Releasing Kate

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Releasing Kate Page 11

by Cyna Kade

  He was amazed by her strength. He’d take his time. One step at a time until she admitted her need of the things he could do. Until she begged for pain. Until she was wholly his. He longed to hear her beg for release. He longed to introduce her to the toys in his dungeon. But he could wait. She was too good to risk losing.

  Michael stared down at Kate, spread-eagled on the bed. Even in repose, her breasts remained taut. Her hair tousled, her eyelashes resting softly on her flushed cheeks. Head to the side, she looked exhausted. He’d done that to her. He’d brought her to orgasm over and over until she couldn’t come anymore. She’d exceeded all his expectations. She’d been worth the wait.

  Kate’s determination to remain in control of her body and feelings fascinated him. He wondered just how far he could push her. He knew he wasn’t ready for their session to end. He wanted to keep Kate tied and bound. There were many aspects of her sexuality that remained unexplored. He hadn’t whipped or chained her yet. She didn’t know about the dungeon in his basement and he couldn’t wait to have her bound to his custom table. He ached to drag her downstairs by her hair but he held back. He knew if he pushed too hard or too fast, he’d lose her. He wanted her consent for each step.

  Tracing her abdominal muscles with a fingertip, Michael marveled at the definition. She was so tiny, such a spitfire. He could span her waist with his hands.

  Michael’s cock pulsed, reminding him that he still hadn’t taken his satisfaction. He briefly debated waking Kate and demanding that she satisfy him but to do so would rush the process and destroy the mating rite. Patience was his strength. His satisfaction could wait.

  Kate awoke on Sunday morning feeling sore and painful. Her butt ached—no, every muscle in her body ached. She looked around the room but Michael wasn’t there. At least the ropes were gone.

  She inched up, leaning to one side to avoid putting pressure on her tender backside. She gradually eased off the bed, instinctively knowing that sudden movement would hurt. She could feel aches and tenderness in many places and she knew pain lurked beneath the surface, ready to grab her if she moved too fast. She’d never felt this way before—sensitized, aware of every inch of her body. She felt like a walking nerve ending. He’d called the mind the largest sex organ in a body. Her pelvis filled with warmth as she remembered how she’d begged for more.

  She hobbled to the bathroom. Michael came in while she was on the toilet. Her face flamed. Despite the fact he’d seen everything yesterday, she was still embarrassed.

  “How do you feel?”



  “No way,” she replied before thinking. She hadn’t realized until he asked that she was ready for more of the pleasure that only he could provide. She couldn’t be horny again, could she?

  Michael laughed, a full-throated expression of enjoyment.

  She frowned at him. “How can I want more? I’m too sore to be aroused.”

  He held out his hand and she took it. “Obviously not. Your ancestry is appearing. Don’t worry, we’ll go easy today,” he promised as he helped her up. “But…it is time for my orgasm.”

  Kate knew she couldn’t refuse him. How many men would have waited all weekend as he had?

  He led her back into the bedroom. “Undress me.”

  Kate stood in front of him, suddenly frightened. He just stood, patiently waiting. She mentally shook herself and reached for the buttons on his shirt.

  Kate undid one, then another. She paused for a moment, using a finger to trace a line from his neck down his chest to the next button. She looked up to meet his eyes.

  “You’re doing fine,” he murmured. “Keep going.”

  Kate finished unbuttoning his shirt and eased it over his broad shoulders, pressing her breasts into his chest as she did so. She let the shirt fall to the floor and ran her palms down his chest—his perfect chest, with just enough hair to be masculine. She moved to touch his nipples but he grabbed her wrists and held them tightly.

  “You don’t want me too aroused, too quickly.” He placed her hands on his belt and released her.

  Kate unthreaded his belt, moving it slowly from each loop. Her fingers grazed his abdomen as she unzipped his pants. She leaned in close and worked them down over his buttocks before backing off and easing down the front. He wore no underwear so his penis snapped free. She gasped at its size.

