Evil Stepsister

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Evil Stepsister Page 4

by Scarlett Jade

  “So what!” Mindy grumbled. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is when you’re getting almost nothing but strikes and kicking everyone’s ass,” I retorted. She stuck her tongue out at me and stood from her chair.

  “Come on, Gabby, let’s go powder our noses.”

  I stretched and winced as Kirby poked me in the side. “Ow!”

  “Stop winning!” Kirby growled softly.


  “Because you’re upsetting Gabby. She sucks.”

  “Nah, she’s fine.”

  “I’m serious, man! Stop winning! I had to stop winning with Mindy, or she threw a fit. Let the girl win.”

  “So I should suck?”

  “If you want to get sucked, then yes, you should.”

  “I’d like to get kissed,” I groused.

  “Mindy says that Gabby wants to be swept off her feet and romanced. Christmas is coming up. Buy her something pretty.”

  “I’m saving my money! These dates are expensive enough as it is, man. I’ll never have a car next year at this rate.”

  “Do you want to get some, or not?”

  “It’d be okay.”

  “Then get her something nice.”


  “Chicks like jewelry.”

  I counted what I had saved in my head. If I was careful, I could get her something simple and still be able to afford to fix up a car by my birthday. “Okay. I’ll get her something.”

  “Good! Now suck at the game.”

  The girls came back and I butchered the rest of the game. Gabby warmed up after she won by a few points. She cuddled into me on the walk home. “I had fun tonight, Carter,” she murmured softly.

  “Me too.”

  She paused and turned toward me under a streetlight. I could tell by the look in her eyes she would kiss me. Her mittened hand cupped the back of my neck and she stood up on tiptoes to press her chilled mouth against mine. The kiss was nice. Safe. Warm. Then I thought about Brielle. If she was in my arms, I would’ve kissed her deeper.

  Apparently I got a little excited because Gabby pushed away suddenly. “That’s enough.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t rush me,” she whispered, her hand pressed against her mouth.

  “I won’t, I’m sorry. I just got carried away.”

  “I’ll walk the rest of the way home myself.” She took off down the snowy sidewalk and I groaned.

  “Good job, Carter.”

  I thought about a gift for Gabby long and hard over the next few days. It had to be something that didn’t put too much pressure on her. It also couldn’t wipe out my meager savings account. I thought a necklace might be too much, but I decided to ask my dad for his advice.

  “Dad I need to ask you something,” I started and my father paled. He put down his wrench and closed his eyes.

  “I worried this day would come. Do you need condoms?”

  “What?” I laughed. “No, it’s not the birds and bees talk.”

  “Thank God. What’s up, sport?” He resumed tightening a bolt under the car we worked on.

  “I need to know what to get the girl I’m dating for Christmas.”

  “That’s a good question. Is she a girlfriend, or just a girl, who happens to be a friend?”

  “I don’t know, I mean we’ve been going out on dates all fall.”

  “Carter, have you ever asked her to be your girlfriend?”

  “No, not in those exact words.”

  “Then your gift shouldn’t be too big.” He thought for a minute. “Oh hey, what about a little charm bracelet? You could get her a charm and she could fill it up the rest of the way. You’d be out twenty bucks.”

  “That’s a good idea, thanks, Dad.” I handed him another bolt.

  “Sure. But if you want her to be your girlfriend, you’ll need to do a little better, maybe add in an extra charm or two.” He winked at me and went back to work.

  The question was, did I want her to be my girlfriend? Brielle was dating someone new, and she’d backed off me. I liked Gabby. She was a nice kisser. I could do worse for a girlfriend. Maybe I would get two charms.

  A week later, I browsed the jewelry section of our local discount store to find something just right for Gabby. The saleslady waited patiently for me to make my decision. I already had a silvertone charm bracelet picked, I just needed a couple charms to go with it. What would Gabby like?

  Finally I settled on a book charm, because I knew she liked to read, and a little silver heart. I thought it would be great.

