Deliver us from evil_forLit

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Deliver us from evil_forLit Page 11

by AndyAfro

  Different vo­ices ca­me from the boy - a shrill fal­set­to; a low gut­te­ral grunt; and ani­mal gro­ans, duc­kings and chir­pings. He scre­amed and scre­ach-ed for ho­urs.

  His physi­cal body went thro­ugh exc­ru­ci­ating con­tor­ti­ons - the arms wo­uld go up stra­ight in back of him and his legs twis­ted aro­und the trunk of his body - so­met­hing no hu­man be­ing co­uld do in a cons­ci­o­us sta­te.

  Nauseating smells and lar­ge he­aps of exc­re­ment ca­me from his body, alt­ho­ugh the boy had eaten al­most not­hing. He wo­uld vo­mit 20 or 30 ti­mes a day - hu­ge pi­les of vo­mit, so­me of it lo­oking li­ke ha­ir. Ob­vi­o­usly, the physi­cal body wasn't pro­du­cing the­se was­tes. They we­re bro­ught in by the de­mons thro­ugh te­le­por­ta­ti­on - the po­wer of mind used to trans­port subs­tan­ces by bre­aking them down in­to the­ir ti­ni­est parts.

  Many ti­mes pe­op­le in the ro­om he­ard a slap, and a red mark ap­pe­ared on the boy's fa­ce. His body blo­ated un­til it se­emed re­ady to exp­lo­de. The fa­ce twis­ted in­to ter­rib­le con­tor­ted sha­pes, his lips and he­ad puf­fed up li­ke a bal­lo­on fil­led with wa­ter, and his eyes bul­ged out as if he we­re cho­king.

  Despite his we­ake­ned con­di­ti­on, Do­ug­las sho­wed tre­men­do­us strength, and as many as ten of the in­ves­ti­ga­ting pri­ests we­re ne­eded to hold him down on the flo­or. If he got free, he wo­uld ri­se to the ce­iling and clutch at it with his hands and fe­et, a di­abo­li­cal lo­ok on his fa­ce.

  Satisfied that no me­di­cal or psycho­lo­gi­cal re­asons co­uld exp­la­in the con­di­ti­on of the boy, the pri­ests re­co­men­ded exor­cism.

  The fa­mily de­ci­ded to put Do­ug­las in the ho­me of an aunt in St. Lo­u­is whe­re the ri­tes co­uld be per­for­med. But she co­uldn't stand ha­ving him the­re, and all hos­pi­tals re­fu­sed to ta­ke him.

  Finally, the boy was pla­ced in a mo­nas­tery ne­ar St. Lo­u­is whe­re the ri­tes of exor­cism we­re be­gun. Do­ug­las had be­en bap­ti­zed in­to the Cat­ho­lic Church at Ge­or­ge­town, but be­fo­re the exor­cism co­uld pro­ce­ed, he had to ta­ke Com­mu­ni­on. For fo­ur ho­urs pri­ests strug­gled to get the Com­mu­ni­on Host in­to the boy's mo­uth, but his jaws we­re clenc­hed tight by the de­mons. Fi­nal­ly, they suc­ce­eded in for­cing the Host past his grit­ted te­eth.

  The pri­est who was as­sig­ned to per­form the exor­cism was a man in his early 50's. He be­gan a fast to pu­rify him­self, lo­sing 50 po­unds in all, and sta­yed cons­tantly at the boy's bed­si­de as he pre­pa­red him­self for the strug­gle to co­me.

  Then it be­gan. Whi­le se­ve­ral ot­her pri­ests held the boy down, the exor­cist re­ci­ted a li­tany. He held a lar­ge to­wel in front of him. Even so, phlegm wo­uld co­me from the boy's mo­uth, half a pint at a ti­me, and fi­re ac­ross the ro­om, go over the to­wel and hit the exor­cist in the eyes.

  The exor­cism con­sis­ted of ri­tu­al and pra­yers re­ci­ted by the pri­est. But the boy had to say "1 re­no­un­ce Sa­tan and all of his works," and two ot­her ri­tu­al words in or­der to end the pos­ses­si­on. The words wo­uldn't co­me from his mo­uth.

  It was al­so ne­ces­sary that the de­mons gi­ve the ti­me of the­ir de­par­tu­re from the physi­cal body. When a de­mon is com­man­ded in the na­me of Jesus Christ to re­ve­al his na­me, he must. But the­se de­mons re­fu­sed to do so un­til the boy sa­id two words. The ca­se lo­oked ho­pe­less.

