Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2) Page 5

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  “Yes, lots to keep us busy.” I haven’t told her about the situation with Marcus, which, after Will, is the thing currently occupying my mind – that and the fact that Luke has taken his fatherly duties to DEFCON 1. “Let’s not get too busy to stay in touch, ok? You’re a sister to me, Caroline. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you.” I hold her tightly, not wanting to let go.

  “I love you, too, Layla.” Caroline hugs me fiercely and we have to force ourselves apart when Claire says we absolutely have to leave. “Text me when you land, ok?”

  “Ok. I’ll miss you.” I force a smile and make myself get into the car.

  Chapter 6

  I don’t know how, but I actually made it through a whole month of classes after Will’s memorial. It’s amazing what one can accomplish on autopilot. The few friends I’m making were not oblivious to my demeanor and showed the proper amount of concern when I told them that a dear friend had passed away. Had I told them it was my boyfriend, my love, my soul mate, it would have been a catastrophic case of sympathy, which I don’t want or need. I suppose it’s actually been really good that I’ve had school. If not for the busyness of classes and homework, I’m not sure where I’d be.

  Walking into the house after a particularly boring day I stop cold as my eyes meet with the stranger sitting in the Great Room. Luke introduces him as Furtick, but I already know him as one of the thugs who beat the crap out of that poor guy outside the law firm.

  “Miss Weston. It’s nice to meet you,” he says, standing to shake my hand. He’s pretty cordial for a guy who roughs people up for a living, or hobby, or whatever you call it.

  “Furtick,” I say, mirroring his friendliness. He gives me just the smallest smile and somehow…I immediately like him. His smile is sincere and I can see in his eyes that he’s more than what Mr. Meyer made him out to be, which I have found to usually be the case. The images of him outside the law firm that day disappear and all that I see is a man who came to our aid when Luke said we needed help.

  “I need to talk with you about your patterns,” he says, cutting to the chase.

  “My patterns? I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  “Furtick has been following you over the last four days. He’s made some observations and has some suggestions that will keep you safe,” Luke tells me.

  “You’ve been following me?” I ask.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “I never saw you. I never even felt your stare.”

  “I’m very good at what I do, ma’am.” Furtick smirks and I see the human, non-thug in him. He has a nice smile and beautiful brown eyes. I don’t know what his past experience is to make him so good at what he does, or so useful to Gregory Meyer, but it doesn’t matter, Luke trusts him, so I do, too. Moreover, my gut tells me he’s the real deal.

  “Yes, you are,” I smile back. “Why, exactly is he following me?”

  “We’ve been monitoring the situation with Marcus,” Luke answers.

  “I’m a bit confused. Marcus hasn’t been around for over a month. I assumed he left town, came into his right mind, so what’s the need to have him around?”

  “We don’t have confirmation that he’s left Florida. His car is still here and there have been no flights registered under his name to anywhere, foreign or domestic. Also, he was never registered for any classes at the university.” Furtick gives his report very matter-of-factly.

  “Wait a minute. He said he transferred. You mean he dropped out of Davidson on some delusional whim, got into FSU, and never even registered for classes?” I can’t even begin to understand this.

  “I’m sorry, allow me to clarify. He was never a student at the college at all. There’s no application on file,” Furtick continues.

  “This is so bizarre, Uncle Luke. I can’t shake this feeling that something happened after we left. I mean…this just isn’t like him. He’s so polar opposite of the Marcus I knew.”

  “I agree, Layla. I’ve got someone working on that right now, but I think it’s going to take a little time, so until then I need you to do whatever Furtick tells you. Can you do that?” I nod my head, still reeling from the craziness of the situation. “Are you doing ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I breathe deeply and try to separate the Marcus who was my friend and this new, Lex Luthor version. “Furtick, you said you had some suggestions for keeping me safe? I’m assuming that means you think he might come back.”

