Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

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Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) Page 12

by Sarah Carter

  Jude looks him in the eyes. “You don’t scare me. You can’t touch me, Jackson. You’d get expelled and arrested.”

  “He can’t touch you, but I sure can,” Damien says, stepping next to Jackson. “I don’t go to school here and have a team of the best lawyers. Now, who are you and what is your problem?”

  “This is Jude,” Kayla states, pulling both Jackson and Damien back. “He’s a thorn in my side.” She turns her attention to Jude. “What do you want?”

  He looks down at her. “I want to talk to you, and I’ll keep asking until you agree.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You can keep asking all you want, but the answer is going to be the same. You grabbed me and threatened me, Jude, there’s no apologizing for that.”

  Damien charges forward, grabs Jude by the collar, and pins him against the wall. “Please tell me I didn’t hear her correctly,” he growls.

  Jumping after them, Kayla says, “Damien, leave him alone! It’s fine. It’s not like he hurt me or anything.”

  “You have no idea who I am or what I could do to you,” Damien whispers to Jude. “Stay away from her.”

  “Come on,” Kayla says, grabbing Damien’s bicep. “He’s an idiot. No need for bloodshed.”

  Putting his arm around her, Damien says, “Your protection is my number one concern; Jackson’s too.”

  “What, now he’s your boyfriend?” Jude’s tone is filled with disgust as he addresses Kayla.

  “No.” She shakes her head, deciding to use this moment to her advantage. “I mean, yes. Does that bother you, Jude? Does it get under your skin?”

  “Sweet, boyfriend works for me.” Damien chuckles. Kayla gives him a look like she was exaggerating when she said 'boyfriend.'

  “Is that the way you are now, bouncing from guy to guy?” Jude asks harshly.

  Smirking, Kayla says, “So what if I am? They are two fine specimens of men.” She scans him from head to toe. “I can’t say the same for you.”

  Jude just glares at her. “You’re a lot looser than I thought you were.”

  With a loud crack, Damien’s fist collides with Jude’s face. Jude crumbles to the ground. “Damien!” Kayla yells as she shoves him to the side. “Jude, Jude, are you okay?”

  “Get away from me!” he yells, holding his nose. He points his finger at Damien. “I’m suing you! I’m going to call the police and then sue you!”

  “Whatever,” Damien replies. “That is why I had the pleasure of knocking your teeth down your throat. One, I don’t care and two, you can try to do whatever you want to me, but you will fail, so go right ahead.” Damien reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a card. “Here is my information. My lawyer is at the bottom. Feel free to call.” He flicks the card onto Jude.

  Kayla stands up and grabs Damien’s arm. “Stop it! You’re being ridiculous. Let’s go before you get arrested.”

  Jackson laughs. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Though this time I would gladly bail him out.” He looks down at Jude. “Don’t talk to her again.”

  With a groan, Kayla pushes Jackson and Damien down the hall. “Go, move! I can’t keep tabs on both of you.”

  Jackson walks by her locker and grabs her backpack and books. “That was awesome, Damien.”

  “No, no it wasn’t!” Kayla exclaims. “Go! I swear!”

  They all walk out the front doors. When they get outside, Jackson turns around. “I promise, I’m going to be nice to you for the rest of the day.”

  Damien smirks. “I can see that I did what you’ve wanted to do for a while.”

  “So badly.”

  “Stop it,” Kayla yells. “Violence doesn’t solve anything!”

  Walking backwards, Damien looks at her. “He called you a slut, you know that, right?”

  That makes her stop in her tracks. “Oh…he did, didn’t he? Asshat!”

  “See? He deserved what he got. Anyway, I didn’t even hit him that hard. If I was really trying, I would’ve knocked him unconscious.”

  “Thank God you didn’t do that!” Kayla groans. “This is going to be all around school by Monday. My Facebook page will be lit up!”

  With a single step, Damien is in front of Kayla. He bends down to her ear and whispers, “Tell me you didn’t like that…just a little bit.”

  She opens her mouth and then closes it. Finally, Kayla looks at him. “Fine, maybe a little, but it's still wrong. So wrong!”

  A devious grin passes over Damien’s face. “No it wasn’t. But that’s beside the point, the whole reason I’m here is that I wanted to take you out to dinner.”

