his hand in a slow circle against her hip and then quickly pushed it between her thighs.

  “What?” she said.

  “Right here, right now. What if I said I was going to take that cherry you want to get rid of so badly, right here, right now?” he said.

  She lifted her head and met his eyes. “Would you?”

  His eyes flashed, but he didn’t say anything else. Instead he deftly opened her jeans and shoved his hand into her pants.

  “Your pussy is dripping. So you like that idea,” he said.

  She looked at him, saw that he was still angry but that he was also something else. She nodded tightly and he pressed harder, slipping one finger between her slick lips and spreading the juice he found there.

  “Do you think your tight little cunt can take me?” he asked.

  She nodded again, but not out of anything other than her inability to not respond.

  She had been on edge for weeks, wanted him, and prayed he would take her. And she wouldn’t do anything to distract him.

  “You’re so hot, so wet,” he said.

  He circled a finger around her hole, but didn’t pierce her.

  “I should fuck you with my fingers a little bit, stretch you so that you can take me. But I won’t. I want to feel you stretching around my cock,” he said.

  He pulled his hand away and then lowered her jeans more and then began to work at his.

  He pulled his cock out, his skin tight, his cock angry red. Eric then lined their bodies up, one hand heavy against her hip, the other holding his hardness.

  At the first brush of his hardness against her skin, she moaned and her knees went weak.

  “Put your legs around my waist,” he said, his voice coming out tight, his breath harsh against her skin.

  Normally she would be horrified, worried that he wouldn’t be able to hold her, but with his hot skin against hers, the promise of him inside her soon, she did as he said.

  She lifted one leg and then the other until they were around his waist. He held her up with one arm and kept the other around his cock.

  He rocked his hips slightly, his cockhead spreading her lips but not entering her.

  They both moaned at the contact, and she held his shoulder tighter, felt how his muscles tightened with the tension in his body.

  “So hot. You’re gonna burn me, Lexi,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms tighter around him, felt his hot breath against her neck.

  He thrust again and she tensed, her body recoiling from the pain.

  He placed a soothing hand against her back. “Take me, baby. You can,” he said.

  His soothing words were amazing, and Lexi relaxed and Eric continued, pushing his way farther and farther inside her.

  There was a sharp stab of pain, and then pleasure, intense, indescribable, and enough to take her breath away.

  Lexi cried out. “Oh God, Eric,” she said.

  “I’m here, baby. I have you,” he said.

  He stood still for a moment and then began to thrust inside her hard, hard enough that there was a slight pain but it was taken away by the pleasure that came with having him fill her.

  “Lexi,” he said, his grip on her back tightening. “Fuck.”

  His dick was solid inside her, and Lexi didn’t think she’d ever felt anything as wonderful as his hardness filling her.

  But she was wrong because when he reached between her legs and then pinched her clit, she exploded, her cunt clamping down tighter around him as the orgasm shattered through her. The unexpected intensity was enough to momentarily take away her ability to breathe.

  Moments later she felt his cock jerking inside her and then felt the warm rush of his cum as it filled her.

  He held her tight, then squeezed her a little bit closer. And then he broke away.

  He kept his eyes down, but then a moment later, he looked up.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Chapter 9

  “Sorry?” she said, her soft voice cutting through the haze of passion that still held him.

  Eric nodded, and then pulled out of her, his body instantly missing her heat and their connection. Then he slowly lowered her to the ground, adjusted her clothes and then his own.

  “Why are you sorry?” she asked in a voice that was smaller than it had been just moments ago.

  She looked at him through big brown eyes, her expression confused and shadowed with the concern and hurt he could see in it.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” he said.

  The hurt look intensified and he reached for her cheek, cupped her face in his hand. “No. It’s not that, Lexi. I don’t regret being with you. But you deserved better,” he said.

  He turned slightly, raked his hand through his hair before he looked at her again.

  “I just fucked you against the wall. Your first time shouldn’t have been like that,” he said, shaking his head.

  He shouldn’t have but when he had seen her looking like a goddess as she held that stick and then looked at the asshole who was staring at her like she was the last drop of water in the desert, he’d lost his head.

  Another danger sign, but he hadn’t been able to do anything about it and instead had gone to her, needed to show her that she was his.

