Reaching His Heart: The Sartoris Book Three

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Reaching His Heart: The Sartoris Book Three Page 9

by Tressie Lockwood

  She pulled her hands away from his. “You don’t need a permanent nurse. In fact, from what I saw tonight, you’re okay from now on. Pretty soon, you won’t even need those canes.”

  “Agreed. It doesn’t change the fact that you’ll stay on.”

  “Cason, that’s a waste of money.”

  “It’s my money to waste.” He reached for her again, bringing her close with a light touch at her nape. When he swooped in, her breath caught in her throat. She was like a fluttering butterfly caught in a net, and he thrilled at the capture. Why had he thought she wasn’t beautiful at their first meeting, and why did he find her irresistible now? He couldn’t figure it out. “If you don’t like that arrangement, you can be my lover and share my bed every night.”

  A small squeak of alarm escaped her. “Y-you’re not serious.”

  “I’m very serious. You can live at the mansion, and so can Joseph.”

  She struggled against him, but he wouldn’t let go. Her heart pounded so loud, he heard it and laid the backs of his fingers against the valley between her breasts to feel it. She fluttered some more.


  He brought his lips to within inches of hers. “Yes?”

  She infused her tone with annoyance. “What about Bambi? Or did you forget your fiancée.”

  “Woman, I’m not nor have I ever been engaged to Bambi. Now, does that settle your mind?”

  “No. I can’t…I won’t…” She swallowed.

  “Kiss me. I want to taste your mouth again.”


  “Kiss me, Solette.”

  She shook at his whisper of her name.

  “You know you want to.”

  “I don’t.” She started to rise, but he grabbed her hand. Of their own accord, he guessed, her fingers splayed, and he took advantage of the movement, lacing his with hers. She shivered again and looked into his eyes. This time he waited for her to try to rise again. Amusement rose in him when she didn’t move.

  He skimmed a thumb over her cheek and then cupped her jaw. Never in his existence was he so thankful to have strength in his right hand again, that he could touch her this way. Yet, it wasn’t enough. He tilted her chin up and claimed her mouth. A small moan escaped her. He delved his tongue between her lips to taste her and thrilled at her sweetness. Did any other woman taste as good as Solette? He had sampled a lot, and he couldn’t recall another. In fact, at that moment, he was consumed with her. He needed oh so much more.

  Cason drew back after a few minutes to stare into her face. Her lashes fluttered against her cheeks, and she licked her lips as if experiencing his touch again. He studied those full lips, so much thicker than his previous lovers. They fascinated him as much as the rest of her.

  Maybe it’s my brothers and seeing them with their wives.

  Could that be the answer to why he wanted Solette so badly? Or maybe it was just that he was hard up for a woman. Perhaps any woman would do. If he said yes to Bambi, she might get this fever for Solette out of him. He considered it, and a splash of cold water dumped over his desire. Choosing to touch Bambi instead of Solette seemed like madness.

  No, it’s madness to want Solette this much!

  Solette opened her eyes and realized he was staring. Her hands fluttered about, and she looked away. He watched amused as she opened the small purse she had brought tonight and pretended to search it for something. He didn’t miss the fact that she still didn’t rise to get away from him.

  Okay, not Bambi but another woman. His face was looking better, almost handsome. Although when he looked in the mirror, he still saw his flaws. He’d never thought he was vain until his looks were taken away. The surgery for his eye had gone well, but even if it hadn’t, women would have found the patch sexy.

  Jeez, yeah, I’m vain all right.

  The knowledge amused him more than anything else. Solette wanted him. Her small body almost strained toward him, and he knew without a doubt he could make it sing with one touch. Temptation washed over him to test out the theory right then and there. If he made her cry out in culmination of pleasure, how would she react? His little mouse might not forgive him.

  My mouse?

  Now he was getting ridiculous with his lust. He grabbed a cane and stood. Solette moved to help him, but he waved her off. “I want you to tell me the truth, Solette.”

  She looked at him. “What?”

  “Did you bring him to my party to put him between us?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  “Cason, my private life is—”

  “The truth.”

  She pressed her lips together and folded her arms over her chest. The movement only served to show him how excited she still was. If only she knew how much more alluring the simple dress was to him, she might have worn something more daring. Then again, it might have set him ablaze from the first strains of music they danced to.

  “I was seriously considering marrying him.”


  She lowered her lashes, and he sensed rather than saw her shame. “Because I thought he changed.”

  Anger kindled in Cason. “Changed? Tell me he didn’t beat you before.”

  She said nothing. Cason snatched up his other cane and turned toward the exit, but she rushed after him and grabbed his arm.

  “Stop, Cason. The last time was years ago, when Joseph was little.”

  “There’s no statute of limitations for me to crush his skull.”

  She blushed. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’m fine.”

  He frowned down at her. “You’re not fine when you thought you could marry a man who would hit you. Didn’t I tell you, you can’t take care of yourself?”

  She raised her chin, and her brown eyes were flames of fire. “And I told you, you’re wrong! I’ve been taking care of myself for twenty-seven years and Joseph all his life.”

  He snorted. “Hardly twenty-seven.”