  He was large—not only long, but thick as well. “I’m not sure I can take you,” Kate whispered, fighting the uncertainty and excitement that left her shaking.

  Michael raised his hands to Kate’s shoulders and bent down to kiss her softly. “You’ll do fine,” he said, kicking off his pants and shoes before moving her toward the bed.

  He didn’t start by asking permission to tie her. Instead, he suckled one breast and used a hand on the other. He used gentle strokes, not the hard touch of the previous day. Need rippled through her and started building again. She tried to touch him but he gently pulled her hands away.

  “Not yet,” he said. He moved down her and began to swirl his tongue around her clitoris. Kate moved—she couldn’t help herself. He waited until she was ready to come before asking, “I want to tie you up. May I?”

  Kate moaned. “No, not this time…please, I need to touch you.”

  Michael stopped moving and raised his head. He stared at Kate.

  She groaned. She knew he wouldn’t continue until she surrendered. “Please…”

  “You know what I want.” He waited.

  Kate came down a little, just off the peak, still needy but not wanting to say anything. Her eyes pleaded with him but his stare was implacable. He waited.

  “Just take me!” Kate cried.

  Still he waited.

  “Damn you!” She shouted. She closed her eyes, feeling her arousal slip away. Michael moved off the bed.

  “Surrender or get dressed and I’ll take you home,” he said as he dressed and left the room.

  Kate turned on her side and curled into a ball. The tears started slowly, just a trickle, then she started crying in earnest. She didn’t know how long she lay there, unable to obey his command. She didn’t want to be tied again but she desperately wanted the sensations he created. Sensations she hadn’t known existed. Her world was firmly focused on Michael.

  As her tears subsided, she tried to explore what was happening. Why did she feel it was wrong to give in him? Why resist? Kate knew if he tied her again, he’d hurt her. But the pain hadn’t really been so bad, had it? Hadn’t it enhanced the pleasure? She’d never had orgasms like Michael generated. Worse, she had never realized how addictive sex could be. She felt deeply satisfied on a primitive level. Her body wanted more at the same time that her intellect was horrified.

  Michael came back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He gently stroked her hair. She sighed as he leaned over and kissed her face.

  He startled her when he said, “I’m sorry.”

  Kate turned her head and looked at him.

  “You’re so strong. I’ve never been with a woman as strong as you. My goal is not to break your spirit.” He shrugged.

  “What is your goal then?” Kate asked. She wasn’t afraid, though she knew she wasn’t exactly physically safe. But she was emotionally safe, even as she struggled to sort out her conflicting thoughts and desires.

  “You—just for this weekend. I want you to please me with your willing surrender,” he replied. “Surrender to anything and everything I’ll do to you. You know I’ll take you places you’ve never been…hell, I already have.” He shook his head. “It’s hard because I know I can overwhelm you. I have to stop herself because I don’t want your consent simply because you’re overwhelmed and desperate for release. I want your consent because you are willing to explore the sexual being that lies just beneath your carefully controlled surface.”

  “But that just makes me a sex object,” Kate protested. The attractive image he painted frightened her.

  “No,” he answered. �
��As a Dominant, I often go unsatisfied to make certain your pleasure comes first.” He paused. Glancing down at her, he said, “So who is really in control?”

  “I don’t understand why you need to tie me up. I don’t understand why you need to hurt me.”

  “Pain and pleasure blend into one sensation in your brain,” he said as he stroked her head and captured a piece of her hair. He tugged on it just a little, letting her know it would really hurt if he yanked it. “The pain intensified your pleasure, didn’t it?” he challenged her. “Tell me that you didn’t feel more aroused than you ever have by not knowing when there would be pain or when there would be pleasure. Knowing that you didn’t have to do anything but feel and respond because I’d taken the control away from you. Tell me you didn’t like it.”

