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Hunter Page 12

by Andrew Macdonald

  Feldman learned his tricks in the Israeli Defense Forces. He’s a dual citizen. More than half of our dirty tricks people are.

  “Let me tell you just one of the things he did for us. When we rounded up all of those Klansmen last year and put them away on conspiracy charges, it wasn’t as clean an operation as you might think. We first grabbed a couple of them, pressured them to squeal on three or four of their buddies, pressured some of those in turn to squeal on others, and so on until we had them all.

  “Most of those Klan jerks are easy to pressure; generally the ones who talk toughest and have the biggest arsenal of weapons at home are the easiest. Just tell ‘em how many years they’re facing and then stick ‘em in a holding cell with about 30 niggers for the night. By morning they’re ready to testify against their own mothers.

  “But some of the bastards are stubborn, and we have to use more pressure. One of the weak ones told us that a buddy had a case of hand grenades, but when we grabbed the buddy he wouldn’t tell us where he had his grenades stashed. I was there in this guy’s house with three other agents and Feldman. We had handcuffed his wife too, as an accomplice. That’s standard procedure. We generally have to let the women go later, but it gives us more leverage in persuading a man to talk if we’ve arrested his woman.

  “The guy’s two kids were there too: a seven-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, a good-looking little thing. So when the guy refuses to talk, Feldman starts playing with the girl, talking dirty to her, pinching her tits, putting his hand on her ass. Pretty soon he has her crying and scared out of her wits, backed up against a wall. I and another agent were holding the guy, and a third agent was holding his wife. The guy was putting up a big ruckus, shouting and cursing us, but not offering to tell us where his grenades were.

  “Without any warning Feldman suddenly takes out his pecker, grabs the girl by her hair, starts screaming at her, and forces her to her knees. Then, in front of the guy and his wife and little boy, he puts his gun to her head and makes the girl give him a blow job. The guy goes right out of his mind. Before Feldman even has his pecker in her mouth, he’s telling us where he buried the grenades. But Feldman goes ahead and makes the girl finish. It really made me sick.”

  “You were there too, Ryan. What happened is your responsibility too.”

  “Yeah, that’s why Feldman’s gotta go. We’ve got others just as bad, but Feldman’s the only one I’ve worked with directly. He’s the only one who can say I ever broke the rules. He’s the one threat they can use against me if I make an open move against the Jews in the Bureau.”

  “What the hell is a police agency like the FBI doing with maniacs like Feldman working for it in the first place?”

  “Jesus, Yeager, you’re a dumb bastard! Feldman’s not a maniac. He’s just a Jew. He never really loses his cool. What he did to that girl — everything he does — is calculated, cold-blooded meanness. Why do you think he didn’t rape her or beat her up instead? Because then there’d be physical evidence. Then she could go to a doctor, and he’d back up her story. It might even get in the papers, and we’d be in a mess. As it was he didn’t leave a mark on her. He used terror to make her do what he wanted, and that doesn’t show the way a beating would. Who’d believe the girl or the guy or his wife? They’re redneck White racists, the lowest of the low in the eyes of the media. The news people just laugh at them when they complain about some of our methods.

  “Of course, I don’t approve of Feldman’s tactics. He goes too far. In most cases we could get the same results without being quite so brutal. Still, every police agency needs people who’re willing to be rough and break the rules, otherwise we’d lose our grip on the situation. We’ve got to be tougher and meaner than the guys we’re up against, or we won’t be able to control them. The trouble today is that our people, the ones who’d like this to be a decent country, are too soft. The Whites we’re recruiting into the Bureau from the universities now are mostly wimps. They grew up believing in flower power and equal rights for criminals. They’re wimps with guns and badges, but still wimps.

