Hellsbane Hereafter (Entangled Select Otherworld)

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Hellsbane Hereafter (Entangled Select Otherworld) Page 21

by Paige Cuccaro

  The room grew black surprisingly quick. I could hardly see. I didn’t care. The soothing darkness made it easier, more tempting. I wanted to close my eyes just for a few seconds, to catch my breath, to rest.

  So I closed my eyes and…

  Chapter Sixteen

  “But you’re not really an illorum anymore, are you?” Tommy’s voice pulled me from a deep sleep.

  I tried to open my eyes, but it was like trying to force a door open underwater. I could feel them give, but it took real effort to get them open. I saw him first through the tiniest slit of my lids, sitting in my vanity chair, dirty sneakers propped on the end of my bed. The sight was so familiar, exactly as I remembered from two years ago, complete with a half-empty Doritos bag in his hand. He popped one of the reddish triangle chips into his mouth and wiped his fingers on the thigh of his dingy jeans.


  He gave me a sideways look and a half nod. “I’ve missed these, you know?” He chomped another chip.

  “Am I dead? I mean, I thought I was dying.” My hand went to my chest, remembering the gaping hole where my heart had been.

  “You’re alive. You were dead. That is, you did die. It didn’t stick.”

  “I’m healed.” My breath caught, and I sat up, realizing in that moment that I wore someone else’s T-shirt. It was way too big—a plain white V-neck undershirt. I didn’t really care. I stretched out the collar to peer down at myself.

  The skin between my breasts was smooth and healthy with not even a raw scar to mark the spot where a razor-sharp blade had dug out my heart.

  “Yeah.” He swallowed. “Your heart was like minced meat.”

  “Like yours was.” I remembered the blade piercing through his chest, shredding his heart as it twisted inside him. It’d killed him. “How am I still alive? I mean, the same wound killed you.”

  He grimaced. “You don’t have to keep saying that, you know. I got that I died. Can we move on? And you’re not dead, at least not anymore. And you’re not crazy. You’re also not like me. You’re not like anyone.”

  My stomach clenched, my mind returning to that dark, cave-like room in the dead city of Petra. Just the thought of my angelic father forcing my hand into the caldron tightened every muscle in my body as I remembered that agonizing pain pumping through my veins. What had he done to me? What was I now that I could survive having my heart shredded?

  I hadn’t wanted to think about it. It was childish and stupid pretending that if I didn’t talk about it, didn’t think about it, it wasn’t real. But it had happened, and there was no denying it now that it’d changed me.

  I swallowed hard. “What am I?”

  Tommy shrugged. “Beats me. Your body basically died. But there you sit, not dead. You’re not human, that’s for sure. Not even an illorum could’ve survived that. Not even one whose father was an archangel.”

  “I’m still human.” I wished it more than knew it.

  He shook his head. “I don’t think so. You don’t glow right. The human soul has a special kind of light about it. Yours is…it’s just different.”

  “You can see my soul?” I looked down at myself just to check if I could see anything. Nope.

  “Sort of.” He rolled a shoulder again, unconcerned. “I mean, I should be able to. From this side of ever after, I can see everyone else’s.”

  “But not mine?”

  “I see something, but it’s not the same. The human soul gives off a kind of light, like a halo all around the person. But with you the light’s kind of dim. Like your body is more dense, keeping it trapped.”

  “But I still have a soul. I’m still human,” I insisted.

  “I guess.” He dropped his feet to the floor and sat straighter. “There’s something in there, but it’s like…it’s like…” Tommy’s face paled, making his curly blond hair seem brighter.

  “What?” A cold wash of fear flooded through my veins.

  He shook his head and looked away.


  His light blue eyes swung back to me, and he must have seen how his silence totally freaked me out. He sighed. “It reminds me of the way fallen angels look.”

  “Wrong.” I shook my head, pushed to my feet, and paced to the other side of the room then back again, still shaking my head.

