KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris

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KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris Page 6

by KC Frantzen

  My mind whirls while Léonce begins post-meal cleanup.

  The administration training assistant eyed me when I checked in, but… How much sensitive material would new recruits have? Not much I’d think. Could be one of the trainers, I guess. Or… OOOoohhh. What about the Administrator of Special Services? General Jim’s office is in the highly classified area. When I took the wrong turn in the air duct, I saw Miss Sandy’s and Sassy’s file on his desk.

  They could be in danger! I bark, “I’ve got to expose the mole and protect my friends. Don’t know how, but the Creator always has a plan, even if I don’t.”

  Léonce uses the evening to demonstrate the best means to avoid capture. Since I can’t run full out yet, I’m to evade and escape. We don’t have enough moleskin for a good disguise.

  He shows me a secondary location close by, dark but secure. Hopefully I won’t need it. I watch him spring through the crack in the tomb wall. When I look inside, he explains how to slide a broken piece to cover the crack once I’m in position. Since he’s more agile, he will distract any pursuers while I get there.

  At least that’s the plan.

  Chapter 16

  The troubled boy’s notebook calls out but I still can’t decipher the words.

  Oh. Yawwwn. Alexis, you’re near, at least in my dreams.

  I flip over and curl up, nose to nub. Wish I could get some good rest. I waited for opportunity and my life changed for the better. Something tells me Alexis is fading away, near the end, if his opportunity doesn’t come soon. Should I break cover to help?

  Someone has to lend a paw. Léonce is busy helping me so I guess I’m the someone to do it.

  My friend is snuggled on his back, nearby. When I stand to stretch, he cracks open an eye and rolls over. That mush he concocted for my shoulder this morning really helped. I’m feeling almost well.

  I let myself out and make my way to the toilet area, shaking off the rain before I take care of business. Better take a different route on the way back – Ms. Schwind would be proud.

  I notice one of the small buildings with an open door. The windows are grey as the evening in this drizzle– Hey! Someone is sprawled atop the stone slab, arm hanging down.


  Am I too late?

  I run and nuzzle his palm. Hi.

  Nothing. But definitely alive. He must sleep in here, his scent is strong. But why? Is he lost like me?

  Thlbpt. Still nothing.

  C’mon Alexis, respond.

  When I offer another small dry kiss, he sits up, wiping his hand on crumpled black jeans. His eyes are red and puffy.

  “Leave me be, mutt.” He doesn’t sound angry, maybe afraid. He sniffles and rubs his nose on his sleeve.

  Never taking my eyes from his, I shy away and prance back, wagging my nub. But I came, to be your friend.

  “Go away.” He drops his head onto his arms.

  But you need someone. I’m willing.

  “Me also.” (Léonce! How does he DO that?) He purrs, rubbing his face along the slab.

  Without looking at us Alexis says, “I had a kitten once.”


  “She died.”


  “My father was strung out on drugs and killed her.”


  Alexis pulls up his knees, burying his face, and whispers, “Everything I love dies or leaves. There’s something wrong with me.”

  The moon breaks through the clouds, offering a little light to brighten up the place, such as it is. Alexis rests his chin on his palms and seems to see me for the first time. “It’s you. I’m glad you are alright. I tried to stop them but…” He sniffles again. “I’m trying to fit in. But I never do.”

  Léonce leaps onto the slab, still purring. When Alexis reaches, the cat keeps barely out of range.

  The boy tucks his arms and turns away. “Whatever.”

  I stand on my hind legs. Please pick me up.


  I scratch the stone. Still nothing.

  So I stare. And stare.

  Righty-o! He scoots over and lifts me onto the slab. I rest a paw on his leg, even though my pads are damp, to show I’m concerned.

  After he looks at my paw a moment, he strokes my back. “Mother joined the Movement and left for good when I was eight. I didn’t exactly fit into her plans. Father overdosed about two years ago, when I was twelve. After, I was homeless awhile. Then my aunt let me live with her. She tried, but her life’s been tough. She encouraged me to take some US programming courses online; I’m good at computers. She was going to let me stay until I’m eighteen, but I saw Mother on television leading a protest, and left to find her.