  “So we’ve got a lot of these dual-citizenship Jewboys from the IDF in the Bureau to do the dirty work. They really know how to be vicious. They all practiced on Palestinians before we hired them. Christ, you ought to hear some of the stories Feldman tells about how they interrogate Palestinians over in Israel. They use the same principle he used on the Klan guy — that is, they make the poor bastard watch while they beat up on his wife and kids — only a lot worse. Over there they don’t have to worry about physical evidence. They can use brute force as well as terror. Raping Palestinians’ wives and daughters is one of the mildest things they do. He told me how they castrated an eleven-year-old Palestinian kid to force a confession out of a suspected terrorist — cut the little boy’s balls off with a pair of scissors while his father was watching.

  “As I said, I don’t approve of that sort of thing myself. If you keep doing a good job for me like you did on Kaplan, we’ll be able to get all the kikes like Feldman out of the Bureau.”

  “I must say, Ryan, what you’ve told me about Feldman would make this particular assignment a real pleasure. But how much longer do you think this little partnership of ours can go on? You don’t really think you’re going to get me to kill every Jewish agent in the FBI, do you?”

  “The partnership will last as long as I want it to last, Yeager — unless you develop suicidal tendencies before I’m through with you,” was the icy reply.

  “Ryan, you talk pretty tough, but, believe it or not, I’m not going to let you use me for your purposes indefinitely.” Oscar’s voice was calm but very firm. “You think you’ve got me by the balls. But I’m sure you understand that I’ve also got you by the balls now. You start squeezing, and I’ll start squeezing.

  “Or maybe you figure you can safely terminate me when you’re done with me or when I start giving you trouble — killed while resisting arrest, eh? It might behoove you to take into consideration the fact that I don’t find such a prospect agreeable, and I’m not the type to just sit and wait for it to happen. I might decide to terminate you first and take my chances on what’ll happen after that.

  “So listen to this, Ryan. For the last 17 days I’ve been the junior partner in our enterprise, but now I’ve decided to give myself a promotion to full partner. Either you explain to me just what your plans are, and then we both decide that it will be mutually beneficial for us to continue working together, or we dissolve the partnership here and now — with or without bloodshed. What do you think about that, partner?”

  “Yeager, you are a pain in the ass. I don’t owe you a goddamned thing. You owe me everything. I’ve saved your butt.” Ryan had switched from a threatening tone to one of exasperation. “This isn’t the time or place to talk about long-range plans. If you absolutely have to know the reasons behind the assignments I’m giving you, I’ll tell you later, when we have more time to talk. Now, the best place for you to catch Feldman….”

  Oscar interrupted impatiently, “I guess you didn’t understand what I just told you, Ryan. Good-bye.” Oscar started to walk away.

  Ryan’s right hand shot out toward Oscar’s left arm. Oscar intercepted the other man’s hand with his own left hand, and they locked grips. At the same time Oscar spun away from Ryan on his left heel, keeping his right hand out of reach as it went for his pistol, which he kept concealed beneath his coat while aiming at Ryan’s chest.

  “You son of a bitch!” This time there was barely controlled fury in Ryan’s voice.

  “Easy, boy!” Oscar came back. “I’ve got the drop on you now. Remember, I said it could be either with or without bloodshed. Push me just a little more, and I’ll kill you right here.”

  For nearly a minute the two men remained motionless and tensed for action. Then the fury slowly drained from Ryan’s eyes, and he relaxed his grip on Oscar’s hand. “All right, Yeager,” he sighed, “we’ll talk.”

  “Fine. I’m going to turn your han
d loose now so no one else on the platform will get the wrong idea about us, but I’m going to keep you covered. Don’t get an urge to scratch any itches inside your coat.”

  Ryan cleared his throat. “The situation is this: my boss — that’s Vic Rizzo, chief of the Anti-Terrorism Section — has been given an ultimatum. The Bureau is under terrific pressure to stop you, and now the Director has set a time limit for Vic. The Jews in the Bureau have been sniping at Vic and me for a long time, gradually undermining our positions, especially Vic’s, with the aim of jumping Kaplan over me to section chief as soon as they could get rid of Vic. When you started snuffing interracial couples in January, they really turned up the heat on him — started leaking hints to the press that the reason you hadn’t been caught is that he’s incompetent.

