Everything She Wanted

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Everything She Wanted Page 24

by Jennifer Ryan

  “I’d think by now you’d get the message. Back off, or someone is going to get hurt.”

  Kate matched his pose, letting him know he didn’t scare her.

  “You come after me or Alex, I’ll hurt you.”

  His eyes narrowed. One side of his mouth cocked up in a grin that made her want to grind her teeth. Arrogant jerk. He still didn’t see her as a threat. He didn’t see the threat closest to him either, so she pushed, hoping he’d see this had gone too far and had to stop.

  “When are you going to wise up and realize your mother is using you? She doesn’t care if you go down, because then the money will be hers. She’ll be sipping margaritas on a beach while you’re rotting in a cell and she won’t think twice about it. She won’t spare you a moment’s thought while she’s living the high life, fucking every cabana boy and waiter from here to Monte Carlo.”

  That flash of fear she saw earlier filled his gaze.

  “You know what I’m saying is true.”

  In an instant that fear turned to fury. Evan only knew how to lash out when a problem presented itself. He whipped his hand out and clamped his fingers around her neck, giving her a shake. “You don’t know anything. Give up the company and the money, keep that damn house and walk away before you really get hurt.”

  Kate opened her mouth to answer, but the words were cut off when Ben’s arm slammed down on Evan’s, breaking his hold on her. Ben grabbed Evan by the back of the head, his fingers gripped tight in Evan’s hair, and slammed him up against the wall. Evan tried to push away, but Ben punched him in the kidney and slammed him back against the wall.

  “You ever fucking lay a hand on my girlfriend again, you’ll be begging me for a cell over what I’m going to do to you.”

  “Get the fuck off me. I’ll have you arrested for assault.”

  “Go ahead and try. You threatened Kate. You had your hands on her. You’re a murderer and a menace with a record.”

  “What is going on in here?” Christina said, stepping into the office.

  Cameron and Bill stood just outside the door.

  “You and your son are leaving. We’ve settled the business for now.”

  “Let go of my son.”

  Ben pulled Evan from the wall and shoved him toward the door. Evan immediately turned to go after Ben again, but Christina jumped in front of him and planted both hands on his heaving chest, holding him back. He tried to shake her off, but she held tight.

  “Don’t give them the satisfaction or a reason to take this further. We still have the estate to settle. We can’t resolve anything like this, not in public.”

  “Yes, Evan, not with so many witnesses.” Kate pointed out what his mother was really trying to say.

  “You may have gotten your way today, but don’t think I won’t be watching everything your man does at this company. These ­people know me. They’ll keep me informed about even the smallest change.”

  “If these ­people know you, they know all you care about is the bottom line.”

  “Yes. It’s a business. A very lucrative business. Their job depends on the bottom line. Alex’s future depends on it.”

  Kate reacted without thinking and stepped out from behind the desk to lunge at Christina. Ben blocked her at the last second.


  Christina’s mouth pulled back into a feral smile. “I heard about what happened at that shelter. Terrible thing, really. First you’re attacked by some madman, then almost killed in a gas explosion. It’s a good thing Alex didn’t get hurt.”

  Kate fumed, but held her temper. “I kept him safe then. I will continue to keep him safe. No matter what I have to do to ensure his future.”

  “As any mother would do for her son.” Christina took Evan’s arm and pulled him toward the door.

  “You keep telling yourself you’re doing this for Evan, but we both know you want it for yourself.”

  Christina and Evan kept walking.

  “She’s one cold bitch,” Cameron said, watching them leave.

  Ben cupped her face and made her look up at him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just pissed.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “He admitted he killed his father and my sister.”

  “He told you that?” Cameron asked.

  “Not in so many words. He feels guilty about it. I taunted him. Baited him.”

  “Why would you do that?” Ben’s concern came through beneath his angry words.

  “Because I wanted to know the truth. He didn’t go after them on his own. His mother pushed him. She’s using him to do her dirty work. Like just now, she claims she’s doing it to protect her son and ensure he inherits, but it’s all her.”

  “I didn’t like her comment about the attack on you and the explosion at Haven House,” Ben said.

  “You weren’t looking at Evan when she said that. I don’t think he did those things. You can see everything on his face and in his eyes. No wonder he’s such a shitty poker player.”

  “Then they’ll both go down for all of this.”

  “They’ve gotten away with everything so far. The fire burned up any evidence either one of them was there. The guy who attacked me refused to say who hired him to kidnap Alex. Valentina and Mariana disappeared.”

  “Valentina probably took the money her husband was paid and left before anyone could take it back.” Ben frowned, as frustrated as her that nothing had been resolved.

  “Are we at least all set here at the company?”

  “Yes,” Cameron said. “Bill will start work tomorrow. You’ll get a weekly report, plus a quarterly update from all departments.”

  “Christina agreed to this?”

  “For now. She said once she inherits the full estate Bill will be out.”

  “Never going to happen,” Ben assured her.

