His Secret: (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES)

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His Secret: (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES) Page 11

by Lucy Lixx

  I was already hard, but I throbbed as I saw the innocent blush of embarrassment that started to spread over her cheeks. I smiled down at her, and soon her hand was wrapped around my bare cock. I pulled her close, allowing her to wrap her lips around my hard cock. I looked at Carlos, meeting his both furious and amused gaze. I knew he was jealous, and it was obvious that I didn’t plan to share her. He was glowering, but there was also a challenge in his eyes. I needed to prove a point. I also wanted to.

  “Move your hand.” I nearly growled. It wasn’t a time to be gentle. She quickly moved her hand, and I pulled her down until she was starting to gag on my cock. I watched as tears pricked her eyes, and I knew I was pulling her hair too hard. I started to pull her on and off of my cock, feeling her throat constrict around the tip as she groaned around me, but it was also obvious that she was keeping what I said in mind because she was making sure that she wasn’t too loud about it. I smirked a little, ignoring the gags as I slowly pulled her on and off before allowing her to take the lead again.

  “Now where were we?” I asked, and Carlos smirked.

  “Talking about taking me up on my offer, of course.” He said, and I nodded.

  “I said I’d think about it, and you’ll have your answer at the end of the week, of course.” I told him, to which he frowned but nodded. His eyes were watching Alina intently as she bobbed up and down on my cock, trying to take it all, before going back up to lick and suck at the tip. I was suppressing a moan, my cock pulsated in her mouth. A slight tug at her nape was the only silent instruction she’d learned, knowing to pull back her speed and depth. A signal she’d become all too familiar with, signaling to her that I was on the precipice of orgasm. Not now. Not yet, I thought. But, she must have instinctively known why I had chosen to take display her here in front of Carlos. Her mouth gently waned around my cock, slower, wetter, but shallow.


  “In the meantime, Alina will be cooking our meals, so you can join us for meals during the day. Of course, if you do not join me, then you will be cooking your own.” I told him, once again making it clear that he was not to order her around. He looked at me curiously before I pushed her down to gag on my cock for a minute. I only let her up when she needed air, but like a good girl she went right back to sucking me off without a word.

  “You let her cook your meals?” He asked in an even tone, but it didn’t hide the curiosity he had.

  “Yes. We also go on walks. You’ll find that she’s quite compliant.” I told him.

  “Ahead of schedule.” He replied, but there was a hint of suspicion in his voice.

  “Yes, but she was quite a bit more compliant than I expected.” I told him. I was close to finishing, but I kept my composure, carrying on the conversation as she continued to expertly entice me with her mouth. I knew that Alina could feel me throbbing every time her tongue swirled on the underside of my cock.

  “Good girl.” I murmured, acknowledging her for the first time as I pushed her all the way down.

  “I see, brother.” Was all Carlos said, and I watched as Alina’s eyes widened as I started to come down her throat, making her sputter. She barely managed to swallow it all with nothing coming back out, but it was not without quite a bit of choking. I released her, allowing her to kneel beside me. She looked at me questioningly before I shot her a look telling her to say nothing in once glance. Alina lowered her gaze again.

  “Yes, but that would be why you’re asking my help in the first place. Wouldn’t it, brother?” I said. “I was always better at picking out girls that would give us the least amount of trouble. It’s why I didn’t have to dispose of them as you did.” I told him, and he frowned but said nothing.

  “Now, I am going to take Alina away with me. You know where the guest rooms are by now, of course,” I said, and then I started walking off, expecting her to follow. I heard her get up as quickly as the chain would allow, following me to my room. I was frustrated and angry, and I didn’t want to sleep alone tonight. That also irked me, but I pushed it aside.

  Alina: Confusing Revelations

  The word brother still echoed in my mind. I couldn’t imagine that the person that he had described was his brother, and I couldn’t process that information. I felt as if my head were spinning. When we got to the room, there was no way that I could get aroused. My throat was raw from how he used me, and I looked at him, biting my lip nervously. I was afraid of disappointing him, and I was afraid of the fury that I saw in Master’s eyes. He started to undress, and I started to tremble. He looked at me, and for just a moment that anger was solely directed at me. I trembled even more. He slowly softened around the edges.

