Seductive Knight

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Seductive Knight Page 6

by Tierney O'Malley

  “What for?” She tried to lengthen the distance from him, but her back only hit the door.

  “So I could point you to the cops if I find my silverware missing,” he teased.

  The woman paled.

  “I’m not lying. Call Baskerville. I need to talk to him anyway.”

  Her accent was back. Cops made her nervous. Oh, hell. Bors was right. This woman was in trouble. “Babe, I didn’t say you’re lying.”

  The woman’s accent became thicker this time. She dropped the th the way Agnes, his Filipino janitress spoke. Earlier though, she didn’t have an accent. Was it because he’d made her nervous? “Relax. I’m not calling the cops on you. I was just teasing when I mentioned them.” The woman’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “If you’re not hiding anything, why don’t you want to show me your face? I don’t care if you wear an eye patch. Or if you have a third eye on your forehead.” He saw a hint of a smile, but it was gone within a heartbeat. “Why do you wear a hat?”

  “To avoid distraction.”

  Is she bald? Nothing wrong with that, he told himself. “You have two heads in there?” he teased again. “So what?”

  “You wouldn’t say that if you cause someone to tip his cart full of crabs and lose all his day’s work, or a driver who hit the cow’s rear end and had to replace the cow with his two calves. A man broke his ankle and couldn’t go to work to feed his family because I walked by him. I wear this hat at home because I bring bad luck. Here, I wear this just a precaution. I don’t want my old friends to recognize me.”

  Gawain grinned. He wanted to ask more about the crabs, but didn’t think it would be a good idea. The woman looked uncomfortable already. “Pacify my curiosity.” Using his index finger, barely an inch, he lifted the droopy straw hat.

  For long moments, time seemed to have stopped. Deep green eyes locked with blue. Gawain felt his jaw slowly slacken. Quickly, he closed his mouth feeling like an idiot. He didn’t know what to expect. But definitely not this. This woman was a knockout. Hell, he’d had a glimpse of her rosy lips, but to see the rest of her face…fuck. He could get lost in those eyes. Her blonde hair was loosely tied behind her neck. Tendrils had already escaped its confines. Despite the dark shadows beneath her eyes, she looked damn hot. There was something, though. She looked familiar. If they’d met before, he would never forget her, not this face with lips so full begging to be sucked.

  He shouldn’t stare, but he did anyway. He couldn’t stop staring at her lips, cheeks, and pert nose. And those eyes…Jesus. Damn, he wanted to run his fingers on her smooth skin. Almost flawless if not for her freckles. He wondered if she had them on her shoulders too and her back, legs. His dick stirred. Down, boy.

  I know only one person who has those pair of eyes and freckles. The imp.

  Gawain shook his head. No way the little brat would grow up to be this gorgeous. Alex—or Princess, to her parents—was a twig! This woman, even with her oversized dress, showed curves and long arms that he could pepper with kisses and not get tired of doing it. The more he stared at her, the more he saw the resemblance.

  No way this was his imp. Besides, this woman spoke with an accent.

  “You don’t recognize me.”

  Fuckin’ shit. “No. But I know someone with green eyes like you.” Gawain smiled. “A girl with braces, bony knees, sharp elbows. Super skinny and with freckles. I called her Imp because she was that. She’s one of those girls who gets what she wants and throws a fit if her parents says no. She gave the word brat a totally bad meaning.”

  “I’m sure she’s not as bad as you think.” She scrunched her nose a little.

  There it is again. The imp had a habit of doing that. “Maybe. I haven’t seen her in years.

  “Did you miss her?”

  “Very much.” The woman surprised him when she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Oh, my God!

  “I’m sure she missed you, too. By the way, all girls are brats, I think. Especially when their daddy’s around.”


  “Oh, but this girl is different. She’s a princess to her parents and she couldn’t do anything wrong. Rich, an only child, and annoying.”


  “Hell, yes. She used to follow me around like a fly on a cinnamon bun. I think she was in love with me.”