  “No. I’m right. Their spirits weren’t born to the bodies they have.” He inched forward in the chair, trying to catch my attention as I paced. “They made their own bodies out of molecules they called together. So they’re kind of like light-tight containers to hold their spirits, to trap them here. I can see a dim haze around them, but it’s never as bright as humans. Your soul is dim, Emma, just like theirs.”

  “I’m not a fallen angel,” I said, but the certainty didn’t really make me feel any better. I dropped onto the bed again, defeat melting through my bones.

  “I know. But it’s not just fallen angels who look like that. It’s magisters, too, and any angel who wants to physically interact with this plane.” He tilted his head to the side, studying me for a second. “It’s like you’re more angel than human. How’s that possible? What’d you do?”

  I looked away, shame warming my cheeks. “Nothing. I didn’t do anything.”

  I lay back in bed, and a dull thumping pounded at the back of my skull. I couldn’t have this conversation. I couldn’t say what I feared, not out loud, not even when there was every possibility I was talking to my own imagination. I mean, I wasn’t seriously talking to Tommy’s ghost. Ghosts weren’t real. Hell, maybe none of it was real.

  “Of course it’s not real.” I wrapped my arms over my eyes, wishing I could escape into sleep again. “As if having a conversation with a dead man wasn’t insane enough. Now I’m wondering if I’m even human anymore. So this is what crazy feels like. Weird. I was sure at this level of loony I’d have one of those nifty jackets with the sleeves that tie in the back.”

  “I told you, you’re not crazy.” Tommy was suddenly beside me, perched on the edge of the bed, though I couldn’t actually feel him there.

  I dropped my arms to my sides and looked at him. “Then I’m dreaming. I’m in a coma having meds pumped into my arm, and all of this is just a chemically induced nightmare.”

  “You’re calling me a nightmare?” Tommy’s expression fell, his eyes like a sad little puppy.

  I pushed up to my elbows. “Seriously? I am not apologizing to my imagination.”

  “What makes you think none of this is real?”

  “Asked the dead man sitting on my bed. Really?” I snorted. “If this is real, then I’m not just seeing ghosts, I’m arguing with them. It also means whatever Jukar did to me in that cave has changed me to the point I don’t even know if I can die.”

  Tommy clapped his hands hard. “Exactly.”

  I blinked at him. “Is this you being helpful?” I turned my head and threw my arms over my eyes again. “Of course not. Why would you be any less of a smartass in my dreams?”

  “You’re not dreaming. You’re not crazy. And I am trying to help. I’m here to remind you why you got into this mess to begin with.”

  “I can’t kill my angelic father the way illorum are supposed to do to get their lives back. And don’t ask why. It’s complicated.” I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I was dreaming so I could wake up and make it all go away.

  “I know. It’s too late for that now, at least for you.” He brushed a light dusting of Doritos dust from his hands. “Now there’s only one illorum duty you can fulfill. You have to guard the gates to the abyss, Emma.”

  “Is that all?” I asked jokingly. Why not? I’d been told my destiny was to protect Abram, but Michael wanted me to kill him. However, according to Amon, if I didn’t kill Abram, no one else could. Why shouldn’t Tommy’s ghost have an opinion on the matter, too?

  “Yeah. That’s all. Forget about all that other crap. You’ve got one job now. One destiny. You sealed it the second you picked up my sword. Illorum are the gatekeepers. Don’t let anyo
ne distract you with all that other stuff. Trust your gut. You know what you have to do, Emma. You stick to that, and you’re golden.”

  “Awesome. Easy-peasy,” I said, sarcasm meter to the max. “One thing. How, exactly, am I supposed to guard this mythical gate? And from what?” I pushed up to sit, pulling the covers over my lap.

  Prompted by my move, Tommy turned, bringing a knee up to rest on the bed, his dirty sneaker dangling off the edge. “Who said it was a myth?”

  I blinked, and he was gone.

  “Emma?” I snapped my attention to Jukar standing at the door to my bedroom then back to the empty vanity chair. Shit. I’m awake.

  I slipped back down, rolled over, and pulled up the covers, giving the fallen angel my back. I didn’t want him to see the fear that had me in a cold sweat. Had I actually been talking to a ghost?