  “Oh,” Kayla squeaks. Her eyes drift to Jackson, but he looks away. “Sure, I would be happy to go to dinner with you.”

  From behind them they hear, “Kayla Marie Hendrickson! You stop right there!”

  They turn to see Tracy standing behind them with her arms crossed. “Uh-oh,” Kayla mutters.

  Tracy comes over and cocks her hip. “What the hell? A hot guy finally punches Jude and I have to hear about it from everyone else? I'm surprised I'm not reading about it on Facebook! What kind of friend are you?”

  Damien and Jackson erupt with laughter. Jackson points to Tracy. “Damien, this is Tracy, Kayla’s best friend. Tracy, this is my cousin, Damien.”

  With the most flirtatious look, Tracy says, “You are just as hot as Jackson.”

  “Wow, usually I'm told I'm hotter,” Damien retorts with a grin.

  Jackson shoves him hard. “Shut up.”

  Pointing his finger at him, Damien snaps, “You said you were going to be nice for the rest of the day. So deal with the ego, man!

  “It is not cool that Damien punched Jude,” Kayla states seriously.

  “Yes, it is,” Tracy says. “I would give him a huge kiss if I were you. Fighting for your honor…hot…soooo hot.”

  Rolling her eyes, Kayla groans. “Whatever.”

  “That’s him! Standing right there in the purple shirt. That’s the guy who punched me!”

  The shouted accusation forces them all to turn toward the school where they see Jude holding his bloody nose and pointing at Damien. The liaison officer saunters over to them, Jude following at his heals. Damien sighs. “You guys better call my lawyer.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Jackson protests. “What a nark.”

  The liaison officer focuses on Damien. “Are you the gentleman who punched him?”

  “Yup,” Damien articulates. He sticks his wrists out. “Be gentle. I’m a lover, not a fighter. Oh wait, that’s a lie. I’m both.”

  The officer turns to Jude. “Are you pressing charges?”

  “Yes, of course,” Jude yells, his words muffled a bit behind his hand. “Did you see my nose?”

  Turning back to Damien, the officer takes out his cuffs. “All right, you are under arrest for assault.”

  “Hot,” Tracy quips.

  “No, it’s not,” Kayla snaps, spinning toward Jude. “Don’t be ridiculous! What, are you the biggest pansy at this school?”

  Damien nods. “Yes, yes he is.”

  She tries not to laugh and continues to drill Jude. “You called me a slut, what did you think was going to happen?”

  “Only you would date someone with such a hot temper. I can’t even believe you’re attracted to that,” he says, pointing to Damien. “What a Neanderthal!”

  “He was defending my honor,” Kayla snaps. “Which you were trying to tarnish.”

  “What honor?” Jude snarls.

  Kayla gives him a look of hatred and then steps up to Damien. She grabs his face and kisses him, and it’s not just a little kiss. It is hot and passionate. When she pulls away, she says, “Thanks.”

  “I would punch him again for that.” Damien laughs. “Come here.” He bends down and kisses her again.

  “All right, all right,” the liaison officer says, pulling Kayla away. “That’s enough. We need to call your parents.”

  Snorting, Damien says, “They’re out of the country. You can contact my
lawyer. I got emancipated when I graduated two years ago. It’s easier to go to college that way. You know, since I go to Yale,” he adds, looking at Jude.

  Jude gasps. “You go to Yale?”

  “Yup,” Damien retorts. “Of course, if they find out about this, I may not be anymore, but I have a really good lawyer, so I’m not too worried. You know, this does make you the world’s biggest baby. I doubt your nose is even broken! But none of that matters, you should never have implied that Kayla was a slut.”

  The officer looks at Jude. “Is that true?”

  “What? No…I mean, I didn’t literally call her that,” Jude draws out, sounding annoyed.

  “You could be expelled for sexual harassment,” the officer replies. “You need to come with me to Head Master’s office.”

  Tracy hoops and says, “Awesome, revenge!”

  “Wait! What? I can’t get expelled,” Jude yells. “I won’t be able to get into a good college.”

  “Should have thought about that first,” the officer replies. “Unless these students are mistaken and that was not what they heard.” The officer looks at Kayla. “Is that what he said, ma’am?”