  “Alina. I just brought you in here to sleep for now. Don’t worry just yet. You should just calm down.” He told me softly.

  I was relieved, but I could tell that he was still very angry at his brother. I had so many questions to ask him, but I knew that I had no right to ask him any. When he was done undressing, he told me to sit down on the bed. I did as I was told, as I always did. He kneeled down in front of me. The sight of my Master kneeling in front of me seemed to unsettle me, but I watched as he lifted one of my feet and then the other. He delicately unlocked the cuffs, rubbing my ankles to get rid of the indentions.

  His movements were sensual and controlled, and I found myself calming down. Master’s fingers grazed my thighs as he had me sit up a little. Holding onto his shoulders so that he could pull the dress out from under me, slowly lifting it up and over my head and placing it on the bed beside me. He looked at me, capturing my chin in his fingers before moving his hand to wrap his fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck. It wasn’t nearly as rough as it was just a few minutes before, and gently he pulled me down into a kiss. His lips moved across mine, and my worry and fear started to lift, but then he broke the kiss. He stood up, going to the bathroom. I looked at myself, shifting slightly before he came back with a damp washcloth.

  “For your makeup.” He said simply. I didn’t expect him to comment on the tender moment that we had just shared. I nodded, thanking him before I took it and started to wipe my makeup off.

  “Let’s shower together.” He said, offering me his hand.

  I started to walk with him. My small hand was in his much larger large one, as he pulled me into the bathroom. It was stunning. Everything was momentarily forgotten as I saw the claw foot bathtub that looked like it had jets in it, the essential oils that were on the shelves by the sink, the stand in shower that had more jets and nozzles than I could count, and it was big enough for four people at least. The floor was tile, and it seemed like it belonged to an entirely different world than our rustic cabin.

  “When you are with me from now on, you can use this bathroom. Most of this week you will be with me, and I want you to take all of your showers in here. I do not want you alone for too long.” He said gently, and I beamed at him as he turned on the hot water, filling the bathtub.

  “Thank you, Master” I replied, and he nodded.

  “A bath, then rinse in the shower, and bed.” He stated matter-of-factly, kissing my temple. I was still nervous, but when he pulled me into the tub to lay against his chest as we soaked, adding lavender essential oil added to the water, I started to relax despite myself. I didn’t want to think about anything until the morning, especially when I can’t do anything about it. I said to myself, closing my eyes and listening to my Master’s heartbeat, trying to remind myself that he’d keep me safe. Even if for selfish reasons alone. It brought a small smile to my face.

  ** Sneak Peek (Book 3) **

  Further into the Chaos

  I stared at Carlos. I couldn’t believe that he was related to my Master. There was something so much rougher about him. He was brash, and yet that same quality, for no go reason, made me want to trust him. It was hard to keep in mind what this man was capable of. Even though the gruesome images that my Master had spun about him still played in my head, they were hard to hold onto with him whispering in my ear. H
is hands were on my hips in a lustful but almost respectable way.

  “You think that he’ll really let you live here happily ever after?” Carlos said, his hot breath against my ear.

  “I’m not saying that I won’t be much better, but I’ll let you go when I’m done. It’s not like Carlos is my real name, and even if it was, do you think you’d find me on that alone? A description? I don’t even live in the states.” He said, chuckling in my ear. The chuckle was rough and hoarse. It wasn’t that he was promising me a sweet, easy way home, but he was promising me a way home.

  “You’ll scream with me in pain and in pleasure. More pain with me than my brother…” He trailed off chuckling, kissing down my neck as if he was spinning a beautiful fairytale fantasy in my ear. I shivered out of fear, but he continued despite it.

  “But I can give you something that my brother can’t.” He teased me, kissing my shoulder now. I bit my lip, trying to control my breathing.

