Coming Full Circle

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Coming Full Circle Page 11

by Liz Andrews

  “I love you too. But I’m realistic too.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “You never were interested in guys before me. Now Jasmine is back in our lives. Are you telling me you didn’t even consider the possibility of life ever after with her?”

  Suddenly everything fell into place. “Yes, I’m honestly telling you that. I might not have ever been interested in other men, but it doesn’t mean you turned me. After all the time we’ve been together you should know better.”

  “I know you love me. Never doubt that, I just want to make sure all the cards are on the table.”

  “Seems fair. Let’s turn the tables a bit then. What about you?”

  “My best case scenario?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Chase sighed and then gave him a smile. “The three of us are happy together as a triad, I guess you’d call it. Jasmine would move here, we’d live in the house and all grow old together.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “So did I, until I thought about adding kids into the mix. I mean, how would that work?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t even really thought about it.”

  “Exactly.” Chase smiled to ease the harshness. “That’s what all this is about. We need to think about the future, even if we don’t make any decisions about it right now.”

  “I guess I understand what you’re saying.” Alex nodded slowly. “Can we think about things without being completely negative? Can we think about the here and now before we start worrying about the future?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. Let’s talk about when we’re going to see Jasmine again.”

  Chase chuckled. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “True. But I was thinking. If you had doubts…” He held up his hand as Chase opened his mouth, most likely to protest. “Okay, if not doubts, perhaps concerns is a better word, and maybe Jasmine has them too.”

  “But unlike me, she doesn’t have you to talk to.”

  “Maybe not face to face in the same room. Still, it doesn’t mean we both can’t be there for her.”

  “You have an idea.”

  “I originally came in here to send Jasmine an email. Something to greet her when she arrived home.”

  “Something dirty, perhaps?”

  “I thought she might enjoy a little message to remind her of the weekend and to keep her warm until we see her again.”

  “I like the idea. In fact, I think we should send her a message every day until we see her again. Make sure she knows we’re thinking of her.”

  Alex crossed his arms over his chest, tilted his head and gave Chase a quizzical look. “Who are you and what did you do with Chase? A minute ago you were all pessimistic and full of angst and now…”

  “I know, but I think our talk helped. And the idea Jasmine may need us made me realize I want her to know we’re including her.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Alex jiggled the mouse to bring his computer out of sleep mode and clicked open the email program. “So what do we want to say?”

  Chapter Seven

  The newsroom was a buzz of activity as Chase inspected the room in search of Jasmine. He was hoping to find her before she spotted him. He wanted to watch her unaware in her work environment. It had been two weeks since he’d seen her and even though he and Alex had sent numerous messages, nothing was going to be as good as seeing her in real life.

  “Hi there. Looking for Jasmine?” Chase turned to discover an attractive African-American woman standing at his elbow. Since everyone else in the office had blatantly ignored his presence, more intent on their own issues, he figured this could only be one person.

  “Stephanie?” Jasmine had told him and Alex about her best friend, and she’d described the other woman to a T. Her bohemian style was unique among the starched office personnel. And, after all the stories Jasmine had shared, Chase felt as if he knew Stephanie already.

  “Right on the first try. It’s good to know Jasmine has been telling you about me.”

  “And obviously she’s told you about Alex and me”

  Stephanie waggled her eyebrows. “She certainly has. But don’t worry, I had to drag the story out of her, and I still think she’s holding out on some of the details.”

  “I suppose I should be grateful there’s still a bit of mystery left then.”

  “Give me some time.” Stephanie smiled up at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes. “I suppose you’d like me to take you to see Jasmine now?”

  “Actually, if you could point me in the right direction—”

  “Ahhh, a sneak attack, huh?”

  “You’re freakishly astute.”

  “I’ve heard that before.” Stephanie pointed to the back of the room. “Her cubicle is the second one from the end there.”

  “Think I can steal her away for an extended lunch?”

  “Sure thing. Boss isn’t even in the office today and Jasmine has been in early every day this week.” Glancing down at her watch, she added, “In fact, I think she should start her weekend early.”

  “Sounds like an excellent plan.” He turned and stuck out his hand. “It was great finally meeting you.”

  Stephanie shook his hand with an amused smile. “Next time bring along the other gorgeous hunk of manhood with you.”

  “Will do.”

  Chase headed in the direction Stephanie had pointed. He heard Jasmine before he actually saw her. He stood on the other side of the fake wall partition and blatantly eavesdropped on her conversation.

  “No, Heather, I told you at the last meeting I wouldn’t be available this weekend.” Irritation laced every word. “I’m not at your beck and call.” There was a brief pause. “I’m sorry you feel that way. If you don’t want my help on the committee anymore, I’ll drop off the work I’ve completed up to this point.” A longer pause this time and Jasmine’s tone had altered. “Good then, I’ll see you next week. Bye, Heather.” Chase stepped around the divider as Jasmine hung up the phone, shaking her head.

  “Some things never change, huh?” Chase watched the weariness fade from Jasmine’s face as she lifted her head.