  Kate stared at him. He was right. He’d conquered her in less than a weekend. Kate had read about the Stockholm syndrome. She knew what happened, how the victim fell in love with the captor because he provided all for her. Yet she seemed powerless to stop her longing. Emotionally and physically, she wanted more of what only he could provide.

  “You’ve had just a small taste of the kind of sex I enjoy. Accept that fact. It is your choice if we ever have sex again.”

  “But you’ll hurt me…”

  He laughed, “Of course, that is the whole point. You have to know in every cell of your body that you belong to me and that I’ll take care of you. The pain helps that process but also know that I’m the only one who will ever cause you pain. You have to admit that I am not only physically stronger than you are but mentally stronger as well. I won’t accept anything less than total control.”

  A wave of primitive fear and desire washed through Kate. “I’m not ready for that.”

  “Yet you didn’t leave when I told you to go this time. Why not?” he countered.

  Kate closed her eyes to escape his implacable stare.

  “Coward,” he whispered softly.

  Yes, he was right. Kate was afraid—not of him but herself. Afraid she’d enjoy the surrender every bit as much as he promised. Part of her reveled in the way he’d led her down this path. She could tell herself he’d forced her. She’d been too innocent to understand his actions. Now she knew she could no longer lie to herself.

  Kate wanted to surrender but she wasn’t sure how. She didn’t know how to turn off years of social training. Pain was bad. She wasn’t any man’s slave. Yet she couldn’t shake the image of him—dominating, demanding and relentless. Hateful actions she now longed for him to continue. She was an independent woman but did that mean she couldn’t fully explore her sexuality? How could she not pursue this attraction? Wasn’t sexual freedom part of the modern woman’s code? So why should she ignore what Michael offered?

  “I don’t know how to give you what you want,” Kate said, struggling to make sense of her thoughts. Michael was intelligent. She knew he could help her through this dilemma. “I want to surrender but my mind keeps telling me an independent woman wouldn’t agree to this though I know I should be able to explore any kind of sexual relationship I want to explore. I don’t know how to resolve this.” Kate’s eyes roamed the hard planes of his face.

  “It’s not the dilemma you make it out to be. Independence is fine for some…but not for you.” Michael smiled. “Think about liberation and what it has done to you. The work and stress-induced illnesses that used to belong mostly to men now affect women like you. You must make every decision for yourself, never being able to rely on another human being. And think about what that same liberation has done to the men in your life. I know the men you’ve been with before haven’t satisfied you. You are too stunned by the orgasms I’ve given you to have ever really known sexual satisfaction before.” His finger caressed her face. “You have no idea how your innocence undoes me. How exciting it is to watch you break loose of societal constraints.” He stood and started pacing the room. After a few moments, he stopped and stood motionless. “Do you believe I’ll take care of you in every sense of the word? That I’ll meet all your needs, be they mental or physical?”

  “Yes,” Kate said, aroused by the thought of Michael providing for her.

  “Do you believe I’ll keep you from harm?”

  “Yes.” She couldn’t deny that he made her feel sheltered from all others.

  “Do you think I can reveal parts of your sexuality that you didn’t know existed?”

  “Yes.” He’d already proved that statement.

  “Will you surrender to me?”

  “Yes,” she answered without thought. When she realized what she’d said, she stared at him with horror.

  “It’s that simple.” He smiled as he moved to the bed. He gently raised one of her arms, caressing its length before circling her wrist with silk. He repeated his actions on her other arm.

  Lost in his eyes, Kate never even considered resisting.

  “That is how you give me what I want.” He pulled back and looked at her. “Say it, say it all,” he demanded.

  “Just do it,” Kate said, not wanting to wrestle with the logic demon anymore.

  “Give me the words—all of them,” he whispered, his shoulders tight as he awaited her reply.

  Perhaps having said yes once made it easier because this time Kate said, “I surrender. For today only, I surrender to your will. Please take me.” Relief swept through her. She didn’t have to worry anymore. She didn’t have to make any more decisions. Her life was in his hands for now.

