Captivated Heat

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Captivated Heat Page 7

by Morgan Fox

  The rest of the night seemed to drag on. For a Thursday night, they were slow. Something must’ve been going on in the area that had their normal customers occupied. She mumbled her concern under her breath and caught Zerina’s attention.

  “What was that?” Zerina asked, wiping down the bar top one last time before closing.

  “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how slow we were tonight.”

  “Slow?” she said on a gasp. “What planet have you been visiting?”

  Sam frowned. “What?”

  “Check out our tips. We kicked ass.” Zerina dumped the jars on the countertop to show how much money they’d collected. “We were smoking hot tonight.”

  Sam’s belly churned. Was she so distracted over Daniel’s whereabouts that she’d been unable to concentrate on anything else? She ran a stiff hand through her hair and groaned. “I’m obviously doing laps around Saturn tonight.”

  Brynn brought out a case of beer to restock the cabinet. “How did you go from happy girl to distract-o girl in a matter of hours?”

  More like seconds. Once she’d heard from Jason that Daniel hadn’t been at home like he’d told her, her mind had been overrun with negative thoughts. “I think I’m just tired,” she explained. And she was, emotionally and physically.

  Zerina divided up the tips and patted her on the back. “Don’t worry. You’ll get to sleep when you’re dead.” She snickered. “Right now, have all the sex you can.”

  “Amen,” Brynn cheered.

  Sam was even more eager to talk with Daniel. She only hoped he was waiting for her at her house. She needed to talk with him, needed answers. Going stir-crazy was not exactly how she wanted to spend the rest of day.

  Thankfully, as she pulled into her driveway, Daniel’s motorcycle greeted her. He was waiting for her. She hopped off her motorcycle and sighed. Relief flooded her.

  “Hey, babe,” he said, stepping up to kiss her. “I missed you today. I almost made a special trip up to Iron Horse to see you, but I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about me popping up there.”

  She arched a brow. “I wouldn’t have minded.” She would’ve appreciated it actually. “What did you do today?”

  “Nothing major. I spent the day at my brother’s.”

  “Oh, you didn’t go anywhere? Do anything?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Nothing exciting to report.”

  The nerves inside her body stretched thin as she heard him lie. She knew he hadn’t been home. Jason had told her that much. “Did you see Jason this morning?”

  “Nope. He was gone before I got up.”

  Sam’s hand shook as she moved to unlock her front door. Why was he lying to her? He reached around to help her. “You okay, Sammy?” he asked and the deepness of his voice sent a shiver racing along her spine.

  She shoved open the door and stepped inside. He followed her. “I’m fine. Just exhausted.”

  He hugged her and she let him, placing her forehead to his chest. She didn’t want him to see the worry in her eyes. She didn’t even know why she wasn’t confronting him about lying to her. Was she that desperate to keep him from hurting her again, from leaving?

  “I’m tired. Do you think we could just go to sleep tonight?”


  “I need to shower first. I smell like booze.” She slipped away from him and closed the door to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection, her eyes a window to her uncertain thoughts.

  Maybe there was a chance that Jason was wrong and Daniel wasn’t really lying. Maybe he had been sleeping in his truck and parked his bike somewhere else. Her mind was playing every scenario possible to keep from thinking he was going to run away from her again, leave her brokenhearted and destroyed.

  She turned on the water and undressed. Then she moved under the cascading shower and let it soothe her. Breath after breath, she prayed for the calm to ease her mind and let her rest. She needed a clear head. Her emotions were so scattered it was hard to think. Finishing her shower, she wrapped a towel around herself and moved to her dresser.

  “You don’t have to put clothes on for me.” Daniel’s voice tore her from her thoughts. She hadn’t turned the lights on and he was already in her bed. Naked.

  “I’m sorry. I’m programmed for pajamas.”

  He reached out to take her hand, tugging the towel away. He tossed the blanket off him and pulled her on top of him. “Doctors have conducted studies that show human-to-human contact to be beneficial.”

