A Warrior's Return (The Royal Houses of Sea and Snow, #3)

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A Warrior's Return (The Royal Houses of Sea and Snow, #3) Page 10

by Marquez, Jude

  Sir Clifton would not be joining them when they sailed for the Storm Isles.

  "If it is my fealty that you question, your highness, I will take any oath that you ask. I swear to you that I do not work for the Vresal army," Sir Clifton protested.

  "It is not your fealty that I question," Eamon replied.

  Clifton struggled to sit up. He was still on bed rest, ordered by the healers. There was a large swaths of cloth around his midsection which was bare. Alik finally admitted that Sir Clifton was more than likely just lucky to have seen the invading army breakthrough the wall and the servants quarters and figure out their plan before tragedy struck.

  However, a little life-saving did not mean that he liked the man anymore than he did before. Alik did not appreciate Eamon being in the room with the man when he was only partially clothed, even if he was at death's door.

  "Then what is it? I will do anything that you ask," Clifton pleaded.

  Eamon sighed. He looked to the rafters above them and said, "I believe right now Margrave could beat you in a foot race.”

  "I take great offense to that. I will be lodging a formal complaint," Margrave said, from his corner of the room.

  "See your cousin about it," Eamon replied without looking to him.

  "I can fight, I swear it. I will not let you down," Clifton said

  Eamon looked to Lady Sexton who sat vigil by her friend side. She looked just as helpless as Eamon felt.

  "If I take you with me, you will die. And perhaps your death will be the cause of others. Is that something you could live with?" Eamon asked.

  Sir Clifton was blindsided by the remark. He was a good man and Eamon knew that he felt the words like a physical blow. It was the truth, however, and although Eamon hated being so harsh, especially for someone who had done so much for him and his family, he could not repay the man with death.

  "You are a smart, capable man. And when you are ready, you will take over Milet's place in the Kings guardsman, here in Grayhaven. Until then, if you try to hurry the healing process along and are not fully ready to take over your position, then I will be forced to punish you. Are we clear, sir?"

  Sir Clifton's face could have been set in stone. "Yes, Your Highness."

  Eamon grasped Sir Clifton's forearm, a silent apology, before he nodded at the others and took his leave.

  THEIR TIME WAS SHORT, and to Eamon they could not go fast enough. He knew that Prince Raulyn was already plotting his next move and Eamon would rather be on the offensive strike than the defensive.

  He shared his thoughts with the others of the council and he paced back and forth as he explained to them.

  Avelina watched her brother. "What would you have us do?"

  "The men work day and night to prepare. We have other men marching for us right now, from the lands that swear us their fealty. Nonetheless, it will be another fortnight before they will be here," Margrave noted.

  "I do not believe we have that time," Eamon said. He looked to Alik who pressed his lips into a thin line but nodded. This was one thing they had consulted on together, when they were alone.

  Everyone in the room saw the two exchanged a look and Avelina asked, "What is it? What are you hinting at?"

  "I will go. I will take hand-picked men that I know I can trust, and we will go in as the first wave. The others will follow as soon as they can. By that point, I am hoping to have destroyed as much of the Vresal army from the inside out and figured out a way to get the civilians to safety," Eamon said.

  The room erupted with noise.

  It took a moment for everyone to calm down to the point that they could talk rationally.

  "What you are proposing is madness. A suicide mission, one that you will sorely regret when your head is on the chopping block. You and, what?, a contingent of forty or fifty men would be taken down easily. I do not care how many wars you have been in, this is different," Margrave said.

  Eamon looked over to Alik.

  "When I interrogated those two men –" he began.

  "Oh, is that what we are calling it now?" Issat said.

  Alik gave her a cold look before he went on, "They spoke of a rebellion, led by a man that escaped Raulyn by mere inches. No one has seen him, or his men. But they take as many Vresal soldiers down as they can. They even have a trademark kill so that the Prince will know it was them."