  “Well, Miss Weston, because we don’t know where he is at the moment, we can’t be too careful. So, first of all, I’ll be following you at all times. This includes keeping an eye on you while you’re at school. Don’t worry – I’ll continue to be a ghost. Secondly, I observed that you are consistently by yourself while on campus. Make friends, even if just for show. You need at least one person with you at all times. Should Mr. Reynolds approach you at school he may not make a scene if there are witnesses. Lastly, you’re not to be out after dark.”

  “But you just said you would be following me at all times,” I argue, even though I’m never out after dark anyway.

  “It’s much easier to keep a trail during the day, and alternate routes aren’t as easily identified at night.” Furtick stares at me for a moment. “You’re not to be out after dark,” he reiterates strongly. I nod in acquiescence.

  “Is there anything else?” I ask him.

  “Your phone. You’re not to answer any unknown number. May I have it please?” Furtick says, stretching his arm out, palm up. I hand him my phone without question and he begins scrolling through the numbers. There are literally eight contacts so it takes him seconds to review. “Sir,” he says to Luke as he shows him something on the screen.

  “Layla, you’ve still got Will’s number in here,” Luke says with a soft, but disapproving tone. Why would Furtick even think to show that to Luke anyway? Luke must have given Furtick the whole story with all the sorted details.

  “I know. I can’t delete it…not yet. It would be…I would feel like I was erasing him from my life and I’m just not ready to do that. Please, Uncle Luke.”

  Luke hands the phone back to me and I give him a small smile of thanks.

  “Is there anything else I need to know?” I ask Furtick.

  “Yes. Despite what you may have seen, I’m not a violent man.” Luke has obviously told him about me observing his handiwork.

  “I believe you, Furtick. If Luke trusts you, I trust you.” I stare him straight in the eye and hope he believes me, too.

  As we wind down for the night, I help Claire make up the guest room for Furtick. It seems we’ll be a family of four for a little while. I don’t mind. There’s something about him that is a welcomed addition. Perhaps it’s that I already like him a lot, or maybe it’s just the added safety he brings. Luke is a great defender but he’s emotionally involved. Furtick, however, will be able to act on the situation based on his trained instinct alone.

  As he unpacks his two bags I see that he’s got just one small duffle bag for his clothes, but a larger bag with his tools, so to speak. As I attempt to catch a peek of his weapons of choice he gives me a not-so-subtle look. “It’s better if you don’t know what’s in there,” he says. His words are soft and caring so I respond in turn with a gentle squeeze of his arm and a smile that says thank you.


  Furtick has remained ghostly as promised, so I’m doing my part in trying to befriend a few girls in my Psych 101 class. Of the girls I met at the freshman reception just one is responding to my pathetic attempt at making friends. Dana is from Georgia and her southern accent reminds me of all that was good about living in Davidson. It’s taken several days, but I’ve finally gotten close enough so that it doesn’t seem weird for me to automatically walk with her after class.

  “My parents are coming down for the weekend. Ya’ll should come out with us! You and your aunt and uncle,” she twangs.

  “That’d be fun,” I say. I’m working really hard at this. I don’t really want to
go out with Dana and her parents because the closer I get to her, the more I’m going to have to hide. But…I do like her, and maybe it won’t be so bad to share my story with her one day. Plus, I’m under strict orders to make friends. If I don’t make some effort here I have a feeling Furtick will have something to say about it. “Just let me know when.”

  “What’s your number? I’ll call you later when I find out what the plans are.” Before I give her my number I quickly realize that I need to add her to my phone so I know it’s her calling, so I suggest we swap phones and enter our information. As I’m typing away I think that Furtick is in a hidden corner watching and proud of me for being aware and making his job a little easier. “Later!” she says skipping away. As she leaves me at the entrance of the coffee shop I pause for a moment letting her southern sweetness linger in my ear.

  I move quickly into the coffee shop, transitioning from one friend-in-progress to another. Finn is always here, whether he’s working or not. I haven’t been in since Will died so when I find him sitting at a table in the corner I usually call home he’s visibly surprised at my presence.