  She smiled shyly. “I think that was a study about babies and their parents.”

  He shimmied down into the bed with her, cradling against her. “I disagree. I get a great deal of benefit from lying naked with you.”

  She closed her eyes, fighting the tears that pooled at the back of her eyes. He seemed so normal to her, but then again, so had he the day he’d left her bed to join the military.

  “Goodnight, Daniel,” she whispered.

  “Goodnight, Sammy.” He kissed the back of her head. “Sweet dreams.”

  Sweet dreams, my ass.

  The entire time she tried to sleep, all she did was toss and turn. She couldn’t relax or clear her head. Thoughts were her enemy and they killed her chance for sleep. Finally, she threw the covers off of her and sat up at the edge of the bed.

  “Are you okay?”

  Daniel’s voice had her glancing up at the ceiling. She couldn’t do this, couldn’t pretend things were going well when they weren’t. She’d never been the passive type and she wasn’t about to start being that now.

  Fuck it.

  “Where the hell did you go yesterday? Are you cheating on me? Are you planning on leaving again?” She stood, forgetting that she’d gone to bed naked. She grabbed the towel she’d used the night before to cover herself. “Are you?” she shouted when he hadn’t responded.

  He sat up, looking at her. His eyes wide. “What are you talking about? I’ve never been a cheater and sure the hell am not one now.”

  “Then why did Jason tell me that you never made it home yesterday?”

  He frowned. “Is this why you were so cold with me last night? You’re worried that I’m hitting something on the side?” He rose up from the bed and joined her. She gasped as he clasped her arms. “You can’t do this to us, Sammy. You can’t keep thinking I’m leaving. I don’t want to be anywhere but with you. I’ve been out looking for work. I’m trying to make my life better.” When she glanced down between them, he gently pinched her chin to bring her gaze back up to his. “I’m trying to be the man you deserve. Stop thinking the worst of me. Please.”

  “Why couldn’t you just say that? Why did you have to let me go to bed thinking that you were with someone else?”

  “Shit, babe, I didn’t think about it. I stopped by a few places on my way home to grab some applications.” He closed his eyes briefly, swallowing hard. “I don’t know what’s going through that mind of yours, but another woman? Seriously?” He exhaled, pulling her in his arms. “I’ve got all the woman I need right here.”

  This was exactly why she didn’t like it when he talked. He was the type of person who could talk anyone off a ledge. The sound of his voice alone could stun a woman into submission. Maybe that was why she still didn’t quite believe that he’d only been out looking for work. But instead of choking on that thought, she chewed it up and let it go. He was with her now and she wanted to believe in him, wanted a future with him. They’d never have it if she couldn’t trust him.

  * * * *

  “So, what kind of jobs are you looking into?” Sam asked, stepping around him to dress.

  Daniel watched her every move, feeling guilty for not telling her that he was seeing a psychologist. Being with her had opened his eyes to what he needed to heal. But he wasn’t ready to tell her that he wasn’t strong enough to do it on his own. Nor was he prepared to watch her panic and potentially end their relationship because she feared he might turn violent from his PTSD.

  “A number of things
. A security gig, contractor, a police officer.”

  She stiffened and he watched her slowly turn to face him. “Are you kidding me? You want to be a cop?”

  He rounded the bed to be near her. “I’m exploring opportunities. I was great in the military. I need something that translates to normal society. Cop sort of does.”

  She sank to the bed. “I hadn’t thought of that.” He sat beside her. “Have you talked with Luke? Has he given you any insight?”

  “Not yet. I’ve only thought about it this week. I need to start making some real money. I want a life with you, a real one. I’m literally dusting myself off here.”

  Heavy emotions weighed in her eyes. He could see her concern over his job possibilities. Sam was a strong woman, he loved that about her, but he had to admit seeing the tender, protective need in her eyes felt good. She’d make an incredible partner, wife, and mother. The power that thought had stunned him.

