Desert Magick: Phoenix Lights

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Desert Magick: Phoenix Lights Page 35

by Dana Davis

  They stood that way for a moment before Daisy uttered, “I love you both, but I can’t breathe.”

  They pulled back and Bridgette’s mother placed a hand on Daisy’s face. “You ever do that again, young lady, and so help me I’ll ground you until you’re seventy. And don’t for one minute think I can’t.”

  Daisy smiled and caressed Marge’s cheek. “I love you too, Aunt Marge.” With a sudden move that startled Bridgette, she turned and pointed a finger at Scarlet. “You. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” The medium rubbed at her back as she stretched. “Oh, you mean about them?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “You had to find out on your own.”

  “Find out what?” Bridgette said. “I really hate this cryptic shit.”

  “Sorry, witch. Not for you to know. You okay, Kali?”

  “Yeah. Just a little sore.” The Asian woman stretched her neck side to side. Her face didn’t look as though she had aged again, but she must have, given the new white strands in her black hair. “Damn, Daisy. When did you get necro powers?”

  Bridgette turned on her. “What did you say, Kali?” She must still be dazed. “You mean medium powers, don’t you?”

  Kali’s dark eyes studied Daisy in the dim light. “What you did. That was necromancer abilities.”

  What the fuck is going on? Bridgette remembered that she couldn’t hear Daisy or Kali’s thoughts when they were unconscious. She’s a necro now too?

  “You’re wrong, Kali.” Daisy held up a hand to quell the other woman’s protest, and Bridgette saw a new scar on her cousin’s palm. “What I did was tap into your abilities. That’s all. I’m not a necro.”

  Kali’s eyes widened and one of the lanterns flickered as the battery began to drain. They’d been out here for over three hours. “That’s all? That’s all? Just how the hell did you tap into my powers from the other side? Mediums can’t do that.”

  Daisy flicked a hand toward Zoey. “She helped me do what I needed to.”

  “But how, honey?” Noah said as he put a protective arm around his wife’s shoulders. He looked relieved but exhausted.

  “Yeah, how, honey?” Bridgette echoed. If the Fates are letting her share, maybe I’ll finally learn what the hell is going on around here. Jay stood at Bridgette’s back now, warm hands on her shoulders, and she forced herself to be patient.

  “Well, the details are fuzzy now that I’m back. And I can’t tell everything I do remember. But because I helped Zoey back when the Anguisher attacked her, the box returned the favor.”

  “So that’s why it told me I had to be here with you.” Zoey held the jeweled box out toward Daisy. “Hey, I’ve got a great idea. How ‘bout you be the Dream Catcher for a while? Then Jason can take me on a nice long vacation.”

  Bridgette chuckled along with the rest of them at the familiar banter. Jay closed his arms around her shoulders and she realized she felt protected in his embrace. Well, that’s some odd shit feeling. Like Noah, Jay had no active powers. I must be growing soft.

  Daisy took in a long breath and let it out. “Sorry, Zoey. I don’t think the box would help me again. I have a feeling that debt is paid.”

  “Well, damn.”

  Her cousin smoothed her hair and Bridgette caught sight of that new scar again. “Daisy,” she said. “Look at your right palm.”

  Daisy lifted her hand and studied it. “That’s new.” She held it up for the others to see. A faint spiral swirled around the palm of her hand, crossing the older scars from her former struggle with the skinwalker. She flashed a quick look at Bridgette then stuck her hand in her jeans’ pocket and pulled out the stone the Hohokam spirit had left her that night on the mountain. She turned it over in her hands. “Gone.”

  “What? Let me see.” Bridgette held her hand out and Daisy put the stone in it. Sure enough, the swirl petroglyph was gone. It looked like an ordinary rock now. “Want me to toss it?”

  “No. Think I’ll keep it as a reminder.” Daisy stuffed it back into her pocket.

  “Does it hurt, honey?” Noah lifted his wife’s hand gently, like Daisy was a burn victim.

  “Not at all. If anything, it’s a little numb.” She yawned and rubbed at her neck. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m ready for a nice soft bed.” Then she turned and looked at something Bridgette couldn’t see. “I need another favor.” She sounded very confident speaking to whatever ghost stood in her vision.

  All that and the ghosts are still bugging her? Fuck them. Bridgette eyed her cousin and was about to ask who had appeared, since she couldn’t see the spook, but Simon started to struggle with his binds. That’s when she realized that in all the excitement of the women coming back, she’d forgotten to renew the trussing spell. She started to utter another one.

  “Leave him, Bridge.” Daisy leaned on the tombstone and narrowed eyes on Simon. “You and your sister will go back to your island. You will never come back here. Never. Do you understand?” She motioned to the air just beyond her. “Now.”

  Simon gave muffled screams and scrambled in his binds, trying to get away from some unseen assailant, but the binds held and he couldn’t even get to his feet. His sister, Cleo, had knocked over her chair, obviously free from Fay’s trussing spell now, and lay on her side in the grass. She too, looked like something attacked her. Daisy watched them a moment then motioned to the air again and the two sirens stopped struggling. When her gaze caught Cleo’s, the siren looked absolutely terrified. The fear against Bridgette’s senses and the frantic thoughts from Cleo and Simon confirmed that terror.