  “What?” I asked, whispering the question before I could stop myself. I knew I shouldn’t have asked, and yet it was on the tip of my tongue. I already knew. He had already said it, and yet I wanted to hear it again.

  “You’ll get to go home.” He whispered before moving away from me.

  He was once again walking away from me, and I went back to sit on my bed. I heard him going back to the living room. Master had run out to the shed to get something, and we both had heard the door open. I tried to control my breathing again, but my head was spinning. He’s lying. I told myself. What if he’s not? Another small voice in my head whispered. A voice that seemed to be getting louder by the minute. I felt torn and conflicted. Moments before I had been sure that I couldn’t wait for him to leave, and now I ached at the thought of my only chance of escape leaving, but I didn’t know who to trust.

  BONUS #3: Say Yes To Daddy

  Chapter One

  His skin was the color of wheat-bronze, which wasn’t a way I’d ever described anything before. Actually, most people didn’t strike me as anything worthy of looking at so intently, especially not at the gym. But I watched him. I was transfixed by the sheer flawlessness of the man before me. I could see beads of perspiration dotting his flesh. Sweat moisture studding across the small specs of hair that lay sparse across his chiseled upper body. I knew I was staring, but I couldn’t seem to turn my gaze away. I was mercilessly enraptured by the way his body almost seemed to shimmer. It was uncanny the way the light bounced off his flesh. My mouth watered, as I imagined tracing the tip of my tongue along the outline of his solid, firm pecs, savoring the salty dew in my mouth, warmed by the smoldering heat coiled within him. Like wisps of mist vaporizing on scorched pavement, his body glinted, fueling the fire starting between my thighs. I took stock of the man; he looked like a god through my eyes. He was tall, dark, perfect skin, muscular, lean bodied. He was regal and svelte with every movement he made, no matter how slight it was, yet the air of dominance he exuded screamed to be not only heard, but obeyed.

  Onlookers and passerby’s melted into my periphery as I continued gawking at him. Though not taking anything away from myself, with regard to physical comparison; my curvy hips and breasts, which tapering perfectly into a tiny waist, made me no stranger to male attention, yet all of that put together paled in comparison to the perfect specimen of the man before me. No one else could compete.


  He was pumping iron in the gym that I visited every day, and yet here I was sure that I had never seen the man before. Surely, if I had seen him, I never would have forgotten him.

  He wasn’t even the type of man that I usually went for, I thought to myself, as I continued to watch him pump iron. I visited this gym almost every day over the past year, yet had either never seen or noticed him. He must me new I assured myself, because there was no way in hell I’d have not noticed him.

  “Hey, are you done with the stepper?” I heard someone say, from what seemed a far off place.

  “Hey, Cinderella! Are you gonna move or what?” The voice said again, a bit more harshly.

  Mortified at just how long I apparently had been standing there, like a plum idiot staring across the room, not realizing someone was waiting their turn on the elliptical, I replied “Oh, yeah…oh, sorry. It’s all yours”.

  Several people having overheard the quirky exchange, looked over in our direction. Flushed with slight embarrassment, I only hoped that Mr. Greek-God hadn’t heard or noticed how intensely he’d been the cause of my temporary impairment. Yet another part of me simply wished a guy like him would actually see me.

  As if he had read my thoughts, his head turned in my direction and I found myself staring right into his deep, dark eyes. Even his eyes were more intense than I thought any man’s could be. “God he’s fucking gorgeous” I thought, practically swooning.

  “Did he just friggen’ wink at me?” – A spurt of panic peaked within me.

  I squinted my eyes as I looked at him, as if that would somehow clarify what was sure to have been my imagination. Pausing mid bicep-curled, he flashed the pearliest set of whites I’d ever seen; like he belonged in a Colgate commercial or something. His smile was genuine, yet coy.

