Sing to Me

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Sing to Me Page 13

by Unknown

  “Neal,” she whined, hating to see such a cute smile on such a handsome face. He had her hand in his again, too, and he squeezed it with enough possession to make her heart flutter. Again, the resistance barrier started to crumble even before it could be fortified, and she should resent him for it, but that wasn’t possible. Nothing negative seemed possible with Neal, and that thought made Liv all the more uncomfortable.

  Why did they have to meet up again? Was there anyone on her side?

  “You’ve had a rough day today,” Neal said, interrupting Liv’s dark thoughts. “Well, two rough days actually. I think a well-deserved break is in order, don’t you? We’ll start by having a cookout, and then a leisurely walk along the shore if you’d like. After that, we can talk. I’ll show you my studio and let you listen to some of my new work if you’re interested.”

  “Sounds nice.” She couldn’t help but be honest when everything he just mentioned surpassed her idea of a peaceful night back at the hotel. She knew it would be spent pacing, wringing her hands, and not getting much sleep while thinking about him and what he could do while she wasn’t there to monitor his every move. How was she supposed to catch him in the act of betrayal anyway? “No sex and we’ve got a deal.”

  Neal kissed the back of her hand, smiling as he turned left to reach the ocean highway that would lead back to his place.

  “No deals and thank you for making my latest dream come true.”

  Chapter 16

  After a tour of the house, Neal explained to Liv about his home recording studio, situated in a large room at the end of a wide hallway where the other three bedrooms were located. Liv stood in the center of the room and studied all of the equipment, the three guitars lined up against a wall, the monitors atop a long, thin table, and a console with flickering blue, green, yellow, and red lights.

  One wall had numerous award plaques showing off his achievements in the music industry. Below them, a glass display case held just as many statues for the same thing.

  “Such an accomplished man,” she cooed before turning to smile at him. “I’m impressed.”

  “That wasn’t the point,” he grumbled, appearing shy to Liv. “I want to show you that I don’t need to live here to do my job. This equipment and my ideas are portable. I can just as easily create music on a deserted island . . . well, maybe not deserted. An island with power, then. Or, in a cozy house on Lake Michigan. Anywhere as long as I’m with you.”

  He slid his arms about her so that her back was pressed against his chest. His nearness having the same affect on her that it always did; giving her butterflies and filling her with need. It also reminded her of the night they shared together, which wasn’t what she needed to be thinking about at that moment.

  It felt too good to be this close to him to want to move away though, so she stayed in place and set her hands against his, which were pressed against her fluttering stomach. Their bodies gently swayed to whatever music played inside their heads.

  “Every time you’re nominated to win another award that brings you back here, you’ll be under suspicion.”

  He grinned before pressing his lips against her ear. And then he let out a soft moan that took her breath away and made her eyes just about close. The urge to turn and kiss him; to ravage him right on the spot was great, but she resisted the impulse.

  “I’d expect you to accompany me to any award ceremonies I feel like attending,” he told her, using his sexy voice in a way that sent chills up her spine. “And that isn’t a lot, believe me.”

  “Neal, stop,” she breathed after his hands cupped her breasts. She turned slowly, moaning with reluctant desire for him and unease as she lifted her head to meet his luscious lips. At once, his body switched from relaxed mode to full-on interest in her, and when his hands touched the sides of her flushed face, she received a powerful jolt of desire. Slowly, she let her fingers swirl around his pecs before gripping his taut biceps.

  Neal set a hand against the small of her back, pressing her against him so that she was able to feel how stiff he’d become.

  “No,” she breathed against his lips, trembling now. One of his hands had made its way down the back of her skirt while the other rested beneath her chin. Their eyes met, and he smiled in a way that said he would definitely get his way no matter how often she protested. As weak as those protests sounded to her ears, they had to sound even weaker to him. “You promised.”

  He shook his head. “I said I’d try, and if I wasn’t so hungry right now –.” He sucked in his breath and rolled his eyes as he turned toward the open door. Clasping her hand in his, he led her from the studio and to a room across the hall. “There’s one more room I need to show you, and then we’ll get the cookout started.”

  Liv giggled as he led her across the hall. His cute-meter had shifted to the red zone, and even knowing which room he intended to show her next, she still felt strangely safe and tug-of-war free from any further advances on his part.

  Neal turned at the closed door and gazed with longing at her. “You make it hard for a man to be on his best behavior, Liv. Don’t hold it against me if I can’t resist you.”

  He pushed the door open behind him and leaned forward to kiss her gently. The look he offered made her tremble. That desirous gaze mirrored her own feelings, but she had to resist. She started to lean against him, wanting to feel his hard body pressed against hers once more, when she saw two skinny arms wrap around his waist. Looking up, she could tell that Neal appeared just as surprised, his face having turned red and his eyes now wide with alarm.

  Glancing aside, Liv could see a pair of skinny, bare legs behind him, and when Neal turned to face her, she could see the pretty, young thing wearing nothing but one of his button down shirts. It was obvious she hadn’t seen Liv yet.

  Smiling and giggling, she wrapped her arms about Neal’s neck and tried to kiss him.

