by AndyAfro
Different voices came from the boy - a shrill falsetto; a low gutteral grunt; and animal groans, duckings and chirpings. He screamed and screach-ed for hours.
His physical body went through excruciating contortions - the arms would go up straight in back of him and his legs twisted around the trunk of his body - something no human being could do in a conscious state.
Nauseating smells and large heaps of excrement came from his body, although the boy had eaten almost nothing. He would vomit 20 or 30 times a day - huge piles of vomit, some of it looking like hair. Obviously, the physical body wasn't producing these wastes. They were brought in by the demons through teleportation - the power of mind used to transport substances by breaking them down into their tiniest parts.
Many times people in the room heard a slap, and a red mark appeared on the boy's face. His body bloated until it seemed ready to explode. The face twisted into terrible contorted shapes, his lips and head puffed up like a balloon filled with water, and his eyes bulged out as if he were choking.
Despite his weakened condition, Douglas showed tremendous strength, and as many as ten of the investigating priests were needed to hold him down on the floor. If he got free, he would rise to the ceiling and clutch at it with his hands and feet, a diabolical look on his face.
Satisfied that no medical or psychological reasons could explain the condition of the boy, the priests recomended exorcism.
The family decided to put Douglas in the home of an aunt in St. Louis where the rites could be performed. But she couldn't stand having him there, and all hospitals refused to take him.
Finally, the boy was placed in a monastery near St. Louis where the rites of exorcism were begun. Douglas had been baptized into the Catholic Church at Georgetown, but before the exorcism could proceed, he had to take Communion. For four hours priests struggled to get the Communion Host into the boy's mouth, but his jaws were clenched tight by the demons. Finally, they succeeded in forcing the Host past his gritted teeth.
The priest who was assigned to perform the exorcism was a man in his early 50's. He began a fast to purify himself, losing 50 pounds in all, and stayed constantly at the boy's bedside as he prepared himself for the struggle to come.
Then it began. While several other priests held the boy down, the exorcist recited a litany. He held a large towel in front of him. Even so, phlegm would come from the boy's mouth, half a pint at a time, and fire across the room, go over the towel and hit the exorcist in the eyes.
The exorcism consisted of ritual and prayers recited by the priest. But the boy had to say "1 renounce Satan and all of his works," and two other ritual words in order to end the possession. The words wouldn't come from his mouth.
It was also necessary that the demons give the time of their departure from the physical body. When a demon is commanded in the name of Jesus Christ to reveal his name, he must. But these demons refused to do so until the boy said two words. The case looked hopeless.
The struggle went on through Easter Sunday 1949. On Easter the demons erupted in some of the most violent manifestations of the whole case -screaming, spitting, yelling curses. But these terrors must have been their death battle - the next day the boy was finally able to speak the ritual words and was freed of possession. When he spoke, bright red welts popped out on his chest, spelling out the names of the demons and the time of their exorcism. Priests discovered that three separate demons had invaded this human being. The two-and-a-half month terror was over.
That was the end of Warren's story. He told me that "Douglas Dean", now 38 years old is living a normal life. Dean's recollections are part of the Church records. In Ed Warren's view, this testimony and evidence in the files from doctors, priests, and other reliable witnesses are proof that Douglas Dean was possessed by diabolical spirits.
I thanked Ed Warren for his help, unplugged my tape recorder, and left the house with great relief.
The darkness of the night was deeper than ever, throwing a shadow over my car. Suddenly I remembered Warren's warning, "You are already oppressed." Before I started the car, I took the pre cautions he advised. "Imagine a Christ light around you, a white glow enveloping you, your car, and your house. If you think anything evil is nearby, say 'In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to go back where you came from.' Then cross yourself."
Maybe it was silly. But I felt a lot better after taking Warren's advice.
An unusual or unexpected sight. A ghostly figure.
Writing executed without the agent's volition and sometimes without hit knowledge.
The formation of a circle on foot in a ritualistic manner.
One who has the power to detect objects not present to the senses.
Evil spirit
The study of evil spirit!.
An independent, separate or self contained existence.
The practice of freeing evil spirit
Living in or on as a parasite.
Having death as a subject.
Having, showing or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite or hatred.
An individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and the world of spirits.
Relating to supernatural agencies, their effects and knowledge of them.
A board used with a planchette to seek spiritualistic or telepathic messages.
A psychological state in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by another.
Clairvoyance relating to an event or state not yet experienced.
Divination of facts concerning an object or its owner through contact with or proximity to the object.
Movement of objects through mind over matter.
Innate wickedness. Obsession with or affinity for evil.
Of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe.
Communication from one mind to another through mental channels.
A religion derived from African ancestor worship. The practice of witchcraft.
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