Releasing Kate

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Releasing Kate Page 3

by Cyna Kade

  His eyebrow was quirked again, as if Kate were a very interesting specimen under his microscope.

  She’d surprised him. Didn’t anyone ever talk back to him?

  “And my report?”

  “Will be on your desk before midnight.”

  He smiled then. Not a full-blown smile, which might have been devastating, just a lift of one side of his mouth. The smile drew attention to his lips—firm and tantalizing lips. The smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I look forward to reading it,” he said before he turned and left.

  Kate grinned. She felt as if she’d won a small victory. She was smart enough to know it had only been a skirmish and he’d let her win. Was he feeding her a line as you would a fish? Seeing how far she’d run with it? Seeing how fast she’d tire? She really should take the paperwork aspect of her job more seriously. But remembering the nine-year-old boy she’d X-rayed earlier, she decided some things were far more important than paperwork. Maybe she should go back to being staff. Life was easier as a tech.

  Kate finished cleaning the room and went to her office. She pulled up one of the reports she’d been working on earlier. Kate couldn’t help wondering if the report would be treated as a serious request for resources or as an excuse to fire her. She shrugged and opened five different documents.

  Cutting and pasting pieces into a new report, her mind was busy calculating where she needed to alter and strengthen her arguments. What should be downplayed? What should be a priority? She pushed aside the regret that human life was reduced to these numbers.

  By ten-thirty that night Kate had finished the first draft and needed a break. She knew the emergency department would have coffee so she wandered over there, trying to stretch out the kinks on the way. Janet was there, looking extremely harassed.

  “What’s up?” Kate asked, hoping there weren’t any big emergencies.

  Janet rolled her eyes as she explained. “Our new boss just took a trip through.”

  “Oh,” Kate said. “That should have made your night. What’s the problem?”

  “For someone who looks like a walking wet dream, he can be a real bastard! He had the nerve to say we looked overstaffed.”

  “Did you remind him that you weren’t overstaffed last night?”

  She gave Kate an exasperated look. “Of course I did but you know that administrators have a problem with the fact that one night you might have six patients and another night you might have sixty. Staffing is always a problem.” She paused and then said, “He reminds me of you.”

  Kate startled. “Why do you say that?”

  Janet shrugged. “He does the same thing you do. You get really quiet when you’re processing something, like the whole world stops while you’re thinking. He’s like that too.” Janet paused before continuing, “I told him off and argued with him. There are many nursing jobs. He can’t do any more than fire me.”

  That seemed to be a common refrain. “Then what happened?”

  “He didn’t reply. He just stared at me for a moment, then turned and walked out of the department,” Janet said. She suddenly stopped talking as she took a good look at Kate, then said, “Girl, have you been here since last night?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “Go home. Now! You are way too tired to be here!”

  “Thanks for your concern and the unnecessary update on my appearance, but my night isn’t done,” Kate stated. She went on to explain about the midnight report deadline as she finished her coffee.

  Kate thought about Janet’s encounter as she returned to her office. Janet had argued yet the response hadn’t changed. That was unusual. People typically respond differently to different actions. He was like a black hole, taking in everything and releasing nothing. She hadn’t noticed before but then she really hadn’t had time to process all her impressions. Kate put another note on her mental checklist of things to think about when she was rested.

  It had been a long twenty-one hours but by eleven the report was completed. Exhaustion crept up Kate’s back and into her shoulders. The physical strain was enough to make her tired but the additional mental gymnastics had left her empty.

  She felt as if she were back in school with an unreasonable, irrational teacher. A teacher who would never give a good grade, no matter how hard she worked. Kate laid her head on the desk. She took a moment to debate whether to hand in the twenty-page report early. Would she get brownie points for being early or deductions for not taking all the time available? She sighed and shrugged. She wanted to go home. The report would be early.

  Kate walked up to the executive suite and wondered if she should time-stamp the report to prove it had been done on time. She hated it when that type of thought wandered through her head. Major problems everywhere and she was worried about a time-stamp. Was that a form of denial? Or just a symptom of her personality that she sought to control all the small things she could? She chuckled. More likely, she was just exhausted.

  As Kate entered the executive suite, she heard a low murmur of voices. She knocked on the door to Michael’s office.

  “Come in.”

  Kate opened the door and entered the office. The night supervisor sat in the hot seat, looking uncomfortable. Michael, of course, looked as fresh as ever, and unflappable.

  “Your report,” Kate said as she waved it in the air.

  He held out his hand, imperviously.

  Kate walked across the office and placed it in his hand. She turned and was at the door when he spoke again. “Kathleen,” he said. He paused until Kate turned back to him. “Wait outside for me. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

  Kate wanted to groan but she nodded as she met his impassive eyes. She closed the door and heard the soft murmur of voices begin again. Kate stood at the door and took a deep, calming breath. She seemed to be doing a lot of that around him. What was it with this guy? How could he shake her so easily?

  Kate longed to sit but she knew she was too tired. If she sat in one of the comfortable chairs scattered around Eileen’s office she’d fall asleep. Her day had been grueling and the cold of exhaustion chilled her. She wanted to close her eyes and dream but instead she meandered around the office. She looked at the silly plaques meant to proclaim the importance of whoever might occupy the executive position.