  Neal exhaled laughter while prying her off his body. She whined, reminding him that they hadn’t seen one another in awhile and she had waited impatiently for him to return.

  Neal was blushing when he cast a wary glance at Liv. Liv was still sizing up the eager female before she met his gaze, which was filled with fear and pleading.

  Ignoring both, Liv started for the front door.

  Neal caught her by the arm as she reached for the knob, and she yanked free before spinning to slap him as hard and as viciously as she could without hurting herself in the process. The sound filled the large, open room, and through a blur of unshed tears, she watched as the startled man set a hand against the side of his stinging cheek.

  “Liv, wait,” he said when she turned to leave. “This isn’t what you think, I swear.”

  “Liv who?” the girl behind them asked, and in a snotty tone that helped to fuel the fire that had ignited inside Liv.

  “I’m glad this happened,” Liv hissed. “It’s just what I needed to come to my senses.” She opened the door with a bit too much flourish, but the embarrassment didn’t last long when another pretty woman stumbled inside the house, nearly knocking Liv over.

  The woman in a tight mini skirt and severely high heels giggled before she gaped at Neal. Brushing past Liv, she threw herself at him and pressed kisses against his face.

  “Finally!” she cried. “Every time I come here, you’re not home.”

  “Liv, wait!” Neal carefully set aside the second woman and started out the door.

  Liv phoned for a taxi and marched down the long driveway to wait at the curb. A magnificent ocean view directly across the highway would have been a delightful end to a romantic day. It was similar to and yet nothing at all like the lake view outside her window back home. In all the years that she lived in California, there was never a time when she saw the ocean.

  “Home,” she grumbled before sniffing. “This isn’t home. Nothing about this place is heartwarming or good. It never fails to disappoint and hurt me, and I never should have come back.”

  “Liv.” Neal stood before her and
set his hands on her shoulders when she tried to pass by him. “Listen to me,” he growled; the look on his face giving her reason to pause, but not for long. “I know them, but not in the way you’re thinking. One is the sister of a good friend, so I’d never take advantage of her despite her constant attempts to make it seem otherwise. The other girl is too young for me to want to get involved with, not to mention the fact she’s someone else’s girl. Someone I have too much respect for to do anything behind his back.”

  “Oh stop,” Liv whined, glaring at him. “You can say just about anything right now to make yourself look good, Neal! And, you can continue to think I’m the stupidest woman in the world, too. Every time I turn around, there’s someone new throwing themselves at you, hanging on your arm, or being photographed by your side. I wouldn’t know the truth anymore if it bit me on the ass. Save your breath and go away.”

  He appeared startled by her words, and at that moment Liv didn’t care. Guilt was not going to overpower her, and saying what was on her mind seemed logical as well as important to her sanity.

  “Before this can go any further,” she said in a calmer but no less angry tone, “and before I get so wrapped up in you and my feelings that the pain of these annoying episodes ends up destroying me, I’m going to walk away and pretend we never even met. I suggest you do the same thing. And, if we happen to bump into one another again, do us both a huge favor and just keep right on walking.”

  She turned her back on him and leaned toward the road, hoping that the taxi was on its way so she could get as far away from Neal and the awful moment as possible.

  “I’ve never lied to you,” Neal hissed. “I never meant for anything bad to happen to you, and it was never my intention to subject you to things that are beyond my control. I told you why this happened, and I’ll hold out hope that you’re mature enough to trust me.”

  “Whatever,” she sang, keeping her eyes locked on the light amount of traffic passing in either direction in front of the house.

  He hadn’t listened to anything she said. Not about the way she felt, the apprehension she had about their getting together, or that she had a damn legitimate reason to hate being back in Los Angeles. He even seemed to make light of the things that happened eight years ago, too. As indirectly as he ended up being involved, it was no surprise to her that he would easily forget the matter. She couldn’t, though. He had no idea about the reality that was her life, and as far as she could tell, he didn’t care to understand. Why should she be forced to have to understand him and believe it when he told her he was a faithful man?

  “Bull,” she grumbled and started to walk toward a lamppost when Neal grabbed her shoulder and forced her to face him. The look on his face was more outlandish than before.

  “What?” he quietly whined, and with a good amount of disbelief in his tone. “Bull? You honestly believe I’m lying to you. I’m making it all up just so you’ll stay with me?”

  Liv shrugged his hand away. “Does it even matter what I think? I said it’s a good thing this is over before it even starts, and I mean it. Now, go back to those two undesirables and leave me alone. Oh, and thanks for the help today. I mean that sincerely.”

  With his jaw slack tight, his teeth clenched hard, and both fists balled up at his sides, Neal gave Liv the impression he might be capable of violence. When he only glared and didn’t take a swing at her, she returned her attention to the highway, relieved to see a yellow car approaching.

  As the taxi slowed to a stop, Liv smiled and turned to face Neal before getting inside. He was already at the front door of the house, though. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she waited for him to turn and face her one, last time, and when that didn’t happen, she entered the taxi.

  “It’s over,” she whispered after telling the driver where to take her. “It’s my fault again, too. Not listening to the nagging voice is what does you in, and you know it.”