  Kayla eyes Jude. “I don’t know, are you pressing charges?”

  With a glare, Jude says, “No, I guess not.”

  “All right,” the officer says, unlocking the handcuffs. “Why don’t you guys go on about your business and Jude, you better get back into that building, young man.”

  “Hold on, I have to take care of something,” Kayla says. She pulls Damien toward her by his shirt. Planting her lips on his, she kisses him again. It’s like an explosion inside of her. She runs her hands up his chest and around his neck. It gets heated very quickly.

  Finally, Jackson pulls her away from him. “Damien, enough.”

  Damien smirks. “I can’t help myself.”

  “Yes, you can,” Jackson hisses.

  Stumbling back, Kayla exhales, “Whoa.”

  “Now, that was hot!” Tracy exclaims.

  “Gross,” Jude yells. The officer turns to him, and Jude shuts up immediately. “You guys can go jump off a bridge.”

  “Hey,” Kayla snaps. “Didn’t you promise to stop talking to me?”

  Jackson laughs and yells to Jude, “We like to jump off the bridge.”

  “Frequently,” Damien adds on.

  “Whatever,” Jude mutters, turning on his heel and leaving.

  The officer looks at Damien. “I think you should get off school property, right now. I don’t remember you being a student.”

  “I’m just giving her a ride home from school,” Damien says, nodding his head toward Kayla.

  “You can wait in the parking lot, like everyone else,” the officer replies. “If you go to such a prestigious school, I would be more mindful of your actions. Violence doesn’t solve anything.”

  Kayla interjects, “Thank you! As much as I enjoyed that, it was still wrong.”

  “So wrong, but it felt so good,” Damien states. “Kind of like sex.”

  “Are you for real? Come on,” Kayla says, grabbing his hand. “We’re leaving. Thank you, officer, for not arresting him.”

  The police officer nods. “Next time I will.”

  Jackson and Tracy fall into step with them as they walk to the parking lot. “That was epic!” Tracy yells. “It was sexy too.”

  When Damien puts his arm around Kayla, she tenses. “As long as I’m entertaining. So, Kayla, where am I taking you for dinner? Since I nearly got arrested for you, I think you can go on a date with me.”

  “Oh, come on!” Tracy exclaims. “I haven’t gotten to do anything with her all week. You guys are hogging her.”

  “Would you like to join us?” Damien asks.

  Tracy bites her lip. “But you called it a date.”

  “You can be our chaperone, make sure I don’t get out of hand. You know, stab me with a butter knife if I touch her inappropriately.”

  “I will stab you with something bigger than a butter knife,” Jackson murmurs under his breath.

  Damien glances at him over his shoulder. “Do you have a problem with me going on a date with Kayla?”

  Jackson looks at him. “No, of course not.” A shimmer of anger flickers in his eyes, but it fades quickly.

  “Good,” Damien states. He looks down at Kayla. “Where would you like to go?”

  “Anywhere?” Kayla asks.

  Nodding, Damien replies, “Of course.”

  “The Eve,” Kayla says hopefully. “They have the best Italian food, oh, so good.”

  “Okay, what should we do until then?” Damien asks.

  Kayla gives him a look. “If we are going to The Eve, I need to go home. You know, change, do my hair, that sort of thing.”

  “I think you’re beautiful just the way you are,” Damien says, with a smile.

  “Awww, that is so sweet,” Tracy says with a giggle.

  Smirking, Kayla says, “I want to knock your socks off.”

  “Oh really?” Damien murmurs. “Well then, go home and get ready, if you must.”

  “I’ll take her,” Tracy chirps, grabbing Kayla’s arm. “You can pick us up at seven.”

  He nods. “Sounds wonderful. I look forward to dinner.”

  Tracy turns to Jackson. “Are you coming?”

  He looks down. “I wasn’t invited.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Tracy snaps happily. “You can be my date. Just know, you aren't getting in my pants. Oh who am I kidding…you’re sexy as hell. I'll be your dessert.”

  “Is that all anyone thinks about?” Kayla exclaims.

  “Hey, I’m a virgin, just like you. I just like making out…a lot,” Tracy quips.

