Waiting for Callum (The Waite Family Book 2)

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Waiting for Callum (The Waite Family Book 2) Page 1

by Angel Devlin

  Waiting For Callum




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27



  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Copyright © 2020 by Angel Devlin.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Angel Devlin holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized

  duplication is prohibited.

  Chapter One


  “Too late, you have my ring on your finger now, Princess.” I heard Milo Waite bellow, his voice carrying through my open kitchen window. I couldn’t see anything for the privet hedge that ran between our properties, but I knew Milo had moved in next door today. My neighbour and newest friend, Violet, had got engaged yesterday after a whirlwind romance with the man who lived in the house across the garden from her.

  It’s funny how you don’t really know the community around you. I’d recently found out about the Waite family. Five brothers and one sister and a whole load of skeletons in the closet. They lived on the next street. Juliet Waite, the lone female of the family, had spent last night—after celebrating with one too many glasses of wine—telling me all about their newly discovered half-sibling.

  “Oh for a boring life, eh, Laurel?” I said to my two-year-old toddler who was currently running circles around the kitchen table with a yoghurt in her hand, which was flying everywhere while she screeched. I didn’t have the heart to stop her. Her face was lit up, eyes bright, and a toothy smile. She was loving life, flying yoghurt and all. I waited until she’d finished her fun and then approached her.

  “Right, let’s get you cleaned up and then we'll go and see what Daddy’s doing. No doubt having a sneaky nap, right?”

  My husband Rob worked full-time as a school counsellor, although he was currently enjoying the six-week holidays. I worked from Monday to Wednesday at a local supermarket. On those days Laurel was looked after by my parents who were retired when Rob was working. I was glad it was the summer break as lately Rob had seemed fed up, and although he could be a lazy bugger, he’d been more tired than usual. I'd wondered if something at work was getting to him. He’d always said he was able to leave his work at work, but maybe one of the pupils was having an especially bad time of things. Though on holiday he still seemed pre-occupied. No doubt I’d have to have one of my ‘talks’ with him, make him say what was wrong. I know he hated it when I got on at him, but it got things sorted. I couldn’t help him with what I didn’t know.

  After cleaning up Laurel she became entranced with a kids TV show so I left her to go wake Rob.

  I climbed the stairs, thinking that it would be good if just for once, he asked if there was anything he could do to help at dinnertime, rather than just waiting for his evening meal to appear. Like playing with Laurel for instance so I didn't have to keep one eye on her at all times or have her 'helping'. Pushing open the door I found he was asleep on the bed, his back to me.

  “Rob, what do you want for tea?” I asked him.

  There was no response. Fuck my life. It was bad enough I had to wake the toddler up and put her to bed. I didn’t need a giant kid to go along with it. I jumped on the bed at the side of him and pushed him. “Rob.”


  I pushed him a few more times.


  Jesus, how asleep was he? My mouth pinched in annoyance. I pulled him again, this time onto his back to face me. I gasped, my head jerking back as I saw Rob’s face. His eyes were open; open but not awake. His expression vacant. Shaking my head, hearing my voice going, “No, no, no,” I felt at his neck, but I couldn’t find a pulse. There was nothing.

  My own heart raced, my skin prickled, a sudden coldness hitting my stomach.

  “Rob. Wake up. Wake up please. No, no, no, no. NO.”

  I didn’t know CPR. I fucking knew I should have learned it, but I didn’t know it. I ran down the stairs, my thoughts of nothing but getting help. I grabbed my phone and dialled 999 while I opened the door and stepped outside. A delayed scream of terror left my body as the reality of what was happening hit me like an out of control juggernaut.

  “Operator, which service do you require?”

  “Ambulance, Hurry please.” I was desperate. I couldn’t wait.

  “Putting you through.”

  By this time Violet and Milo were here. Milo stood beside me as Violet dashed past me into the house telling me she’d get Laurel.


  My daughter was still inside the house.

  I’d forgotten about my two-year-old daughter.

  I told them my husband might be dead. I gave my address and told them exactly how I found him.

  “An emergency ambulance has been dispatched. Stay with your husband and leave your front door open for them,” I was instructed.

  I ended the call and ran back into the house, upstairs to Rob. Milo followed me. I turned to him as he came up the stairs behind me.

  “Milo, it’s okay. You don’t have to see this. Just look after Laurel.” My voice was monotone. I felt numb. Like this was happening to someone else. I was in a dream and at any moment I would wake up.

  He shook his head. “Vi has Laurel, I have you. That’s how this is going, Becca. Now come on.”

  I nodded and went back into my bedroom. Back to Rob who was in the same place I’d left him, reaffirming to me what I did not want to believe. Any minute now he would blink his eyes and yell out that it was a trick. A joke. Any moment now. Frustrated, I got on the bed and began shaking his shoulders.