  Ah, that’s new though, she thought as she spied a glass display case tucked into a far corner. Hidden lights illuminated the contents. The display looked so tasteful but she stopped dead when her mind finally caught up to the shape of the objects.

  Phallic statuary, none smaller than the largest man she’d ever seen. At least twenty of them, made of many different types of materials. They looked old, like a museum collection. A few had partners, in case the observer was unsure as to how to use the objects. Some stood in glorious isolation, as if ready for a helpful hand. Why would a man collect them? Kate was certain they belonged to Michael. But didn’t they make him feel inadequate? Could he be gay? At that possibility, Kate felt a little surge of disappointment.

  Kate shook her head. Eileen must love this display. Why was it out here? Why wasn’t it in his office? The collection fascinated and repulsed at the same time. The cocks mesmerized Kate. It had been way too long since she’d last had sex. Her insides were liquid as she imagined trying to insert the biggest piece.

  Engrossed in the collection, Kate hadn’t heard the office door open. She did hear the night supervisor scurry away and Michael tell her good night. Kate turned.

  Michael stood, arms crossed and shoulders back, against the doorjamb. His eyes locked on Kate. Her face flamed as she realized he’d watched her examine his collection.

  “Family heirlooms. Do you like them? Would you like to feel one deep inside your body? Filling you?”

  Kate swallowed hard. She hadn’t expected his bluntness.

  She was struggling with an answer when he laughed. “Sorry. It’s been a long day, hasn’t it?” he said, running his hand through his hair. “Come and sit down.” He nodded his
head to indicate Kate should enter his office.

  Her equilibrium disrupted, she stumbled as she walked by him. When his hand reached out to steady her he grazed her breasts and created a firestorm of desire. Eyes dancing with amusement, he smiled down at Kate as if he knew the effect of his touch. Then he moved his hand to her elbow and escorted Kate to the hot seat so recently vacated by the supervisor. After seating Kate, Michael didn’t go directly to his chair behind the desk. Instead, he walked over to an armoire. Opening the doors, he flicked a switch. Diffused lighting revealed a bar and more statues. The cocks in the cabinet were even larger than those in the outer office. Kate realized he had said something and was waiting for her reply.

  “I’m sorry,” Kate said, “what did you say?”

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No thank you.” Kate was too tired for alcohol and she had the feeling that drinking with this man would not be a good idea. Kate squirmed a little. The chair wasn’t comfortable. Combined with the atmosphere in the office she felt trapped. Just the lighted display and one small desk lamp illuminated the room. Kate relived her earlier feelings of lust and fear. Why were her emotions about this man so erratic? One minute she longed to throw herself into his arms and the next he terrified her. He’d really done nothing to warrant such extreme emotions. She dismissed her feelings as the result of lack of sleep while the lust she wished she could act on and the thought of his hard body nearly made her miss his next statement.

  “Give me a summary of your report,” he said. Leaving the cabinet doors open, he walked back toward his desk.

  “Same as I gave you earlier, with just a few added details.” Kate was just too tired to go through the entire thing again.

  “Nothing has changed?”

  “I’ve spent the last month thinking about problems in the department. Nothing changed in one evening.” Her voice was tight, angry that he questioned her judgment. Weak from exhaustion, she just wanted to go home and sleep. She’d have more control after she rested.

  Michael stared at Kate. She couldn’t see his face clearly. Most of his face was in shadow. By some strange trick of lighting though, she could see his eyes. They were cold and flat again as they’d been in emergency so many hours ago. He perched on the corner of his desk and looked down at the report. He seemed to be skimming through it but she had a feeling he was taking in every fact and detail.

  The soft office lighting and the silence conspired to lull Kate into a meditative state despite the uncomfortable chair. She needed to get up and walk around. She wanted to look at his collection. Why did he collect these? Kate could usually tell if a man was gay and while a group of penises pointed that way, she discarded the idea. Somehow, she knew he wasn’t homosexual though she couldn’t figure out why he’d have such a collection.

  Kate wondered if he had more statues at home. Her eyes strayed over the objects as Michael continued reading. Wouldn’t it hurt to have something so large inserted? It was one thing for her to use a dildo on herself but the idea of a man using such a large dildo on her seemed a little scary. He’d be in control. If he used it, Kate wouldn’t have any say. Kate liked control. She never let her partners dictate the pace or timing of sex.

  Kate looked up at Michael to find his eyes on her again. His position on the desk, combined with his energy, made her feel like a mouse trying to hide from an eagle. A golden glow emanated from his eyes, warming her. He obviously knew she’d been viewing his collection. A flush crept up her face. His gaze was more intense than any lover’s had ever been. Kate found it a little disconcerting to be the sole object of his attention.

