Bitten in the Bayou [Stormy Weather 2]

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Bitten in the Bayou [Stormy Weather 2] Page 3

by Selena Blake

  "You're thinking too much,” André murmured against her lips. “Take her upstairs."

  His words doused her like a shower that had just run out of hot water. Upstairs? With them? Both of them?

  Before she could protest, or even decide on her options, Jules’ arms wrapped around her, and then she was being lifted. He settled her high against his chest, and her insides went to mush. She'd never been picked up like this before.

  Yep, she must be dreaming.

  "If you don't want us, chérie, now is the time to say stop,” Jules said as he carried her across the living room.

  Us. The word hung in the air. She stared up at Jules’ profile. Her heart squeezed in her chest, and she realized she liked him. But they hadn't even had a first date. And it wasn't like she knew all that much of about him. About either of them really.

  Except they'd come out into a hurricane to find her. They'd sworn to protect her from her asshole ex boyfriend. They'd fed her and sheltered her from the storm. Without her knife she was perfectly defenseless and yet they'd been complete gentlemen.

  And she was insanely attracted to both of them.

  "Why would I say stop?” she asked softly, thoroughly enjoying the protective feel of his arms. And the rush of excitement coursing through her. Sometimes when she was out in the cold, waiting on an animal to show up for his photo shoot, she daydreamed about this. Being held, feeling safe and warm.

  "Andre and I ... have old wounds, Angel. Now we have a pact to never fight over a woman. Instead ... we share,” he said as he carried her up the stairs. Her stomach gave an excited flutter.

  "You'd never fight over me.” She laughed.

  "You bet we would."

  His words caused her to still in his arms. She soaked them in. Two men, fighting over her? It was crazy. And a primitive part of her thought it sexy as hell.

  André came behind them with a candle in each hand. He sat them on a dresser, and she could make out an enormous bed across the room. She didn't get a chance to look at much else before Jules lowered her feet to the floor.

  "Do you have a preference?"

  "I couldn't pick between the two of you, if that's what you're asking."

  And if she were honest, she'd had more than one fantasy about having two lovers.

  The brothers shared a glance and then turned their attention back on her. Oh, what the hell. What happens in the bayou stays in the bayou? Right.

  She took a steadying breath and looked from Jules to Andre. “I'm all for sharing."

  They gave her matching, almost canine-like, grins as they flanked her. If she hadn't been so excited she would have felt a little like an animal's prey. But Jules’ spoke soft little endearments and together the two men made short work of her clothes. Before she knew it, she was standing between them, naked. Chill bumps broke out over her skin.

  "You are so beautiful,” Jules said, cupping her breasts in his hands. Behind her, André was solid and warm. He skimmed his hands down her sides and held her against him. Her nipples beaded against Jules’ palms, crying out for attention.

  He gave it to them, using his fingers and then his mouth. He suckled and pulled until the inside of her thighs were slick. She'd never known her breasts were so sensitive.

  While Jules played, André slid a hand across her belly and down through her curls. Jules took a brief moment to shuck his shirt before he returned his lips to her breast. The dim light highlighted his incredible body. He was cut, sculpted. Pure male perfection. He used his whole tongue to brush over her nipple, then he sucked her into his mouth. She moaned low in her throat and let her head drop back against André's chest.

  "Are you going to come for us, petite?” André's deep voice pushed through the fog.

  "Hmm hmm."

  "Yes,” he told her.


  Over and over he raked the tips of his fingers through the soft hairs between her legs. Never touching her clit, never testing her wetness, never sliding inside of her. Tension built in her muscles, and she wanted to scream out. Beg them to help her come.

  Instead, they continued their slow torture for endless minutes. When she could barely stand, Jules wrapped his hands around her waist and held her up.

  "Come, chérie,” André said and flicked his finger over her clit. An orgasm rushed through her, taking her by surprise. She cried out as her muscles twitched and contracted. When it subsided and she was falling back to earth, she leaned against the big man behind her.