  “You know what I mean. Anyway, I’ve been doing just fine, and I don’t need you.” She stomped toward the door, but he called after her.

  “Solette, come to my bed tonight.”

  “You’re strong enough now to see to your own needs!”

  As soon as the words dropped from her lips, Neil appeared at the door. To his credit, the bodyguard’s expression didn’t show if he thought Solette rejecting him was funny. Cason glared at the man and followed Solette out of the room, but by the time he reached the hall, she had disappeared.

  Chapter 13

  The doorbell chimed, capturing Solette’s attention, and she shoved the books she’d been organizing off her lap. Her living room wasn’t but so big, so she’d wanted to get rid of the ones she knew she wouldn’t crack open ever again and keep the ones she loved. As she shuffled through all the mess she had created, she wondered who was visiting her house at that time of morning. Before she could get to her feet, Joseph came hurtling from his room and crashed into the front door ahead of her.

  “Really, Joe?”

  “Joseph, Mom,” he said automatically. After squinting through the peephole, he gave a small cry of excitement.

  “Who is it?”

  Her son ignored her and flung open the locks before swinging the door wide. Solette started to get onto him about not answering her when she spoke to him, but she was distracted seeing the deliveryman holding a bouquet of flowers. Her heart skipped a few beats as she took her time approaching the door.

  “May I help you?” She didn’t want to get ideas about who sent her flowers.

  How long has it been since I left the mansion? Three weeks? It’s not him. Of course it’s not him. Stop thinking about him, Solette!

  She grumbled at herself for having arguments in her head regarding Cason. How many times had she told herself she was twenty kinds of a fool for almost throwing her life away on Joe Sr. just to resist caring about Cason. Of course, she’d been considering Joe Sr. before she started to have strong feelings about her former
boss, but that came from years of abuse that must have rattled her stupid brains. She was thinking clearer now.

  Yeah, right. You’re thinking so clearly, you’re hoping the flowers are from Cason.

  “Ma’am I have flowers for you,” the deliveryman said. “If you’ll sign here.”

  Solette tried her best to calm her emotions while she signed, but her gaze was all for the little card stuck among the Peruvian lilies.

  “Mom, look!”

  Solette dragged her gaze away from the flowers to see where Joseph pointed and gasped. Several men in black stood near the street, big men with massive chests and arms. Most of them stood with stiff postures and forbidding expressions. A couple wore dark sunglasses she couldn’t see beyond. She counted six in all, and her throat dried.

  “W-were they out here earlier?” she whispered to Joseph.

  “No way!” He almost bounced with excitement. “I would have noticed. Where’s Mr. Cason? He’s got to be around.”

  While Joseph’s head swiveled back and forth as he searched for some sign of Cason, Solette resisted looking around. She hadn’t thought Joseph noticed the attraction between herself and Cason, but she should have known better. Joseph hardly missed anything. Besides, every time she had brought her son to the mansion, Cason insisted on feeding him ridiculous stories to stimulate Joseph’s imagination. Of course Joseph claimed he had found secret passages in the mansion with Cason, but Solette hadn’t believed him. Her son had been just as disappointed as she was to have her position come to an end, but she was glad for his sake so he wouldn’t come to love Cason and be hurt.

  When the deliveryman left, Solette continued to stand on the front steps. She speculated about the men in black as she tugged the little card from amid the flowers.

  These are so you will keep me in your head. – Cason.

  She frowned. Self-centered jerk, the man couldn’t even say anything nice, like I miss you or, come back so we can finish what we started. She clenched her jaw and fought against the bitter disappointment. Sure, she wanted to see him and be with him but not if he didn’t care or she was just a body to be conquered—worse, if he thought she was the best he could do after his accident.

  A scuffle at the street brought her head up, and she gasped again. This time, she recognized Joe Sr.’s car. Just as he was climbing out, the men in black surrounded him. One of the men held the door while gesturing to the driver seat.

  “You’re at the wrong address,” the man said in a tone that said ignoring him would be a critical error. “Back inside.”

  Joe Sr.’s temper flipped on in an instant. “Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’m visiting my girl, and you’d better get out of my way.”

  Another of the men stepped forward. “You don’t have a girl in this neighborhood. Get back in your car before I fold you into it—painfully.”

  Joe Sr. began cursing and calling to Solette, but she was in such shock she couldn’t move. Beside her, Joseph was cracking up, holding his stomach. “Dad, don’t take that. Show him what’s what,” he called excitedly.

  Solette swatted her son’s arm. “Don’t incite him, Joseph. Besides, aren’t you worried about your father?”

  “Nope, they won’t hurt him. They just want to scare him. Mr. Cason knows he’s my dad.”

  She put a hand on her hip. “Oh, he’s protecting you, huh?”

  Her son blinked at her. “Mom, he’s protecting both of us!”

  “How would you know?”

  He didn’t get the chance to answer because Joe Sr.’s shouts of angry outrage caught her attention again.

  “This ain’t over, believe that.” He slammed his car door and started the engine. The men in black straightened and stepped out of the way as Joe Sr. tore off down the street. Meanwhile, another car slid into the vacated spot left by Joe Sr.’s car. This one, a sleek black BMW.