  “She wasn’t very happy when I did. Whatever. I joined the Movement to be near in case she needs me. She owes some people a lot of money, so she has us take things and she sells them sometimes. What she’s doing is wrong I know, but… She’s my mother, although she prefers I call her ‘Director.’”

  I’m sorry.

  So that’s the story on Director. I root under his hand and finagle my way into his lap. He’s grimy, but it’s okay, I am too.

  So why are you in the cemetery? It’s not a usual place for live humans.

  “Director doesn’t want me around. She only lets me because I help with tekkie stuff, and the stealing sometimes. But I know she wishes someone else was her son. I don’t measure up.”

  Oh that can’t be.

  He looks off into the distance. “It’s true. I really never thought my mother could do the things she does.”

  Alexis, it’s hard when you’re not wanted. I know… I stretch close to his cheek. Thlbpt.

  “I grab food there now and again, or a shower, but I try to stay gone. I’d never do drugs after everything with Father, but I do other things I’m not proud of…”

  I root his hand again as we sit quietly, then I feel a drop or two on my back.

  Alexis sniffles and says, “I come here because I’m out of everyone’s way. I’m better off by myself really or maybe… everyone would be better off without me.”

  Don’t even think that. We’re with you. Truly.

  I nuzzle his chin. We connect! When I rest my cheek on his shoulder, he drops his head onto mine and presses, for an instant. Then I feel the ache return. He closes up and looks away.

  Léonce bounds onto the gravel and starts for the gate. “Come. I know just ze place for food.”

  I begin to follow, but Alexis doesn’t budge.

  Idea! I’ll make him smile. Wish I had Lobbie to carry by the antennas. Always worked with Dad and Mom. What can we play?

  When I spy the perfect twig, I carefully jump down. Toss and fetch will get him moving!

  I trot into the pathway, snatch the stick, toss it high and give chase.

  Grrrrr. C’mon Alexis, let’s play. It’ll be fun. When I present it, wagging my nub as fast as I can, his face relents with a hint of a grin.

  “Oh… alright.”

  Good. Let’s play on the way. We’ll all feel better. C’mon!

  He gathers his notebook and coat. “You win.”

  Of course.

  Léonce leads us down several streets, into an alley. “May, we take ze short route because we have a human with us. Keep to ze center. This area can be dangerous for cats and small dogs. See ze garbage? Sewer rats assemble to search for tidbits. We’d make a delicious entrée.”


  Léonce winds through other alleys, then down a street, uh rue, until we reach the front windows of La Solana Café. The goodies smell delightful but I get a whiff of… Snail? Eww. Slimy. April mentioned the tasty crunch of earthworms after they cook on the driveway – but never snails.

  “Ze back alley is safe here. Come.”

  We three walk towards a light. When we get closer, I see it’s streaming through the café’s back entrance.

  Léonce sits on the step. Miaow. Miaowowowowww.

  The screen door creaks open and a dark-haired gentleman
wearing a friendly smile and clean white apron appears. “My friend, bonsoir. Who did you bring this time?” As I approach he says, “Welcome chien. What are you called, little one?”

  I’m May. Bonjour.

  Léonce gives me a look. “Bonsoir in the evening.”

  Oh! I forgot. Bonsoir, sir.

  The nice man bends down to scruffle my ears. I let him, as Léonce rubs on his legs purring loudly.

  “I’m sure we could spare something for the two of you.”

  Two? I look for Alexis and spy him loitering near the rue, looking dreary again. He keeps his head down so I trot over, looking back to the man. Our friend needs some also, but I’ll share mine.

  “I see.” The man calls out, “Gather a few leftovers. Our friendly feline and guests came to dine this evening.”

  Sniff. If the main course includes snails, I might rather have pigeon.

  After our dinner of hot bread, veggies and chicken – my favorite – our Dreary Boy seems a little brighter. He murmurs a quick “Merci” to the man when he returns to check on us.

  I’m lapping a swallow of water when I see Alexis round the corner.

