SEIZED:: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection Book 2)

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SEIZED:: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection Book 2) Page 2

by Taylor Lee

  Seeing Viviana’s lips curve slightly and feeling her resistance lighten somewhat, Jax tugged her closer. “You’re right about that, Commander Bannon. Frankly, I still can’t believe that this force of nature waded into the middle of one of the most dangerous ops I ever led.” He shook his head with a groan. “Talk about FUBAR! A potential disaster if there ever was one.” He shot a narrow-eyed grin at Viviana and added, “But you’ll be glad to know that the feisty sergeant and I are working together to make sure that going forward we are always on the same page.” Brushing his lips against the sensitive spot beneath Viviana’s ear, Jax reveled in her untoward shiver and murmured, “Aren’t we, Sergeant Moreau?”

  Viviana broke Jax’s hold, flounced over to the table, and picked up one of the glasses. Raising it to Greg, she said, “Welcome, Marcus, I mean, Commander Bannon. Not that I’ve forgiven you for your little charade in Belize.” Frowning at Jax, she sniffed. “But at least you didn’t decide that the only way you could deal with me was to get in my pants.”

  “Whoa, whoa!” Greg glanced from her to Jax, then shook his head in mock distress. “Damn, Jax, you didn’t tell me when you convinced me to join you that I would be putting my life and treasured body parts between you and the most unpredictable woman any of us has ever known.”

  Jax stepped back, then motioned for Viviana to sit down. When her eyes flashed and her chin went up in the air, he said, “Please, Viviana. Sit down.” At her continued resistance, he moved toward her. Not masking the edge in his voice, he said smoothly, “Unless, of course, you’d prefer to sit on my lap . . . ”

  Seeing her cheeks flush a bright, rosy red, he waited until Viviana, with an exaggerated sigh, sank into the chair next to Greg. Jax took the seat across from them and met Greg’s questioning frown. “I need to give you fair warning, Commander Bannon. The Enchantress, as she is known in these parts—for good reason, I might add—harbors residual ill feelings for the subterfuge we were forced to enact in Belize.” Seeing Viviana tense, he raised his hand to stop what was sure to be her heated disagreement. “However, you’ll be glad to know that it’s an issue the prickly sergeant and I are dealing with on a daily and, particularly, nightly basis.” Raising his glass to Viviana, he inquired softly, “Agreed, Sergeant Moreau?”

  Viviana seemed to collect herself, then shrugged. “If that’s what you want to believe, Chief Hughes, who am I to disagree?” Turning to Greg with a coquettish smile, she said, “Fortunately, you are now my superior officer, not the arrogant police chief. Which I can tell you is a very welcome change.”

  Jax laughed. “Uh-oh, Greg. Methinks that the feisty sergeant thinks she is rein-free. Ask any of her compadres how she ran roughshod over her benighted commander who preceded me. According to VCU lore, Captain Michels decided that dealing with his two ex-wives, his current wife, his mother-in-law, and thirteen grandchildren was preferable to trying to corral one Sergeant Moreau.” At Greg’s impressed whistle, Jax reassured him, “Just remember, Agent Bannon, you managed to overcome a band of al-Shabaab terrorists threatening to bring down a small town. Keep that in mind when one of the most persuasive and devious young women out there puts you to the test. But no worries, I wouldn’t have brought you on board if I wasn’t sure you were up to the beguiling sergeant.”

  Viviana snorted and took a sip of Maker’s Mark, then tossed her head. “Fortunately, as always, Jax overstates. That is true of both my ‘deviousness’ and his power to do a fucking thing about it!”

  Both Jax and Greg laughed at her haughtiness, clearly enjoying her spirited response. Jax shook his head and smiled at her. “Thank you for making my point, Sergeant Moreau. But enough.” Settling back in his chair, he turned to Greg, his eyes narrowing. “I wasn’t shooting the shit, brother, when I said that I wouldn’t have accepted the chief’s role if you hadn’t agreed to come on board. As you can imagine, we’re in a hell of a mess here. Yeah, we did take down that scurrilous bunch of assholes. However, given that Paul Davis, our mutual friend and police commissioner, no less, and five dirty vice cops were involved, the reputation of this police force has suffered a gutshot. Hell, I was just beginning to get the VCU under control when the shit hit. Suffice it to say, we have a long way to go to prove to this city that the SJPD is worthy of their support and respect.”