  “Twenty five dollars and forty cents, please,” she rattled off after she placed everything into a little blue box. I’d be responsible for wrapping it. Reluctantly I passed over my hard-earned cash and accepted my change.

  I’d made my mind up. I would ask Gabby to be my girlfriend. I felt like things were going great between us. I liked her. She liked me, and that was great for my first real relationship.

  Gabby cared when I had a bad day, unlike the girl who lived with me in my house. All she cared about was herself. It was refreshing to be with someone who was genuinely a nice person. I slipped her present into the pocket of my coat and hurried home. December in Nebraska was ridiculously cold and I couldn’t wait until I had my own car. Dad and I had made plans to start working on it. We would buy a piece of shit from the junkyard and then fix it up.

  Then I could take Gabby, my new girlfriend, out somewhere quiet and we could make out, like a real couple. I couldn’t wait. My steps were light as I hurried home. I needed to get to the shop. Dad knew I would be a little late that day, but I still owed him a couple hours before the shop closed. Racing into the house, I shrugged off my coat and hung it on the hook by the door.

  “Hi, Lisa,” I called as I tore up the stairs.

  “Hey, Carter! You’re running late today.”

  “I had to get a present for someone,” I hollered down the stairs as I stripped off my school clothes and yanked on my work uniform.

  “That’s nice! Who’s the lucky lady?”

  “Who says it’s a girl?” I laughed as I hurried back down.

  Lisa hugged me impulsively and I had to admit, it felt kinda nice. I hadn’t heard a thing from my mom in months. Lisa had stepped into her role and I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. “Have a good rest of your day,” she smoothed back my hair and I blushed, ducking out of her grasp.

  “Yeah, you too!” I left my coat hanging on the rack; I could run to the shop and be toasty enough.

  Dad acknowledged my entrance into the shop with a wave of his greasy wrench. “So, kiddo, was it one charm or two?”

  I beamed and puffed my chest out. “It was two.”

  “Woo woo, hear that boys? Carter’s gonna have himself a girlfriend.”

  Jason and Parker, the other two mechanics in the shop, whooped loudly for me and I flushed. “Stop, I haven’t asked her yet.”

  “What girl in her right mind wouldn’t want you?” Dad asked, and I flushed hotter.


  “He’s a chip off the old block!”

  I went to work, changing tires for Mrs. MacCready, who tipped me five dollars. “Merry Christmas, Carter,” she called and I returned the greeting, pocketing the money.

  Dad drove us home and he sang along to the radio. I couldn’t remember seeing him happier. Lisa was good for us, I had to admit. If only she could come without Brielle, life would be amazing.

  He parked in the driveway and killed the ignition. I started to climb out of the truck when he said, “Your mom called today.”

  “She did?” I froze in place and closed the door back.

  “She’s happy, Carter.”

  “Did she ask about me?”

  “She did. She said it’s up to you if you want to talk to her.”

  “I don’t have a fucking thing to say to her,” I whispered, tears clogging my throat.

  “Hey, language.”


�That’s your choice. She’ll always be your mom. She gave her blessing for Lisa and I to get married. I’m ready to set a date. Maybe this summer...we’re also talking about trying for a baby. How would you feel about that?”

  My throat spasmed and I coughed. “A baby?”

  “Yeah. A little sister or brother. You know I am still young, Carter. I’m only thirty-six.”

  “I know, but a baby? That’s…big.”

  “We both feel like this is a chance for us to start over and maybe get it right.”

  “You did get it right, Dad. I’m all right.”

  “You’re a good kid.” Dad ruffled my hair. “Come on, let’s go eat some dinner.”

  Brielle waited until Dad had hung up his coat before she pounced on me in the foyer. She clasped her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels. “Your little gift for that window licker is cute. You have good taste.”

  I grabbed my coat and rifled through my pocket, relieved to find Gabby’s gift securely inside. “She’s not a window licker. Why were you in my coat?”

  “Close enough.” She didn’t answer my question.