  “Come on, Rob. This isn’t funny anymore. Wake up.” I yelled. Milo grabbed my shoulders and I snapped at him. “Get off me. I need to get him to wake up.”

  He firmly lifted me away and off of the bed as I fought him every step. “Becca, listen to me. You need to wait for the ambulance. You need to stand here with me and just wait, okay, just wait.”

  I gave up, my body still as a statue, as I waited for the ambulance to come and revive my husband, or tell me I was an idiot and his pulse was there all along. Wake him up and then I could leave this nightmare I stood in.

  The ambulance people arrived and I was moved further away from the bed. I stood beside Milo, watching as they did their checks on my husband and then they called time of death. They told me they were sorry. But I was only partly aware of it as Milo’s arms enfolded me and I screamed and screamed and screamed.

  Chapter Two


  Watching my brother looking all loved up made me feel all kinds of emotions. Kinds of fucking-me-up-inside emotions. Milo was the brother I was closest to and although he would only be living over the
garden, he was infatuated with Violet and I was well fucking pleased for him. But it reminded me of my own sad romantic situation.

  I was single and given what I’d discovered about myself, I couldn’t see it was fair to have a serious relationship with anyone. Not without disclosing the truth first.

  The truth I carried around inside me like a heavy stone. The truth that only Tali and Milo knew.

  That I was infertile. Couldn’t have children.

  It had led to me jilting my fiancée two years ago. She thought I’d just decided I didn’t love her enough, but the truth was I’d loved her too much. Too much to let her marry me and not have the children she’d so dearly talked about wanting. Biological children looking like her and me. Well now she was getting married, a date set once more. Different groom. Different Daddy. Her potential future kids a mix of mum and dad, just like she’d always wanted.

  I knew we could have fostered or adopted, but I also knew Tali, inside and out, and that wouldn’t have been enough for her. If we'd gone through with the wedding, Tali would have resented me eventually. I'd overheard her say to her friend that she wanted her own kids, that the thoughts of adopting worried her. Tali had always been a golden girl, a success story, and not being able to have biological children would have eaten at her. Now she’d met a golden boy and could try for happy, perfect kids.

  Maybe one day I’d meet someone who didn’t want any, or for whom it wasn’t the be-all-and-end-all. Or maybe I’d just stay on my own and be the best uncle in the world to my brothers or sister’s kids. If they ever settled down and had any.

  Milo was the first one of us to settle down after my romantic failure. Not surprising given our family history. The latest news of which I was trying to get my own head around. Not forty-eight hours ago I had been introduced to my new half-brother. New in that despite the fact he was fourteen years old, none of us had known of Eli’s existence.

  Our mum had left us years ago and run away with Violet’s uncle. Eli was the product of that relationship, which had ended as soon as she’d given birth and once again abandoned a kid. Only whereas we’d been left with a loving father who’d do anything for us, Eli had been left with a drug addict dad. Thankfully, his stepmum Angela had been around from him being a baby, to try where his father had failed. Violet had found Eli on social media and we’d met him Tuesday evening. It was now Thursday afternoon and while I fitted a new set of electrics to a block of new builds I was working on, thoughts of everything were whirling around my head like a cranial tornado. Milo settling down and Eli turning up, along with the recent news of Tali’s engagement were fucking with my mind.

  I’d been okay before all this. I’d got used to the single life. Thrown myself into my work. Went to the gym in an evening. Met up with friends for drinks on a Friday and Saturday night. Occasionally hooked up. Routine. Safe. Structured. A no-brainer life. Now things were being upheaved, like Milo moving out and our father telling us that Silas would be decorating the room for in case Eli wanted to stay.

  God only knew what was going through my dad’s mind. Having a fourteen-year-old to stay who biologically is nothing to do with you, yet a sibling to your six kids. Our mum knew how to keep the shocks coming. Now we were all wondering if there were any more stray, abandoned half-siblings out there.

  After I’d found out Tali was getting married, my mind kept ruminating about whether or not I should finally tell her the reason I jilted her. Give her some closure as she moved on, because surely she’d be dreading lightening striking twice? Once jilted, I couldn’t see you not worrying that it might happen again. I’d wanted her to hate me so that she didn’t attempt to try to get us back together, but now she’d found someone else, maybe we could have the talk I’d wanted to have all along.

  My confession.

  Or did part of me not want her to move on? Because she’d been mine.

  Finishing up work, I popped around to the off licence and grabbed some booze to drop around to Milo’s new place to congratulate him on his new address. That’s if he’d answer the door because I’d expect Milo intended to christen every room of that house. He couldn’t keep his hands off his girl. I refused to acknowledge the little twang that happened in my chest and gut when I thought of other people’s happy ever afters. Milo would be getting married. I’d expect to be told I was best man. At least it was one wedding I’d be sure to turn up for. Unlike my own.

