Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12)

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Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) Page 5

by Marcus Emerson

  And then the crowd started to calm down a little. Wyatt kept dancing and breathing heavily, occasionally letting out a “whaaaaaaaa,” the way Bruce Lee did in those old movies. He was so engulfed in the moment that he didn’t even realize everyone had stopped cheering.

  Suddenly, I realized what was happening. Somehow in this moment, I had become the bigger man. By refusing to fight back, I was taking a stand of my own. I was standing up to a filthy rotten bully. And it gave me strength.

  I watched as he threw a kick into the air. Punches are one thing, but getting kicked is a whole other level of “ouch.” His foot landed on my arm, scorching pain down my spine. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take of this, but I returned to my position in front of him.

  “Fight back!” Wyatt yelled. The frustration in his voice was clear.

  He swung a right hook at me, but this time I dodged it by leaning backward. “I won’t. You’re not worth it. If I fight, then you win. If I turn this bag into the office, then you win. If I get caught with it, then you win. The only way for me to stop this is if I refuse to play along with your manipulative games. All I should’ve done was walk away from the beginning, but I can’t do that now, can I? I’m stuck here so the best thing to do is to refuse to fight back.”

  From the corner of my eye, I could see Zoe smile at me. It was a proud smile.

  “Hit me!” Wyatt screamed again as he threw another hook.

  I dodged it as I did before.

  One of his ninja minions put their hand on his shoulders. “Come on, man. This is getting weird. Let’s just get outta here.”

  Several of the other ninjas agreed.

  Wyatt swung around and slapped the kid in the face. “Don’t tell me what to do! And don’t you ever touch me!”

  The ninja leader flung back around with his arm swinging wide. It moved too quickly for me to back away from. All I could do was flinch.

  But the punch never landed. I pried my eyes open and saw a furious Mr. Cooper dragging Wyatt away from me. The circle of students filled the entire hallway.

  “He started it!” Wyatt shouted as he kicked his feet. “I caught him with the stolen money! Look at it! It all came pouring out of that red backpack!”

  Mr. Cooper released Wyatt’s arm and stepped forward, staring at the floor covered in cash.

  Everyone in the hallway was silent, which made it easy for Wyatt to keep shouting. “That’s Zoe’s bag! They were in on it together! They both stole the money, and I caught them! When I confronted him, he started fighting me! I had to defend myself!”

  Mr. Cooper pushed the change around with his foot until he saw the yellow sheet of paper that labeled it the food drive money. He glanced around the hallway of students. By this time, several of the other teachers had joined, trying to push the kids away from the dropped cash.

  “Who’s responsible for this?” Mr. Cooper asked.

  “I already said they were!” Wyatt screamed, pointing at my cousin and me.

  Mr. Cooper raised his hand to Wyatt, instructing him to be silent. “I didn’t ask you, I asked them,” he said gesturing to everyone in the hallway.

  There was no way that any of Wyatt’s ninja clan would fess up to it, and if they did, who would believe them? Everyone else in the hallway knew nothing of Wyatt’s plan so all they were good for was a shoulder to shrug. The backpack was Zoe’s, there was no doubt about that, and when they would get around to asking why it was in her bag, she would claim it was stolen. I doubt she would say anything about the ninjas, but even if she did, who in the world would believe her?

  I looked at my cousin. She had a worried look on her face as she glanced back. It looked like there were tears forming in her eyes. She was family, but more importantly, she was a friend.

  When Zoe was questioned about Emily’s stolen purse, she immediately admitted her fowl up. I took that as a lesson in integrity.

  I nodded at Zoe, and then I spoke. “I took the money.”

  Strangely, it was the ninja clan that gasped loudest.

  “I told you!” Wyatt said, slapping his hands together.

  “No, I took the money,” Brayden suddenly shouted as he stepped forward.

  Wait, what? Why did Brayden just say that?

  “No! I took it!” Zoe shouted.

  And then another weird thing happened – other students started stepping forward, confessing that they stole the food drive money.

  “I did it,” said a short girl with red hair. She was cute, but that’s beside the point.

  “It was me,” said one of the taller students.

  “I took the money,” said yet another.

  I watched as several of the ninjas stepped forward and did the same. I can’t imagine Wyatt was too happy that they were doing it.

  Wyatt’s face grew bright red as he clenched his fists again. “They took the money!” he screamed as he jumped at me.

  Mr. Cooper caught him by his collar and pulled him back instantly. The coach pushed the ninja leader into the doorway of the front office, and then turned around. “I don’t know who did this, but at this point it’s clear that Wyatt had something to do with it. At the moment, the money is returned, which is more important than who took it. I think most of us are just thankful that it’s back. Everyone clear out of the hallway so we can gather up the cash and put it back where it belongs. But mark my words that this isn’t over. We’ll find out who did it eventually, so it would be best if the guilty party stepped forward at a later time, in private,” the coach said as he slammed the office door shut.

