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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 18

by Unknown

  He chewed and swallowed, waiting as I had to see if the serum erupted. He turned to me when nothing happened and cocked his head as if asking for an explanation.

  “I don’t know how it works. I just know it feels awesome to eat,” I stated taking a bit of my waffle. He watched me intently for a minute.

  “It feels strange to chew after a years of drinking my meals,” he commented keeping pace with me and my waffle now.

  By the end of breakfast, everyone was laughing and involved in the conversation. Any tension felt before with Kellan and Kai was long gone. Perhaps he was simply delighted to be able to eat again. He devoured twice as much as anyone… And Kalel and Kai have huge appetites.

  I once again helped Gabi with the dishes while the guys ventured off to work instead of play. I assumed there were more spies, thieves and trespassers to take care of. I didn’t want Kellan to tag along with them given what I had seen and experienced. Ok, so I was also distrusting of the guys to not mess with Kellan, especially Kai. But he did anyways.

  Gabi went to re-organize her closet after as I anxiously waited on the couch for their return. I talked to Mel as she got ready for school. She filled me in on all the gossip and what I’d missed. I told her what I was allowed and promised the rest in person. Things were moving along with her and Craig. She actually introduced him to her Mom, and, surprise, surprise, her mom adored him. Their time together was still limited and supervised when she was home though.

  It was nice getting back to normal with the sound of my best friend’s voice. Everything else disappeared and it was like I was home again in a way. Right as we hung up reality slapped me in the face.

  The guys trudged in loudly despite their graceful footing. I immediately looked at Kellan who was composed or so he appeared to be. The moment our eyes connected he revealed his true horror just as I’d feared.

  “So what did you witness these savages do?” I asked him lightly, trying to soften him up a bit. He reminded me of a soldier fresh from war.

  “We’re not savages,” Kai quickly defended, though he didn’t sound as if he’d taken it personally. “Well, maybe we are in bed,” he winked.

  I smacked him when he passed. We were morphing into quite the duo bordering a loving sibling rivalry at times and pure flirts at others.

  “So,” I prompted Kellan again.

  “Three murders, one hand, an ear and two were spared but barred,” he quickly spewed. I could tell he was really uncomfortable.

  “An ear?” I asked, dumbfounded by the concept.

  “He listened to the gossip about us and came to quench his curiosity. We did an ear to remind him not to listen to such nonsense,” Kalel explained.

  “Oh…” I didn’t know what else to say. My stomach was suddenly in knots.

  “Relax Leka. We kept you in mind. That’s why we spared the last two,” Kai smiled as if I should have praised them for doing so. It amazed me how nonchalant they all were to death and killing.

  The next few hours were spent discussing strategies, needs and demands for the meeting. Auggy called to reschedule for a later time, 11pm to be exact. They preferred to be inconspicuous given the location and chose a time when most humans would be in bed. We agreed.

  As the time passed, the tension built. Gabi spent another two hours choosing an outfit. Rafi, Kalel and Kai spent their time in the weapons room. I didn’t want to think about why or what they were doing. It gave Kellan and I some time together which I felt we needed given our current circumstances.

  “They were right…” he stated randomly. We had been cuddled on the sofa in silence for over an hour when he suddenly blurted this.


  “The docs.”

  “About what?”

  “They said we were going to bring peace to our kind. I admit I laughed inside when I heard them. It just sounded like a bunch of fluff. But now, with this… It somehow seems doable.”

  “Yea…” It did make sense somewhat now. I’d brought two huge entities in our world together; boisterous enemies had agreed to negotiate a treaty of alliance because of, well… me. It’s crazy to think of it in a factual way like that. I could have passed the torch of responsibility to someone else, but truthfully, no one else arranged this. I did have cooperating parties though.

  “You amaze me.”

  “Huh?” Having just returned from my mental roller coaster ride, I didn’t expect those words.