  Chapter Three

  Michael tore his eyes away from Kate and looked down at the paper he held. He skimmed Kate’s report while he worked to calm his libido. He wanted Kate. He wanted her flare of anger. He wanted her writhing body tied to his bed. He wanted her generous breasts in his hands. He wanted her luscious mouth wrapped around his cock. He wanted her to plead with him. He wanted to introduce her to his favorite type of sex. He wanted to hurt her just enough to break through her barriers. Just enough to trigger her genetics. Why didn’t she recognize their link? Who was she? Where was her family? Why hadn’t they trained her? She seemed to have no idea they were joined in a very old game.

  He had to handle this situation carefully. Only his rigid self-control prevented him from forcing her to the carpet and beginning her training. She wasn’t ready. Not yet. He smiled. He felt her interest though and knew he could push her a little more.

  Michael tossed her report on his desk and looked at her. “Excellent report.”

  Kate stood. “Are we through here?”

  Michael smiled. “Almost. What do you think of my collection?”

  Kate froze.

  “Tell me what you think when you look at it.”

  “It’s unusual.” She strove for a neutral voice.

  “That’s a cautious answer.” He smiled as his eyes drilled into her. “But what was your first emotional reaction?”

  Obviously, he wasn’t going to let her get away with a safe answer. “Surprise,” she replied. “It’s not a typical corporate collection.”

  “No, it’s my family’s personal collection. After surprise, then what?”

  Kate squirmed. “I’m not certain I know what you mean,” she temporized, extremely uncomfortable with the idea of discussing his collection.

  “Be blunt,” he persisted.

  “Do penises really get that large?” Kate finally blurted. So much for the cool, contained persona she wanted to project. She met his eyes and ignored the flush in her cheeks and warmth in her abdomen.

  “Does size really matter?” he asked quietly.

  Oh shit, now what? That’s one of those trick questions, like when a woman asks if she looks fat. Kate was quiet for a moment, getting more uncomfortable by the minute. “Depends upon the man,” she prevaricated.

  “Explain,” he commanded as he walked back to his desk.

  She’d heard that command too many times today. She fought off the urge to give him an answer. Instead, she said, “My personal sex life is not at issue here. Are we done?”

  “Just a few more questions. What clan are you? What family?”

  “Pardon? What are you talking about?”

  “You’re clan or we wouldn’t be sharing visions. You must know that.”

  “Sharing visions? You’re responsible for those horrifying things I’ve been seeing? How could you do that?”

  “Our genetics are tied. Are you telling me you seriously don’t know that?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Tell me about your family.”

  “My family is none of your business. I’m tired. Are we done here?” Michael stared at Kate and she felt herself start to slip into another vision. “Stop it!” Kate stood. “That’s enough! I don’t know what you’re doing or what you’re talking about but I’ve had enough for today.”

  A stray ray of light reflected from his eyes and Kate had the impression that he was laughing at her discomfort. Kate wanted to cringe but she held still.

  He moved toward the armoire. “This collection reflects my family’s interest in exploring all aspects of sexuality. We like pleasuring women,” he calmly stated. “I’ve found that some women do care about size and while I’m not small, neither am I quite as large as this one.” He pointed to a penis that was three inches across and over a foot long. “Some women like wide penises. Other women like length. Some like both. And of course, I’m only one man, but some women like all their holes filled at the same time.” He paused. “Even the really large ones have their uses. Some women like their pleasure with a little pain. They seem to find the pleasure/pain contrast an incredible turn-on.”

  Michael took out a huge crystal penis. “You would think this would hurt, wouldn’t you?” he asked conversationally. “Yet, with a couple of hours of stimulation, this will fit into a vagina…of course, I have to be c
areful, otherwise the vagina rips…not a good thing, thus the length of time.” He turned and put the statue back into the case before he moved to stand facing Kate.

  Kate flinched when he made a fist in front of her face.

  “Some women prefer to be fisted. Have you ever heard of fisting?”

  She shook her head, feeling like the proverbial deer pinned in the headlights of his eyes. How should she respond?

  He smiled, as if Kate’s confusion pleased him. “Fisting is the practice of putting an entire fist into the vagina or the anus, if that’s your preference.” He stared intensely into her eyes. “It takes hours of vaginal stimulation. My fist is so large that less time simply will not allow the vagina to stretch enough to accommodate me.”

  His words painted erotic images in Kate’s head. This couldn’t be happening. Michael’s blunt approach left her head swimming and her body hot. She felt his gaze as his eyes moved down her body. Did he know what his words were doing to her equilibrium? Anger, lust, fear and interest warred in her mind, while her body had no such dilemma. Her body wanted this man to take her in every primitive way he could. He was mesmerizing. Fighting off his spell, Kate gathered her strength. She moved her eyes from his fist to his face.

  “This is sexual harassment,” she stated, trying to cool the heat he had generated.

  He smiled and shook his head. His voice calm and soft, he said, “I just wanted to tell you what a good job you are doing and to keep up the good work. Your job is not in jeopardy. Don’t assume that I’m trying to seduce you. I was merely discussing my art collection. I haven’t propositioned you.”

  Kate’s face flamed as she realized he was right. She also realized she wanted him to pursue her. He’d neatly trapped her. Her desire and frustration made her angry.

  “I’m tired. I’m leaving.”

  At the door, he moved in front of Kate and stopped her. “Have you been here since last night? Do you plan on driving?”


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