  “Living with Jason has helped me. Being with you … that’s made a world of difference. It’s time I get off my ass. I promise that I won’t make any decisions without talking with you first. I’ll need your help to weigh my options. Right now, I’m doing research and finding my way. It sucks to feel this out of sorts.” The muscles ticked in his jaw, but he quickly swallowed down the emotions that consumed him. He hadn’t meant to be so honest with her. He didn’t want her any more worried than she already appeared. “I’m trying my best, Sammy.”

  She took his hand in hers, kissing his knuckles. “I know, Daniel. I’m sorry. I’m just scared. I don’t want you hurt. You’ve been shot before and I didn’t even know it. I could’ve lost you. Being a cop … it’s dangerous.” She leaned against him and he wrapped his arm around her. “I worry about you.”

  He kissed the top of her head, thankful she did. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. It means you care about me and I love that you do.”

  He kissed her, weaving his fingers into her hair as he caressed the side of her face. His heart pinched and he knew the feeling tugging at him. The words dancing at the tip of his tongue and he still couldn’t speak them. It wasn’t time. She wasn’t ready to hear them. He’d realized that when she questioned him about cheating on her. It nearly killed him to hear the hurt in her voice and see the pain in her eyes. She still didn’t trust him and that had to change if they stood a chance at a future together, something he desperately craved.

  “How about we talk more about this after I get some details from Luke? Until then, let’s go back to enjoying each other.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  He stood. “I’m starving and would love to grab something to eat.”

  The heated way she eyed him had him glancing down at himself. He was still naked. “Maybe you should get dressed first. I’d hate to have to kick the shit out of all the women who would want a piece of all that action.”

  He arched a brow, his cock pulsing. He pulled her up against him. “Do you think there could be Jell-O involved?” He feigned a shiver. “I’d give anything to see you wrestling around in that stuff. You naked, cherry-flavored Jell-O with Warrant’s Cherry Pie blasting in the background. I’d die happy.” He took her hand and placed it on his cock. “It’s a fantasy of mine.”

  She grinned, squeezing her hand just a little. “Keep it up. See what happens to this part of your anatomy if you continue teasing me.”

  His breath caught in his lungs as her grip tightened. He didn’t want to tell her how amazing it felt. His thickening shaft was doing that already. She smacked his ass. “You’d better get dressed before you hurt yourself.”

  He laughed as she released him. “Sorry, babe. I can’t help it. If you could see how sexy you are to me, you’d understand exactly why that image is so damn hot.”

  She shook her head.

  Then he had a thought. “Do you think we could—”


  He chuckled, loving just how one moment could be so intense and the next so enjoyable. Smiling to himself, he knew he’d convince her to share in his fantasy. Shit, he’d do it for her. Maybe that was the way to get her to partake. Now, that was an idea.

  Chapter Nine

  The doors opened at Iron Horse and Sam’s gaze instantly went to see who was coming in. The bar was technically closed for another hour. She kept the doors open for deliveries. It never bothered her since she was always up front and there was no money in the registers until just before the actual opening of the bar.

  When the glow of daylight blasted its way inside and her eyes finally made sense of what she saw, she smiled. A large bouquet of flowers was being delivered. A dozen red roses with stargazers. Her favorite floral arrangement. She didn’t have to read the card to know who they were from.

  She accepted the flowers from the delivery man and instantly smelled them. It was impossible not to. They were so beautiful. She found the card and read it.

  Always and forever, Daniel.

  She closed her eyes, holding the card to her chest, glad that she hadn’t let her stubborn protective mind overrule the love in her heart. Daniel had been everything she’d always wanted and more. For the last several weeks, they spent every available moment together. They’d shared in conversations that ranged from her finishing college and working at Iron Horse, to his love of the military and how many brothers he’d found there. He’d loved being in the service and he never lied to her about the fact that had he not been shot, he’d still be there. Then he’d quickly reminded her that everything happens as it should and he was destined to be with her.