  “What made you think that?”

  “The imp asked me to marry her.”

  “She was just a girl who couldn’t even spell the word please.”

  Alex. “I’m sure she fell in love with me,” he said, unable to believe he was facing the imp.

  “What makes you so sure about that?”

  “I’m a Knight. Girls, young ladies, women, grandmas. They all fall in love with me.”

  “Well, they should all be institutionalized.” She raised a brow, her tone challenging.

  Gawain grinned.


  “Only a crazy woman would fall in love with you. You’re a boor, arrogant, and self-centered.”

  Gawain laughed. “You just described a Knight’s characteristics.”

  “I don’t remember Bors being so arrogant. And neither Tristan or Percival.”

  “Baby, you’re wrong. They were as arrogant as any man can get.” Damn. His fingers itched to reach out and pull her for a tight hug. Where had she been all these years. And what the fuck was the accent about?

  “Well, he was nice to me and your other brothers. And I love your sister. Now, I’m leaving.”


  “Bors’s order?”

  “No. Because I said so.”

  “My God! You’re a bully.”

  “What can I say, I’m a Knight.”

  “And you are getting on my nerves.” Crossing her arms, she raised her chin a notch and tapped her foot rapidly.

  Once again, he saw the girl she once was. The attitude was still the same. Appearance, not so much. She looked like she’d been through tough times. What had happened to her? Edmund picked her up at the airport, but didn’t say where she came from.

  Gawain’s heart soared. He was so happy to see her again. It had been eleven long years. She was just ten. Now, she looked like she could make any man fall in love with her.

  Alex Rose.

  Alex continued thumping her foot on the floor. Gawain wanted to laugh at her ridiculous posture. She reminded him of Thumper. Gad, he couldn’t tell if he wanted to strangle or kiss her. Those pouty lips were surely inviting. Good Lord.

  Thinking he might just suffocate her with a kiss, he braced his hands on the door, trapping her.

  “You’re staying here. And that’s that. If I have to chain you in your bed, I will.”

  “I can make you go down on your knees.”

  “Baby, I’m sure you can.”

  “You changed, Gawain.”

  “People change. Change is good.”

  “Right. Now, since I am not welcome here, I’ll go. I’m sure we won’t be seeing each other again anyway.”

  “Oh, honey. I doubt that.”

  “Arrogant.” She pointed a finger at him. “Well, Mister High and Mighty, I may have had a crush on you, but that was long time ago. Now, I don’t anymore. I will not fall for your charms again. I. Am. Leaving.”

  “You didn’t have a crush on me. You were in love with me, Alex.”

  Alex closed her mouth tight. “You remember my name.”

  “Of course. You’re the first girl to propose marriage to me.”

  “A proposal that you laughed at, ridiculed, and made fun of. You and your girlfriend, Reina.”

  “I never made fun of your proposal. Ever.”

  Alex tilted her chin, her eyes shiny and proud. “Whatever happiness I’ve felt at the prospect of seeing you again is all gone now—replaced by a huge annoyance. I’m not your prisoner and Bors has no right keeping me here. Goodbye. Move.”


  “Right this very minute, Gawain Knight, I don’t like you.” She rai
sed her knee. As quick as lightning, he blocked her knee from hitting him in the groin. She raised a fist and tried to hit his face, but he grabbed her fist and held it above her head.

  “You lie.” And then he kissed her.

  Not a second later he realized what he had done. He shouldn’t have touched her. She was too soft and smelled so good. His body reacted instantly. Ah, hell.

  Chapter Five

  He kissed her—again! Alex couldn’t move or even say anything. And that said it all. She never ran out of anything to say—even something nonsensical. She couldn’t think, either, but she could feel. Oh, yes, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. His hot hand flat against the small of her back. With the door behind her and Gawain in front, she was trapped. His hard body pressed against her chest and…she could feel his hard heat against her belly. If he was fire, she was already scalded. However, for someone who was on fire, she didn’t want to move away. In fact, she wanted more of his heat, of his smell, and of his kiss. She wanted—God help her—to burn. She tiptoed, aligning their bodies. Gawain groaned and held her tighter, his erection now centered in between her legs. She might have whimpered, she didn’t know. For sure though, she loved her position.