  Chapter Ten

  Michael moved to the foot of the bed. He pressed a carving on the bedpost, flicked open a control panel and held down a button. The bed canopy rolled to the side, revealing a ceiling full of ugly-looking metal devices.

  Kate pulled her legs up to her chest and tried to free her arms.

  Michael placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her to her back. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “What are those things?”

  “Just toys. Have you changed your mind?”

  Kate looked at the ceiling then back to Michael. He raised his eyebrows.

  Kate swallowed hard and mentally shook herself. Time to stop prevaricating. “No, I haven’t changed my mind.”

  “Then relax and enjoy the ride,” Michael said as he reached up and pulled down two straps. He circled an ankle with his hand, lightly caressing it as he trapped it in a furred strap. He captured her other leg and pulled it straight before completing her bondage.

  He reached over to the control panel and pressed another button. The straps attached to Kate’s legs tightened before pulling her legs upward and outward, leaving her open and vulnerable. Michael closed the panel and moved to the side of the bed.

  “Tell me how you feel.”

  “Scared, excited, vulnerable…”



  “Good! You’re going to stay unsatisfied for a while. My satisfaction has been delayed long enough. Your body exists for my pleasure.” He tore off his shirt and dropped his pants. His erection, hard and thick, pointed toward Kate.

  Kate squirmed and pulled at the ropes around her extremities.

  Michael crawled onto the bed. He straddled her waist, putting his back against her legs. He laid his cock on her chest then pushed her breasts around it. Using his thumbs on her nipples, he pumped forward and back.

  Kate gasped at the sensation. She’d never imagined a man using her breasts as a sheath for his cock or that such usage would be one of the most erotic things she’d ever felt. Her cunt clenched, needing him deep inside even as she didn’t want him to abandon her breasts. She groaned, aching and unfulfilled. He ignored her need.

  Rocking back and forth against her chest, he pinched and twisted her nipples. As she gasped at the rough usage, Michael grimaced and sprayed cum into her mouth and over her face.

  Before she could recover, he used a finger to push his cum into her mouth. “Swallow it all,” he growled.

  Kate complied and as a reward, Michael turned h
is attention to her body. Caressing, licking, biting and stroking her. Relentless in his attentions. Kate lost all sense of time. She screamed, mindlessly awash in the sensations he effortlessly created.

  She strained against the bonds that held her. Still he didn’t satisfy her. The intense session of pleasure became painful. He kept her on the peak, mindless with arousal. Unable to come but unable to relax. She cursed his control even as she pleaded for satisfaction.

  “Will you stay with me? Give me permission to keep you tied up forever,” he whispered.

  “Yes!” Kate screamed. She’d agree to anything to relieve the pressure he’d built.

  He smiled as he moved to fill her vagina, not with his cock, but with his fingers. “This might hurt a little. I’ll try to be careful,” he whispered.

  With her legs still in the air, she lay spread open before him. He licked her clit before he slowly, inexorably drove his fingers inside her.

  Kate felt herself stretching, widening in a desperate attempt to accept his hand. He was careful but it wasn’t enough. He hurt her. But she really didn’t care because he suckled her clit while he did it. She felt engorged by his fingers and she loved his possessiveness.

  “That’s three fingers. I don’t think you can take anymore just now.”

  He gazed at her and she returned his look. She’d never been so intimate with a man. Spread helpless before him, impaled by him and subsumed in his need. He rocked his hand back and forth a little as if to create more space.

  Kate moaned. She wanted more and told him so.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Take me!” she demanded, not quite realizing what she was asking.

  He slowly drew his hand back until just his fingertips were in her vagina then he slammed his fingers home, not being careful. He used all his masculine strength to penetrate her.

  The pain became intense as he did it again and again and again. But she never dried up, instead she reveled in his power, climaxing with a force that knocked her senseless.


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