  "So you and your men are going to sail for the Storm Isles and meet up with the soldiers, that no one has seen, that are murderers, and hope for the best?" Lady Sexton asked.

  "If they were not loyal to the crown, then they would not do what they are doing now. They feed the orphans, they protect the civilians, they do everything that our family promised to do for them while I have been here, raising an army. And if they are murderers, then so am I," Eamon remarked.

  "And what of the others that we have called? What do we tell them?" Issat asked.

  "If they are ready to sail, then tell them to do so. If not, then tell them to set sail as soon as they can. But I cannot wait any longer. The Prince is breathing down our necks and is only waiting for the perfect moment to strike. We have to strike him down before that," Eamon said.

  "I do not care for it," Margrave muttered.

  "I can assure you, that I do not look forward to going to war," Eamon said.

  Margrave gave him a withering look. "Do not play at being thick, you know what I am referring to."

  "I understand, but stranger bedfellows were made during wartime," Eamon replied.

  The others did not look reassured.

  Eamon looked to Alik but he looked troubled as well.

  "No one wanted it to come to this. If I could meet Prince Raulyn at the negotiating table, and trust that he would keep his end of the bargain, I would be more than happy to do it. But I don't believe that any of us are so foolish as to believe that he would keep his word," Eamon sounded exhausted.

  "I believe, brother, that the problem is is that no one wants you to go. Growing up with you, it was part of my world, seeing you off to war. The last time anyone here saw anyone else off to war was Alik’s older brother. It is harder for them, than it ever was for us," Avelina said.

  The others around the great oak table did not look to Eamon or even Alik. But it was there, that feeling of dread, that feeling that this was the last time they would see Eamon.

  He had no words to give them, to assure them that he would be back. Eamon himself did not even know if he would be back. That was the reality of war. There were no guaranteed survivors, royalty or not.

  "Against our better judgment, we have grown slightly fond of your presence here. And we fear, not just for Alik, but for our own loss. We understand that this must be done, but that does not mean we have to like it," Margrave said.

  Eamon gave him a smile. "Many men before this Prince have tried to take me from my family, but none have succeeded. How is he so different?"

  "I hate to point out the obvious, but he has bested you once already," Lady Sexton said.

  "I feel like I have pointed out many times before, that I was drugged," Eamon said.

  "And it is a different thing, to fight for one's home, to avenge the death of one's family," Avelina said and shared a look with her brother.

  Issat leaned back and surveyed the Council. "Leave your directions, Your Highness. I will see that it is all done to the letter, but only on one condition."

  "And what is that?"

  "That you save me a few Vresal to kill."

  "You have a deal."

  EAMON DECIDED ON TAKING only thirty men. It was less than even what Margrave thought he should take, and only served to fray the nerves of the others more. Eamon were to leave the very next night and if he were back home, on the Isles, there would have been feasts, songs, and gifts presented to him. But this was not his home, and so the next day was spent much as the ones previous. There were preparations, and Issat never left his side, taking note of all that he left instructions for. Milet would be going with Eamon and I
ssat would be taking his place as general. Eamon worried that he was leaving too much for her to handle, but when he caught sight of her face, calm and determined, he knew he was making the right choice.

  Avelina accompanied them throughout the day as well, though she didn't say as much. Eamon knew that it was her way of spending the last bit of time with him. She was called away by Alik sometime in the midday, and Eamon did not see her again until dinner that night. Eamon made sure to stop by Sir Clifton's rooms to give him his own instructions.

  Then it was dinner time and Eamon knew that his time grew even shorter. When he entered the great Hall every single person gathered turned to him. The looks on those that were in attendance were a mixture of worry, concern, and fear. Eamon wasn't sure how proceed; it was never his place to make pretty speeches or to do much besides lead the Army.

  But he felt that at this moment it was expected of him. As he reached the dais, he met Alik's eyes and gave him a small nod. Instead of sitting down, as he usually did, he turned to the people that were watching him.