  “I’m honored, Jax, that you invited me to join you. You know how I feel about you as a commander and as a man. Like you, I’m sickened that our former Special Ops buddy was one of the miscreants. Know that I’ll do my damnedest to be worthy of your trust.” Grinning at Viviana, Greg added, “I also appreciate the fact that you believe I can keep this amazing woman somewhat tethered.”

  Jax raised his glass. “Welcome, Agent Bannon.” Turning to Viviana, he said with a smile, “Be nice to your new boss, Viviana. He may look like the agreeable bartender you flirted with in Belize, but, except for me of course, he’s one of the hardest badasses you’ll run up against.” Shooting Greg a narrowed gaze, he added blandly, “Oh and, buddy, as for tethering this indomitable spirit, no worries. Any ‘binding’ required to keep her in check, I’ll handle.”

  Seeing the knowing grin he shared with Greg, Viviana tossed back the remaining whiskey in her glass, then rose to her feet. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take this opportunity to leave. Clearly you gentlemen need time to discuss all the ways you think you have to keep one helpless little woman thoroughly contained. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your smack talk.” Tossing each of them a saucy wave, she headed for the door.

  Jax laughed at her impudence, then stood and moved toward her. “Not so fast, Sergeant. We didn’t discuss the bash tonight.” Over his shoulder, he said to Greg, “Damn, it was just six weeks ago that the mayor, along with Chief McElroy, was feting me as the new head of the VCU. Now, for some unknown reason, I’m their first pick for police chief.” He added with a groan, “Apparently, for any major promotion, a must-attend event is de rigueur to allow the bigwigs to tell us how lucky we are to be their chosen saviors.” Reaching for Viviana’s arm, his eyes dancing, he said in a salacious tone, “Regarding the bash, Sergeant, we didn’t discuss what I’d like you to wear and what time you’d like me to pick you up.”

  With an impertinent toss of her head, Viviana brushed his hand off her arm. “In answer to both of your unwarranted assumptions, Chief Hughes, let me be clear. I will wear whatever I feel like wearing. As for picking me up, that won’t be necessary. I’ve already arranged to go with Detective O’Reilly.”

  Surprised at her apparent pique, Jax frowned and said carefully, “There’s no reason to take umbrage, Sergeant, I was merely ensuring that—”

  She interrupted him, not bothering to hide her irritation. “That you are in charge of me? That you can tell me what I should wear and who I will allow to take me to the stupid party? The party where, once again, every woman and man in the room will be fighting to see who can suck your dick?” Her eyes flashing, confirming that she was more than a little annoyed, she added, “For your information, Chief Hughes, I haven’t decided if I’m going to go to your coronation party. But if I do, I will wear whatever I damn well please.” Freeing her arm with a jerk, Viviana stepped back and said curtly, “And by the way, Chief, you can stop telling me what to do anytime now. As you may recall, you are no longer my superior officer.”

  Jax narrowed his gaze and moved toward her, a hard frown creasing his brow. Without taking his gaze off her, he said to his colleague, “Greg, will you excuse us, please? It’s clear that I need a word in private with Sergeant Moreau.”

  As he quickly rose to his feet, Greg’s response was measured. “Uh, sure thing, Chief. Sergeant.”

  When the door closed behind Bannon, Jax stared at her for a long moment, then said quietly, “In the mode of telling you what to do, come here, Viviana.”

  Viviana bit down on her lip and shook her head, then looked away, refusing to meet his compelling gaze. She muttered, “Why should I?”

  Jax stepped toward her and said smoothly, “Th
at provocative question has a simple answer, in fact, two simple answers. The first is because I told you to.” Closing the space between them, he reached for her. “The second is because I need to hold you.”

  Pulling her into his arms, not letting her jerk away, Jax leaned down and brushed his lips against the hollow in her neck. At her involuntary shiver, he bit down on her earlobe, then blew a puff of air against the tender spot. Gratified by her gasp, he reached for her hair. Burying his fingers in the thick, golden mass, he forced her head back, insisting that she look up at him.