  “Then make her the offer to settle. What are you waiting for?” Kate feared Evan would come after Alex again. Or her. Or Ben. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt over this. Donald wouldn’t have wanted that either. He’d understand that she wanted to hand over part of what he’d left behind to keep his son safe.

  Ben’s frown deepened. “Kate, you knew I planned to make the offer after we got things settled here at the company.”

  She raked her fingers through her hair. “I’m sorry. He pissed me off, and I’m taking it out on you.”

  “Relax. We’re almost there.”

  “Almost isn’t good enough. I want results. I want my son safe.”

  “I want you to be safe, not meeting with a murderer in an office alone. What were you thinking?”

  “That I want this to be over. That I want him to pay for everything he’s done.”

  “This isn’t the way to do it. Pissing him off so he’ll come after you is not the way to end this. If I hadn’t come in when I did . . .”

  “He’d have a broken nose right now. I can take care of myself.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Then what is the point?”

  “You scared the shit out of me seeing him with his hand wrapped around your throat. You just stood there, like it didn’t mean anything if he hurt you.”

  “I wanted him to keep talking. When he’s upset and angry, he makes mistakes.”

  “Yes, and ­people get hurt. ­People die. If something happened to you . . .”

  “Nothing happened to me. I had him right where I wanted him.”

  “I bet your sister thought the same thing when she fought him. That she could take him, but he got the upper hand and he killed her. Don’t you get it? He wants you pissed, so you’ll make a mistake. Then he’ll have you, Kate. He’ll kill you. What will happen to Alex then? What am I supposed to do without you?”

  “I’m doing this for Alex.”

acting out of anger. You need to be smart.”

  The wind went right out of her sails. “You’re right.”

  Ben leaned back, his eyes wide. “I’m right.”

  “Don’t look so surprised. Look, I needed to know what I’m up against and how he thinks. I’ve got a read on him now. He’s all brawn and ego. He doesn’t think so, but he’s easily led. Christina is the mastermind behind all of this. I clued Evan in to that fact.”

  “You don’t think he knows his mother is pulling the strings.”

  “I think he doesn’t want to admit that his mother is using him. Having me, his enemy, point it out pissed him off. If I can pit him against her, maybe he’ll turn himself in and make a deal to take her down.”

  “I don’t see that happening.”

  “Me either. But I do think Evan will think twice before he blindly follows his mama’s orders again. He won’t be so easy to manipulate anymore.”

  “Well, I guess that’s something.”

  She stepped close to Ben, needing his comfort now that this was all over. She tapped him in the gut with her fist. “I can’t tell you how sexy it was to see you thump Evan into the wall. His head bounced.”

  Ben pressed his lips together to hide a smile and shook his head. “You’re not the only one who can kick ass.”

  “Where’d you learn those mad skills?”

  “You know how I grew up. I feared my father, felt inadequate to protect myself or my mother. Once he was gone, my mother enrolled me in some self-­defense classes and boxing to build my confidence. She wanted me to know how to protect myself and direct my anger in a more positive way.”

  Kate ran her hands up his flat belly to his hard chest. “You still work out, don’t you?”

  “Four days a week at the gym. Sparring matches once or twice a week to keep my skills sharp.”

  “So, not just a smart guy, a tough guy.”

  “When I have to be.” Ben swept his hands over her shoulders and down her back, pulling her close. “You didn’t say anything about what I said.”

  “That you can’t live without me?”

  “That’s not what I said, but it is what I meant. You’ve got to stop, Kate. Let the cops do their job.”

  “The cops can’t even tie them to the murders or the gas explosion.”

  “Damnit, Kate. Give them time to sort through the evidence and make their case.”

  “That’s what lawyers do. Someone needs to take him down now.”

  “It doesn’t have to be you.”

  “Who, then? Who will see justice done? Who will make them stop?”

  Ben touched his fingertips to her cheek, wiping away the tears she hadn’t realized ran from her eyes. “We’ll get them, Kate. I promise. But we’ll do it without putting your life on the line. Alex needs you. I need you.”

  His lips met hers for a soft kiss. His way of soothing her and dampening her building ire. It worked. Whenever he touched her, she melted. The tension in her eased away with every featherlight kiss. She sighed against his mouth and he took the kiss deeper just for a moment. Just a taste of what they’d shared last night. A promise of what was to come when they were home and alone. A vow of what they’d always have in the future. If she lived to see it.

  “Okay, I’ll stop pushing so hard.”

  “You’ll stop poking the lion before he takes a bite out of you. I’m the only one who gets to bite you. Right on your gorgeous ass. Maybe the inside of your thigh before I lick my way up to your . . .”

  Kate pressed her fingers to his lips. “Stop, or we’ll never leave this office.” She squeezed her thighs tight to ease the ache he’d created with those suggestive words that evoked images of them naked and in bed together. He knew just how to distract her. Very creative and lovely ways to erase everything from her mind but him.

  Remembering where they were and who they arrived with, she looked behind Ben. “Where did Cameron and Bill go?”