  So this was what the local girls were telling her about. Feelings that one would only understand through experience.

  She heard a low purr resembling a cat. Then another, but this time, she realized it was coming from her own throat. And he must have liked the sound because he let go of her hand to cup the back of her head, to deepen his kiss. His tongue insisted she open her mouth—and by Jove, she did.

  Ramon, a stupid neighbor, had tried to kiss her once. His tongue entered her mouth, too, but all she had felt that day was disgust. He smelled of onions, and she wanted to gag. Not like this. Gawain tasted of mint and smelled so good, like the outdoors and clean air.

  Alex ran her hands on his taut shoulders and then gave him full access to her mouth.

  She relaxed. Gawain took advantage. His tongue swooped in tasting her. Her body became fully awake, responding to his kiss. She must stop this. She was summoning her strength to end the kiss when Gawain left her moist parted lips and she stared at his dark long lashes. She watched as he slowly opened his eyes.

  Blue. Not just an ordinary blue, but like cornflower blue. Just as she remembered them.

  “Alex.” Gawain’s voice was strained, deep, and erotic.

  “Gawain,” she whispered back.

  “God. I…I…Jesus. I shouldn’t, but…is it really you, Alex?”

  “Yes. When did you realize it’s me?”

  “Your habit of scrunching your nose and your eyes.”

  “What about them?”

  “They’re the same shade of green the last time I looked at you.”

  He remembered the color of my eyes.

  “But you have an accent. So I thought it couldn’t be you. You also mentioned Baskerville and your dad being friends. Where have you been?”

  “Palawan. I grew up there.”


  “It’s an Island in the Philippines.”

  “Wow. All these years you lived in the Philippines.”


  “This is rich. Can’t believe this. Why didn’t you tell me who you were to begin with?”

  Her shoulders sagged and she finally let her back relax. “I thought you knew. Edmund also said that you knew I was coming to stay with you. When you said you didn’t want me staying here, I thought it was because you hated me.”

  “Hate you? Why would I hate you? Everyone was worried about you and your mom when you disappeared. Why did you just disappear like that? And where is Molly? Isn’t she with you?”

  “No. Mom passed away years ago.”

  “Damn, Alex. I’m sorry.” He raised his hand, then stopped. Frowning, he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  “Me, too.”

  “Fuck. This is unbelievable.” Gawain took out his phone. “Tell me. Bors, Edmund, and I take it, Baskerville, know who you are.”


  “Excuse me.” He walked toward the window where he had stood earlier, then started dialing numbers.

  Alex walked toward the bookshelf and pretended to be studying the titles. She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help listening to what Gawain was saying.

  “You’re a fucking ass, Bors.” Gawain snarled. “Why didn’t you tell me who she is? A surprise? Damn right I’m surprised. Don’t. We’re talking about Alex, dickhead.”

  They were talking about her. She felt heat crawl from her chest and up to her face. A string of colorful words came out of his mouth. It was interesting, though, that he would call his brother names. Dickhead? She wondered what the word meant.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her. She won’t be harmed.”

  Alex glanced at Gawain. He was raking his longish hair with his fingers.

  “Give my love to Taylor and kiss little Pen for me. I’ll see you Sunday. Yes, she’ll be there, too.” Gawain hung up the phone, then walked to stand in front of Alex. “Good to see you again, Alex.”

  For a minute, they just stood there.

  “Same here.”

  “You’ve been gone too long, love.” Gawain cupped both sides of her head with his hands. He tilted her face to him. ‘I can’t believe I’m really looking at you.”

  Overwhelming emotions brought tears to her eyes. Seeing Gawain made her feel as though she’d finally found a way home. So interesting, because hours ago, she was homesick.

  “Oh, come on. Tears? Is it because I kissed you, or you’re too happy to see me?”