  His arms hugged her close, and she sighed.

  Jules couldn't wait to taste her. Angelica's sweet scent called to him in the darkness, begging him to lick every inch until he found everywhere she'd dabbed her lilac perfume. Inhale her until he couldn't think straight. Her skin was tight from her orgasm, her pores oozing sexy pheromones.

  The beast inside howled for fast and furious sex, for him to bend her over the big bed and take her from behind. Grip her hips and bury himself as far as he could go. But he wasn't going to give in to the wolf. Not today.

  Cupping her cheeks in his hands, he lowered his lips to hers. She was soft. So very soft. But she returned his kiss with surprising passion, and he found it hard to be gentle. To go slow. Her small hands were cool against his naked chest. He slid his tongue between her lips, and she sucked it inside. The gentle suction made his cock ache, made him desperate to feel her mouth and that tempting tongue further south.

  Her fingernails curved against him, and a soft moan rose from her throat.

  "You do plan to let me kiss her, don't you, mon frere?” André's amused voice cut through his passion and Jules pulled back slowly.

  His beast snapped its jaws as André skillfully turned her in his arms. His brother lowered his head and nibbled on her ear. A delightful little laugh bubbled from her lips. The sound and the sight of her pale skin against the tan of his brother's made Jules swallow hard. André's hands slid down her back and cupped her ass, and Jules knew he had pulled her against him, against his erection. Knew that she was feeling André instead of him.

  He took a step back and worked his socks off. Then his jeans. And finally his boxers, until he was as naked as she was.

  André trailed kisses up her jaw, but his eyes were locked with Jules. His brother was testing him. Jules didn't like it.

  He liked Angelica. A lot. He wanted her for himself. But he shouldn't. He knew he shouldn't. She was only here until the storm had passed, and then she'd be gone to who the hell knew where and he'd never see her again.

  Or the cute dimples at the small of her back.

  They'd agreed to share her. Now his inner wolf was wondering what the fuck he'd agreed to.

  Angelica felt like she was in heaven. She'd never been so thoroughly kissed. So aroused because of a kiss. André's tongue sparred with hers as his hands massaged her ass. His strong fingers slowly kneaded the flesh, all the while pushing her against the hard length of his erection.

  Jules’ hands slid around her ribcage and cupped her breasts. He wrapped around her like a glove as he showered kisses over one shoulder ... and then the other. A shiver of excitement coursed through her.

  When André pulled back and looked down at her with those dark eyes, she could see a barely tamed fire. One she felt deep in her belly. He stepped away from her quickly and shed his clothes.

  Tanned skin stretched over strong, chiseled muscles. She wanted to lick her way up his abs, take those dark nipples in her mouth and swirl her tongue around them until he groaned.

  His cock, long and gloriously hard, pointed straight at her.

  "Like what you see, chérie?” Jules whispered, his hot breath grazing her cheek. She nodded, unable to speak. “Good. Get on the bed. I want to lick you all over."

  She trembled at his words, excited, emboldened by them. He gave her bottom a playful swat, and she crawled across the mattress. When she flipped onto her back she found them standing at the end of the bed, side by side, surveying her body as if it was land they intended to conquer.r />
  White hot lust burst through her, and she could hardly contain her excitement. She wanted to touch them, kiss them, feel them all over. She wanted to be sandwiched between them, have their hands cover every curve, caress every inch.

  Jules trailed his hands up her legs as André laid down next to her. He slid one arm under her head and ran his other hand across her stomach. She sucked in a breath.

  "You're beautiful,” he whispered in her ear. She found herself wanting to believe him.

  "And she's a natural blonde,” Jules said, his voice thick. He pushed her legs apart and lay between them.

  She didn't know what she'd expected to happen, how she'd expected this to play out. But if the butterflies in her stomach were any indication, she was in for a bliss-filled night.

  The first touch of Jules’ tongue on her sex chased away all other thought. His breath was warm on her most tender parts, and she waited with much anticipation for his next move.