  I run to the road but he’s gone.

  Chapter 17

  This time I detect Léonce’s approach as I continue to scan for Alexis. “He’s disappeared. Sigh. Well, I’d better go back and offer my thanks. That was dee-licious!”

  My feline friend gives me a look.

  “Oh. Not that I’m not grateful for pigeon.”

  When Café Man comes to the door and extends his hand, I wag my nub.

  Thllbbppt. That was an extra dee-licious meal, kind sir. Thank you. I mean, merci.

  “Je vous en prie. You are most welcome. These streets are not a good place to live. I hope you find a good home.”

  I wiggle my whole self. Have one, sir! I’m trying to get there, after… Wshew. I almost said “my mission.”

  He gives my friend a pat and says, “Come back anytime.”

  As Léonce and I wind our way towards the cemetery I say, “Sure is dark. Are there snakes here? Never liked them, but I do kinda miss Copperhead Sentinel.”


  “He was a good-natured snake who helped me. I met him the first time near a shed in the woods near our house. Turns out he was working with my sister, April. I never did find out about that old shed. Maybe when I get back home…”

  Home. The thought makes my eyes moist. I locate a corner, out of the way, and sit. Tears start, so I face the wall.

  Léonce purrs, “We mustn’t stay. Come.”

  My bottom lip sticks out farther than usual. “I want to go home.”

  “I understand.”

  He’s proven he can be trusted, I think. Maybe we can figure this out together. “You only know part of it. I need a moment.”

  “A moment, no more. I’m not welcome here.”

  I quickly tell how Sassy and Miss Sandy recruited me into the K9 Service, after learning how I knew Rukan. “They knew he was involved in a plot in Washington, DC, so they took me along. I was just at the right place at the right time to stop that bomb.”

  The back door to a restaurant opens, flooding the alley with light. Shadows scurry in all directions. Rats. Yuk. Maybe we should be going.

  Léonce keeps watch on a cook tossing scraps into a waste barrel. “This bomb, ze angry man referenced you with ze newspaper, oui?”

  “What’d you say?” Shudder. A rat, big as me, jumps onto the edge of the barrel and stares at the cook, challenging him to stay back. Poor thing looks hungry.

  Sniff. Pungent rat odor is close. There are others… out of sight… in the dark…

  “Ze bomb. Ze angry man.”

  Keeping ear and eye on the scene I whisper, “Oui. Then I messed up and got dognapped but if I hadn’t, how would I know Rukan is working incognito at the airport? I think I’m the single soul who knows. I must alert the K9 Service before he tries something awful again.”

  Cook reaches behind the door – He’s got a club! – He swings. The giant rat dives but isn’t fast enough and the club smashes his back. He struggles to step, but his back legs crumple. He raises a paw to shield the next blow.

  I’ve got to help him! I run as Cook raises the club. Léonce mumbles something about fools rushing in. He bounds past me and jumps at Cook, howling and screaming.

  Cook sprints through the door. WHAM!

  I skid to a stop by the wounded rat. “Hurry, sir. He might be back. I’ll try and help you to the curb.”

  I wonder if he understands. He’s just glaring. Wow, rats have long sharp teeth. Though he’s a bit foul, I grab him gently as I can and start pulling him to the side. It’s hard.

  Léonce seems to keep a lookout. Good. I didn’t think about other rats. Yuk.

  It takes some time, but instead of getting more tired, it seems easier as I go. Odd.

  When we get almost there, he jerks from my grip and crouches, staring at us with menacing eyes. He stands – OH NO – and sniffs us with a pointy nose. An icy chill grabs my gut.

  With a shake of whiskers and tail, he vanishes down a sewer drain.

  I glance at my friend. “Wshew. But not so much as a thank you or goodbye.”

  Léonce takes another look around. “Sewer rats have no manners.”

  We dash from the alleyway, keeping to the busy lighted streets. When we make it back to the cemetery, I look for Alexis, but he’s not around. After we settle in at the lady Marie’s, Léonce looks at me sternly. “May, you were foolish.”

