Second Chance Hope: a paranormal reverse harem academy adventure (Second Chance Academy Book 3)

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Second Chance Hope: a paranormal reverse harem academy adventure (Second Chance Academy Book 3) Page 4

by Ella J. Smyth

  Lance had been watching us. “Will you suck me?”

  I nodded with enthusiasm. My mouth watered as I watched him get into position. He kneeled next to Kiernan, his cock pointing straight at me. I stuck out my tongue, licking a droplet off the reddened head. It tasted salty and like pure sex. Encouraged, I grabbed him to hold him steady while I took him between my lips.

  He was huge. I wouldn’t be able to take it all, but I’d definitely try. Kiernan was gripping my hips, fighting to hold still with an effort that made his muscles tremble. I was grateful he wasn’t trying to move right now. It would have been overwhelming.

  Instead, I pulled Lance’s cock into my mouth, my jaw opening wide, and my lips stretching. He let me take the lead, and I took my time getting used to his girth. Soon, he hit the back of my throat. I tried to relax, but Kiernan was losing patience. His hips were rocking minutely, and his fingers had moved to pinch my nipples.

  It felt like riding a tiger. Whatever semblance of control I’d thought I had, it broke away when Kiernan lifted me nearly off his cock and slid me back down again. My eyes opened wide, and I would have cried out, had my mouth not been filled by Lance’s cock.

  Kiernan did it again. And again. And each time, he hit the spot on the inside while pulling on my nipples. I surrendered. My throat relaxed, and Lance’s cock went a little deeper. It interrupted my breathing for a second whenever he went too far, but instead of panicking me, it heightened the sensation.

  They owned me. I rode Kiernan’s cock with abandon while Lance fucked my mouth. Hands were all over me, and I felt my inner spark growing into a flame deep inside.

  “Here we go again,” Lance said reverently.

  I opened my eyes and saw tiny blue-white flickers of lightning dancing on my skin, ready to jump to my partners. At the same time, Kiernan moved his hand to my clit and rubbed in rhythmic circles. The sparks jumped to his hand and crawled up his arm. We watched them in breathless silence as they arched to his belly and lit up his groin area.

  Kiernan flinched, his pupils blown wide. “Oh my God. They’re inside my cock. Holy shit.”

  He moved faster, slamming his cock into me, crying out in ecstasy. “I’m not gonna last. I’m not… Amber!”

  He screamed my name, his eyes rolled back, and he shivered so hard, he nearly threw me off him.

  Lance pulled back from me, staring at his cock in wonder. “Your sparks… I can feel them inside.”

  Tiny branches of lightning zapped across the wet skin of his erection, disappearing in his slit, buzzing and fizzing like tiny bees. Lance’s hand dropped off his cock as he threw back his head and screamed.

  I was afraid my power was hurting him, but as the light illuminated his cock from the inside, it jerked and swelled without Lance’s control. My boyfriend fell backward, his body convulsing half on, half off the mattress. “Oh my God, Amber. This feels incredible.”

  His cock jerked again, and again, spurting jets of come over his body, over Kiernan, over me. I was dumbfounded, watching him with disbelieving eyes. It finally stopped and Lance’s body relaxed.

  For a moment, nobody said anything. The only noises were Kiernan’s and Lance’s panting. And a distinct shloop-shloop of skin on skin. Julian writhed on his chair, his hand flying over his cock. “Amber. I love you. I wish I could touch you.”

  One final stroke, and his cock also exploded, adding to the mess.

  I was still sitting on top of Kiernan, looking around me at the sexual devastation I’d wrought. For several moments, I felt very proud of being able to reduce my boys to this. But my clenching, aching pussy reminded me that I hadn’t come yet.

  “Goddammit,” I whispered, slipping off Kiernan’s softening cock. I stretched out next to him and resigned myself to finishing the job myself. Closing my eyes, I remembered the look on Lance’s face as my magic powers wrung his orgasm out of him. Hmmmm. This won’t take long.

  A hand grabbed my wrist. “Let me,” Kiernan said.