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  I didn’t answer, but I heard his footsteps against the hardwood floor and knew he’d moved farther into the room.

  He chuckled, the bed dipping behind me as he sat on the edge. “You don’t have to answer. I know you’re fine. Perfectly healed, right?”

  I shifted, cuddling my pillow tighter under the covers. I wouldn’t answer. I didn’t want to talk to him, didn’t want to play this stupid game anymore. I didn’t want to be a spy or a double agent. Nothing made sense. I didn’t know who to trust. Didn’t even know if I could trust myself. What was I? What was I supposed to do? I was tired of trying to figure it out.

  “You must be exhausted,” Jukar said, seemingly undaunted by my silence. “But I’m afraid I need to speak with you. I need to know what happened at the bar with your brother.”

  He rested his hand on my hip. The weight of it seemed overly heavy, his fingers too long and powerful. Every one of them dented my skin, and I fought the urge not to squirm away.

  “The seraph who led the illorum, what was his name?” he asked. “Did he say if he had come for your brother specifically? Did he say why?”

  I didn’t answer, didn’t move. I pressed my lips tight, refusing to give him anything. I turned my head into the pillow and squeezed my eyes shut.

  “Emma!” Jukar yanked my shoulder, forcing me onto my back. “I want the answers I’ve paid for. Don’t forget, your beloved Eli will suffer your disobedience.”

  I gulped back my surprise and rallied my anger. “You’re fatherly love is touching.”

  He sighed and stood, his hands clasped casually in front of him. “I’m sorry. You’re very right. You must still be in some shock after the battle and the devastating injuries you suffered earlier.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “A few hours,” he said.

  I blinked at that. I’d healed what should’ve been a fatal wound in a few hours? Could anything kill me now? “What about Abram? Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine.” Jukar looked down at himself, smoothing the lapels of his gray suit jacket and adjusting the buttons. “He arrived back at my offices shortly after he left the bar. Elizal heard your call. He was too late to stop the attack, but he and three of his brothers made certain they ended it. Unfortunately, there were none left alive to question.”

  “None?” My thoughts went to Thes and then to Sadie. What would I tell her? But then another terrifying question froze out the first, and I met Jukar’s cool blue eyes. “Who killed the angel?”

  He shrugged. “It’s of no consequence. He was ended before any of our people could recognize him. But Samuel said you spoke to him. He said you seemed to know the seraph.”


  “One of the demons guarding Abram,” he said. “He fought valiantly, defending you both.”

  “Oh.” I shook my head, trying to deny the fear that Eli might have killed Thes. Would Michael and the others forgive him for that; could they? “Um, yeah. His name was Thes. He was…” I swallowed, struggling to focus my thoughts. “He was dating my business partner.”

  Jukar’s light brows shot up to his hairline. “A human? That is a shame. I’m sorry for the position that puts you in.”

  Yeah. I bet he was all torn up about it. “Was it Eli? Did he kill Thes?”

  Confusion creased my father’s handsome face. “I couldn’t say. I don’t believe so. Why does it matter?”

  I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t admit I did all of this lying and spying in hopes of earning Eli back his grace, that we weren’t the happy, close-knit family he wanted to think. I ignored the question.

  “Where is he now?” I sat up. “Where’s Eli? I need to talk to him.”

  “He’s near,” my father said. “You can speak with him when we’ve finished. Now tell me, did they come for my son? Did they know he was there?”

  “I don’t know. I think they did, but I’m not sure they were actually going to attack. I was talking with Thes when the fight started in the back room. I thought I’d talked him out of hurting Abram.”

  “Why?” Jukar asked.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you bother to talk to him?” He folded his arms over his chest, his frown deepening.

  I shook my head. He had to be joking. “What do you mean? I was trying to protect Abram.”

  “Yes, but if they had not yet attacked, why risk interfering?”

  “I figured I could stop the fight before it started.” Did he not want me to protect Abram?

  The archangel nodded. “Understood. What do they know about the boy?”