  “You amaze me,” he repeated. I moved to look at him before replying. Men can say anything to woo a woman. Vamps are not immune to their game. One look at him told me he was being sincere. I was beaming, feeling loved and adored. I leaned in to kiss him. It felt like forever since I’d had his lips on mine. The moment our skin touched we were connected on that cosmic mental level, no tunnels to pass through first. I saw every fear, worry and contemplation he’d carried in my absence. He in turn relived my entire journey with the Bladangs thus far.

  “Are you mad that I kissed Kai?” Best to deal with it now than later, especially since the guilt continued to mount.

  “Hurt. But I know it was part of your mission, what you had to do. Plus I know you’ll always come back to me. I feel it.”

  I lifted onto my knees leaning into him. I ran my hands from his chest to his shoulders and eventually to his back as I moved closer to him. He tasted sweet and refreshing. I never wanted to stop. I wanted to hold him to me forever.

  “I know I don’t need air, but I do like it,” he chuckled the thought my way.

  “Sorry. I just missed you more than I realized.” I loosened my grip.

  I heard the weapons room door and flew off Kellan to my side of the sofa as if my parents had surprised us in the middle of a steamy session. Guilt and shock were plastered in my deer caught in headlights expression. I tried to pass it off but clearly failed. Thank God it was only Kalel. I don’t know why, but I would have been embarrassed had it have been Kai.

  “Don’t stop on account of me,” Kalel smirked on his way to the library. I blushed profusely, or at least it felt like I did.

  “You totally freaked,” Kellan pointed out the obvious.

  “Don’t remind me,” I replied somewhat snappy. I immediately felt bad.

  “Why did you?” he asked, a bit defensive too now.

  “Well it is their house…” I went upstairs to pick out clothes for tonight. I had somewhat lied to Kellan by not telling him the truth I’d just admitted to myself: I was interested in Kai as more than a friend or brother figure or else why would I have been embarrassed and jumpy. I knew he’s not what I needed and Kellan was my solid for a long term commitment. But I was sixteen. I was supposed to have fun and Kai was the epitome of a good time, even if it’s temporary.

  Chapter 17

  We arrived at my house an hour ahead of time. I did the formal introductions of Gabi, Rafi, Kalel and Kai to my mother. She, like everyone else, was in business mode. From the attitude to the conversations and all attire, we were ready.

  I couldn’t help but feel nervous. I was to be the mediator. If anything went wrong, I was the middle man (woman). I was the reason they’re here and the reason it failed should that happen.

  “Relax Leka,” Kai said.

  “I hope this goes well,” I verbalized my concern. Talking to Kai always came easy.

  “You don’t control tonight. We do.” This was his attempt at comfort, but it was useless.

  “That doesn’t make it better.”

  “Come here,” he said pulling me in for a hug. I noticed my mother watching us with a peculiar gleam in her eyes I’d never seen before. I wondered what she was thinking but knew I couldn’t ask now.

  Kalel, Gabi and Rafi had taken over our dining room. They all carried the look of a high-priced attorney and evoked power. Kellan was upstairs on the phone with Craig; my mom grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. And me… I was a nervous wreck in Kai’s arms in an open space between the kitchen and family room. I broke away from his grip and settled
in a bar stool at the kitchen island.

  “Que paso mija?” my mother asked. I assume she used Spanish in case I wanted to say something about Kai or what we were about to do.

  “Nada,” I replied. She gave me the look. You know, the one every mother gives when they know you’re lying and something is wrong and they want you to know they aren’t leaving you alone until they find out. “Yo no se,” I sighed. She remained. “Mañana Mom.” She nodded her head once in agreement before walking away.

  I retreated to the dining room. My stomach was in knots and I felt like I was walking on eggshells. I approached the table right as Kellan returned to my side and the High Authorities arrived. The Bladang Leaders instantly shifted to the table side closest to the door. I clutched Kellan’s arm as if my life depended on it; he immediately pulled me into him, ever my protective warrior. He’d risk everything for me regardless of how foolish it made him or what it cost. I felt guilty all over again about how things developed with Kai.

  Laurence, Felipe and Auggy piled into the now crammed feeling formal dining room. They all were dressed in black outfits though the styles were individually matched.