  Before I could react, he scooted towards my feet and took over. His tongue was firm, yet soft, wet, yet raspy. He was perfect, lapping gently on my clit, harder around it. Sometimes he sucked, other times he licked. Every time I was so close to orgasm, I could feel it crest, he interrupted and distracted me. I felt like I was losing my mind.

  “Please, let me come. Please, please, I need to…” My back arched, and I cried out as he stopped again.

  Lance lay next to us, playing with his cock lazily, watching. Julian sat cross-legged on my other side, staring at us with hunger and pain. I wanted to feel sorry for him, but my hazy mind couldn’t process anything beyond the sheer lust ebbing and flowing in my body.

  Kiernan’s hand slipped past my pussy to my ass. I tried to protest, but he sucked on my clit again, making me shiver with aching lust. He added quick kitten licks to the suction, and my orgasm gained momentum.

  His finger slipped into my ass as he sucked with a faster rhythm. The slight discomfort when he stretched my tight sphincter muscle was absorbed by the tighter and tighter coiling of my core. Please don’t stop. There, there… I came with a groan bordering on a scream.

  I heard my boys shout with me as my sparks hit them again. Julian moaned loudly, and more splashes of come hit my heated skin. My body convulsed, my pussy pulsed, and Kiernan never stopped licking and licking, until I was so weak, I couldn’t have moved if the house were on fire.

  When I came to, the boys lay around me. Kiernan lifted his head from between my thighs, grinning like the cat that got the cream. “Acushla. You’re amazing. When you came, you made us come again as well. Holy shit. That was the hottest thing ever.”

  Lance lifted a hand but gave up the effort and dropped it again. Julian had slipped to the floor and smiled tiredly at me. “I wasn’t even touching you. Making love to you would probably kill me.”

  With our last bit of strength, we straightened out the mattresses and covers and arranged ourselves in a heap of limbs, pressed tightly against each other. Thoughts of Julian’s face, distorted in ecstasy, floated through my mind. I want him so badly. I want to feel him inside of me. But he’s right. It’d drain him to the point of death.

  I drifted to sleep with my stomach twisting in yearning and fear for my beautiful boy.


  I wasn’t out long. Kiernan ran his hand up and down my back, firm enough to avoid tickling me. I snuggled happily against his broad chest. He smelled a little dirty, sweaty and musky, but I didn’t mind. He was solid under my body, his arms surrounding me and keeping me safe.

  Julian was sitting on the floor with his back against the empty bedframe, leaning companionably against Lance, who’d pulled his jeans back on. A post-coital lassitude descended on all of us. I was just beginning to drift off again, when Kiernan asked, “Julian, how are you feeling now? Any aftereffects?”

  Julian shrugged. “Not a bit. It would have been better if I could have touched Amber, but this works for now. I enjoyed it.”

  “I bet you did.”

  There was a grin in Kieran’s voice, and I lifted my head to kiss his cheek. He turned and deepened the kiss until I felt the urge to rub myself against him. He grabbed my butt and squeezed gently. “Sorry, kiddo. I’m not up for another round for a while.”

  Lance laughed. “Yeah, you never had much stamina, Hennessy.”

  Julian smirked. “No need to be competitive. Share and share alike.”

  Our gazes met, and the sadness in his eyes told me what he couldn’t say out loud. Watching was fine for now, but he wanted so much more. He shook his head as if to rid himself of the sad thoughts and changed the subject. “Hey, I forgot to ask earlier. What did Farkas want from you today?”

  I stiffened. Kiernan lifted his head to look at me, startled by my reaction.

  “She offered me a job.”

  That got their attention. I wriggled uncomfortably under their scrutiny. “Seriously. She told me she’d be willing to take me on as an intern, and she would tutor me on a one-to-one basis

  “Tutor you on what?” Lance wanted to know.

  “No idea. My magic?”

  Julian perked up. “That’s great. She could teach you so much. If anybody could help you master your powers, it’d be her.”

  When I didn’t respond, he asked, “Don’t you agree?”

  I didn’t know what to say, how to explain how torn I was about the offer. Lance’s eyes were flitting from my face to Julian’s and back again. He got up, unfolding himself to his full height. When he spoke, his tone was biting. “I can’t believe you’re so naïve. I know Farkas saved your ass when you lost your parents. And I’m glad she did. But you’ve got to admit, she’s been acting more than sketchy for the last few months.”