  Slapping her forehead, Kayla sighs. “Let’s go, my friend, before you get yourself in trouble.”

  “See you guys later!” Tracy yells as Kayla drags her away.

  “Bye!” Kayla adds on.

  When they are finally far enough away, Tracy spins toward Kayla. “Oh my gosh, he’s so good-looking. How and where did you meet him?”

  “At Jackson’s yesterday. He took me home, had dinner with my family, and helped me with my homework.”

  “And you just decided to kiss him to bug Jude?” Tracy asks with a huge grin.

  Kayla shrugs. “He kissed me last night. It wasn’t anything like that, though.”

  “But he kissed you before even knowing you for twenty-four hours. What is going on with you, girl? Are you suddenly made of gold? You have two really hot guys vying for your attention.”

  “One guy is vying for my attention for reasons I can’t fathom. Jackson is very adamant that I'm not allowed to have feelings for him. Damien, on the other hand, wants to date me because of something between our families.”

  They walk quietly to the car. When they get in, Tracy turns to her. “So tell me how you really feel.”

  Kayla stares out the window for a moment before responding. “I’m torn about Jackson. I mean, I’m really attracted to him, I am. I won’t lie, but he is so mood swingy and abrasive sometimes. When we kiss, it’s like pow, but it’s also that way with Damien. Maybe I just need more experience with guys; maybe all kissing feels like that. It’s not like I have a whole lot of practice in that area.”

  “So you like Jackson, even though you aren’t supposed to—”

  “No, it’s not that. He drives me nuts most of the time. I either want to kiss him or wring his neck.” Kayla lightly laughs.

  Tracy’s face breaks into a big grin. “And the delicious Damien? What about him?”

  “He is hot, huh? I mean, like really hot, and he’s a fantastic kisser. He’s sweet and very gentle with me. He’s rich beyond measure, and he’s practically a genius. He goes to Yale, I mean, The Yale. Who does that at seventeen?”

  “So if he asks you out on a real date, will you go?” Tracy inquires as she starts the car.

  Exhaling, Kayla says, “I don’t know. I just met the guy. I just met Jackson too, but I feel like we’ve known each ot
her forever. When we click, we really click. Maybe I’m just getting all mushy because I finally found guys worth my time.”

  “And they're smoking hot with nice bodies, let’s not forget that.”

  “Mmm, no. You have no idea. I have seen both of them without their shirts on…and let me tell you…hello, fantasy land.” Kayla sighs happily.

  Tracy looks at her. “You aren’t serious! How did you see them unclothed?”

  “I walked in on Jackson at his house,” Kayla replies.

  Before she can say anything else, Tracy yells, “He was naked!”

  “No.” Kayla laughs. “His shirt was off. He is all muscly and perfect.”

  “And Damien?”

  Another sigh escapes Kayla. “He’s leaner, but fit, abs and all. He started to strip yesterday at the coffee shop, tried to con me into putting money down his pants.”

  “And why didn’t you!”

  “Because I’m not you. Though if he strips tonight, I’ll loan you some singles.”

  Tracy pulls out onto the street and says, “Hell. Forget that, I’m going to stop at an ATM.”

  “I think he’ll keep it all on tonight.” Kayla giggles. “I wouldn’t mind seeing either one of them shirtless. Why do hot guys even wear clothes?”

  “I don’t know. They probably say the same thing about women.”

  The girls laugh all the way to Tracy’s house. When they get into Tracy’s bedroom, Kayla shakes her head. “How do you even find anything in this mess?” She looks at the two giant piles of clothes in the corner of Tracy’s room. Her eyes then glance at her desk, which is cluttered with stuff and then at Tracy’s closet, which looks like it vomited all over the floor.

  “If my mom comes and cleans in here, I can’t find a thing. So what should I wear? It’s Friday night and a nice restaurant. We're dining with Greek gods, even though both are off the market, which is disappointing for me.”

  “Neither of them is off the market. You can try to pick one of them up if you want. Jackson is obviously not into me. I say go for it.” Kayla sighs as she clears off a spot on Tracy’s bed.

  As she starts to go through her closet, Tracy says, “Yeah right, they are both gaga over you, no matter what Jackson says, but that isn’t going to stop me from flirting.”


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