  André gently bit her shoulder, and shivers raised over her skin, leaving chill bumps in their wake.

  "Did you like that?” His voice was deep and yet soft.

  He watched her closely, as if gauging her answer, her reaction.

  "Yeah,” she said, but the sound was more like a squeak.

  His smile did funny things to her heart and mind. “Good.” He kissed her then, but her focus was quickly divided as Jules ran the tip of his tongue up the crease of her pussy. Over and over he did it. Barely breaching her. Simply tasting her. It drove her crazy.

  In combination with André's kiss, it brought her blood to a slow boil. Seconds later, as if they'd planned it, Jules thrust his tongue inside her just as André's tongue speared between her lips.

  Angelica cried out with pleasure. A flood of moisture rushed forth. Jules licked it up, licked her. Her fingers curled into the thin blanket on the bed. She held her legs open wider, begging him silently to make her come. To give her that sweet release she'd already enjoyed.

  When André severed their kiss and moved to her breast she arched against him. He put his hand on her stomach and held her down. She loved and hated it. Being held down. Away from him. She wanted to rub herself all over him. Snuggle close. But at the same time, his movement asserted his dominance. His strength highlighted the difference between them, and that made her pussy pulse with excitement.

  She reached for his cock and wrapped her hand around it tightly. He groaned against her breast, the heat searing her nipple. Slowly she pumped her fist up and down, enjoying the feel of his hard flesh.

  Jules flicked his tongue over her clit, as if demanding her attention. Her hips launched off the bed, driving her flesh into his waiting mouth. He sucked on the sensitive little nub, and she felt a mini-explosion deep inside. He followed up with gentle strokes that made her want more. More of everything.

  André sucked her breast into his mouth. She'd never felt anything quite like it. So hot. So wet. Like he was trying to devour her. She took a deep, steadying breath and gave in to the pleasure taking over her body. It made her feel limp. Sated.

  As he let the globe slide from his mouth, his teeth grazed her skin. Pinpricks of awareness, both pleasure and pain, radiated outward. She wanted to feel that again.

  "How does she taste?” André asked.

  "Delicious,” Jules replied, smiling up at her. Damn, he was handsome. Sexy as holy sin. He stared straight into her eyes and licked his lips. “Hot. Sweet."

  He traced her slit with his fingers, and she cried out, wanting, no needing to feel something inside of her.

  "What is it, baby?"

  "I want to feel you,” she whispered.

  "But you're feeling him,” Jules said, his gaze fixed on where she held André's rigid cock in her hand.

  "Inside me,” she clarified.

  Jules cock throbbed at her words, and he fought the urge slide up into her. Slow and steady, he told himself.

  "You will, chérie. We just have to make sure you can take us."

  He lapped at her juices again, loving the taste of her. Loving the way her warm cream filled his mouth, going straight to his head. Staring up the length of her body, he watched as André kissed her. She seemed lost in it. Lost to him.

  His beast would have none of that.

  He thrust a finger into her soaked sheath, relishing the feel of her body clenching around it. Little moans of excitement filled the room, and André took advantage, sweeping into her mouth, taking everything she had to give him.

  Jules sucked on her clit, wanting to drive her over the edge. He wanted to make her come and forget all about his brother.

  André was still testing him. Trying to see how much he wanted her, how far he'd let them go. But he wasn't going to fight. He was simply going to win her body over.

  In and out he thrust his finger, twisting it slowly in a corkscrew motion. Sucking her into his mouth again, he skimmed her tender flesh with his teeth and felt her explode beneath him. Hot waves soaked his finger, her muscles coiling around him. The scent of her arousal, her release, filled his nose, like a delicious smoke.

  She tore her lips from André's and cried out loud and long. But it was Jules’ name on her lips.

  As she came back to earth, her body limp between them, Jules smiled at his brother.

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  Chapter Four

  Angelica had never felt so satisfied. The couple of times she'd slept with William had been something to snicker about with her girlfriends. And her past sexual relationships weren't much better. She'd never had a man dedicate so much energy to her pleasure, making sure he made her come.