  Julian paled, and the anger was visible on his face. He snarled, “Why do you have to keep doing this? The moment somebody does something nice for you, you gotta shit all over it.”

  This wasn’t the first time I felt there was something in Lance’s past I really needed to find out about, but again, it wasn’t the right moment to ask. Julian had gotten up from his chair and wrapped a sheet around himself. The two boys were glowering at each other as if gearing up for a fight.

  Trying to change the subject, I said, “By the way, before Mrs. Palmer left for Canada, she asked me to stop using my primary power.”

  Kiernan shuffled until I was no longer on top of him. He sat up and pulled me into his lap. “How come you haven’t told us?”

  I shrugged, holding on to his shoulders. “I don’t know. It didn’t seem important at the time.”

  “Any idea why she said that?”

  “I’m not sure. She was really insistent I use only my secondary powers, even though it might impact my grades.”

  Kiernan traced my shoulder with his fingertips. “That’s weird.”

  I shivered under his caress. Taking a deep breath, I struggled to get myself under control. Then I said, “I think she was worried somebody might be targeting me because of my lightning.”

  Lance chimed in, his deep voice soothing my frayed nerves. “You need to listen to your instincts. If you think there’s something fishy going on, then don’t take the job. Do you really want to be alone with Farkas in her office? What if she tries something while you’re there? Nobody would be able to help you.”

  I nodded. That was my concern as well. Then again, if I spent more time with her, I might finally figure out if she was in on the plot to abduct more kids from her academy. I was safe for the moment. The document I’d read on the augmented USB drive had clearly stated that both Beth and I were not to be touched until further notice. But the same didn’t go for my boys. I’d told them about the death list, but Julian had blown it off. Kiernan and Lance had asked so many questions I didn’t know the answer to, I wasn’t sure they were taking it seriously, either.

  Julian’s brows had been pulling together as he listened. He was still pissed, and now we’d attacked the head witch again. “I thought you’d gotten over your paranoia. Nobody is after your lightning power. Do you still think that Ms. Farkas is plotting to hurt you?”

  I shot back, “Except for Strickland. Or have you forgotten how close he came to draining me?”

  We glared at each other. I knew Julian regarded Farkas like a surrogate mother, but seriously? Could he not see how scared I was? Okay, so I hadn’t told the boys yet about the other stuff on the USB drive. About the girl my age being drained by a group of scientists until she was nothing by a dried-out husk with dead eyes. Watching them do this to a human being had chilled me to the bone. I didn’t want to talk about it. Putting it into words made it so much more real.

  While I was still trying to figure out how to make Julian understand, he’d gotten dressed and grabbed his coat. Glaring at us, he said, “I would trust Ms. Farkas with my life. She saved you as well, Amber. The FBMA would have locked you up and thrown away the key if she hadn’t offered to take you in. I can’t believe you’d be so ungrateful to throw that into her face. I’m seriously disappointed in you.”

  The fuck? Did he really just say that? After everything we’ve been through? My cheeks heated up, and my eyes felt like there were flames shooting out of them. I shouted, “If you don’t believe me, then why don’t you leave? I don’t need you. I can fight my own battles. I never asked for your support.”

  As he stormed out, Julian slammed the door so hard, the whole dorm shook. I sat on the bed, furious, with tears of anger pricking my eyelids. If I could have, I would have zapped the shit out of that guy. But with my crappy control, I’d probably burn him to a crisp. I couldn’t even get that right.

  Kiernan tried to pull me against his shoulder, but I was not in the mood. He meant well, but I was too angry at the way Julian didn’t believe me, didn’t trust me, and patronized me. I disentangled myself from Kiernan, got off the bed, and searched for my clothes.

  Lance watched me with a carefully neutral expression on his face, but his dark eyes were tightened with disapproval. I wasn’t sure if he had a problem with Julian storming out or with me leaving. It didn’t matter, though. The amazing sex endorphins had worn off, and all that was left was soreness and exhaustion.