  Daisy moved her gaze between the two sirens. “My dead friends can travel anyplace I ask them. Any time. Between you and me, they seem really eager for some fun.” Simon made a sound like a dog whining. “Have we made a nice impression on you two? What? I’m waiting for an answer.” Both sirens nodded. “Goody.” Daisy uttered several small inferno spells, one after another, until all the ropes fell away in ash. “That’s just a little taste of what I can do.”

  The two shot to their feet, yanked the gags from their mouths and ran to each other, terrified. They stood staring at Daisy, as though waiting for orders.

  Well, this is fucking interesting.

  “I suggest you call for a cab to take you to the airport. Now.”

  Simon and Cleo held hands as they fled across the grassy cemetery, dodging headstones, until they were mere shadows.

  Daisy turned to the air behind her and smiled. “Thanks. I owe you.”

  Bridgette was fast but no way could she catch those two sirens now. They were already heading across the parking lot. Fast buggers when they’re scared shitless. “Uh, Daisy? Why the hell did you let them go?” Even a trussing spell couldn’t reach them from here.

  “Don’t worry. They won’t bother us again. I guarantee it.”

  She’s changed again. Confidence maybe? Bridgette got nothing more than surface thoughts with her telepathy so she plugged her senses. Something is different.

  Before Bridgette could say anything, Jay pointed up to the sky. “What the hell is that?”

  Bridgette squinted at the lights. “A plane, Einstein.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  She watched the bluish tinted lights as they grew closer. It took her tired brain a minute to realize they were moving together. In a V shape. And totally silent. “Fuck.” She fished into her pocket for her phone. “You guys seeing this?”

  Daisy stopped in mid-movement as she scooped up one of the blankets. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “The Phoenix Lights.” Bridgette laughed. “I think it’s the real deal this time.” She started snapping photos with her phone and heard several mechanical clicks and whirs around her. Everyone who had a camera was taking shots now. “Come on, get closer,” she uttered.

  “I thought you didn’t believe in UFOs, Bridge?” Daisy flashed a smirk but kept her phone aimed at the sky.

  “If you mean saucers and little green men, I d
on’t. But I do believe in unexplained shit.”

  “This is awesome,” Jay said. The excitement in his voice made him sound like a kid.

  Cousin Brendon chuckled as he ran across the cemetery, chasing the silent lights. Should I tell him he’ll never catch them? The lights seemed to stall in the distance then they winked out. Disappeared. Like they were never there in the first place.

  After a moment, Bridgette drew her gaze from the purple sky and studied the rest. Everyone simply looked at each other as Cousin Brendon made his way back to them. Then Daisy started to laugh as though she had a secret.


  “Nothing. I’m just relieved to be back.” She wrapped arms around Noah’s middle.

  I’m fucking glad too.

  * * * *

  Daisy held onto Noah for a moment, breathing in his scent and pushing away guilt that she’d scared her family again. I thought I was dead. I really did. The ghosts were gone from the cemetery. For now. But she knew they’d be back. I’ve got a hell of a lot of debts to repay. But not tonight. Tonight, I’m going to be with my husband. I owe him too. I’ve worried him so much lately. Grateful to be back among the living and in her husband’s embrace, she watched as Jay chuckled and texted something on his phone.

  Bridgette moved close to him. “What’re you doing?”

  Those two look good together. I never would’ve believed it, but I think Jay’s actually good for her.

  Jay flashed Bridgette a huge smile. “Posting the photos online. I just love scooping the news people.”

  Bridgette chuckled at that. She sounded tired but relieved. “You’re such a bad-ass.”

  Daisy’s excitement of returning unharmed and seeing what might be a genuine unidentified flying object faded as she thought of something else. “Speaking of bad-asses. We still have Rebecca to worry about.”

  Bridgette frowned. “Nobody died tonight and we were finally having a nice time. Why’d you go and bring up that bitch?”

  “Yeah, well. Bite me.” She offered a tiny smile then turned to the necromancer. “Kali, you and Scarlet said something back when I first came out of my coma. At the hospital, you said Rebecca wouldn’t go after my parents in the afterlife. That she’s afraid of what I’d do to her now. I think I know what you mean by that.” That was all she could say before the familiar warmth formed in her throat, warning her to keep her mouth shut. She kissed Noah on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a minute. Promise. I just need to talk to them.”

  He reluctantly let her go and she led the two women out of earshot of the others. “The way you two worked together when we helped Liam, you’re connected now, aren’t you? Helping me cross over connected you somehow.” The two women nodded but didn’t say anything so Daisy continued. “Scarlet, you said we needed a necro to help with Liam’s shadow twin, but Kali needed our powers to hold that link open. The one between the afterlife and the living.” She eyed Kali, who had new white streaks in her hair now. “Am I getting this right so far?” Kali nodded again. I knew it. “You necromancers can go into the afterlife, control a Charon reaper if you’re strong enough, talk to souls, even push some around. But a medium who knows you, who’s connected to you, can shut that door and trap you between worlds. You renounce your powers once you’re trained, not just because you age when you cross over, but because a medium who knows you can be a threat to your very existence. That about right?”

