Their Juicy Woman

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Their Juicy Woman Page 14

by Sam Crescent


  “Tell me again why we’re here?” Bethany asked.

  Dante Locker smiled at his sister. She wasn’t the best companion when it came to traveling. He understood her aversion. He himself preferred to travel outside in the open rather than in any of the flashy cars he owned. The stench of leather and chemicals never appealed to him, but this was how he must do it, especially as he had some of his closest pack, friends, and allies with him. Some of the pack females were also human. Several of his pack males had mated to humans, who were some of the nicest women he had ever met. Wolf females were … difficult at times.

  “We are here to form an allegiance with Sloane’s pack. What I think he wants to do is throw his daughter at me, and hope that I’ll fall to my knees, and offer everything I have for the right to mate with her.” He shuddered. Just hearing about Bianca’s many pursuits was enough to make his skin crawl. She had a cruel streak, and wasn’t well liked by many of the visitors there.

  “Your wealth will certainly appeal. I think you’re the first pack Alpha to actually own a mansion, and have millions to your name. You could buy anything, and for some women that’s all they care about,” Bethany said.

  That was true. He’d had to fight off many gold-diggers, both human and pack females. He’d even experienced men trying to stake a claim, and he wasn’t that way inclined. Dante had been a young businessman, and a sound one, taking his pack from strength to strength throughout the past twenty years.

  At forty years old, he was ready to settle down, find a mate, and maybe have a family. Wolves aged differently from humans, so as he’d reached maturity now, the aging process would start to slow down. Glancing in the mirror, he couldn’t deny that he looked damn good, even roguishly handsome.

  “Yes, well, I’m not easily swayed by a pert set of tits either.”

  Bethany chuckled. “I have a feeling you’re going to make an enemy out of Sloane.”

  “I don’t really care. He’s the one that wanted this alliance, and for our packs to remain firm friends.”

  “Do you think that means he wants money?”

  “Possibly. An alliance with me, and my infatuation with his daughter is probably what he is looking for.” The limousine that he’d opted to use pulled up at the main square. All of his pack that had decided to come with him had traveled by limousine. He saw Sloane standing with his mate, and a little blonde at his side. “Seriously, how old is that girl?”

  “She’s twenty-five years old, and looking at some of the way the males watch her, she gets around.”

  Dante sighed. They were due to stay a month, until after the next full moon, and he wasn’t looking forward to it in the slightest. There was a full moon tonight as well. It wasn’t at its fullest, but it was still custom for the packs to run together, to show their care and respect. The last thing he wanted to do was start a war because of his disrespect.

  “Here we go. Behave, sister,” he said.

  “Always. I don’t believe in anything else.”

  His sister could be a menace at times, but he adored her. She was a really sweet woman who had been unlucky as she’d never found a mate. One day, he imagined she would, but until then, they ran the pack together.

  Most of the time she was uncomfortable dealing with pack matters as she didn’t feel strong enough to be his equal. They were not mates, so there would always be that void between them. Still, they were family and shared the same feelings about their pack. They wanted the best, and intended to get it.

  Climbing out of the car, he buttoned his suit jacket, and smiled toward Sloane. This was not the first time he had met the other Alpha.

  “Hello, Sloane.”

  “Dante, as always it’s a pleasure. I sure hope that you will enjoy your stay.”

  It was a quaint little village that Sloane and his pack lived in. From what Dante remembered, there were no humans here either.

  There was a breeze, and the most amazing lemon scent hit him. His mouth watered, and when he turned, he saw a woman with striking red hair.

  He wanted to know her, and the wolf within him perked up at her scent as well. She was standing with her family. What he did notice was her curves. She stood out like a sore thumb, but to Dante, she was extremely beautiful. He had rarely seen a fellow wolf with large tits, hips, and thighs. Several of the human females he’d been with had curves, but this woman, she was pure temptation.

  She wasn’t looking at him, and he watched as she pushed some hair off her face and smiled at the man beside her.

  “Dante,” Bethany said, pushing his side.

  Returning to the conversation, he saw Sloane’s wife, Anna.

  “I apologize.”

  “No need. I’m sure you’ve had a busy ride. We have one of our cottages made up for your stay. I spoke to Bethany, and was sure to include all of the foods that you like, but as I’m sure you can see if you don’t like to cook, we have the means of keeping you fed.”

  “I’d also like to introduce my daughter, Bianca,” Sloane said.

  The little blonde came forward. She wore a smile that Dante didn’t like.

  Dante said nothing, and looked back at his pack. “The invitation included several of my mated pack members, as well as some that were not. We have also brought some children with us. Friendship should begin at a young age, don’t you agree?”

  “Certainly,” Sloane said. “I arranged for the nursery to be prepared.” Bianca was glaring at him, and Dante couldn’t give a shit. “Zadie, would you come forward?” asked Sloane.

  The lemon scent got stronger, and he turned to find the redhead coming closer. She clasped her hands together and offered a smile. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of green. Her skin was so pale, and he saw the kindness in her smile.

  “Zadie Cox works at the nursery and will be able to show your mated couples where to go,” Sloane said.

  “We also have a youth program if there are any children that are older. We’re always pleased to have them around.”

  Dante stepped forward and held his hand out. “I’m Dante Locker.”

  “Hello. I’m Zadie Cox.” She shook his head, and he noticed her grip was firm. He liked that. She didn’t try to make herself appear weak for him. In fact, she didn’t even try to flirt. “You’ll find our resources more than adequate.”

  Sloane cleared his throat and was about to speak.

  “I take our children’s care very seriously. Would you please show me your nursery now?” Dante didn’t want to part with her.

  Zadie pulled her hand away, and turned to Sloane.

  “We want to show you the cottage.”

  “That can wait. Bethany, you’d like to see the nursery as well. You know our pack take our young’s care seriously.”

  “He can’t be swayed,” Bethany said.

  He wasn’t completely lying. The pack young were always a priority, but seeing as they only had a couple of children, he doubted the nursery or youth care would be needed.

  Sloane didn’t look happy.

  “You don’t need to see the young. Zadie is more than capable. All of the children adore her,” Bianca said. “Your cottage awaits.”

  Dante looked toward Sloane. “Does your daughter speak for you? As an Alpha, I wish to make sure that my people will be taken care of.”

  “Certainly. Bianca, go home. You’ve never showed an interest in the pack youth. Your presence is not needed. Zadie, would you care to lead the way?” Sloane said.

  “Of course.” Zadie stepped in front, and began walking toward one of the large buildings just away from the diner. It was bright, and he saw lots of pictures showing the children’s artwork.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Bethany asked, trying to keep her voice low.

  He noticed that Zadie turned a little toward them. Could she hear them? Wolves had great hearing in wolf form, but not many carried that in human form. Pressing a finger to his lips, he wasn’t about to play his hand when he didn’t exactly know anything about
them. Entering the nursery, he saw over twenty kids turn and call Zadie’s name.

  She moved toward them, bending down, and showing them each attention.

  “Zadie has always been good with children,” Sloane said.

  “She’s the best. We expect she’ll have many children of her own soon,” Anna said.

  Dante turned toward Sloane, seeing the doubt on the man’s face.

  “She’s not mated?” Dante asked.

  “No. She’s not,” Sloane said.

  He turned toward Zadie. Her attention was on the children, and he watched as she played with the kids.

  Watching her with the kids, seeing the love on her face, Dante wanted her, and knew he was going to own and possess every single inch of her.

  End of sample chapter

  Fat Mate by Sam Crescent is available at most online retailers.




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