Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2)

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Troubled Waters (The Lake Trilogy, Book 2) Page 19

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  Holly leaves and I immediately make my way to the dock after closing the door behind her. I push the last vine out of my way and find Will seated quietly, his feet dangling over the edge.

  “Hey,” I say, getting his attention.

  “Hey,” Will responds but doesn’t turn around.

  “Are you mad at me?” I ask him as I take my shoes off and sit next to him.

  “I’m not mad, Layla. I was scared. When Furtick called and told Luke what happened, I thought I was going to lose you forever. Marcus was so unpredictable. I don’t know what you were thinking.” Will’s eyes lock on mine and I can see the pain and fear he’s pouring out.

  “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but…now you have an idea of how I was feeling. Only…for all I knew, you were really gone.” I take his hand in mine, caressing along the top by his knuckles. Will’s eyes fill with sadness for the pain he caused me and I squeeze his hand to let him know that I’m really ok. “I had to try and reach him, Will. After our conversation in the garden, I understood the pain he was experiencing. You experienced it, too, but…you at least had your mom. Marcus didn’t have anybody. Holly was there for him, but she couldn’t be responsible for his emotional wellbeing. Everyone gave up on him, Will, and I just couldn’t do that.”

  “I understand. It doesn’t change the fact that I was scared out of my mind. But, I understand. You’re just so incredible. You were so brave today.” Will pulls me close and I rest my head on his shoulders.


  Waking up this Christmas morning was absolutely the best. Luke and Claire invited Will and Eliana to spend the night after a light Christmas Eve meal. Eliana slept in my room while Will and I slept in the Great Room in front of the Christmas tree. We stayed up until after midnight just so we could be the first to officially tell the other Merry Christmas.

  As I lay on the couch, stretching and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I see Will, laying there on the floor next to me and know that I have already received the best Christmas gift ever.

  We ravage through our gifts in a much less orderly fashion than Luke, Claire, and I did last year. Last Christmas Claire made me wait to open all of my gifts, giving me my cherished Kindle as a grand finale.

  There are no big gifts this year as I think we were all a bit preoccupied with the whole situation with Marcus, but the clothes, jewelry, and small electronics being unwrapped are a huge hit with everyone. The fact that we’re all together truly is gift enough.

  While I’m relishing in the glad tidings we’re all enjoying, I can’t help but think of Holly. I know her parents aren’t mourning the loss of Marcus as they should, but I’m sure Holly is huddled under a dark cloud on what is supposed to be day full of joy. I think for a few minutes about calling her, but decide against it. As much as I owe Holly for the distraction she caused, enabling Wes and Luke to come to my rescue, inviting Holly to be a part of my life is out of the question.

  Luke sent Taylor and Cline home to be with their families, discharging them from their service to us with a nice retirement package. With Wes a permanent fixture in our family, we’ve got all the extra muscle we need. Even though there isn’t an imminent threat to me or to our secret anymore, Luke still has Wes in his employment as our private security. It feels a bit silly to have him employed by us…it’s not like we’re the Kennedys or anything…but it’s nice to know that he’s staying.

  I think Eliana is glad he’s staying as well. I’ve watched her get a little more comfortable, and a little more flirtatious, with him over the last few weeks. Wes seems lighter now, too. It’s great to see Eliana embracing who she is and feeling safe enough with Wes to show that.

  We fill the day with cooking and music and games. Wes has a booming laugh that no one saw coming, but we’re so happy to receive it. I crush Will and Wes in Monopoly and take a victory lap around the kitchen, landing in Will’s arms just as Claire announces that it’s time to eat.

  As we gather around the table it’s hard to not take note of how cozy Eliana and Wes are.

  “So what’s up with your mom and Wes,” I whisper to Will.

  “I don’t know, but they’re going on a date on New Year’s Eve. It’s so weird to see her with someone like that. I’ve never seen her so happy!” Will whispers back. His lips brush against my ear and I feel a tingle of joy come over me.

  “It appears that all is right in the world again, huh?” I say to Will, smiling uncontrollably.

  Claire puts the last dish on the table and she and Luke take their places at the heads of the table. I look at all of us seated around the feast and feel the sting of tears welling up in my eyes. This is my family. We have all travelled such rocky paths to land where we are. It feels as though we all give a collective sigh of relief knowing that peace is finally upon us.

  “Claire, the roast is to die for! What did you do to it?” Eliana asks as she puts another fork-full in her mouth. Claire says Turkey is for Thanksgiving, Ham is for Easter, and Roast is for Christmas.

  “You’re going to laugh, but it really is the easiest thing in the world! I put a packet of dried French Onion Soup mix on it, then about a cup of water. I cover it in the pan and cook it on 250 for eight hours. About halfway through I throw the carrots, potatoes, and onions in. I’m so glad you like it!” Claire has done her fair share of internet searches for easy and impressive dishes in her quest to become a better cook. We experiment with different food quite a bit, but she took it on as a challenge to herself. I must say that she’s really outdone herself!

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Will says, pushing his chair out and standing. “This is a very special holiday for me. For the first time in, well, ever, I am seated at a Christmas feast with the knowledge that each person around this table loves me. Each of you has sacrificed more than one could ever expect from another person.