  Kiernan said nothing. He handed me my pants and laid back with his hands crossed under his head, watching me get dressed. I grabbed my jacket and left the room without anybody stopping me. They knew better than to try to calm me down when I was that pissed. As I stomped back to my dorm, the tension in my shoulders and back was as bad as before.

  Why the hell can’t Julian just believe in me? What else needs to happen to make him see the truth about the head witch?


  The History of Magic class after lunch the next day was excruciating. I’d hoped I’d learn something that would throw a fresh light on my understanding of our new reality. But the teacher managed to bore the pants off me.

  Ms. Wilmot was a tall, fat woman in her thirties, with a short, sensible bob haircut. In stark contrast to her drab clothes, she wore dark-red high heels that made her teeter like a frigate on the high seas.

  For an hour and a half, she droned on about the Salem witch trials. At one stage, the girl sitting next to me dropped her forehead onto the table with an audible thud. Then she sighed loudly. I knew how she felt. All we learned was that the poor women who’d been burned at the stake weren’t in fact witches. Groundbreaking stuff, it wasn’t. By the time the lesson drew to an end, we dragged ourselves out of the overflow hut, relieved the torture was over for now.

  “Holy crap,” my seat neighbor grumbled. “I can’t believe I just wasted nearly two hours of my life.”

  I threw her a sympathetic look, but the boys had caught up with me, and we rushed to our last class for the day.

  Kiernan asked, “Are we meeting at the library afterward?”

  I nodded as we joined the students jostling to enter the Elemental Magic hut. Their enthusiasm had definitely increased since Mr. Sibelius had taken over.

  I had to admit he was an excellent teacher, although I still didn’t trust him. It hurt to say that, but he might be even better than Mrs. Palmer. My control over my lightning power was growing in leaps and bounds under his tuition and advice.

  During the lesson, Lance and I were perfecting our plasma ball imitation. I was now able to keep the spikes inside the bubble to an extent I’d never have thought possible only a few days ago. As I focused on the energy, tiny purple lighting branches were chasing each other around the inside of the perimeter, and Lance barely broke a sweat keeping the air currents flowing.

  While we kept our heads down, concentrating on our work, Sibelius had been largely ignoring us. Instead, he gave suggestions or encouragement to other students. The girls swooned the moment he came near them, and I’d spotted more than one student drawing hearts on their folders.

  I was engrossed in forcing the magic toward the middle of the air ball when Lance elbowed me. I glanced his way, and he jerked his head sideways. While I was still trying to figure out what was wrong with him,
Sibelius’s voice sounded right next to my ear, “Let me help you. Your energy signature is unstable.”

  Before I could react, he’d placed both his hands over mine. His skin was warm, dry, and seemed to create its own spark. I shivered and barely stopped myself from pulling away. He threw me an amused glance. He was so close to me, I couldn’t avoid smelling him. His scent was spicy, like nutmeg and cinnamon.

  My first sniff was involuntary, the second a deep inhale as I savored the warmth of his body. My head swam, and I leaned closer to him, as helpless as a moth drifting towards the candle flame.

  He was so frigging beautiful. His eyes were a color I’d never seen before. They shone like amber, a deep orange-brown. The more I looked, the more I saw. Little black flecks moved in his iris, radiating and contracting like living beings.

  Lance said something, but I couldn’t understand his words. I turned my head to look at him. Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. But when my gaze disconnected from Mr. Sibelius’s eyes, I snapped out of it, as if I’d had just woken from a dream.

  “Shit,” I whispered, rubbing both hands over my face. This is weird. So weird.

  “Miss Whitman?”

  I didn’t want to look again, but when I did, Mr. Sibelius showed nothing but concern.

  “Sorry, my mind wandered. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  I stared at him, and maybe it was the knowing smirk or his sharp gaze, but I managed to pull myself out of the daze I was falling into again.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” he asked. To everybody else, the question was a harmless inquiry. But I knew he wanted me to know I was helpless against the effect he had on me.

  Before I could say anything, he straightened and moved on to the next student. My body was overheating, and without a conscious thought, I licked a thin film of sweat off my upper lip. I stilled as I became aware of it. But there was more. To my horror, I felt slickness between my thighs. Quickly, I crossed my legs as I stared after him. What game are you playing? Who are you?


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