  Scarlet and Kali both looked shocked. Then Scarlet uttered a soft curse and said, “You’re not supposed to know that until you’re fully trained, Daisy.”

  “Guess the Fates trust me with it now. I mean, it’s not like I’m some dumb teenager who doesn’t know the meaning of consequences. And I’ve been to the afterlife more times than most, I expect. After this last trip, it didn’t take much to put it together.”

  “You’re right, Daisy,” Kali said in a soft voice. “That’s exactly why most necros stay in the closet.” She looked ill at that thought.

  “And that’s why Rebecca would be stupid to go after my parents in the afterlife. Because now that I’m a medium, I can contact them. And they can contact me.” That thought excited her. She suspected there were more rules associated with contacting one’s own parents, but she had seen them in the afterlife, and that gave her renewed strength in this one. “I’m so sorry, Kali. I know I’ve said that before but I really am sorry for what I put you through. I had no idea just how much I was asking of you.”

  The tall Asian woman relaxed and offered a smile. “I trust you, Daisy. And I trust Scarlet. If I didn’t, I never would’ve agreed to help you in the first place. And believe me, I’ve done my homework on you two.”

  “Meaning? Wait. You asked around about us. Over there, I mean.” Daisy chuckled. “Well, if I have to hang out with the dead, I’m glad I’ve got the two of you on my side.” She glanced back at the others. Noah looked in her direction but his features were shadowed at this distance in the dark. “So will you help me catch Rebecca?”

  Scarlet crossed her arms. “Just try and stop us. And I’m still your mentor.”

  “Yes you are, Teach. Come on.” Daisy smiled and led them back to the others. Noah put the blanket over her shoulders as she drew close to him. “Thanks, babe.” I’m so glad I’m back with him. I hope we have a nice long life together. “Oh, one more thing before I forget.” Her parents had suggested something but she doubted she could reveal where it came from. Didn’t matter, anyway. She thought it an excellent idea and she planned to see it through. “Bridgette, Fay, Aunt Marge, I’m reinstating the coven and you’re in it.”

  “What?” Bridgette’s mother this time.

  “You heard me, Aunt Marge. I know there hasn’t been a coven in a few generations, but what’s happened to me the past few months made me realize we need to watch our backs. A coven is the best way to do that. So as of now, consider yourselves initiated. Proper ritual to follow.”

  * * * *

  Bridgette crossed her arms, not about to be bullied into anything as monumental as reinstating the coven. “Now wait a minute, Daisy. You can’t just—”

  Her cousin turned on her, fire in those brown eyes, and something else Bridgette had been ignoring but could clearly sense. Power. It wasn’t anything that she could physically see, but something tangible resonated against her senses as a witch and a telepath. A shiver raced up her spine and she lost her thought.

  Scarlet leaned close. “I wouldn’t argue with her if I were you, Bridgette.”

  Daisy turned that intense gaze on the medium. “Good you think that, Scarlet. Because you, Kali and Zoey are also in the coven. Jay and Noah too. And cousin Brendon.”

  Kali moved forward like a cat, guarded but curious. “We’re not witches, Daisy.”

  “You don’t need to be. My new coven won’t discriminate against any paranormals, as long as they abide by the rules. Oh, and Bridgette? I’m bringing Liam in too. I’ll be solidifying us at the next full moon. Then we’re going after Rebecca. I’m gonna find and stop that bitch once and for all.” Before anyone else could protest, Daisy took Noah’s hand and stalked off in the direction of the parking lot.

  Bridgette stared after her cousin, stunned into silence like the others. She swallowed and finally got her voice. “You’re right, Scarlet. Daisy’s got big brass balls.”

  “And she’s kinda bossy too,” Zoey uttered.

  Bridgette chuckled as she shoved her phone into her pocket. Possible aliens were nothing compared to what she’d just heard from Daisy. A new coven. Shit. I didn’t see that one coming. Not in a million years. I sure hope she has her superhero cape handy. I have a feeling this is gonna get very fucking interesting.

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  This ends Book 4

  Daisy finally confronts the psi-vamp necromancer who

  soulnapped her mother in:

  Desert Magic (Book 5)

  * * * *

  The Desert Magick series

  Desert Magick: Superstitions (Book 1)

Desert Magick: Dream Catcher (Book 2)

  Desert Magick: Day of the Dead (Book 3)

  Desert Magick: Phoenix Lights (Book 4)

  The Teadai Prophecies fantasy trilogy

  Deadly Fate: Book One of the Teadai Prophecies

  Sage Truth: Book Two of the Teadai Prophecies

  City of Gods: Book Three of the Teadai Prophecies

  Teen/tween novels

  Quest for Freedom,

  The Mask of Tamirella,

  Breach of Worlds

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