  “Oh my God, you’re here early.” She jumped from her chair and threw her arms around his neck. Kisses rained over his face. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Chase wrapped his arms around her. “Hope you don’t mind, it’s me for now. Alex is visiting his parents.”

  She looked up at him. “Of course I don’t mind. In fact, I haven’t had lunch yet. You interested in getting something to eat?”

  “You read my mind.” Although, since they had this opportunity to be alone, Chase planned to have more than food for lunch.

  “Good, let me grab my purse.” She locked her desk and flipped her computer into security mode before hooking her arm in his. “Any requests for lunch?”

  “How about somewhere intimate and out of the way?” Arm in arm they headed out of the office toward the bank of elevators.

  “I think I have the perfect place in mind and it’s around the corner. There’s this little Italian restaurant with these cute alcove-type tables and it pretty much clears out after two o’clock.”

  “Sounds perfect. Especially since I don’t have a car.”

  “I do, but yeah, we can walk there.”

  Reaching the elevators, Chase pushed the down button and the doors slid open immediately. They were the only occupants and now they were finally alone, Chase backed her against the wall and leaned down to capture her mouth. He needed the taste of her.

  The throb of desire tugged at him as nothing else ever had as their mouths fused together. He swept deep into her mouth, his tongue tangling and dancing together with hers. With his hands on her hips, he pressed his cock into her softness, letting her know without words how much he’d missed her.

  The ding of the elevator arriving in the lobby finally interrupted them. He broke their kiss and smiled down at her dazed expression. Her eyes we
re glassy and her lips puffy and red. Damn, she looks good. He spent so much time staring at her the doors of the elevator began to close. Lucky for him, she seemed to regain her composure faster than he and reached out to hold the doors open so they could step through.

  “Um, are you sure you want lunch?” Her seductive question made him laugh.

  “Yes, we’re eating. You’re going to need all the sustenance possible for this weekend.” He watched with delight as a rosy blush stained her cheeks. Oh yeah, this is going to be a very interesting lunch.

  She nodded and together they left the building and headed toward the restaurant. A few minutes later they were entering the shadowed reception area of the Italian bistro. The spicy smells of tomato sauce and garlic permeated the air. The hostess soon had them seated at a secluded table. There was a rounded bench seat and they both scooted around until they were sitting in the middle, right next to each other.

  “This is a nice little place. Was it open back when we were in high school?”

  “You know, I’m not sure. I never even heard about it until I started working at the paper.”

  “Convenient for a rendezvous.” He couldn’t help but wonder if she’d come to this restaurant with another man and the thought didn’t sit well with him.

  “Maybe. But until now I haven’t ever had the opportunity to come here with a date.”

  Her words had the weight lifting from his shoulders. He placed a hand on her knee, pushing her skirt up a tad. “I’ll have to remedy your lack of illicit sexual liaisons in dark intimate places.”

  “Chase, I—”

  “Welcome to Sergio’s.” Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by the arrival of the waiter asking for their drink order.

  “We’d like a bottle of your house wine.”

  “Of course, sir. Did you want to order any appetizers?” As far as Chase was concerned, Jasmine was all he needed. He slipped his hand further up her thigh, causing a swift intake of breath from her.

  “No, I think we’ll review the menu first.”

  “Very good then.”

  The waiter left them alone and Jasmine quickly turned on him. “What are you doing?”

  “If I need to explain it to you…”

  “We could have skipped lunch, you know.”

  “Yes, but I’m hungry and besides, I’m enjoying myself.”

  Sudden comprehension washed over her face. “You want to play.”

  He chuckled and wedged his hand firmly between her thighs. His cock hardened when he felt the slight dampness of her panties. She was as turned on as he.

  The waiter returned with their wine and a basket of warmly baked bread. With a great flourish he opened the bottle and poured a small amount in the glass in front of Chase. While the man waited for him to approve the vintage, Chase continued to lightly trace his fingers over Jasmine’s cotton-covered pussy. With his other hand he lifted the glass to smell and then taste the wine. “Excellent.”

  As the waiter poured the wine, Chase noted Jasmine warily eyeing the other man, probably wondering if he could see what was happening beneath the table. Still, it didn’t stop her from spreading her legs as Chase started to use a firmer touch. Or stop her from reaching over and laying her hand on his cock.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  Jasmine gave him a firm squeeze, causing Chase’s fingers to tighten on the wine glass. “No, not yet,” he managed to choke out.

  As the waiter nodded and walked away, Jasmine gave a soft laugh. “I can play like you can.” Her hand stroked over his straining erection.

  “Yeah, but I’m not playing.”

  Jasmine’s hand stilled in her caress and she shot Chase a questioning look. “What else can we do? I mean, we are at a restaurant.”

  “And what does that have to do with it?”

  Her nipples hardened at the thought of what he might be proposing. She had always been the good girl. She married her high school sweetheart, never had a one-night stand and, before hooking back up with Chase and Alex, would have never ever considered exhibitionism. Suddenly, though, the idea held a lot of merit. She couldn’t help but point out the obvious.

  “We’d be arrested if we started going at it here.”