  “Now, of course, they’ve lost their candidate. And unless you do something really stupid, I can keep you from getting caught. In other words, in about a month I’m going to be chief of the Anti-Terrorism Section.

  “That wouldn’t be so important if Vic would take a stand against the Jews, but he won’t. We’ve discussed the situation a hundred times. He’s afraid of them. He knows they’ve been trying to get him out for years, but he won’t fight back. I will — very discreetly, of course.

  “In the past ten years the Anti-Terrorism Section has become one of the most important departments in the Bureau. In the future it’ll be the most important, judging by the way American society is going. That’s why the Jews were so hot to have Kaplan as its chief. The thing about it is that, with the exception of the Counter-Espionage Section, everything else the Bureau does is concerned with ordinary criminal activity: bank robberies, drugs, kidnapping, wire fraud, and the rest. The Anti-Terrorism Section, on the other hand, is concerned with political acts — the sort of thing you’ve been doing, the sort of thing those Klan assholes were talking about doing, the sort of thing the Puerto Rican nationalists have been doing off and on for 50 years. The FBI has been evolving toward a national political police force whose main job is not to solve crimes but to protect the System from those who want to overthrow it or change it by unconstitutional means. We’re becoming an American version of the KGB.

  “The country is unraveling, and our job is to hold it together — or, at least, to slow the process. With close to two million non-White immigrants pouring into the country each year — Hispanics, Haitians, Asians — with our central cities largely taken over by drug gangs, with Black wolf packs roaming out of control, with White kids learning about life in jungle-style schools where they’re preyed on by non-Whites, with political corruption in Washington and in every statehouse and city hall growing by leaps and bounds, and with all the other crap that’s going on now, the White majority that used to be the backbone of the country is breaking up, losing its grip. We’ve lost our sense of community, of solidarity. People don’t care about the country any more; they’re busy just taking care of themselves and their families. The country has become atomized into a million different factions, all yelling for what they want, and to hell with everybody else.

  “Some people try to get what they want using their money and their political influence. That’s okay. Others try to use violence or the threat of violence. That’s not okay. That’s terrorism. That’s what we’re paid to prevent.

  “Used to be most of the terrorism was from the left: war protesters bombing banks and burning down ROTC buildings during the 1960s. After the Vietnam war it started coming more and more from the right: Whites against school busing, abortion clinic bombers, tax protesters. That’s when the Jews decided it had to be stopped. They also were becoming more worried that the Arabs would carry the Palestinian struggle to this country.

  “Anyway, the time is almost here when the government can’t survive without an effective anti-terrorism force. There’ve been rumors in the Bureau for some time that the Anti-Terrorism Section eventually will be split off from the rest of the Bureau and will become the basis for a brand new Federal agency. We’re going to be the new Praetorians. And I’m going to have something to say about the way those Praetorians are used. I’m going to make sure the right people are in the key positions everywhere in my section, so that there’ll be no chance of the Jews taking it over. Feldman has to go, for the reason I’ve already mentioned. Then there are maybe three others we’ll have to deal with in order for me to have a free hand. So don’t worry about having to kill every Hebe in the Bureau.”

  “Well, Ryan, there still are a couple of things about your career plans that make me a little uneasy,” Oscar replied. “First, you’re basing everything on your assumption that there’s really a Jewish conspiracy to take over the FBI and use it to the detriment of our race. Since we last met I’ve checked out a few things about the Jews, and they’ve certainly got their fingers in enough pies to make a reasonable man worry, but I’m still not convinced there’s any conspiracy or even any malice behind their activities. Furthermore, I can’t imagine the FBI being more hostile to our race under Jewish control than it is now. So it’s difficult for me to see how my knocking off another four Jewish agents for you is going to further my own cause — to the extent I have a cause.