  “Gentlemen and ladies, our High Commanding Officer will be joining us this evening. We value his opinion and given your number of four, it will even the playing field,” Felipe smirked near the end as if taunting the Bladangs a bit.

  “Of course. That will be fine,” Kalel replied. His voice was cold, body language stiff, and his eyes bore straight into every High Authority figure.

  “Hartford!” Auggy called. My heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be…

  I scanned the room nervously, frantically. The two sets of leaders were dividing and organizing papers in front of them. No one spoke aloud, but you could tell conversation was in the air when in he walked. I would recognize him anywhere. He looked exactly the same as the first day I’d met him back in fifth grade at Mel’s first slumber party with me. The shock factor was through the roof for me.

  He recognized me; I knew it the minute he lingered too long in my direction. He gazed straight into my eyes with the same bright blue as Mel’s, as if to bare his soul to me in an apologetic way. I wanted to scream at him; tell him that it’s not me he ought to be appealing to but Mel, the daughter he abandoned!

  Looking at him though, he appeared to be right around twenty-five or twenty-six, which meant he could have been vampeen or vampire. I didn’t know how to tell the difference. If he’s a vampeen, then Mel would be a… OMG! She would be just like me in a few months! But if he’s not, then this would complicate her very existence in my life. Now that I knew, I couldn’t keep that from her; I couldn’t hide the truth about her own flesh and blood. I feared telling her though would only pull her deeper into my world, a world I’d even felt threatened within at times.

  I had forgotten how much she looked like her dad... He was tall and sort of lanky but with a bit of muscle tone which matched her slender size zero frame. They both had fair ivory skin and the same blue eyes. He had the exact hue of blonde as her hair; it even had the same wavy fullness on top where the length fell slightly. They screamed Scandinavian in looks, but still appealed as the all-American ideal.

  Laurence cleared his throat. “Well then, let us begin, shall we?”

  “Yes, lets,” Kai confirmed.

  “Alexa, please render your account with these leaders. Your thoughts have obviously been blocked,” Auggy ordered.

  “Actually, it’s when I stand with Kellan that my thoughts are blocked,” I offered up nervously.

  “Hmm. That’s quite peculiar,” Laurence stated thoughtfully. His thumb and pointer finger rested under his chin as if he were perplexed. “Nonetheless, we are here on a mission. Please render your accounts with us and we will gladly discuss your findings later.”

  I nervously explained my experience starting in the woods to the end result of now. I even added the family aspect and my personal opinion regarding the Bladang Leaders as ones of integrity, honor, and charm. Though no smile was brought to their faces, I saw the gleam of appreciation and approval in Kai’s eyes. Kalel nodded once as if to acknowledge my verdict and Gabi, standing at the end of the table closest to me, took my hand and squeezed lightly as if to encourage me silently.

  “What makes you the authority on verdicts?” Laurence asked in demeaning fashion. He was not amused or moved by my words it seemed.

  “What does? Morals, values, standards that you yourself acknowledged I hold. Good judgment if you insist. As for who makes me the authority? No one did or does. Perhaps I may be overstepping a line in saying this, but I see no reason for two groups of Leaders in such positions to be arguing like school children with bombs and loaded guns.” I heard the tiny gasps around the table; the biggest came from my mother standing behind me a few feet.

  “Alexa!” she scolded. She rushed to my side and pulled me back. “I’m so sorry. Please allow me to apologize for and on behalf of my daughter. She doesn’t realize the magnitude of what she is claiming.”

  “Step back Sharon,” Felipe ordered. She glanced at me over her shoulder with a tortured look. She was torn between obedience and protection. She didn’t have to make the choice though; they made it for her.

  “Hartford,” Auggy stated his name and he was at my mother’s side ready for a fight if need be.

  “Just stop it,” I broke in. “Mom, step back. This is my doing, my responsibility; not yours.”

  “Alexa. Return to the table and explain your outburst,” Laurence demanded. I obliged.