  There was no doubt I must have looked like a love-struck schoolgirl staring back at him, barely forcing a returned smile, my face beat read with bewilderment. Despite my awkward reaction to his acknowledgment of my existence on the planet, “I needed to know him”, I vowed to myself, breaking his gaze and assessment of me. Though it sounded silly, I felt like suddenly my fate was altered in one simple smile. It was as if he had cast a net, and I’d not even attempted to move to get out from underneath it. I had stood there, dumb-struck in the same fashion that any man would have been if they’d crossed the path of a siren or angel. I could feel myself grabbing my bag, toweling the machine down as if on auto piolet and moving over to go see him. Look, don’t get me wrong, I don’t make it a habit of approaching men first, nor do I normally even have the courage to do so when given the opportunity, without it looking like a blatant come-on. But if you’ve ever been to a gym like mine before, it was basically first-come-first-serve, if not an outright free-for-all meat market. And I’m sure I hadn’t been the only estrogen in the building intoxicated by the testosterone he wafted. It was now or never, I whispered to myself, as my feet continued to float in his direction.

  His eyes never left mine, as he continued doing reps, drinking in my every curve.

  “Hey.” I said, and I had never sounded more demure than I had in that very moment. I felt completely vulnerable, but who on earth wouldn’t feel a bit inadequate and shy in comparison to such perfection, regardless of how outwardly confident they looked? That was me at the moment; a walking, talking ball of contradictions.

  “Hello…” He said, and I felt compelled to say my name.

  “Ca-Carlie.” I stammered, and he smiled.

  “Hello, Carlie.” He said in a deep, husky voice with an accent that I couldn’t quite place, but I was sure that anything this man would ever say would always seem exotic to me. Even my own name.

  “Ivan.” He said, and I smiled as he extended one large, rough hand to me. I went to shake it, but instead he clutched my delicate hand in his massive one, bringing it up to his lips as he kissed my knuckles. That’s when I knew that he must be a God. No one acted like that anymore, and yet it had that pulsing, desire and need double inside of me. I was truly caught.

  Chapter Two

  Everything seemed to pass in a blur. I couldn’t help it. He had romanced me off my feet in a way that I didn’t think men could. There was that small voice inside of me that didn’t think that I was worthy of this man, but wherever we went people stared. No matter where we went they smiled at us. Both men and women checked us out in turn. Some seemed to gawk, and I thought at first that it was because of him, but I realized soon that they were also looking at me. I was used to attention here and there, but it was nothing like the attention I received when I with Ivan.

  “They know
what we are.” I remember him whispering in my ear as I got in the car that night, going from the restaurant to his loft.

  “What?” I asked, as he opened the door for me. I slid into that black, elegant Porsche like it had always belong to me, but it was his. He didn’t answer until he was sitting behind the steering wheel as well. There was a devilish, almost childlike grin on his face as he looked at me with those dark, piercing eyes. He filled the car more than any man should. His presence seemed to crackle in the air around us.

  “That we’re top in this world. Lean, fit, beautiful.” He said, each word like a gentle caress.

  “That we belong at the top. You belong at the top too, my darling.” He told me.


  Nothing around me was the same. Even my own apartment flat didn’t seem perfect enough. I wanted more. Being with Ivan made me feel like I truly deserved more. Being the envy of every woman in any room that we entered hand-in-hand, I knew simply standing next to him, I looked like a woman whom deserved a man like him. Breaking myself out my daydream, I sighed, because the truth of the matter was that he wasn’t here at this moment, and all I had of his to hold right now were my thoughts.

  Cutting vegetables to have my mother over had never seen such a daunting task to concentrate on before. My mind once again wandered.

  That night was like no other. It was beautiful and it was primal. The way that he had me bouncing up and down on the largest, hardest cock I had ever seen. It was thick, long, and muscular like everything else about him. I wanted to marvel at it, and I quickly took it in my mouth as I watched those perfect, dark eyes narrow in amusement at me as his fingers wrapped in my wild hair.

  I mewled around it with need, and he hadn’t let me stay like that for long. Unlike most men who would have just climbed on top of me, it seemed that Ivan had no intention of rutting on top of my lean body until he was finished. Instead, he had picked me up, placing me on my hands and knees with my ass prominently in the air before his large, calloused hands had grabbed my hips, pushing himself deep inside of me with one long thrust.


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