  I almost wondered if Brielle was jealous that I’d bought Gabby a gift and not her. Why would I buy her a gift? She was nasty to me all the time when she wasn’t trying to convince me of her sexuality. I brushed off her words and darted upstairs to clean up and get ready for dinner. I could already see the bracelet on Gabby’s delicate wrist. It would be perfect. She’d love it.

  The next day I planned to give my lady love her gift and ask her to be my girlfriend. It was the last day before winter break and we basically had a free day. Teachers didn’t bother trying to teach us anything because they knew nothing would sink in. At lunch I sat next to Gabby and toyed with the box in my pocket. I’d hastily wrapped it in some Christmas paper from the closet and I almost felt like a little kid offering up a handmade card as I pulled it from my pocket.

  “I got you something,” I said softly, touching her hand.

  Her eyes lit up and she took the small box from me. “A present? Carter, you shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s just a little something…” Gabby tore the paper and gasped at the blue box.

  “It’s jewelry, isn’t it? Oh my.”

  “I wanted to know if you’d be my girlfriend…”

  Gabby fell silent as she touched the bracelet inside the box. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” She kissed my cheek and I grinned widely. My smile fell as I spotted Brielle walking my direction with a big smile on her face.

  “Shit,” I whispered, and Kirby growled softly.

  “What’s she doing?”

  “Nothing good…”

  Gabby was busy with Mindy, and they were oohing over the bauble I’d purchased. Gabby put the bracelet on and jangled it on her wrist. “It’s perfect!” she declared.

  Brielle sidled up to our table and my blood ran cold as I spotted a silvertone bracelet on her wrist. “Ooh, let me see!” she cooed, grabbing Gabby’s wrist and pulling it up to her gaze. “Wow, Carter, double gifting? Tsk tsk!”

  “What?” Gabby asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

  “What are you talking about?” I already knew.

  Brielle released Gabby’s wrist and jangled the bracelet around her own. “Carter, that’s soooo original. A charm bracelet with a book and a heart. Just like mine. Isn’t my brother like, the sweetest?”

  Kirby looked at me open-mouthed. “You didn’t!”

  “I didn’t! She went in my coat!”

  “Come on, Carter, why do you paint me with such a nasty brush?” Brielle stuck her bottom lip out then grinned. “That’s not what you tell me when we’re alone…”

  Gabby jumped up from the table and darted through the cafeteria, her sobs loud in the silence. “Dammit, Brielle!” I yelled. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Me? You got me a present. You got her the same one.” She blinked her eyes slowly, as if she was oh-so-innocent.

  Mindy shot me a death glare. “You’re a bastard,” she hissed, running after her friend.

  Kirby shook his head as he left the table too. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

  “I didn’t!” I insisted. “I didn’t buy her that bracelet.”

  I was left alone with Brielle in the cafeteria. She plopped down across from me and examined the bracelet on her wrist. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Why did you do this?”

  “I told you. I might want you one day. I can’t have you thinking about plowing that little window licker. God forbid you impregnate her.” She tossed her hair and smiled sweetly at me. “Are you mad?”

  “Hell yes, I’m mad! You’re a psycho!”

  Her smile faltered. “Maybe. But no one will believe that you didn’t buy this for me. Try me. I’ll tell them how you rubbed oil on my ass and how you jerk off thinking about me every night. You don’t want to cross me.”

  I was dumbfounded. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Well, believe it. I get what I want. When and if I want it.” She blew me a kiss and hopped up from the table. “See you later, baby brother!”

  Chapter Seven

  I was a social pariah. It was all over school that I’d gotten my almost stepsister the same gift I’d gotten my almost girlfriend. Brielle rejoiced in my downfall from my low pedestal as almost zero in school. Thanks to her vindictive bullshit, I was lower than dirt. I was a zero.

  My best friend hadn’t talked to me all Christmas break. He wouldn’t even look at me in class. We were freakin’ lab partners, and he refused to speak; he’d only write terse notes to me in his notebook, and only about the things we were working on.