  Eamon looked around the room, at all the people and faces he had come to know. Some he were fond of, some he respected, and some he wished he had never met at all.

  But that did not mean that they deserved his protection and less. It was his birthright to carry out the oath he made when he was named Crown Prince so many years ago.

  He took a deep breath and addressed everyone who was present.

  "If I were home, and about to leave this campaign, many things would be different. There would be a great feast, there would be songs, and dancers. My parents would be up here giving the speech, instead of me. Perhaps even my twin sister, Lissandra would be the one addressing you right now. They would assure you that in all my life, any challenger who rose to fight me, with lose. My brother, Edmond, would be by my side leading our men into battle," Eamon saw Lady Sexton reach out for Avelina's hand. "It would be a feast fit for the bloodthirsty Barbarian Prince who only waited to be called forth to tear down the newest enemy that threatened our kingdom."

  The silence in the hall was so complete that Eamon could swear he could hear a pin drop.

  "The one fight I have ever lost in all my life was to cowards that drugged me and chained me and beat me and nearly stole my husband, your King, from us. Those same cowards sent dozens of men after my brother because they knew that not a single one of them could take him on alone. They sent dozens more after my sister, and she took a dozen down with her. Your great Lady Issat protected my youngest sister and between the two of them persuaded pirates to escort them here. Now, I return to these Isles to take back my home and to avenge not only my family, but that of your late king and queen. And when I say that this so-called Prince will pay for every single death, I mean to make it as bloody and slow has all the stories have been told about me. I only ask, that while I am gone, that you serve King Alik faithfully and to protect him as I go to protect you and your families."

  Eamon sat and a Lord near the back stood up and shouted, "Make them all pay, Your Highness!"

  At that, the people in the hall stood up, and roared their approval.

  But all that Eamon could focus on what the feeling of Alik’s hand in his.

  THANKFULLY DINNER WAS not a long affair. Alik wasn’t sure how much longer he could take of the court looking at Eamon like he was already dead and gone.

  They did not know Eamon the way he did. They did not have the faith that Alik did that Eamon would be back victorious, whole, and savagely beautiful, just like he always was.

  Alik had faith that Eamon would be back because he had to have that faith. Without it, when Eamon left, he would be taking the last living piece of Alik with him.

  Alik pulled Eamon into their rooms and locked the door behind him.

  “I need you,” Eamon said softly.

  He stood in the middle of their room and there was only the fireplace to light their way.

  There was no need for words other than that simple statement. Alik reached for the letter cutter on the desk and approached Eamon. He cut the shirt from his body, with the britches following soon after. Eamon did not have need for the letter cutter. He tore the tunic and britches from Alik easily.

  Their first kiss was demanding and possessive but the ones that followed were sweeter, softer, filled with more longing than Alik thought he was capable of feeling. He wanted to beg Eamon not to leave him but it was not possible. It would be like asking fire not to burn him.

  But for Eamon, he would go up in flames.

  Eamon scooped Alik up and encouraged him to wrap his legs around Eamon’s waist and walked them over to the bed. He sat down with Alik still on his lap and continued to press kisses to his mouth, his face, his neck, whatever part of Alik he could reach.

  Alik felt treasured and protected without measure and he etched every touch into his memory.

  Then Eamon pressed something into his hand and Alik looked down and blinked to see what it was.

  The oil they used every time they made love.

  “You would like to watch me prepare myself?” Alik asked.

  Eamon cupped Alik’s face in his large hands and kissed him. “No, Alik. I wish for you to prepare me.”

  Alik opened his mouth, to say something, anything, but the ability to speak fled his mind.

  Eamon studied his face. “Only if you so desire. If you would like me-”

  “Yes,” Alik whispered and kissed Eamon again, cutting his words short and pressing even closer in.

  Alik pushed Eamon back so that he was lying flat on the bed and worked his way down, kissing and licking at his collarbone and then sliding down to his nipples. He took first one and then the other in his mouth, gently biting and licking.