  “Um…” My brain took a second to catch up. “Nothing, I guess. I mean, nothing concrete. I don’t think the seraphim even noticed Abram existed until they realized I was protecting him.”

  “Good. That’s fine.” His gaze drifted as though his thoughts had gone somewhere else.

  “I’m pretty sure they’ve figured out he’s important to you,” I said. Maybe he wasn’t getting how much danger Abram was actually in now. “If I don’t do something, they might go after him just to get to you.”

  Jukar’s blue eyes swung back to me, and he smiled. “Understood.”

  “I don’t think you do. I’m saying I can stop them. I can put them off the scent. They’ll still talk to me.”

  He shook his head. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “But Jukar, they might actually kill him.” I threw back the covers and scooted out of bed to stand. The T-shirt reached to an inch above my knees, but the lack of bra made me fold my arms over my chest. “What if I’m not there to stop them the next time they try?”

  “I have no doubt you will do as you’re destined,” he said.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do. You said I was destined to protect him, so let me protect him. I can talk to the seraphim. I still have friends among them, connections. I’ll tell them that you…that you were just using Abram as a diversion. I’ll tell them there’s someone else—something else—that you were protecting.”

  He shook his head. “Not necessary.” He smoothed a hand down his tie, his other hand slipping into the pocket of his slacks.

  “But they’ll listen to me. You won’t have to worry about Abram. He won’t need all the guards—”

  “Emma Jane, hear me. Do nothing. Say nothing. What will be, will be. All will proceed as it was meant to.” He turned to leave.

  “You want him to die.” The accusation burst out of me. I didn’t care. “You want me to fail.”

  He stopped, head down, and turned back to me. His gaze swung up to mine, his expression neutral. “He is my son, Emma. I would never wish him harm. I have great hopes for him, great expectations that he will fulfill his destiny, as I do for you.”

  “But you won’t let me ensure his safety.” Whatever Jukar wanted, why he wanted it, I knew in my gut Abram shouldn’t—couldn’t—die. I had to keep him alive. No matter what it took.

  My angelic father sighed, tilting his head to the side like he was about to explain something very complex to someone very simple. “Destiny is a delicate thing. The final outcome cannot be altered, but the
manner in which that outcome is achieved is fluid.”

  “Yeah. So I’ve heard.”

  “Good. Then you understand that if you speak to the seraphim about my son, even if you lie and tell them he is of no importance, it will alter their perception. It’s difficult to know how that alteration will affect the path on which Abram will travel toward his destiny.”

  “What difference does it make if the ultimate outcome is the same?”


  I sighed. “No. I mean, why not let me make sure that they don’t attack—”

  “Say nothing.” He stopped me mid-thought, his expression stern, back stiff. “Allow events to play out as they will—as they have been positioned.” A smile burst across his lips. “Trust me.”

  I kind of barked a quick laugh. It just huffed out of me before I could stop it. Still smiling, all I could say was, “I mean, yeah. Okay.”

  His smile brightened, and he winked. Totally creepy. “That’s my girl.” He headed out of the room.

  The door hadn’t even swung closed behind him before Eli pushed his way in. “Emma Jane.” He looked me up and down, eyes a little too wide. “You’re…healed?”

  I shrugged, hands out. “Yeah. Go figure.”

  He crossed the room to me, his hands clasping my arms as though he had to hold me still to have a good look. “That’s not possible.”

  Maybe not for a human, or even an illorum, but I wasn’t either of those—not anymore. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but I was too ashamed to tell him. “I think Jukar might have helped me along.” It wasn’t a total lie. I was getting good at avoiding the truth without actually lying. Too good.

  “Perhaps.” He didn’t look satisfied. “Why didn’t you call me when you ran into trouble? You could’ve been killed.”

  I was killed. I got over it. I kept the thought to myself and headed past him to my dresser. “I handled it.”

  Eli had seen me wearing a lot less than a T-shirt and underwear, but I felt particularly vulnerable already. Plus, I had places to go—angels to harass.

  “You didn’t handle it. You survived,” he said. “There’s a difference.”


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