Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC Book 5)

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Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC Book 5) Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  I also don’t throw in his face that everyone in this room was fighting in a war when they were 18. I’m 21. I feel my age is just fine and not part of this equation because I can do what they need me to do and that’s all that matters.

  I reach down, grabbing the knife out of my right boot and slamming the blade down into the wood of the bar, leaving the handle sticking up.

  “Shit,” I hear from the other side of the room, but I don’t turn to look to see who said it. Neither does Scribe. He didn’t so much as blink. Not even when I pulled out the knife.

  “You can’t see everything behind that computer,” I tell him, pulling the knife from the wood, still looking straight into his eyes as I lay my left hand, palm down flat, on the bar, fingers spread wide. I start to unhurriedly hit the blade between each finger, slowly picking up speed. Moving my right hand faster and faster as the knife lands between my fingers, hitting the wood of the bar. I’m sure it’s leaving nice little nicks each time it hits, but I don’t give a fuck. Finally, he pulls his eyes from mine and looks at my hand. “Not everything is as it appears on your little screen. I think someone like you would know that, because most of you are nothing like you seem.”

  “Jesus Christ.” I hear another voice from the other side of the room again.

  Scribe’s eyes are now studying my hand, but I still keep looking at him as I move the blade between my fingers with quick ease. I know what he’s going to do. He’s looking for the right moment to grab my hand, and just when he goes to grab me, I pull back, making him jump. It gives me an opening, and I slam the knife right into the center of the keyboard of his laptop. The light drains from the screen.

  “Stay out of my fucking business,” I say as calmly as I can. I pull the knife from his keyboard and throw it across the room to the dartboard next to the pool table. I hit it square in the center. “I can handle myself,” I tell him, leaning in so I’m only a breath away. “Even better when I’m close up.”



  The first time I saw Violet, I think my balls dropped right along with my jaw. I’d never seen anything like her in my life. Sure, I’d seen pretty girls before, and good-looking women trying to get at me, but she was different.

  She was short and trim with a nice little rack and a sweet round ass, but something behind those crystal-blue eyes was dark. She looked innocent and sweet standing alongside Casper the first time, but I could tell something flared under that facade. She looked a lot like her brother Vincent with his dark Italian complexion, but Violet’s got long auburn hair nearly to her waist. Those blue eyes of hers sparkled behind her bangs, and I ached to walk over and grip her chin, making her look into me. To let me see what she was hiding, because there was something there. I could feel it.

  I’ve seen the side glances she gives me. I know what an interested woman looks like, and she is most definitely interested. I think it pisses her off. But I can’t get too close. There are a few things keeping me at a distance, and the first one is that she wants to be in the club. It’s not that she’s a woman, and it’s not that she’s Vincent’s sister. It’s the fact that she looks so goddamn sweet and innocent when she’s just standing there, that she’d be a liability to the club.

  Anyone wanting to start any shit would just have to say the wrong word to her and I’d lose it. Maybe that’s the real liability. Me around her. Something inside of me makes me want to protect her, and I can’t have that kind of distraction. No matter how bad I want her. No matter that what Cas says is true, she can handle herself just fine.

  The other reason is that she’s so young. She says she’s 21, but she looks like she’s fifteen. Far too young to be getting my dick hard. But here we are, with my cock straining down my thigh and aching to break free because I’m within ten feet of her sweet-smelling cunt, her little body that I know I could easily move around. Take her on any surface and not even strain a muscle. Well, except for my cock.

  There’s something about her that’s familiar, and I’m drawn to her. I try to fight it every step of the way, but I’m always pulled back to her. I feel like there’s something about her that’s like me, almost like she can see through people’s bullshit like I can.

  I grew up around rich snobs who flaunted their wealth, so it’s easy for me to spot someone being fake. My parents come from old money in Kansas City. They are from a long line of socialites and just assumed I would follow in their footsteps.

  Most people don’t know it about me but I was a really fat kid. I was overweight and didn’t have a lot of friends, so I stayed in my room and played video games. Then after time, that developed into an interest in computers. And after getting really bored one night, I started to see what I could do just sitting in my room. What damage was I capable of? I started off small, hacking into the high school’s system and changing out a few things. Just kids’ stuff at first. After a few months of basic tinkering, I started to branch out. I made friends online, and with them I started doing things that were riskier. Right before my eighteenth birthday, I broke into one of the government’s highest security clearance sites and ordered all of them pink dildos and charged it to the taxpayers in Washington DC.

  I thought I’d cleared my trail, but when a man in uniform showed up on my doorstep, we were both just as surprised to see the other. Thankfully my parents were in Paris on a trip and I was home alone. General Rogue and I came to an understanding that day. He promised not to take me to jail if I promised to show up at an address the following day and take a few tests. I agreed, figuring I was getting off easy and would do whatever they asked as long as it kept me out of prison. I was a punk kid, but I also knew enough to know I’d fucked up.