  Before he could answer, their waiter returned to take their order. Since she hadn’t even glanced at the menu she wasn’t sure how she’d be able to choose, but Chase didn’t seem to have the same dilemma. He began to ask questions about the daily specials and the soup choices.

  She, on the other hand, was more interested in his cock. Her nimble fingers danced over his zipper, teasing his cloth-covered erection. Looking up at the waiter, she noted he was still engaged in conversation with Chase, although she thought he might have glanced her way once or twice. The only outward reaction Chase gave was a brief pause as if to catch his breath. He turned toward her and desire was reflected in his eyes. “Okay if I order for us?”

  She nodded and watched with a smile as he quickly told the waiter what they wanted. There was no doubt in her mind Chase was trying to hurry the man along. As soon as the waiter left, Chase continued their conversation as if there had been no interruption.

  “Certainly we’d be arrested if we had sex right here. Although our waiter looks as if he’s the type who wouldn’t mind watching me lay you out on this table and eat your sweet pussy for lunch.”

  A flush penetrated her entire body. She was more of a freak than she’d realized because the very idea turned her on.

  “So I guess we’re at an impasse. Although…” Jasmine suddenly had a vision of the restroom. It was extremely ornate, the kind with padded benches and makeup mirrors. Perfect for the type of romantic rendezvous he’d been hinting at.

  “You have an idea.”

  “The ladies’ room here is one of those fancy ones, the type with a separate sitting room. Very private, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh, I think I do.”

  Jasmine felt as if she could feel the heat from his gaze burning through her. This was madness. Nevertheless, she was going to do it. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I need to powder my nose.” She stood and with one backward glance in his direction, headed toward the back of the restaurant.

  She turned the handle and walked in. There was a large rounded bench, upholstered in a soft beige fabric. In addition, one wall was covered with mirrors and had a row of chairs at equal intervals strategically placed in front of the counter.

  Thankfully the room was empty because a few moments later Chase walked in. He glanced around the room muttering “perfect” before turning and locking the door behind him. With no other warning, he grabbed Jasmine. Spearing a hand through her silky locks, he tilted her face and lowered his head to capture her mouth in a searing kiss.

  She melted into his arms, their play at the table more than putting her in the mood for this step. Her hands gripped his shoulders and she held on for dear life as he ravaged her mouth. One of his hands gripped her hip tight, holding her close. His cock pressed into her belly, letting her know in no uncertain terms how much he wanted her.

  There was an urgency she felt knowing their time was limited. Without any encouragement from him, she tugged his shirt from his pants and tried to pull it off him. But it wasn’t working and her inability to touch him was causing her endless frustration.

  Chase picked up on her irritation and broke their kiss. “Hey, hey, baby. Slow down.”

  “No, I can’t…I need…”

  “It’s okay, Jasmine. You’ll get it all. I promise.” He was spouting assurances, but it wasn’t fast enough for her. Her hands fumbled at his belt, releasing the catch and freeing the buckle. She delved inside to free his cock. Warm to the touch, he was hard as iron-covered silk. She wasn’t able to enjoy the feel of him for long though.

  Her world spun on its axis as Chase turned her in his arms. “On your knees,” he ordered. His forceful words were as arousing as his kiss had been. Jasmine scrambled onto the padded bench and leaned forward so s
he was on all fours. He flipped her skirt up and grasped her panties. With a swift move, he ripped them off her body. Cool air wafted over her exposed pussy and her brain was awash with the heady sensations assaulting her.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see Chase rolling a latex sheath over his straining cock. Not sure how or why he even had a condom with him, she was grateful for his forethought, since at this point she had absolutely none.

  “Chase…” She was unable to say more before he placed his shaft against her moist opening and thrust deep inside her. “Ahhh.”

  “God, I’ve missed you,” he groaned between clenched teeth. “You feel good. So damn good.”

  Dropping onto her elbows, Jasmine lowered her breasts to the cushion, enabling Chase to fuck her deeper. “Ohhh, ohh.”

  “Quiet,” he ordered in a harsh tone. “We don’t want to be caught.”


  “They’d make me stop fucking this sweet cunt of yours. You don’t want that, do you?”

  “No, God no.” Anything but. Jasmine would die if she couldn’t get off. She needed to come more than she needed her next breath, and Chase was the man for the job. He pumped his cock into her steadily, gripping her hips in his strong hands with every backbreaking thrust.

  She dug her fingers into the fabric beneath her and pressed her ass back against his pistoning hips. Both of them moaned as he deeply plundered her aching pussy. He leaned forward, pushing even deeper into her, but it still wasn’t enough. Chase was driving her mad, teasing her with his varying strokes.

  “You’re such a bad girl, fucking me in the bathroom.” He punctuated each word as he propelled forward inside her.

  “Yes, I’m a bad, bad girl. Fuck me, Chase, fuck me, make me come.” Her words were low and frantic. Need and hunger coiled inside her and she whimpered with longing. Her release was close and she strained to obtain that pinnacle just out of reach. “Chase, please…”

  Reaching around her, Chase slipped his hands between her legs and stroked over her engorged clit. A few firm strokes were all she needed and she could feel her pussy clamping on his thrusting cock. “Yes, yes, yes.”


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