  But she wasn’t his. Couldn’t be. And even though everything in him had rebelled at the thought of someone else touching her. Even though they had made their agreement, he didn’t have the right to interfere.

  She’d probably realize that now, too. He’d held up his end of the bargain, and even though the circumstances hadn’t been ideal, he’d done as he’d promised. So there was no reason for this to continue.

  And Lexi was a smart girl. She’d figure that out soon. As if drawn by magnets, he looked at her, needing the reminder that at least for this moment she was still next to him.

  She stared at him, her cheeks flushed, her lips red from where she’d bitten them. The almost irresistible urge to kiss those lips rushed through him, but he ignored it. Looked away and focused on her hair, which was sexily mussed and for a moment allowed himself to recall why she looked so delightfully ruffled.

  He met her eyes again, and she blinked. Lexi was usually so clear, easy to read, but in this moment, he had no idea what she was thinking.

  The moments stretched, each feeling longer than the last until she finally spoke.

  “That was wonderful,” she whispered.

  Eric blinked, sure he hadn’t heard correctly. “Wonderful?”

  She nodded, and her expression changed, took on a dreamy, faraway look that Eric decided then he would see again. “Amazing. Even better than I thought it would be,” she said on a breathy sigh.

  “You mean that?” he asked, hoping she did but not yet sure he could believe.

  “I do. Thank you, Eric. I couldn’t have asked for anything more,” she said.

  When she smiled shyly, Eric felt his heart clench.

  “Come back to my place?” he said, rather than even trying to express any of the thoughts that were running through his head, ones he didn’t really understand.

  She nodded, and then laughed quickly. “What about work?” she asked.

  “Are you coming home with me?” he said.

  “Yes, I think I will,” she replied.

  “Then I couldn’t care less about anything else,” he said.

  Then he grabbed her hand, and fingers entwined, they walked to his car.

  * * *

  Lexi felt like she was in a dream.

  The walk to Eric’s car had passed in a blur and now they were driving toward his house. She sat next to him, her pussy throbbing. And she could still feel his cum on her legs, seeping out of her body.

  It was wonderful, and she squirmed, again anxious to feel him inside her.

  Eric had kept one of his hands on hers, and only let it go when he parked.

  A moment later, he came around to her side of the car and th
en helped her out.

  “I should carry you,” he said.

  She laughed. “No you shouldn’t,” she said.

  “I think I will,” he said.

  So for the second time, he scooped her up as if she were nothing and carried her to the front door.

  Lexi laughed but then went quiet, let herself rest in the safety and comfort of his strong arms.

  “Impressive,” she said when he managed to open and close the door all while juggling her.

  “I have many impressive qualities,” he said.

  “That you do,” she said.

  He carried her to the back of his house, to where she knew his room was. She’d been there once or twice before, but certainly never like this, and she suddenly felt eager with anticipation.

  But instead of stopping at the bed, he continued on and entered the master bathroom.

  He sat her on the edge of the tub and then pulled off her shoes and then her jeans, panties and shirt and bra.

  He left her sitting there and then walked over to the walk-in shower and turned on the water. Then he tested the water to make sure it was warm, and then kicked off his own shoes. She watched him, an Adonis in the flesh as he peeled away jeans and underwear. Soon he was standing there naked in all his glory, his strong, muscled body masculine perfection.

  “Should I carry you again?” he asked.

  She shook her head and stood. She walked to him, his hand now outstretched. When she reached him, he grabbed her hand and led her into the shower.

  It was hard to believe that she was here, but she couldn’t not believe it. Not when she felt his touch everywhere. He was rubbing a bar of manly-smelling soap against a soft towel and then washing her body with it.

  She felt amazing, but when he touched her stomach, then moved down to her thighs, she couldn’t stop the sudden sense of shyness.

  “We should be past all that now,” he said.

  She shrugged, laughed shyly. “It’s a habit,” she said.

  “Forget it. I don’t care what you think, what anyone else does. You’re beautiful. Perfect. And whoever finds you—”

  He trailed off, then turned away for a moment, though Lexi didn’t miss the way his expression darkened.

  “Remember that,” he said when he looked at her again.


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