  And she'd never come twice in a single day.

  Still, she wanted to feel Jules inside of her. Wanted that promise his eyes held ... complete pleasure. Wild passion. An orgasm that would sweep her away and literally rob her of breath. One that would have her screaming at the top of her lungs.

  He scooted up the bed and lay next to her, his erection brushing her hip. She still held André in her hand. She softened her grip and smiled over at him.

  "Your turn, mon frere,” Jules said with a sexy smirk.

  "His turn?” Angelica asked in disbelief. Could this night get any better? Her favorite thing in the universe, even more than getting a prized shot of reclusive wildlife, was oral sex. There was nothing else like it. And Jules was a master. She secretly knew André would be just as good, and the thought made her pulse race.

  "Hmm hmm. It's my turn to kiss those beautiful lips. And nibble on these succulent breasts,” Jules murmured against her breast.

  She flopped back in complete bliss. Succulent. Who'd have thought she'd ever hear those words describe any part of her body? She was enjoying the high his words brought when André pushed a finger inside her.

  He twisted it back and forth and nibbled on her thigh. She spread her legs wider, silently inviting him to have his way with her. He chuckled low in his throat.

  Jules leaned over her, staring into her eyes. So slowly the wait was almost painful, he leaned in and brushed his lips across hers. It was the softest of touches and yet the most erotic kiss she'd ever experienced. So sweet and sensual, as if he were afraid to take it further.

  With his forearm behind her head and other hand wrapped lightly around the side of her throat she felt completely secure. Cradled and cherished.

  Over and over he brushed his lips over hers and then worked his way along her jaw. He nibbled at her earlobe, and her pulse jerked in response.

  "You have no idea how much I want you,” he murmured into her ear. The hot, steely length of his cock pressing against her hip was definitely a clue. Her nipples stood at attention, longing to feel his coarse chest hairs against them.

  André slid his finger out and lathered her lips with her juices. Then he dipped his finger back inside. His blunt fingertip rubbed against her tight, backdoor hole, and heat scorched her skin from the roots of her hair to the tip of her toes. She felt positively on fire.

  As he ru
bbed back and forth with the length of his finger, Angelica went mad with lust. She'd never known such sensations existed. As he toyed with her, he tickled her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  Jules rolled away momentarily and reached for something on the nightstand. The flickering candlelight highlighted the muscles of his body. The trail of dark hair from his navel down to his long, thick cock. He handed something to André and then settled himself around her once again.

  She rubbed against him, loving the feel of him against her breasts. He wrapped a warm hand around one breast and brought it to his lips. Over and over he circled her nipple with his tongue until she thought she'd go mad. He didn't seem to care that he was slowly torturing her or that she desperately wanted to feel him inside of her. She reached for his cock with both hands and he jerked forward as they closed around him.

  Something cool and slippery hit her pussy and slithered down toward the tight hole. She sucked in a sharp breath as it began to tingle.

  André's fingers moved in, rubbing, gently probing.

  "He needs to prepare you, baby."

  "Prepare me?” she croaked, fighting excitement and fear all at the same time.

  Jules nodded. “Just relax. Focus on me."

  That wasn't hard, she thought. His eyes locked with hers, and he stared at her until he was all she saw, the only thing in her world.

  Vaguely she felt André's slick fingers breaching her backdoor. He was incredibly gentle, slow.

  "I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock,” Jules whispered against her throat. His naughty words heated her blood further. Making her want to be just as naughty. “I want to bend you over the bed and fuck you from behind. Pound into you until you cry out with pleasure."

  Her hands tightened on his cock, and he groaned against the tender vein in her throat.

  "I—” She couldn't finish the sentence. André pushed a slick finger into her, and her attention shifted. Over and over he probed her with the tip of his finger, wetting her, testing her. Stretching her so his magnificent cock could fuck her there.

  Dear God, the thought alone was like a drug. She felt high as a kite.


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