  Studying her narrowly, seeing the flush on her cheeks and the moisture looming in her dark, blue lace agate eyes convinced him that he needed to tread carefully. When she closed her eyes, avoiding his penetrating gaze, he pinched her cheek.

  “Uh-uh, baby. You don’t get to look away. It’s obvious Greg Bannon’s arrival unintentionally opened some wounds that aren’t yet healed.” He held her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “I know you haven’t forgiven me for what happened in Belize, Viviana. And we will discuss that troublesome issue. Later.”

  Continuing to hold her chin, not letting her look away, Jax said, “But for now, my naughty girl, there are several things you need to know. One, you are going to the party tonight. Two, you can wear whatever you damn well please because no matter what you choose, you will be gorgeous. And three, yes, Detective O’Reilly may bring you to the party, but only because Mayor Simpson wants to meet with me and Mac ahead of time.”

  Wrapping his arms more tightly around her, Jax stroked her backside, allowing his hands to drift over her ass. At her soft shiver, he pulled her up next to him and forced her to meet his stern gaze. “Finally, just so there is no confusion between us now or later, you will be coming home with me. And, Viviana, at that time? You and I are going to have a serious conversation about what is going to happen next in this challenging relationship of ours. Oh and, baby, one thing you can count on: that discussion is going to get physical in ways you’ve never known before.”

  Chapter 3

  Viviana glared at the pile of dresses strewn across the bed. Dammit, she couldn’t decide what she wanted to wear tonight. Part of her wanted to find the most shocking dress she had, if for no other reason than to see how Jax would respond to her provocation. Remembering how he’d reacted to her outrageous gold lamé dress, she decided that while she might be able to shock the rest of the elite attendees, Jax was more than prepared to handle her outrageousness. In fact, she admitted, fighting against the shivery sensations fizzling in her core, he’d made it clear in any number of ways that no matter how she raised the ante on their tumultuous relationship, he would always call her bet.

  Reliving the scene with Greg Bannon, she admitted that Jax was right. She was far from over what had happened in Belize. Seeing the charming man she’d met in Belize and remembering him as he’d appeared to be brought back with stunning clarity the fact that Greg Bannon, along with the rest of Jax’s team, had deceived her. When they’d discovered who she was, at Jax’s command they had devised a scheme to ensure that she wouldn’t blow their undercover operation. At one level she understood the necessity of keeping her in the dark. What she couldn’t understand or, frankly, forgive was that Jax had ensured her compliance by seducing her. A seduction that had been astonishingly successful. She’d not only believed that he’d fallen for her but she had fallen head over heels for him—if not in love, in lust for sure.

  Returning wounded physically and emotionally to her home base at the SJPD, it had taken Viviana nearly three months of hard work to heal her body. It had taken more than that to come to grips with the arrogant man’s deceit and to begin to salvage her pride. Just when she’d finally convinced her waking brain that she’d banished the duplicitous man to the ash bin of her soul, he resurfaced. When he coolly assumed command of the SJPD Violent Crimes Unit, where she was the declared superstar, it was a given that sparks would fly. It had taken weeks of challenging skirmishes between the two of them to reach the point where they both conceded that the overwhelming passion that had consumed them in Belize was anything but over. Memories from the breakthrough night when Jax cut through their subterfuge and reclaimed her were indelibly imprinted on her mind and spirit. How could they not be? Outraged by what even she admitted was her deceitfulness, Jax had done something that no man had dared to do. He turned her over his knee and spanked the hell out of her. Following that arrogant assault, he’d proceeded to make love to her in ways she hadn’t known were possible, making it clear that their outrageous fling in Belize had been only the beginning of a riotous affair.

  She was thrilled that Mayor Simpson convinced Jax to accept the chief of police position. It meant he would stay in San Jose. That he wouldn’t leave to take an even more prestigious position in a faraway city. Moreover, now that he wasn’t her direct supervisor, the rules against fraternization, which they’d clearly broken, were no longer a barrier. Granted, both she and Jax were acknowledged rule-breakers, but at least now the Travis Jensens of their world would have to find something or someone else to report to their superiors.