  Brielle was a perfect manipulator. She had me all to herself, but she wouldn’t claim me as hers. No, it was on her terms. She was the puppeteer and I was the puppet that dangled by the strings she pulled.

  I hated the very ground she walked on, even though the ground had done nothing to me. But I burned for her. I wanted to punish her and pleasure her. She knew it. I couldn’t do anything because I feared her telling people what only she knew about me...that I wanted her. We weren’t related. Our parents weren’t even married yet. We were just two kids, but I knew she’d spin it into some sick, taboo story.

  Brielle had moved to another boyfriend, and I spent several nights listening to her talk dirty to him on the phone. I got hot too, even though the words weren’t for me. I despised myself for being aroused by all the sexy things she said.

  She had me under her spell and it didn’t matter how much I wanted out, I was stuck. Right before Valentine’s Day, I brooded in my room, where I spent another night alone. Music blared from my speakers and I bobbed my head to the beat. A knock came at my door.


  It was her. “What?”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure. Door’s unlocked.”

  She ducked into my room and closed the door, leaning against it. Her hair was wet - she’d showered, I assumed - and she wore her pale pink robe. “I need you,” she panted, and I jerked upright on my bed.


  Her eyes narrowed and she toyed with the bow of her robe. “I need your opinion, Carter…is this sexy? I need to know for my boyfriend.”

  She peeled open her robe and my lungs refused to cooperate. She was encased in a stretchy, sheer black lace dress-like thing that ended mid-thigh. I could see everything. Her body was perfect. My mouth opened and closed and I blinked a couple of times.

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Is it sexy?”

  “Of course it is. You know that. Why are you here?” I pushed myself off the bed and stormed across the room, pressing her against the door. “Why are you tormenting me?” I demanded, my voice low and hoarse. “You’ve taken everything from me. You’re driving me insane.” I refused to touch her but I could feel the damp heat of her skin against my body like a brand.

  She stared up at me with wide, baby blue eyes and she whispered sweetly, “I t
rust you not to take advantage of me.”

  “You came in my room naked, and you want to talk about taking advantage? You’re taking advantage of me.”

  “I could scream. Who will they believe? You or me?”

  I backed away from her and rubbed my forehead. “Please stop doing this to me, Brielle. Please,” I begged. “You don’t want me.”

  “Maybe, maybe not,” she teased, jerking my strings again.

  “Stop. I can’t take this anymore. This shit isn’t funny. I’ve got half a mind to go to my dad and tell him what you’re doing.”

  “He won’t believe you. Because you see, I’ve already told them that you’re infatuated with me and I’m worried that you think we’ll be a couple.”

  “You did what?” I gasped.

  “Yeah, I have to protect myself. They think you’re a sick, damaged little boy who is obsessed with me. Which, in a way you are.” She giggled and bent to pull on her robe.

  “What perverted pleasure are you getting out of this? Why would you hurt me this way? All I ever did was love you and take care of you.”

  “See, that’s the problem, right there, Carter. You’re so damn good. You think everyone else is, too.” She left my room and I collapsed on the edge of my bed. I held my head in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. She was insane, and she was slowly driving me crazy too.

  She’d made sure no one would believe me. She’d pushed everyone away from me. Even my dad. So I buried myself in the only thing that made sense. Cars. Since I no longer had a girlfriend, or friends, I had plenty of money to put into the shitty little car I bought from the junkyard.

  I worked out. I built the car. I studied. I did everything I could to forget that Brielle Harper lived in the same house as me. It worked, for a little while. But she slipped in at inopportune moments, like a cancer. Eating at me. She would eat me alive.

  By summer I worked at the shop full time again. Brielle’s sweet sixteen was only days away and my dad bellyached about the cost of her party to Jason. “It’s ridiculous. She wants a car!”

  Clearing my throat, I spoke up. “Tell her no.” My dad looked at me curiously. True, I hadn’t been talking much recently, but I didn’t think my suggestion was that out of the ordinary. “Tell her no,” I repeated.


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