  “Excuse me. If you’re here, who’s going to make my drink?” I say. Being around Finn Reed is easy. I don’t feel like I have to try with him and that makes my life right now just a little bit more bearable.

  “Oh my gosh, you’re alive! Are you ok? You’ve been totally MIA lately!”

  “Sorry about that. A friend of mine passed away last month. It’s been…really hard,” I answer more truthfully than I had anticipated and surprise myself.

  “Oh, gosh, Layla, I’m so sorry. I was afraid your stalker came back.”

  “No, he’s not back, not that I’m aware of. That whole situation doesn’t help me being on edge, though. No one knows where he is.”

  “He must have taken it pretty hard when you let him down,” Finn suggests.

  “Well, it’s a little more complicated than me rejecting his advances. My boyfriend dated his sister and it didn’t end well,” I say without thinking.

  “You didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend. He obviously doesn’t go here otherwise he’d never leave your side. Is he back home in NC?”

  “Um…” What have I done? This is exactly what I didn’t want. I didn’t want to tell anyone about Will or his tragic and completely unfair death, and now I’ve opened up a can of worms. But…I suppose if I were going to tell anyone anything, it would be Finn. “It’s kind of dramatic, but his father didn’t want us together, so it ended.”

  “But you’re still in love with him,” Finn says, filling in the blank.

  “Yeah,” I say after a beat.

  “And this guy is coming down here thinking he can replace him? He’s an idiot. One look in your eyes and anyone can see your heart belongs to someone else.” Finn’s support is more helpful than I realized it would be.

  “Thanks, Finn. I know I’ll be able to move on one day. It’s just going to take a while, and someone incredibly remarkable. But Marcus is really freaking me out.”

  “Oh, is that his name? Well, I’ve got your back. I’m serious, Layla. That guy gives me the creeps. You should have seen how he was looking at you. I’d feel better about putting you in an unmarked van with a guy waving brightly colored candy and a bloody sickle. I thought he was some love-struck newbie, but now that I know there’s more to the story, you have to promise that you’ll call me if anything happens.” Finn is serious, his face taking on a new shape as he emphasizes his request.

  “That’s so nice of you, Finn. I promise I’ll call if I need anything.” For the second time in less than an hour I have added another contact to my phone. I scroll through the names and numbers and realize that Furtick added his information, bringing my measly eight contacts to a whopping eleven. I wonder for a moment where my shadow is hiding as I’m sure he’s happy to see me following his instructions yet again.

  As expected, Furtick requests my phone as soon as we walk through the door, takes it to run the numbers, and does background checks on my budding friendships. If they only knew!

  “They’re all clear,” he says as he returns with my phone and Luke.

  “Thanks, Furtick. Any news on what happened to Marcus after we left?” I ask. This missing piece is the thing that is making this the most difficult. I can’t believe that the Marcus who surprised me in the parking lot is the same one I made peace with and said good-bye to in my living room in Davidson.

  “No, nothing definitive yet,” Luke says. “But the good news is that we have good reason to believe he’s left Tallahassee. His roommates say that he hasn’t been there in over three weeks. And there’s been some activity on his bank card in North Carolina.”

  “That’s good, right? That means he’s gone,” I say hopefully.

  “Just because he’s not here now, doesn’t mean he’s not coming back,” Furtick assures me.

  “That’s right. So, get used to Furtick because he’s going to continue being your shadow until we feel confident that Marcus is no longer a threat.” Luke is firm in his instruction. I know that look in his eyes. There’s more to what’s going on that he isn’t telling me. He knows something but doesn’t think I can handle it yet.

  “If you think that’s best,” I reply. I’m keenly aware in moments like this that there is a protective nature to Luke, and while he has had Claire to take care of, there’s a fatherly protection that is so second-nature to him that, even in the midst of the threat Marcus is posing, I think he’s enjoying.

  “I do,” Luke confirms.

  Things have been so crazy that I haven’t checked my email in weeks. As the screen flickers on, my heart fills with joy when I see an email from Caroline. It’s dated over a week ago so I open it and find myself sinking into a place of joy. I settle in my chair, resting my chin in my hand, and read.