  “It looks like a damn flower shop in here,” Brynn said with a snicker. “You must have him so wrapped.”

  Sam laughed then masked her humor with a stern look. “That’s not funny.”

  “You’re right,” Brynn replied. “It’s hilarious.”

  Sam’s gaze shifted to the flowers that lined the back of the bar. Daniel had purchased a dozen or so flowers each day she was away from him. He said it was so she’d feel him even when he wasn’t with her. He’d taken a job as a contractor, working with Zerina’s boyfriend Jeremy for a few weeks. He’d needed the money and wanted to see if that was a career he could be any good at.

  “So, what’s Jeremy told you about Daniel. Is he any good?”

  Zerina snorted. “That so didn’t sound right.”

  Sam frowned, replaying the words in her head. “Is he any good at fixing shit, pervert.”

  “Oh, right, that. Jeremy says he’s doing well … and thanks for putting that hot ass image in my head.” She fanned herself, laughing.

  “Glad I could help.” Sam rolled her eyes.

  Zerina opened a beer and leaned against the bar. “I see things are going well with you and Daniel.”

  They were. She’d never been this happy in her life. This was what she craved, a love that consumed her straight into her soul. Then it hit her. She really was in love with Daniel. She just hadn’t said it out loud.

  “You’re doing that thing again,” Zerina pointed out.

  “What thing?”

  Brynn joined them at the bar. “That thing where you just realized I had sex with Reid in the storeroom thing and you can’t believe I did it.”

  The front doors opened and Layla and Luke entered. Sam smiled as she spotted her friend. “Hey,” she cheered, happy to see her. She moved to hug her. “You haven’t worked here in weeks. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too,” Layla said. “I got a promotion at the equestrian center. I’m getting more hours to train and it’s been an adjustment. I should be able to grab a shift this weekend though.”

  “Great. I’ll make sure I work.” Sam squeezed her once more. “What brings you in?”

  “Luke said he was meeting someone here.”

  “Oh, well, did you want a drink or something?” Sam asked.

  “Don’t worry about me. I know where everything is.”

  Brynn hiked her thumb over her shoulder and said, “Sam, did you know that there’s someone w
aiting for you in Jason’s office?”

  She narrowed her eyes, trying to remember if she’d missed a delivery or something. She immediately headed back to the office. When she opened the door, she didn’t see anyone. Stepping inside the room, two strong arms surrounded her, spinning her to face him. Her knee was ready to launch upward to pound the nut sack of the asshole manhandling her.

  She tensed and only after a moment of panic did she realize it was Daniel. “Oh,” she groaned, swatting at him. “You scared the shit out of me. You almost lost your boys.”

  He chuckled. “Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

  She cocked her head and grinned. “Remind me to tell you about the ex-boyfriend stalker who assaulted Layla. Out of pure sympathy, you’ll never do that to me again.”

  He furrowed his brow, sat in the chair, and pulled her down on top of him. “Tell me now,” he begged, dragging out the words in an exaggerated manner.

  “This guy I dated turned out to be a looney. I didn’t like him much. He was a drunk. Anyway, he attacked Layla one night after closing and burned down the back of the storeroom.”

  He chuckled. “Wow, you know how to pick ‘em. Good thing I’m here now. Just think of the shitheads I’m rescuing you from.”

  Is that what he was doing? She fought the smile tugging at her lips. “Right. You’re saving me.”

  He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “That, and satisfying your every sexual desire.” His eyebrows rose up and down several times. “I’m your personal gigolo, honey.”

  She kissed him, unable to resist the pull of attraction she felt for him. Damn, he was a mouthwatering sight, dressed in a tight black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and riding boots. There was something captivating about the cool blue gleam in his eyes, the teasing fire that sparked so naturally between them.


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