  “Luke, Claire…you made Layla and me being together possible. Without your support, I’m not sure where we would be. You have given me so much encouragement and guidance. I just don’t know how to thank you.

  “Furtick…Wes…you saved my life when you saved Layla’s. I will forever be indebted to you. No words or deeds will ever be enough to thank you.

  “Mom…” Will starts but begins to get choked up. “Mom…you gave up everything for me. You never left me and you did everything you could to protect me. You are so much stronger than you ever gave yourself credit for. Watching you over the last six months…I’m just so glad that you’re finally seeing that.

  “And Layla…the love of my life. We’ve been through so much over the last 18 months that I can’t believe you’re still here with me. I will do my best to make the next 18 months as completely uneventful as possible. I couldn’t be a happier man. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” I stand up and kiss Will sweetly, joining in his toast. “I couldn’t agree more with every word. To family!”

  “To family!” everyone echoes.

  Eliana and I pack up all the left overs, setting some aside for her and Will to take home, although I’m not sure why since they’re both at the house all the time. It used to be just Will, but now that Eliana and Wes are getting close, she’s here just as much as Will.

  The girls wash the dishes while the guys get the Great Room cleaned up. We tidied up some, but it still looks like Christmas threw up in there. Once everything is done we reward ourselves with coffee and dessert around the fire pit on the patio.

  “Isn’t this lovely?” Eliana remarks.

  “Yes, it’s just perfect!” I say. “Best Christmas ever!”

  “Not yet, it’s not,” Will says.

  Will stands, followed by Luke who goes over to the end of the patio near the door to the porch and flips a switch I didn’t know was there. All of the sudden the trees surrounding us light up with white twinkling lights. Not just on one tree or even in one section, but every single tree in the back of the house is lit. I look at Will who is standing at the step of the dock holding out his
hand and a surge of nervous excitement shoots through every fiber of my being.

  “C’mere. I want to show you something,” he says.

  All eyes are on me and I’m speechless. I follow him, taking his hand. As we move along the dock I’m overwhelmed. The lights carry through the thick trees and are strung and wound around the Spanish moss like icicles. Between the chillier air and the sparkling lights, Will has turned this place into a kind of winter wonderland.

  When we reach the end of the dock I’m just as mesmerized. There are white lights wound around the railing with white tulle. Everything is softly glowing and reflecting off the water. It’s the most magical scene I’ve ever witnessed.

  “Oh, Will!”

  “Don’t say anything…not yet,” Will instructs before taking a deep breath. “Layla, when I met you I was in a lonely place, but you brought me out of it. You gave me so much to look forward to. You gave me hope. But these last six months…they were some of the worst of my life. I had to let you go, and just when I got you back, I almost lost you.” Will takes another deep breath and looks at me with his intense blue eyes. “But I don’t want to talk about the past anymore. We’re on the threshold of a new year, and I can’t think of any better way to end this one.”

  Will drops to his knee and takes my hand in his. I gasp and cover my mouth with my free hand. Tears well up and overflow from my eyes, running in a steady stream down my face.

  “Layla, when you came into my life I expected nothing but maybe a good friendship to come of it. But, somewhere along the way I realized everything I ever needed was standing right in front of me in you. I want you. I want your beauty and poise. I want your flaws and mistakes. I want your strength and resiliency. I want your incredible smile and that infectious giggle of yours. I even want your sarcasm. I want everything that is you because…I want you. There are eight billion people in the world and you are the only one I want.

  “Layla Michele Weston...I was born to tell you I love you…will you marry me?”

  Chapter 21

  I open my eyes and find my hand resting on the pillow right in front of my face. I smile as I’m greeted by the sparkle of the engagement ring Will gave me just a week ago. It really is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. It was Claire’s grandmother’s wedding ring. When Will told me that, I think I cried harder than when he proposed. The white gold setting has five diamonds set across it, with a woven pattern along the front and back. It is exquisite and unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t love it more.

  I was shocked at Will’s proposal. I mean, I’ve known for a long time that Will and I are going to get married one day, I just thought he’d wait a bit longer before making it official. But, proposal now, or proposal later, there was only one answer I could give him. And even though I starting crying uncontrollably, I was able to squeak out a resounding yes.

  So much for making the next 18 months as uneventful as possible!

  Will is asleep again on the floor next to the couch where I am stretching myself awake. We stayed up to watch the ball drop in Time Square and all the festivities unfold. A few of our favorite bands were playing, and there were awkward on-air proposals, along with the continued training of Ryan Seacrest who will one day take over the whole event from Dick Clark. We ate junk food and toasted with Luke and Claire to a promising New Year.

  I lay there watching Will sleep, recalling how I spent my last New Year’s Eve. Caroline ambushed my solo plans and made the night so much better than it would have been. That was the night she told me about being adopted and how she, more than anyone else, knew what it was like to have to win Gregory Meyer’s favor. It was her reassurance of Will’s love for me in the midst of my confusion that was the first major step in bringing Will and me back together.