  “I stand strong behind my words. The saying is the truth hurts, but tell me this. Why are you fighting with the Bladangs?”

  “They attacked our forces in the Florida sector of the Vamp Army which is a direct violation of the code,” Auggy angrily spit the answer in their direction. He was pissed and poised for action as the rhetoric of that sentence.

  “Kalel, why did you attack their Florida quarters?” I pressed in complete attorney mediator mode. I felt just as in control and powerful as the business suit I wore exuded.

  “They launched an attack on our subquarters in Virginia. The war was initiated by a J Russell under the direct orders of Augustine Ponte per the papers we recovered on July 19th,” he explained never removing his eyes from Auggy.

  “Auggy, explain your reasons for attack on their Virginia subquarters.”

  “I do not have to answer that. The reasons are confidential,” he spewed.

  “He won’t answer because he has no valid reason,” Gabi accused. It was the first time she’d spoken all night.

  “We have done nothing to deserve an attack, but we will do everything we have to once we are,” Kai added vigilantly.

  Commotion set on. Everyone began talking at once spewing words back and forth. I couldn’t keep up.

  “Quiet!” I yelled at the top of my lungs angrily. “Do you see what I mean about school children fighting?!” They all were quite heated as they narrowed eyes amongst one another.

  “Kai, share your distaste for the Vamp Army,” I issued my order hoping he would oblige with the tale of his father. He reacted with the bitterest of expressions. He looked at me like the scum who just branded him for life as a loser.

  “Do you want me to?” Kalel offered.

  “I appreciate your offer Kalel, but I feel it is Kai who needs to share his experience.” And it’s the complete truth. Perhaps he would feel better once he did.

  “The previous High Authorities ordered your Hawaiian sector to kill my father because he was human and knew. I was attacked in the mountains. I fought heavily with my sword which I believe scared off my maker. He did not bite me in the usual place, but rather my shoulder. I didn’t know what had happened or what had bit me as I never got a glimpse at him or her. I returned home in shredded clothes dripping in blood. My father went to bandage my wounds but found none. We were dumbfounded.

  “Over the next forty-eight hours I slept on and off. When I awoke, I felt revived and strong. I felt
better than I’d ever felt in all my life. When I found my father outside, he was weeping in the gardens. As I approached him, I didn’t want to hug him, but rather attack him. I heard the small pulse of his blood through his veins, smelled the sweet aroma of him in the air mixed with the honeysuckles and pineapple trees. I slowly approached him finding myself crouching over him in dire thirst. I ran away. It was that moment that I knew something was wrong. I realized my senses were heightened. With human ears I never would have heard his faint tears. The birds, the ocean waves in the background miles away; my nose smelled the coconut, pineapples and sand. And when I ran, I sped faster than any man or animal on the island.

  “I returned days later having given in to my new savage nature. When I entered our home, I found my father buried in ancient writings and books in our native language. He looked up at me with both love and fear. My father was always the one who scared me. The only words he spoke that day were, “But son, you died.”

  “As the days wore on, he opened up. He explained that my heart stopped beating, my body was flushed of color, and my sweat was stained with red. He said occasionally I would cry out in the first twenty-four hours, but afterwards, I was silent and my heartbeat gone. He just didn’t have the heart to bury his son yet so he hid me from any visitors.

  “It was my father who uncovered the truth of me within his ancient readings; he told me what I was and I confirmed it on my own. He helped me through every mood swing, every furious thirst and occasionally even allowed me to drink from him to kill my hunger. He loved me still as his son and treated me as such.

  “One day, your brutal, fisted army kidnapped my father and summoned me to the High Courts in our land. They had been watching me for months and knew of my father’s assistance. But they also knew that he spoke with no one. He severed ties with the majority of our neighbors and family members, a sign of disrespect and disgrace in our culture. But he did it to protect me, to protect the truth about vampires existing.

  “They tortured him with questions. Beat him, slapped him and I was forced to watch every second,” Kai’s rage was surfacing second by second as he relived the tail. I felt horrible. Kai had never shared his story to this intimate of a degree in details.


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