  “I’m not crying because you kissed me. I didn’t cry the first time either. I’m just happy and overwhelmed.”

  “You like it when I kiss you?”


  “Yes. No?”

  “Oh, stop grinning.”

  Gawain smiled even bigger. “You always rise to the occasion, imp.”

  “I’m happy to see you. That’s why I’m crying, and also really really tired.” Lack of sleep finally caught up with her and her bones were heavy. All the tension, excitement, nervousness, not knowing what to expect all came down on top of her. God, she just wanted to lie down and close her eyes.

  “You grew. How tall are you? Six eight?” He planted a kiss on her forehead.

  “Ha. Ha.”

  “Hey, you look asleep.”

  “Told you I’m tired.”

  “Sixteen hour flight will screw up your body clock. Or is it eighteen? Baby, you look pale. Did you eat?”

  “Edmund suggested that we eat, but we didn’t.”

  “Let’s go.”



  “I’m staying here whether I like it or not, right?”

  “Yes. Bors told me not to let you out of my sight.”

  “Why? I’m not going to run away.”

  “He wants you to stick with me until he talks to Baskerville and get more facts. Now, you should eat something before you go to bed. You’ll rest better that way. If I go to bed hungry, I always sleep walk and end up in the kitchen eating whatever I can lay my hands on. You don’t want that to happen to you. Eating a whole raw onion is never good.”

  “You ate a whole onion while sleep walking?”

  “Yes. You don’t want to know the rest. So let’s find you something to munch on.”

  “Thank you.

  “Well, welcome back to the US.” Gawain shook his head again, still unable to believe the little girl he’d been wondering about was finally back. “What do you want to drink?”

  “A glass of water would be nice.”

  “I have soda pop, beer, tea, coffee.”

  “No, thank you. Just water. Coffee makes me sick unless it’s a decaf.”

  “Hmm…I don’t have a decaf. What’s the use of drinking coffee if you drink decaf. Defeats the purpose of drinking coffee.”

  “Not really. If you want something hot in yo
ur stomach, decaf coffee works.”

  “That’s true. All right. This way.”

  “I could get lost in this house. It’s huge.”

  “You should see Bors’s. Speaking of Bors. He didn’t tell me about you because he wanted to see if I’d recognize you.”

  “And you didn’t.”

  “And I didn’t. Here we are. Have a seat.” He pointed at the chair on the island and then opened the cupboard to get a glass.

  “Do you entertain a lot?”

  “No. Why?” He turned to look at Alex.

  “I spotted a long table in the dining room, and your kitchen is a state-of-the-art kind. This looks like a kitchen a chef would have.”

  “Nah. I figured I should have the right kind of stuff so I could cook the best food. And the only people I entertain here are my family. Cold water or not so cold?”

  “Tap water is fine. Your future wife would love this kitchen.”

  “Future wife?” He filled the glass with water from the faucet and then handed it to Alex.

  “Uh-huh.” She took a sip.

  “What made you think I didn’t have a wife?”

  Alex sputtered, choking on water.

  Gawain laughed. “You okay?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know you’re married.”

  “Why, because I’m not as handsome as my brothers?”

  “No. You all possessed certain beauty that one would think your parents must be gods.”

  Using the kitchen towel, he wiped the water off her chin. “Gotta tell my brothers that.”

  “Thank you. So where is your wife?”

  “What wife?”

  “You’re…you are married, right?”

  “Nope. Do I look like it?”

  Alex shook her head. “You’re confusing me.”

  Gawain laughed. “I’m not married. Just teasing you.” He glanced at her neckline. “What a very interesting necklace.”


  “Your necklace. It’s really…unique.” He leaned forward to inspect the necklace closely and studied it with great interest. His mouth was too close to her jaw, his breath stirring the few tendrils of hair that had escaped from her bun. He could have sworn she stopped breathing. “What are they?” He knew what they were, but asked anyway.

  “Different types of shells. Ema collected them for me.”


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