  “Wow,” said Zoe as she looked at my face. “You got your butt kicked!”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Seems like I might be good at that, huh? Maybe I can start a club or something.”

  Emily pulled a tissue from one of her other purses. Maybe it was her “lunchtime” purse or something. “I think it’s manly,” she said as she started dabbing my bloody lip with the tissue. Her eyes were cute.

  “Sick,” said Brayden. “Get a room.”

  I laughed, but had to hold my side from the pain.

  “Chase,” said a student from behind. It was one of the members of the ninja clan. “That was the most awesome thing any of us had ever seen in our entire lives. It takes a boy to start a fight, but it takes a man to end one. You ended it with so much honor that my face wants to melt off!”

  “Cute picture you paint,” said Zoe.

  The boy continued. “We are without a leader now.”

  “What about Wyatt?” I asked.

  “He’s a coward that just wants to control people and show how strong he is,” said the boy. “We need a clan leader like you. Brave. Honorable. Able to stand up to bullies. Not beat them down.”

  I nodded. Ninjas were cool, but this whole thing turned out to be more of a pain than it might’ve been worth. I smiled with blood on my teeth. “I’ll think about it. How’s that sound?”

  “We’ll need to know soon. There are rumors of a pirate invasion in the near future,” The boy bowed as did the rest of the clan before turning and walking away.

  A pirate invasion? What kind of insane school was this?

  “Looks like you might have some friends after all?” Zoe laughed.

  “Maybe,” I said. “That’s if I don’t get expelled.”

  “Nobody knows who took the money, and I doubt the teachers here will make any fuss about it,” said Brayden. “As long as it’s back, they’re happy.”

  Mr. Cooper opened the door to the office and leaned his head out. He pointed at me and said, “Chase, come in here for a moment please.”

  “Am I in trouble?” I asked as I wiped my lip clean with Emily’s tissue.

  Mr. Cooper shook his head. “No, it’s just that you’re a bloody mess. The nurse should have a look at you to make sure you’re alright.”

  I paused as I glanced at Zoe and my friends. I didn’t want to be lured into the office just to be told I wasn’t welcome at the school anymore, but understood that it might be happe

  “Look, Wyatt already admitted to the whole thing being his fault. He broke down the second I shut this door,” Mr. Cooper laughed. “It really is because you’re bleeding all over the carpet. What if a parent walked in at this second and saw your battered face?”

  “I could probably win a dinosaur sized lawsuit,” I replied.

  Zoe laughed. Brayden didn’t. Maybe he didn’t get it.

  Mr. Cooper knocked on the wood of the door. “Just get in here.”

  I walked to the office door and pushed it open. I could see the top of Wyatt’s head over the front counter. He was sitting in the principal’s office, probably waiting for his parents. How funny. A ninja getting scolded by his parents.

  I turned around and took one last look at Zoe. She nodded at me once, and I returned the gesture. Pushing the door fully open, I stepped into the front office and let it shut behind me.

  Buchanan School was a strange place, and though it was new and scary, I’m not sure I’d have it any other way. Beside, I think there’s a ninja clan that needs a leader.

  My name is Chase Cooper, and I’m a ninja.


  A quick update:

  I just finished my second diary and it’s already available to read! You definitely won’t want to miss this one – only a month has passed since my first diary, but in a school as crazy as mine, a month is an eternity. I thought the remarks about a pirate invasion were a joke, but as it turns out… I was wrong. Now my entire school is in danger, and I’m the only one that can save it. Check it out right here: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja 2: Pirate Invasion.

  From Marcus Emerson:

  Stories – what an incredible way to open one’s mind to a fantastic world of adventure. It’s my hope that this story has inspired you in some way, lighting a fire that maybe you didn’t know you had. Keep that flame burning no matter what. It represents your sense of adventure and creativity, and that’s something nobody can take from you. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this book, I ask that you help spread the word by sharing it or leaving an honest review!

  - Marcus

  [email protected]

  But wait, there’s more! If you enjoyed this book, then you’re gonna love:

  Secret Agent 6th Grader - My name is Brody Valentine (please don't make fun of my last name), and this is the story of how I accidentally became a 6th grade secret agent at my school. My life is plain and boring, but I do my best to keep it that way. That's why when a dangerous secret fell into my lap, I wasn't exactly jumping for joy. Everything I knew to be true was completely flipped around and suddenly I've found myself buried in special codes and conspiracies. Now I'm being hunted after because my brain knows a secret so huge your head would explode if you heard it.

  Table of Contents


  Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja




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