  I pulled up outside our house, but as I went inside, weirdly there was no one home. I rolled my eyes at myself. Of course they weren’t. They’d be helping Milo move in. Grabbing a quick mug full of water and tipping it down my throat, I got showered and changed and then made my way through the back gate towards Violet and Milo’s.

  Rocky, Vi and Milo’s Staffy rescue dog, came bounding over, wagging his stumpy tail and licking my hand. “Hey, boy. You getting lots of visitors today?”

  I walked into the house where I found only Finn sitting down on the sofa in the living room. “Where is everyone?” My brow furrowed as I took in Finn’s expression. Troubled.

  “What the fuck is going on? Is everyone alright. Is it Dad?”

  He jumped up. “No, no. It’s not us. It’s next door. He pointed in the direction of the house attached to this one. “Becca’s husband died.”

  “What?” My jaw dropped. “How?”

  Finn shrugged. “They don’t know yet. She found him in their bed dead. Milo and Vi went running around to help but no one could do anything. They’re with her and Laurel now. Dad and Juliet are there too. I said I’d stay here. An excuse so I could feel useful because I don’t know how you help someone in a situation like this, Cal. I just don’t.”

  My heart went out to the little family next door. Rob could only have been in his late twenties. Becca was too young to be a widow. Plus, their poor little girl.

  My mind went back in time to around six years ago. Before Tali. To a busy Indian restaurant in Smalldale where I’d called for a takeaway one night.

  I stood near the inside doorway, tapping my foot. Happy Spice had the most amazing food, but service was always slow. Busy and popular meant waiting.

  “Excuse me.” I heard a small female voice come from behind me, where she’d just come through the door. “You’re not called Rob, are you?”

  “No, sorry. Callum.” I said, not knowing why I’d decided to give her my name. I wasn’t Rob, that’s all she needed to know.

  She nodded and took a deep breath, seemingly nervous.

  “Oh, are you on a blind date?” I asked.

  Her eyes widened. “Sssh.”

  I looked around and smiled. “No one heard me. The staff should be along shortly. They’re just busy. I’m waiting for a takeaway.”

  “Well if my date doesn’t turn up, I might be joining you.” She said.

  I looked her over while trying not to make it obvious. Dark, smooth skin; curly hair; dark brown eyes. She had an athletic build and a great pair of tits. She was fucking gorgeous and if this guy didn’t turn up, he didn’t know what he was missing. She looked around my age, maybe a couple of years older. I might chat her up just in case.

  “Tell you what. If yours doesn’t turn up, I’ll eat my takeaway here and you can order what you want so you don’t look like you’ve been stood up. So like I said I’m Callum and you are?”


  “Hi, Rebecca.”

  “Hi.” She smiled showing her gorgeous pearly white smile. I prayed this douchebag didn’t show up.

  But of course the door opened and in he came. I watched as her eyes lit up.


  “Yes.” She smiled tentatively.

  “I am so terribly sorry I’m late. There was an accident and I got out to help.”

  “Oh my goodness.”

  The waiter came out holding my food. “Sorry for your wait, sir.”

  “That’s okay.”

  He turned to Rebecca and her blind date. “Are you booked in?”

table for two under Staveley.” The man said.

  Rebecca looked at me, “Enjoy your takeaway.”

  “Enjoy your date.” I replied, but I’d lost her. She was into her date. It was obvious.

  The guy put his hand in the small of her back and off they went to their seat.

  I left and ate my takeaway.

  I didn’t think about her again. Had no idea she’d been living in Smalldale until Violet moved in a month ago and made friends with her. It had been a shock, finding out she lived so near, that she’d married her blind date and had a kid. I’d been happy for her. There’d been no Milo Waite, ‘I’d seen the woman of my dreams and had to make her mine’ thoughts. We’d just been a moment in time in a takeaway, where we could have ended up spending time together. I’d been eighteen; I’d moved straight along.

  Until I’d seen her chatting and laughing with Violet. And then my mind had started wondering about what if Rob hadn’t turned up that night? Would anything have happened?

  “Earth calling Cal.”

  I startled, having been completely lost in thought. “Sorry, I’m just so fucking shocked.”

  “I feel you, bro. There’s not really anything we can do though is there?”

  “No.” I replied sadly. I took a seat on the sofa at the side of Finn. “I’ll keep you company in looking after Rocky.”

  It was a couple of hours later when Violet, Milo, Juliet, and Dad came back. Violet’s eyes were puffy and red. Everyone else looked shellshocked. Rocky offered everyone a lick and a fuss which brought a smile to the harried looking faces.


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