  Viviana admitted that a huge bonus of Jax leaving the VCU to become the chief of police was that once again she would have her autonomy. Now that the arrogant man wasn’t her direct supervisor, he wouldn’t constantly be haranguing her. Insisting that she be a team player rather than the lone wolf she’d always been and needed to be again. But Jax being Jax had ensured at least her surface acquiescence by insisting that one of his trusted operators become the commander of her division. At base, Viviana believed that she could make short work of Greg Bannon’s ability to “tether” her. The two of them had enjoyed flirting with one another in Belize, and the blond-haired, irreverent guy hadn’t hidden his admiration for her outrageous, in-your-face style. Whether he’d roll over the way all of her previous supervisors had was a question to be answered. Viviana reminded herself with a smug grin that except for the blatant exception of Jaxton Hughes, her track record as an uncontrollable solo player was unblemished. It was a track record she fully intended to reassert.

  Thinking back on their tussle today, Viviana acknowledged that the simmering volcano underlying their volatile relationship was as clear to Jax as it was to her. This afternoon was a good example. Just the hurtful reminders of Belize had shaken her, ramping up her antagonism toward the arrogant man who casually assumed that he could and would interject himself into her life whenever and however he chose. His assumption that she would accompany him to what she’d snarkily called his “coronation,” even suggesting what she should wear, had tripped her ever-ready fuse. She’d tried to act unconcerned, indicate that she knew he was teasing her when he talked about corralling her, but his conceit rankled. Without intending to, she’d given in to her pique and had come close to throwing one of the temper tantrums that Jax claimed she was given to. In front of Greg Bannon, no less.

  With a hard sigh, Viviana admitted the problem with Jax’s commanding arrogance was that in addition to annoying the hell out of her, it also turned her on. All he had to do was send Bannon out of the room and capture her in his strong embrace. Refusing to let her pull away, he’d made it clear that she would be coming home with him tonight, and he would appropriately deal with her rude snappishness at that time. The sensations swarming her overwrought nerves at his implied threats confirmed that whatever he chose to do to her would be anything but appropriate. And that she would end up loving every outrageous thing he did.


  “Here you are, Greg. Mac and I were looking for you. I wanted to introduce you to Mayor Simpson. We can do that later. He and Mac are off manning the receiving line. The last thing I want to do is to get ringed into that tedious drill. We’ll have more than enough opportunities to press the flesh throughout the evening. How about you and I grab a shot of the expensive booze they’re swilling while we can.”

  Walking Greg over to the bar, Jax appreciated the debonair appearance of his former agent and longtime friend
. He smiled, remembering Greg chatting it up with Viviana in Belize when she thought he was a bartender. He could only hope that Greg’s easygoing personality and quick wit could help him remove some of the unwanted barnacles clinging to him and Viviana from their compromised Belize misadventure.

  Jax raised his glass to Bannon. “I want to say again how glad I am that you are on board, buddy. I need your law enforcement experience and your ability to take command. I also need someone I can trust to handle a very sensitive task.” He laughed, then shrugged. “It’s just as well that you saw a few ricocheting sparks this afternoon. Forewarned is forearmed, I always say.” He added with a sigh, “I admit, in the case of our prickly sergeant, a hell of a lot of forearming is likely to be necessary.”

  Greg lifted his glass and took a hearty swallow of the potent alcohol. He hesitated, then said with a slight frown, “Damn, Jax. You aren’t shooting the shit. Regarding that little renegade cop, who from what I can see is loaded for bear, be straight with me. Am I walking into a minefield? If so, buddy, the least you can do is ensure that they aren’t the anti-personnel variety or, if they are, that they can’t be remotely delivered like the motherfuckers we sprang on the hajis in Afghanistan.”

  Jax allowed himself to smile. He’d sought out his friend to clear the air. He wasn’t surprised that Greg had been taken aback by the scene in his office. He should have known that as much as Viviana had liked the man she’d known as Marcus the bartender, Greg’s presence would stoke the smoldering coals that churned beneath the subterranean layers of their Belize affair. Her bad temper this afternoon confirmed he had some serious fence mending to do. Not the least of which was to be straight with his former agent. Jax leaned against the bar and faced his friend, determined not to minimize Greg’s concerns.


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