  Solette’s heart sped up then seemed to stop completely when one of the men rushed over to open the door and Cason stepped out.

  “Mr. Cason,” Joseph shouted and ran to him. “I knew you would visit us.”

  Cason grinned and held up his car keys. “Hey, Joseph. Wanna take her for a spin?”

  “You know it,” Joseph shot back.

  Solette squeaked in alarm. “Cason!”

  His grin broadened, and he nodded to one of the men. The man took the keys from Cason and instructed Joseph to hop in. Without even a question to Solette if any of this craziness was okay, Joseph and the bodyguard were off and down the street almost as fast as Joe Sr. had left the area.


  He reached her steps, and every nerve in her body tingled with awareness. “Relax, Solette. He’ll be safe. My men are highly-trained, and he won’t try to show off and do something stupid to impress Joseph.”

  “They were speeding down the street. How is that not showing off?”

  He was still smiling, ticking her off all the more. One of his hands came up, and he traced a finger along her cheek. She turned her head, but that only served to amuse him more.

  “They weren’t moving as fast as your fear made them seem to.” His voice dropped to hardly above a whisper. “Trust me, Solette.”

  She shivered.

  “Shall we go inside?” he offered.

  “I want to know what all those men are doing outside my place and why you’re here.”

  “I don’t remember you being so angry.” He pushed past her into the house, and she had no choice but to follow. Thank goodness the men in black stayed outside. She didn’t think they could all fit in the living room. Neil, who had arrived with Cason, of course came in with him.

  Cason looked around the disaster that was the living room. “This is a house?”

  “It’s a duplex. Why are you here? And while I’m on the subject, your men had no right to run Joe Sr. off.”

  For the first time, the smile left his face. “You’re not still foolishly thinking about marrying him?”

  She refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wouldn’t give Joe Sr. the time of day when it came to getting with her. “What I do or don’t do doesn’t concern you. I’m glad to see you’re able to get around without the canes. You’re doing well otherwise?”

  He stepped closer. “Forget the canes.”

  She retreated a little, but he followed. “Cason, about those men outside…”

  “They stay.”

  “You have no right! And six of them, really? Contrary to what you think, Joe Sr. isn’t a problem. Since the party, he hasn’t pushed to try to get with me at all. He visits just to see Joseph, and they always go off to hang out together.”

  Where had her resolve gone to not tell him anything?

  Cason’s eyebrows rose, and she noticed once again the brilliant blue of his eyes. They were so beautiful they took her breath away. She tried not to stare, but she couldn’t look away. Even the swelling had gone down on the side of his face. Money had gotten him great surgery. He looked like he’d never been in a car accident. At least his face did. The man was too sexy for her own good. Funny, she kind of missed the scar, but if he was no longer in pain, that was the important thing.

  “What was that outside then?” he said, and she had to think a minute what they were talking about.


  “He called you his girl.”

  “How did you even find that out so quickly?”

  He waited for her to answer his question, and she sighed.

  “A bunch of strange men were in his face. What else was he going to say?”

  Cason straightened and towered above her. Her breath rattled in her chest. His hand came up again, but before she could turn her head, he captured her chin in a gentle but firm hold.

  “Let me make myself plain, Solette, so there are no misunderstandings. You’re mine.”

  She gasped. “You’re no better than Joe Sr.!”

  “Oh, I’m vastly different, and I’ll prove it to you.”
  She jerked out of his hold. Why was she so ticked off? Wasn’t this what she wanted, for him to come after her when she left the mansion for the last time? It had taken him three weeks. And yet, she had hoped for something more than this.


  She ignored him.

  “Little mouse.”

  She glared at him.

  “Come here to me.”

  “Go leap off a bridge, Cason.” She started to walk away. This whole scenario was even more embarrassing because Neil was standing near the front door listening to everything.

  Before she could get even a step away from him, Cason wrapped an arm about her waist and hauled her back to him. Her body bumped against his, and he lowered his mouth to the side of her neck in an instant. Chills raced up and down her spine.

  “L-let go.”

  “Hm,” he moaned, his rumbling deep voice making things worse. “How should I prove it?”

  She suspected he already knew what he would do.

  His free hand landed on her hip, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. He might as well have slapped his hand between her legs because her body flamed to life from head to toe. A moan of desire escaped her before she could catch it. Embarrassment washed over her, but then he moved his hand an inch closer to her core without touching it. The heat threatened to consume her.

  “Mine,” he repeated like some feral animal claiming its mate. “All I need to do is touch you to show you the truth. I want you in my bed.”


  “Don’t tell me no.”

  “I already have.” She was panting, making her refusal sound lame.

  His teeth grazed her earlobe, and her eyes fluttered shut. She stopped struggling to get out of his hold and stood there falling under his spell.

  “I’m stronger now,” he whispered in her ear. “I can show you things you’ve never seen or experienced. I’ll make you scream my name and beg me for more.”

  “I don’t want it.” Who in the world was she kidding?

  “Shall I prove you wrong in your bedroom?”

  “Cason, please.” Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. In an instant she found herself freed.


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