  Liv didn’t look at the curious driver and said, “Nothing.”

  She gazed out the window and tried not to shed any more tears. They were useless even if the pain she felt was so strong that she couldn’t move. Her whole body went numb, but her mind effortlessly played back the last few minutes she would ever spend with Neal Hendrix.

  “It’s definitely over,” she whispered and closed her drooping eyelids. Time well spent, valuable lessons learned, and a magnificent memory that will last a lifetime but nothing more. There could be no more with Neal, and yet she continued to let herself be drawn to him like a magnet, sticking to him and hanging on his every word. Admiring him, his infectious smile and those damn, mesmerizing eyes that worked so well to transport her out of herself and into someone she could only hope to become.

  “I can’t hate you,” she sobbed under her breath and clutched her purse tight enough to turn her knuckles white. “I can’t let you do this to me anymore.” And with that, she sat up with a deep sniff and exhaled with renewed determination.

  The driver eyed her in the rearview mirror, making her blush. “Sorry,” she said in a louder tone. “Don’t mind me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied and returned his attention to the road.


  “What?” Liv gaped in shock at Mrs. Barnes. She became light-headed and needed to brace herself in the office chair. Mrs. Barnes, unaware of the stormy relationship she had with the well-known and highly desirable recording artist, grinned.

  “That’s right,” she said. “He’s a perfect match for your nephew. How fortunate that you ran into him yesterday. I suppose this is one of those times when a miracle reference would be in order.”

  “That’s right,” Liv managed, still trying to get hold of herself after receiving such shocking news. “It’s about that little boy.” And then her eyes grew to think that after the fight they had, Neal might not want to help anymore. “Did . . . did you tell him already?”

  “Yes, I did,” she said and shifted her gaze to the door after someone knocked.

  Too afraid to turn in that direction and watch as Neal strode into the room, Liv gripped the sides of her chair and held her breath. She attempted to make herself appear as small as possible when she could feel him standing right beside her. The chair to her right slid back, and then Neal’s dark pant legs appeared. He leaned forward to shake Mrs. Barnes hand before he sat down.

  “Such wonderful news,” Mrs. Barnes beamed.

  “Yes, it is,” said Neal.

  Liv closed her eyes, resenting the fact that that voice was still capable of making her shiver with desire. She opened her eyes but kept her gaze on the floor, resenting the blush that heated her face, too.

  Mrs. Barnes explained the operation to Neal and handed him some forms to sign, and then she shook his hand again, thanking him for participating and agreeing to go through with the donation process.

  “I’ll contact the child’s physician and his father later this evening since there’s a ten-hour difference in time. I’m sure they’ll be delighted to hear the good news.”

  “Yes,” Neal said. “I’m sure they will.”

  Liv watched as he crossed a leg over a knee and his body shifted in her direction. He set one hand in the other, and Liv had to strain against wanting to continue to watch his every move.

  “Will Liv be traveling to Hungary as well?”

  Mrs. Barnes didn’t respond right away, forcing Liv to raise her head for the first time since Neal arrived. She saw the woman’s curious expression as she shifted her gaze from Neal to Liv.

  Blushing a bit more vehemently, Liv started to answer the question when Mrs. Barnes interrupted with, “It won’t be necessary for either of you to have to travel in order for the operation to be performed. However, the surgeon might make such a request. To be on the safe side, they might like to have the donor present in the event of any complications during the boy’s surgery.”

  “I already told you I’d like to see the child,” Liv said, and in a voice that was barel
y audible to Mrs. Barnes or Neal. “Even if I’m not the one able to be of any help, I’d still like to see him.”

  “That can definitely be arranged. However, that means coming face to face with your real family, Liv. You’ve thought it over and accept the consequences of that meeting?”

  Liv nodded. She hadn’t actually given the matter any thought at all when the only thing occupying her mind had been never seeing Neal again and how awful her life was going to become as a result.

  And, how cruel a fate was she expected to endure when nothing seemed to go right while everything seemed to go wrong. Neal is the perfect everything, including a match for her nephew. Hers, not his.

  “Liv,” Neal said, startling her enough to make her back stiffen. She wasn’t able to turn in his direction though, or say anything. “That’s an even bigger issue than the boy’s surgery. The transplant will likely go well, but . . . you’ve never met these people before, and I’m sure you’ve still got some reservations about it now.”

  She turned to face him, eyes narrowed in anger. “That’s not your concern.”

  He smiled, only now it appeared to be filled with smug contempt for her, which managed to hurt even worse than the fight they had the day before. “I never said it was, and yet you’re still my only concern. I’d like it if you gave this a bit more thought. Wait until after the boy recovers and then –.”

  “Call them,” Liv said to Mrs. Barnes, cutting off Neal before he could say another word. “Call and ask if they would mind my visiting them.”

  It wasn’t about his sexy tone driving her wild anymore. Her perspective was askew now, and what she saw in him before wasn’t what she saw in him at the moment. Desire seemed more like smug teasing, and his tone sounded condescending instead of encouraging. Had she been that much of a fool to misread him that badly?


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