  Eamon’s groan above him and his hard cock pressing against his stomach gave Alik only even more courage.

  Alik could not wait. He was not the patient lover that Eamon was and he slid down to Eamon’s cock and kissed the head before engulfing the length with his mouth. It took a few moments but eventually, Alik was able to sink down and massage Eamon’s warmth with his tongue.

  Above him, Eamon tossed his head back and grasped Alik’s head with his hands. He began to thrust upward and as he did so, Alik slipped his hand underneath him. He began to massage Eamon’s opening gently as he continued to fuck Alik’s mouth.

  A moment later, when Alik was sure that Eamon would burst on his tongue, he pulled Alik away from his cock and rolled over.

  “I want to feel you inside of me,” Eamon said.

  Alik nodded and sat back. He poured some oil directly over Eamon’s entrance, then worked it in, first massaging around his hole and then gently pushing in. Before long, Eamon asked for another finger and Alik was massaging him from the inside and Eamon’s moans became even louder than before.

  Alik thought briefly of the men outside, but knew they would probably move to the end of the hall for privacy’s sake.

  Alik poured more oil over Eamon’s round ass and then over his own aching cock. Then he lined himself up with Eamon’s entrance and began to push inside his body for the first time.

  Alik had to stop for a moment to control himself and almost lost it anyway when Eamon began to gently thrust against him. Looking down and watching his hard length disappear into Eamon’s warm and wet hole was almost too much to bear.

  “Please, Alik, I will not last much longer,” Eamon groaned.

  So it was not just Alik that was overwhelmed.

  Alik took a deep breath, grasped Eamon’s hips and thrust in until his hips met Eamon’s ass.

  Alik threw his head back and gasped. The feel of Eamon wrapped around his cock was almost too much and he wanted, more than anything, to stay here for as long as he could.

  Then he pulled out and pushed back in and they both gasped once more.

  Alik picked up the pace, thrusting into Eamon faster and faster, his own pleasure chasing him over a cliff.

  But Eamon beat him to it, and his ass tightened aroun
d Alik’s cock, and he came with Alik’s name on his lips.

  Alik fucked him through it, even as Eamon’s ass milked him. It did not take long before Alik was coming deep inside Eamon and stayed there, buried deep inside of him.

  “I want to do that again before I leave,” Eamon mumbled from below where Alik had collapsed on top of him.

  Alik licked Eamon’s ear and was rewarded with a shiver that he felt all the way through his cock, which was still buried inside Eamon.

  “I live to serve, my King,” Alik promised.

  SOMETIME IN THE MIDDLE of the night, Eamon woke up with Alik’s fingers inside of him, massaging him open. Eamon lay on his stomach and Alik was on his side, his head on Eamon’s shoulder blade, watching his fingers fuck Eamon open.

  Eamon spread his legs wider and arched his hips. He loved the wanton feeling of being taken in such a manner.

  “Will you fuck me again?” Eamon asked.

  “Would you like me to?” Alik asked.


  Alik got up and positioned himself behind Eamon and began to push inside of him again. This wasn’t like the first time. They weren’t hurried, they weren’t panting for their own pleasure.

  This was the time that they could take their time and feel every inch of themselves pressed against and inside the other.

  When Alik was completely inside Eamon, he draped himself over Eamon’s broad back and slid his hands to Eamon’s chest. Alik rolled Eamon’s nipples in his fingers and, involuntarily, Eamon’s entire body constricted and shuddered against the contact.

  “Like that, do you?” Alik asked and did it again, only to get the same reaction. This time, he slid his cock out until only the head remained inside Eamon and continued to play with Eamon’s nipples as he fucked him.

  Eamon felt like his body was on fire, like he couldn’t decide which pleasure was the greatest, which one to pay the most attention to.

  Then Alik bit down gently on his neck and began to suck.

  The sounds of Alik fucking him, obscene, wet, and thick, filled Eamon’s ears and before he realized what was happening, he was coming once more without even touching his own cock.


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