  From: Caroline Jackson

  To: Layla Weston

  Subject: Hey Stranger!

  Hi Layla!

  I hadn’t heard from you in a while so I thought I’d shoot you an email. Being in California I have no clue when to call! This time zone thing is messing me up!

  Classes are good here. The interior design program here is really competitive, but I think I’m going to be ok. I really love it! I can’t wait to get my prerequisite courses out of the way!

  What about you? How are you doing? I’ve been worried about you. With Will gone and you being in Florida, I worry that you don’t have anyone to talk to. I wish I could be there for you. We should set up a time when we can talk and it’s not the middle of the night for one of us! Promise me you’ll at least email me back so I know you’re ok!

  On to the gossip! Gwen and Chris got to Clemson and started dating! Tyler is settled in at Duke and (FYI) mad at you for not calling him back. And your friend Marcus Reynolds went crazy! Tyler said his dad told him that he and Will’s dad had some big blowout at the law firm. Tyler’s dad had to call the police. I don’t think Mr. Meyer pressed charges, but no one has seen Marcus since. I know, right?!?!

  What happened to the days of hiking, movie night, and Chinese food? I guess we’re all growing up! I love and miss you so much! Please reply soon so I know you’re ok.



  Oh, my gosh! I was right! Something did happen. But why on earth would Marcus and Will’s dad have a huge, blowout argument?

  I click reply and respond to Caroline with immediate apologies.

  From: Layla Weston

  To: Caroline Jackson

  Subject: Sorry I’ve been MIA!

  Hi Caroline,

  I’m so sorry that I’ve been such a terrible friend! Things have been really crazy and busy here. But I promise to be better about staying in touch.

  Classes are good here. I’ve made a couple of friends. One girl, Dana, reminds me of you, which is comforting. I can’t believe Gwen and Chris! Wonder how long that’s been brewing?!?! And I’ll be sure to call Tyler soon. If you talk to him before I do, please tell him I’m sorr

  I’m doing ok since that last time I saw you…I guess. It’s hard, but I just take it one day at a time. I can’t really talk about him yet. I don’t like the idea of talking about him in the past tense. So, if I’m tight lipped about it, I’m sorry.

  I was thinking that maybe you guys could all come down around Thanksgiving. I know you’ll have family things, but maybe you can come after for a long weekend? I really want to see all of you. Not being with you feels like a part of me is missing.

  Thanks for not giving up on me. I love and miss you so much, too!



  I say as little as I can about missing Will, and nothing about the excruciating pain that constantly exists in my heart every second of the day. She’s dealing with losing Will, too, and it just doesn’t seem fair to blather on about him to her, especially via email.

  I certainly don’t say anything about Marcus. I don’t want her to worry any more than she already does. Now that I have a little bit of information that could be helpful to Luke, I’ll pass it along and maybe we’ll find ourselves one step closer to knowing what’s going on with Marcus.

  That night I dream about Will. I haven’t dreamt of him in quite some time so even in my dream I cry tears of joy just seeing his face. This dream starts out as by far the best one I’ve ever had. In it my mind replays our day of nothing. Every detail is the same. We watch the same movies, read the same books, and play the same game carrying dialogue between two books. And as if in slow motion, I replay the passion we shared that day as well. I feel his hand on the skin of my back and his lips on mine. I recall how we pulled closer to each other, feeling like the line between where I ended and he began was gone. My heart swells with love for this man that I’ll never get to hold again.

  But just as I’m relishing in the warmth of remembering the passion Will showed me, my mind flips the page and we’re face to face with Marcus in the coffee shop. I had forgotten that our day of nothing concluded with asking Marcus to be our ally. Only this time, Marcus swings across the table and knocks Will to the ground, grabs my arm, and drags me from the shop. I force myself to wake because I don’t want to see this play out. I turn the light on and take a few deep breaths to calm myself.


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