  When I showed up to the address the next day, I was put in front of a computer and asked to perform some tasks. Some were child’s play and some were really challenging. To my amazement, I looked up six hours later, not realizing where the day had gone. General Rogue came over and talked to me, and for the first time in my life, someone asked me what I wanted to do with my life. He said I had potential, and he could get me in a program in the military if I could somehow pass the physical tests. I was embarrassed because I was so overweight and out of shape that I knew that wasn’t possible. But he said if I wanted it bad enough, he would make it happen.

  He gave me his number and told me I could think on it for a few days but that he needed an answer by the end of the week. My eighteenth birthday. I knew the second I walked out of there what my decision was going to be. But I waited until the day and called him to give him my answer. He swore me in that afternoon and put my ass on a plane to Parris Island.

  I heard my parents got the news a few days after they came back and found the letter on my bed. From what one of my friends said, they called the police and tried to get me to come home. They’d said the military had kidnapped me. But I was already halfway through basic, and was killing myself to stay in. I knew I didn’t want to go back to that lifestyle, and this was my ticket out.

  I’d never worked so hard in my life, and soon I started to keep up with the guys around me. I met Savage and Pres, and we became the best in our class. I was tested for intel and scored through the roof. The rest is history. I did my tours with the Marines and got out after Savage got hurt. My parents are still assholes about my decision and are, needless to say, quite disappointed in the path I took. My mom is even less excited about my tattoos and hair, but I stopped caring the day I stopped using their money. I took what little I made in the military and invested it. I ended up making a shit ton and invested the rest of the guys’ money for them, too. The last thing we wanted to worry about was paying our bills while serving our country, so we played it smart, and it paid off.

  Now I just game online and do the occasional hack when it benefits the club. General Rogue was more like a dad to me than my own father, giving me advice during my career and even now that I’m out. I got him playing World of Warcraft after he retired, and now I get emails at least once a week shit-
talking me. Life was good and exactly how I wanted it, until Violent Violet walked in the club looking for a cut. Looking to put my life into chaos.

  Violet reads people well, and while that should be an asset to the club, I don’t like the thought of her reading anyone but me. I’ve never been selfish when it came to women, never really cared who they went to when we were done. It’s been too long since I’ve been with a woman, and maybe that’s why I’m all worked up about her. The fact that I can’t seem to get her off my mind has to be because I haven’t fucked anything but my hand since the first time I saw her with Casper.

  As I sit here now, inches from her, and try not to be impressed by her knife work, I inhale through my nose, just wanting another smell of her sweetness. I want to fall down on my knees and worship her body, but I kind of want to fire her up at the same time. Get her all worked up like I am. I want to replace the indifference she has on her face right now with something more. She can hold her own, I see that now. But can she do it while her knees are weak?

  “Who gave you the road name Violent Violet?” I lean into her space so our lips are almost touching, and I can feel her breath against me. “From where I’m sitting, you look like a sweet little thing just waiting for a man to take you down.”

  Her cheeks heat, and I give her a cocky smile, liking that I got some emotion from her. Then the pain hits me. I cry out and double over, hitting the floor hard. The last thing I see before I black out is her combat boot stepping over me while I lie there in agony.

  I can’t believe she kneed me in the balls.



  “You awake, pretty boy?”

  I groan at the sound of Casper’s voice and feel like I’m going to vomit. The pain isn’t as bad as it was, but damn, it hurts all over, not just the place she kneed me.

  “Goddamn, she got you good.” She laughs like the devil. She’s fucking proud of her.

  Pushing up a little, I look around the room, waiting for all the guys to give me shit, but really I’m searching for Violet. “What happened?” I feel a surge of panic when I don’t see her or anyone else.

  “Basically, Violet kneeing you in the balls got her in the club. We were voting her in, no matter what, but you being passed out on the ground was really like the icing on the cake. The guys gave her the cut. She’s a prospect. Pres took her into the office for a quick meeting, and I said I’d wait around for you to wake up and find your dick.”

  I sit up on the floor and put my hands between my legs. “Goddamn, Casper. Get your keys. You’re going to have to take me to your house.”

  “Why?” she asks, a real look of concern crossing her face.

  “I need to find a dress. I think she made me a woman,” I grunt, getting to my feet.

  Cas laughs and pats me on the back. “Guess that’s what bikers do when they can’t pull pigtails on the playground anymore.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I take a few steps, making sure my dick is still attached.

  “It means you two need to just fuck already and get it over with. But don’t tell Vincent I said that.” She points her finger at me and gives me a look of death. Then she looks around the room like he might possibly have heard her.

  I don’t say anything in response, mostly because I’m not sure my dick could fuck anything ever again. But goddamn, does that little thing turn me on. My cock twitches with the thought of her, and I’m happy he’s not completely useless.

  “Come on, Scribe. Pres wants to talk to you in his office when you think you can see straight.”

  The look on Casper’s face is far too happy about my injury, but I can’t really hate her for it. I’d laugh my ass off if one of the guys got kneed in the balls by Violet. But then I get angry thinking about her knee anywhere near them and shake that thought off. Goddamn it, I’m developing a split personality disorder with her.