  The strug­gle went on thro­ugh Eas­ter Sun­day 1949. On Eas­ter the de­mons erup­ted in so­me of the most vi­olent ma­ni­fes­ta­ti­ons of the who­le ca­se -scre­aming, spit­ting, yel­ling cur­ses. But the­se ter­rors must ha­ve be­en the­ir de­ath bat­tle - the next day the boy was fi­nal­ly ab­le to spe­ak the ri­tu­al words and was fre­ed of pos­ses­si­on. When he spo­ke, bright red welts pop­ped out on his chest, spel­ling out the na­mes of the de­mons and the ti­me of the­ir exor­cism. Pri­ests dis­co­ve­red that three se­pa­ra­te de­mons had in­va­ded this hu­man be­ing. The two-and-a-half month ter­ror was over.

  That was the end of War­ren's story. He told me that "Do­ug­las De­an", now 38 ye­ars old is li­ving a nor­mal li­fe. De­an's re­col­lec­ti­ons are part of the Church re­cords. In Ed War­ren's vi­ew, this tes­ti­mony and evi­den­ce in the fi­les from doc­tors, pri­ests, and ot­her re­li­ab­le wit­nes­ses are pro­of that Do­ug­las De­an was pos­ses­sed by di­abo­li­cal spi­rits.

  I than­ked Ed War­ren for his help, unp­lug­ged my ta­pe re­cor­der, and left the ho­use with gre­at re­li­ef.

  The dark­ness of the night was de­eper than ever, thro­wing a sha­dow over my car. Sud­denly I re­mem­be­red War­ren's war­ning, "You are al­re­ady op­pres­sed." Be­fo­re I star­ted the car, I to­ok the pre ca­uti­ons he ad­vi­sed. "Ima­gi­ne a Christ light aro­und you, a whi­te glow en­ve­lo­ping you, yo­ur car, and yo­ur ho­use. If you think anyt­hing evil is ne­arby, say 'In the na­me of Jesus Christ, I com­mand you to go back whe­re you ca­me from.' Then cross yo­ur­self."

  Maybe it was silly. But I felt a lot bet­ter af­ter ta­king War­ren's ad­vi­ce.



  An unu­su­al or unex­pec­ted sight. A ghostly fi­gu­re.


  Writing exe­cu­ted wit­ho­ut the agent's vo­li­ti­on and so­me­ti­mes wit­ho­ut hit know­led­ge.


  The for­ma­ti­on of a circ­le on fo­ot in a ri­tu­alis­tic man­ner.


  One who has the po­wer to de­tect obj­ects not pre­sent to the sen­ses.


  Evil spi­rit


  The study of evil spi­rit!.


  An in­de­pen­dent, se­pa­ra­te or self con­ta­ined exis­ten­ce.


  The prac­ti­ce of fre­e­ing evil spi­rit


  Living in or on as a pa­ra­si­te.


  Having de­ath as a su­bj­ect.


  Having, sho­wing or ari­sing from in­ten­se of­ten vi­ci­o­us ill will, spi­te or hat­red.


  An in­di­vi­du­al held to be a chan­nel of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­we­en the earthly world and the world of spi­rits.


  Relating to su­per­na­tu­ral agen­ci­es, the­ir ef­fects and know­led­ge of them.


  A bo­ard used with a planc­het­te to se­ek spi­ri­tu­alis­tic or te­le­pat­hic mes­sa­ges.


  A psycho­lo­gi­cal sta­te in which an in­di­vi­du­al's nor­mal per­so­na­lity is rep­la­ced by anot­her.


  Clairvoyance re­la­ting to an event or sta­te not yet ex­pe­ri­en­ced.


  Divination of facts con­cer­ning an obj­ect or its ow­ner thro­ugh con­tact with or pro­xi­mity to the obj­ect.


  Movement of obj­ects thro­ugh mind over mat­ter.


  Innate wic­ked­ness. Ob­ses­si­on with or af­fi­nity for evil.


  Of or re­la­ting to an or­der of exis­ten­ce be­yond the vi­sib­le ob­ser­vab­le uni­ver­se.


  Communication from one mind to anot­her thro­ugh men­tal chan­nels.


  A re­li­gi­on de­ri­ved from Af­ri­can an­ces­tor wors­hip. The prac­ti­ce of witchc­raft.



th friends


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