  “And second, it seems to me that if I were in your shoes, the first thing I’d want to do after becoming head honcho in the Anti-Terrorism Section is put one Oscar Yeager out of action and take credit for it. I couldn’t afford to have him continue raising hell and be blamed for not catching him. I’d be afraid of ending up like Rizzo. And I couldn’t afford to take the chance that someone else would catch him first and find out what he knows. So I’d capture him single-handedly, then have to shoot him when he tried to escape. That would solve a couple of problems for me and at the same time prove to my superiors that they’d made the right move when they gave me Rizzo’s job. What do you say to that, partner?”

  “Jesus, Yeager, if you can’t imagine the FBI being more of a threat to the survival of our race than it is now, you haven’t got much imagination. Right now all the Bureau does is enforce civil rights laws you happen not to like. If the Jews take over they’ll use the Bureau to run everyone they consider a threat to their own plans right into the ground — and I mean everyone, those who obey the laws as well as those who don’t. It’ll be just the way it was in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and ‘30s, when Jewish secret police commissars like Jagoda and Yezhov had everyone murdered who had a book hostile to the Jews in his personal library, who was reported to have made an anti-Semitic remark, who even seemed too patriotic or too proud of his family or too honorable in his personal conduct.

  “I mean, Christ, we get away with enough shady stuff now, but there are limits; we have to be careful that we don’t get on the wrong side of the news media. If the Jews were running the Bureau there wouldn’t be any limits, because they wouldn’t have to worry about the media blowing the whistle on them. Creeps like Feldman wouldn’t be restricted to redneck Kluxers; they could do anything they wanted to anybody’s daughter.”

  “Hold it a second, Ryan. I hate to interrupt, but you just referred to Jagoda — Genrikh Jagoda, I believe his name was — the notorious Soviet secret police commissar. As I mentioned, I’ve been checking out a few things. I ran across an anti-Semitic tract that also said he was Jewish, but it gave no further information to back up that claim. It also claimed that most of the other Soviet commissars were Jews too. Do you really know that Jagoda was a Jew?”

  “Sure. The man’s real name was Herschel Yehuda. And about half of the commissars were Jews during the 1930s: that in a country where Jews made up about one per cent of the population. But stay away from the anti-Semitic tracts when you’re trying to check out things like that. Most of those tracts are trash. The people who write them are notoriously careless with their facts. Go straight to the horse’s mouth. The Jewish publications themselves back during that period used to brag about how their brethren in Russia were running the show. Every time one of them got a big promotion, it was reported in the Jewish papers a
nd yearbooks. We’ve got all of that stuff on microfilm in the Bureau library, from the days when part of our job was to keep an eye on the Reds. You can also find it in the Library of Congress, if you know how to look for it.

  “Anyway, Yeager, that’s what you should be doing if you still believe that it’s just a coincidence that the Jews have always managed to be right in the middle of every bit of anti-White and anti-Western nastiness from the days of the Roman Empire right down to their control of the news and entertainment media today. There’s nothing I can say here this afternoon that’ll convince you it’s planned and it’s malicious. You’ll have to convince yourself by looking at the evidence, piece by piece, until you’ve seen so much of it that the preponderance overwhelms you.”

  Ryan paused for a second, then continued: “As for your second concern, look at it this way. You’re not going to continue raising hell like a one-man terrorist army after I’m head of the Anti-Terrorism Section. You’re right: I couldn’t afford it. And you’re too smart to waste your talents that way.

  “Until now you’ve just been striking out blindly. Of course, Horowitz was a key player, and even a good strategist may have decided to take him out. But all of the others you’ve hit — with the exception of Kaplan — have been targets of opportunity. You’ve just been reacting. You haven’t been planning. You’ve been doing what was easiest, taking out somebody who irked you at the moment, instead of doing what made the most sense in the context of a worthwhile objective.

  “Now we can plan together. I have instant access to information you could never get by yourself: the information we need for effective planning. We’ve got everything about everybody in the Bureau’s computers. We can not only pick the right targets together, but I can substantially improve your chances of getting the job done and getting away safely. You’ve got a nice little shop in your basement, but when it comes to special weapons and related gizmos, I can supply you with stuff you couldn’t dream of making for yourself.”


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