  This has been a long time coming though, and I know it. I’ve tried to keep my distance, but the more I try to push her away, the closer I end up getting to her. Like tonight when I tried to rattle her and give her shit, she ends up kneeing me in the balls, and now I’m chasing after her. Like a goddamn puppy, I’ll follow her anywhere. I’ve always got my eyes on her.

  I can hear everyone outside when I hobble over to Pres’ office. I knock on the door as I walk in, not looking around the room, just falling onto the couch and throwing my arm over my eyes.

  “Goddamn, I need some ice,” I say rubbing my balls.

  “I wish I had some,” Violet says. I hear a glass full of ice shaking, and I groan at the sound.

  Lifting my arm, I look over to see her sitting in front of Pres’ desk, and him behind it trying to muffle a laugh. I want to punch him in the face, but I daresay I’m not in the state to do much at the moment with my balls still up in my stomach.

  She takes the last sip of her drink and then pops a piece of ice in her mouth, crunching down on it hard as she smirks at me. My eyes follow down to her cut, and I have to admit it looks sexy as fuck on her. I didn’t want her wearing it because of the target it now puts on her back, but my dick twitches again as I think about her wearing it while I fuck her. Nothing on underneath it, just the cut and her tits bouncing while she rides my cock.

  “That’s a great idea, baby. Get your mouth nice and cold so you can suck me better.”

  The smile on her face dies as she crunches the last of the ice, and I hate myself a little for extinguishing it. Fuck, I’m an asshole, and I can’t seem to help it when it comes to her. It would be heaven having her mouth anywhere on me, but especially my dick. I’d hold her auburn hair out of the way and tell her how good she is at it. No doubt with thick lips like hers, she’d feel so good around my shaft. I don’t think Violet has ever done anything she hasn’t excelled at. If I’ve learned anything about her, that’s it.

  “That cock of yours hasn’t seen so much as the light of day in years, Scribe. You use those hands for something else besides video games?” Pres asks, breaking my thoughts about Violet going down on me.

  I open my mouth to respond, and he cuts me off.

  “Enough of this bullshit. Violent is a prospect. She’s going on a run with you. You’ll leave tonight. Pack your shit up. She’s got the details.”

  “What?” I say sharply, sitting up.

  Violet stands, takes the thick envelope on the desk, and walks to the door. “I’ll meet you outside,” is all she says before exiting. Cas winks at me and follows her out.

  “Pres, I’m not some prospect. I’m a fucking patchmember. I’m the goddamn intel for this club, and you’re going to give her the orders and not tell me what the hell is going on?”

  He rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair. Savage comes into the room and sits down beside me on the couch. Ham, Pres’ bulldog, follows him and sits on my other side.

  “I was going to tell you before you went and got yourself kicked in the nuts.” I start to protest, but he raises his hand to stop me. “I need a shooter in the sky, and I need your skills on the computer. She’s got all the information you two need. And I know you didn’t want her in the club, but she is. So fucking deal with it. And I don’t want to hear about it from her when she gets back. Get your shit together with Violet, Scribe. She can hold her own against any of these guys, and she’ll be an asset to the club. Cas vouches for her, so she’s in. End of fucking story.”

  I sit back on the couch and look over at Savage. He just looks at Pres and nods once, confirming what he just said.

  At the end of the day, I’m going to do whatever the fuck Pres tells me to do. He was my commanding officer in the Marines, and he’s my club President now. I know he wouldn’t send me on a mission if I didn’t have to be there. So instead of fighting, I let out a breath and nod in agreement.

  “Yes, sir,” I say and exit his office.

  I get the stirring in my stomach as I walk out, like every other time I think about Violet. There’s been something about her that’s drawn me in from
day one, something I can’t put my finger on.

  There’s a way about her that’s different, and every time I’m near her, I get pulled in. I see the spark in her eyes that lets me know there’s more to her than she’s willing to show. There’s a vulnerability inside that she’s trying to hide, but I see it. I see through the sassy exterior that keeps people at arm’s length. The part that tries to push me away. I see through her threats and tough talk to the woman inside. I think because I’ve battled with my own inner demons, I recognize the darkness in her, as well as the light.

  I did a lot of things I’m not proud of when fighting for my country overseas, and I think that kind of shit always leaves a mark on your soul. And for some reason, when I’m close to Violet, I feel that, and I want to hold her. I know she’d just push me away, so I cover it with jokes and cocky words. But there’s something about her that I see inside myself, and I want to get to know that better.

  For all those reasons, I should probably stay away. But because of those reasons, I know I won’t. I’ve tried for long enough to voice my concerns about her being in the club, and it didn’t work. I know she’s more than capable of doing the job, but something inside me wants to protect her and keep her safe. I want to shield her from the dangers of the world, and her joining the Ghost Riders will put her in harm’s way at some point.

  But even with all the reasons in the world, and all that I’ve stacked against her, I’m on my way to pick her up and carry out this mission. She’s on the team, and as much as I’ve tried to hold back, I don’t think I can much longer. Now I just need to convince her that trusting me is a safe bet.


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