  “Back to work probably. Bill will be here tomorrow. He’ll take over Donald’s office. If there’s anything you want from here, get it now. Otherwise, Bill will pack up the other personal belongings and send them to Christina.”

  Kate went to the desk and picked up the photographs of her sister and Alex. She sat in Donald’s chair and went through his desk drawers, looking for any other personal effects that would mean something to Alex. Any small reminder of Donald.

  “Alex will never remember his father.”

  “He’ll know me.” Ben’s confident assertion went straight to her heart.

  “Will he? Are we moving too fast? When this is all over, will everything change again?”

  “Kate, it is what it is. Not everything has to be so hard and complicated.”

  “That’s what you think. Nothing has ever been easy in my life. Or normal.”

  “Who wants normal?”

  “After all that’s happened, a little normal might be nice. For Alex.”

  “We’ll get there. If you stop needling the Faradays. We want them to take the settlement, not keep fighting for everything.”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “I know. I just can’t help myself sometimes. Their arrogance annoys me.”

  Ben rummaged through the credenza drawers and pulled out a tote bag with the company logo. He handed it to her to carry the photographs. She stuffed them inside, careful not to break them. She hated to leave all of the other items behind, but the trinkets would hold no memories or value for Alex.

  “It’s strange that all the things a person uses every day, the things we can’t seem to do without, are rendered meaningless to others when you die.”

  “Kate, Bill will use nearly all this stuff. It’s not meaningless or useless.” Ben took her hand and pulled her up out of the chair. She went willingly, feeling her grief rise up and block out the happiness she’d felt in Ben’s arms but moments ago.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “I’m sorry I kept you from work this morning. I’ll go over to Sam and Elizabeth’s and pick up Alex.”

  “We’ll get him together, then I’ll take you back to my place.”

  “I thought I might go to my sister’s again.”

  “No. I don’t want you going there alone. It’s dangerous for you and Alex to be in that big house with no protection.”

  “How long do you expect to keep me locked up? I need to go to the grocery store and buy diapers and formula. If you want me to work at Haven House, I’ll eventually have to go there and do actual work. What about my place? My things? I can’t keep wearing the same five outfits. I need to pick up my mail.”

  Ben held up his hand. “I get it. I don’t know, Kate. All I know is that I worry about you every second you’re out of my sight. So much so that I get nothing done and all I want to do is get back to you.”

  “Ben, I don’t know what to do with that. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I feel so much for you. It confuses me and doesn’t seem real sometimes. I understand the threat against me and Alex, but I still need to live my life. I want that life to include you, but I can’t live with you treating me like I can’t take care of myself.”

  “I’m not saying that at all. They want you and Alex dead, Kate. You want to just walk out the door and right into their hands.”

  “Ben . . .”

  “Don’t. You’re not going to change my mind about this.”

  “Then compromise.”

  “Fine. I’ll stop at the store and pick up whatever you and Alex need. You can contact the post office and have your mail forwarded to my place, or your sister’s. Give it a ­couple more weeks for the cops to put their case together and take it to the DA.”

  “Lie on your couch and watch soap operas and reruns of Full House,” she suggested.

  “Whatever you want. Netflix all day, every day.”

  “Cook di
nner for you. Wait for you to come home every night, wearing nothing—­”

  “I’m all for that.”

  She smacked him on the arm. “Of course you are.”

  “You don’t have to sit around and do nothing. Help me with the contractors and rebuilding Haven House.”

  “I give up. You’re not going to stop being overprotective, or making me a permanent part of your life and work.”

  Ben cocked his head and eyed her. “I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  “An overprotective boyfriend.” Not what he meant, but she had a hard time believing what they shared would last, or survive any more turmoil.

  “Here I thought we wanted the same thing.”

  “I’m sorry. We do.”

  His gaze narrowed on her. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and stepped back. Great, she’d done it now. Pushed him away for no reason, except her need to protect her heart and do what she wanted to do.

  She closed the distance he put between them physically but she’d put there emotionally, and placed her hands on his chest over his thumping heart.

  “I’m being a pest, pushing you away when that’s not what I want at all. I’m frustrated. I want my life back.”

  Ben pulled his hands from his pockets and cupped her face. “Give it time, Kate. We’ll get there.”

  She hugged Ben close. She hated to keep her plans from him, but he’d never approve what she wanted to do next. She didn’t want to wait for Evan and Christina to make their next move. She wanted to go after them. If the police needed proof Evan killed her sister, she’d get it for them.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.” The outrage in his mother’s voice seemed misplaced with that sum of money.

  Evan stood near the fireplace and rolled his eyes. His mother paced back and forth along the windows on the other side of the seating area. He tried to focus on the sprawling lawn, flowers, and trees outside past the pool, but his mother drew his attention. “For what?”

  “That’s how much she’s offering. I get to keep this house, and she’ll pay me five million dollars.”

  “Take it.”

  “Take it! That’s nothing compared to what the estate and business are worth.”


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