  I stamp my paw and huff, “You helped me, right? My brother Hans told me, ‘You never know how a kindness will be returned.’”

  He gives me a look. “Finish ze story.”

  I pout, “Well, it’s true. You don’t know. Anyway…” I tell him about meeting Mr. Vince and Miss Coralee, and “…I don’t know how to get home, unless it’s with someone at the American Embassy.”

  “They will help?”

  “I hope. But what if they don’t understand me?” I shake my head. “I don’t even know if I should ask.”

  “If you don’t ask, ze answer is always no.”

  Chapter 18

  Dee-licious. And oh the scents. Still… Go with what you know. “Mr. Josh, I’ll have two bags of treats, hey make it three. Chicken please.”


  Instantly I’m awake. I’m not at Joshua’s Pet Treat Bakery – I’m in a Paris cemetery, hidden under the red cloth at the lady Marie’s. Where’s Léonce?

  Alexis’s mother, I mean Director, says, “Nothing seems disturbed. Still, we shall not linger.”

  I hear sounds like boxes being moved, a computer engaging and shutting down. She continues. “Take all these, except the computer. I need it. Le Panthéon guard will let you in the lower gate. Do not muddle this up.”

  “No.” Alexis sounds hurt.

  “Now be gone. I have work to do at the apartment.”

  “With him? Don’t answer. I’m going.”

  Footsteps, the latch clicks, then quiet.

  After a moment, Léonce appears. “They removed the radios and cell phones. We go.”

  Now we’re getting somewhere. Wherever somewhere is…

  As we follow Director from a safe distance, I nod towards a tall structure. “Léonce, what is that? It was all lit up last night.”

  “Ze most famous landmark in all of Paris, La Tour Eiffel. It is what I use to find my way. Come. We will take ze Métro. I know where Director goes.”

  We watch her join the crowd and head north. We tail her.

  The scent is fresh, thankfully, because I lose sight. The cat doesn’t appear concerned. Soon he sees what he’s looking for, a pole with a large “M” and… Bees?

  Léonce seems as surprised as I am. The sign has a squirming beard of hundreds, maybe thousands of bees clinging in a cluster. The humans give them plenty of space.

  The fur on my neck stands. Something’s wrong. Léonce breathes in too.

  Sniff. Pack Leader.<
br />
  I scan the streets, looking for something out of the ordinary. There! Two humans wearing masks and gloves – bee suits, like I saw in that office! – carrying a bag. I think one is female, but it’s hard to tell because of the bulky white clothing. “Hey. That one walks exactly like Pack Leader.”

  My companion hisses and spits. “Oui, and ze other is a young chaos-maker who often accompanies him.”

  “Mean Girl.”

  We watch as Pack Leader produces a large spray device and targets the cluster. Bees dart and swoop, drop and thrash and die. Humans squeal and scatter.

  What did any of them – bees or humans – do to deserve this?

  A cluster of bees struggles to remain airborne. It shudders towards us, landing in a trimmed potted plant. The bees around the fringe fall away and die, leaving a smaller group intact.

  Léonce darts in front of me and motions towards a trash bin across the avenue. Masks, gloves and clothes. No sign of the anarchists.

  As we turn back, the ground is littered with dead and dying bees. “Léonce, we have to help. C’mon.”

  I hear him groan.

  The survivors appear angry. I decide to try and speak bee.

  “How horrible! May I help you to a safe location? I won’t eat you like my sister did.”

  They buzz around, sensing me I suppose. They seem more active, then release to expose the bees in the center.

  The queen! She seems weak but okay, well-protected by her guards.

  She flies towards me and does a little dance. I can’t tell if it’s a greeting or a thank you, but soon she swoops and lands on my back. Most of the others follow.

  Gosh, now what?

  Several scouts twirl and waggle.

  “Look,” says Léonce. “Seems like they want you to follow.”

  I trail behind as they lead us to the next avenue. Hope we hurry. All these legs tickle! I want to flip over and scratch my back sooo much. Ahead, we notice some bees clinging to an arching branch on an old tree. The queen lifts off and dances again.


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