  I take a final stretch and move strategically off the couch, careful not to wake Will. I make a quiet, but quick, trip upstairs to brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a ponytail and then make my way back to the kitchen to put on a full pot of coffee. When I close the fridge I’m startled to see Eliana standing there. And while she looks relaxed, young, and happy, she also seems a bit nervous.

  She and Wes had what I’m assuming is their first date last night and it appears she never went home. She’s wearing one of Wes’ trademark plaid button-up shirts and an uncontrollable smile.

  “Good morning!” I say cheerily.

  “Good morning, Layla. I…uh…” she stammers.

  “It’s ok, Eliana. I’m guessing you had fun last night?”

  “It’s not what it looks like. We didn’t…I didn’t…I would never…we just slept.”

  “Oh…well that’s fine, too. Believe me, I understand the value of just simply being close to someone like that.” I smile and she seems at ease. “Wes is a pretty great guy. I’m glad you two are hitting it off. “

  “Yes, he’s really wonderful. Very…different, than Will’s father.” Eliana shifts her weight from one foot to the other before deciding to take a seat at the table. “Layla, can we speak candidly?”

  “Of course,” I say. I’ve always wanted to have a better relationship with my mother-in-law than my mom had with Gram, and even though our marriage is an undetermined time away, I want to start early on this mission.

  “I didn’t fully understand what I was getting into with Gregory,” she begins.

  “Oh, Eliana, you don’t owe me any kind of explanation,” I tell her.

  “I know, I know. But since you’re going to be Will’s wife, I really need you to understand a few things.” She plays with a napkin ring on the table, not making eye contact with me. She’s nervous and fidgety. I finish setting up the coffee and pour us each a glass of orange juice while we wait for the brew.

  “If you really feel it’s necessary,” I say, setting the orange juice in front of her.

  “Thank you.” She takes a long sip of juice and puts the glass down. “I met Gregory when I was 22-years-old. He and his wife came into my family’s store in Hickory. My father and brother are master carpenters and they make the most beautiful furniture. My mother and I ran the showroom and worked with customers on design. Will’s inclination toward creating with his hands comes naturally.” She smiles thinking about how connected to her side of the family Will really is. It makes me smile, too.

  “Gregory bought every piece I showed him, and took every design suggestion I made. There were so many pieces that it was going to take a year to fulfill the entire order. He didn’t care…he wasn’t in any rush.

  “After the order was complete and everything was delivered I received a call from this enigmatic man who seemed to hang on every word I said. He wanted to thank me for all my help and asked me to dinner. I was flattered that this older, distinguished man would show any interest in me. I was just a girl from an industrial town, working my family’s business. I wasn’t anyone special, but he sent a car for me in Hickory and took me to the most extravagant restaurant in Charlotte.

  “As we spent more time together, he continued to be charming and charismatic. He complimented me and said all the right things. He gave me anything my heart desired, and then some.

  “When I asked about his wife, he told me they were the latest casualty of irreconcilable differences. It happens all the time, so I didn’t question it. I had no idea that she was his third wife until much later.” She takes another sip of juice and I use that as my opportunity to speak.

  “Will said that, since you’ve been here, you’ve missed his father sometimes.”

  “Yes. As terrible as things were, he was my husband, and there was a time I was most definitely in love with him. I know it’s difficult to understand,” she says softly.

  “Eliana, I’m sorry, really, you don’t have to tell me this. I understand how manipulative Gregory Meyer is. You don’t have to convince me of that.”

  “But I want you to know that I didn’t understand that…not at first. I was young and tired of the life I was living. I loved my family but wanted so much
more. I wanted to go to college, study design and bring back fresh ideas to my parents’ business. But I had obligations. Gregory promised me a world where all my dreams would come true…then snatched it right out from under me.

  “After we married I wanted to go to school but Gregory kept telling me that he wanted and needed me at home. If I was studying all the time, who would take care of him? So I waited, feeling like I was being a good wife. At some point Gregory started growing tired of me. I don’t know what I said or did, but it started becoming clear that I was not enough. He worked later and later, took overnight trips to see clients, and when he was home, he barely spoke to me. I lived for the moments when he showed me any attention. When I got pregnant, I thought things would change. They changed, just not in the way I hoped they would.

  “Gregory became obsessive about William from the moment we found out we were having a boy. He chose to name him after his father and himself: William Gregory Meyer. It’s a strong name, though, don’t you think?” I nod in agreement. Everything about Will is strong to me. I can’t believe she’s telling me all of this. I wonder if she’s ever told anyone the whole story.

  “I endured all I could for several years, but when William was little I wanted to leave Gregory, go back to Hickory where he could grow up around family. But Gregory wouldn’t allow it. If I left I would never have seen William again.” Eliana lets out a heavy sigh and looks at me with pain in her eyes. “William knows everything, which is why he has worked so hard to be nothing like his father. I tried to convince him ages ago to leave, but he wouldn’t go without me. I thank God every day that he inherited the Hufford genes for kindness, compassion, and love. He’s a protector, Layla, and if there’s anything you need to fully understand about my son it’s that he will love and protect you until the day he dies.”


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