The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3)

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The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3) Page 3

by S. J. Sanders

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not interested,” I state flatly. I am no longer even attempting to smile but give him a hard, unyielding look. A bewildered look crosses his face, followed by anger. He moves so fast I don’t have time to register what he’s doing until he has my wrist gripped in the painfully tight vice of his hand.

  “Let go,” I warn. I admit much of it is bravado. With the influx of magic into our world, most human mages and witches are still learning to control the incredible surge in their abilities and expanding their skills. In truth, I know it is a pitiful drop in the bucket compared to what the elf can do.

  “Back away from her, elf,” a growl threatens.

  My unwelcome admirer stiffens, and I cast a grateful glance to my rescuer. My breath catches. Arawl stands just off to the side, his lips pulled back to reveal wicked-sharp teeth. His green eyes glow inhumanely in the low light of the bar, making the fine hairs on my body stand on end. He is the very image of violence threatening to erupt, and rather than wanting to recoil with fear or disgust, it is intoxicating.

  “Beast,” the elf acknowledges as he releases my wrist. Blue eyes return to my face and his face tightens but he gives me a stiff nod before striding with an impossible flowing elegance out into the night.

  I let out a shaky laugh and smile at Arawl. My mind is busy trying to guess what kind of fae he is, but he is not giving me any visual clues. Now that he’s calm, he once again looks like nothing more than a ridiculously hot man. He returns my smile easily, his teeth no longer sharp, and sits on a stool as his eyes drift over me in such a way that my nipples tighten uncomfortably. I press my legs together at the liquid heat gathering between my thighs. His nostrils flare, and his smile widens.

  “What will you have?” I ask, my voice huskier than I intended.

  He makes a low rumbling sound in his throat as his eyes scan the bottles behind me. I am not so focused on him that I am unaware of the sour looks that several of his would-be admirers are casting in our direction. I secretly revel in it and bask in his attention. It’s probably juvenile, but at this moment I couldn’t care less. Especially not when that rumbling, growly sound coming from him is doing interesting things to my libido.

  “Your best single malt whiskey, neat.”

  Unlike our first brief conversation, I notice that his voice is not only deep but has a gravelly edge to it. It skitters over my skin and I shiver slightly as I turn to retrieve a bottle that I know he’ll like. Grabbing a glass, I set it in front of him and pour. He slides the money across to me as he picks up the glass and takes an appreciative sniff before indulging in a sip. I watch in fascination as the muscles of his throat work.

  “This is most excellent, although I cannot help but agree with the elf. I would be interested to see how your taste might compare if you are amenable to the idea,” he rumbles, his green eyes flaring with intensity and unmistakable interest. Yet, unlike the elf, his eyes don’t skim me like I’m a cut of meat ready to be devoured. Instead, his gaze remains fixed to mine, his eyes piercing with their heat.

  “I could be,” I return. One night of passion with a sexy fae who radiates lust is too tempting to pass on. Although a part of me yells that I shouldn’t be wasting time with brief flings and keep myself open for the perfect forever kind of guy, I know I would regret not enjoying the promise of ecstasy I can see pooling in his eyes. In my peripheral vision, I can see that Jinx is throwing a worried glance in my direction, but I don’t back down.

  I want this. At this moment, I crave Arawl more than anything.

  His eyes narrow with satisfaction as he nods and retreats to rejoin his friends at their table. He ignores the women clustering around the table as he watches me work. It’s exhilarating knowing that he is waiting patiently for no one else but me.

  Jinx frowns with concern as he gives me a sidelong look between customers. “Ana, are you sure this is a good idea? He’s not human. I mean, I thought there was something off about him before, but did you see his eyes and teeth? He doesn’t even look like the friendly sort of non-human, more like the ‘I want to eat you’ sort.”

  “Sounds good in my book.”

  “Not in the fun way, Ana. Geez! More in the ‘all I’m going to find is a puddle of blood and will be forced to identify you from your remains’ kind of devouring.”

  I roll my eyes and sigh. “Jinx, did you, or did you not have a fling with a harpy within days of the portals opening? Talk about inviting danger into your bed.”

  Jinx smirks a little at that. “Touché. Man, that harpy was an incredible fuck... Too damn bad I was allergic to her feathers.”

  “You are twisted, Jinx. Quit worrying about my sex life and be more concerned about your own,” I retort as his eyes start to drift at a female sitting nearby with cloven hooves and curling horns. She winks at him, flashing a bit of fang in her smirk and he grins back at her. I snort to myself and glance back over at Arawl. He is speaking to his friends, but he smiles at me the moment he feels my eyes on him. It is utterly wicked and sends a bolt of lust into my belly.

  I can’t wait to get off tonight. In both senses.

  Chapter 4


  “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Jinx asks as he pulled the metal gate over the door and locked it.

  “Trust me, I’m good,” I chuckle as I briskly rub my arms against the cool evening air. I try to act casual, but my body is running high with excitement as I glance around the empty parking lot outside the Tipsy Mermaid. I hope that Arawl is waiting for me somewhere out here, but the realist in me reminds me there’s a good chance that he is not. Why wait for the bartender to get off when there are so many willing ladies that he could have gone home with instead? In which case, I’ll have to swallow my disappointment and push on like it doesn’t bother me. Besides, I can always continue with my original plans.

  Please, please let him be waiting for me!

  “All right,” Jinx sighs. “I won’t nag you, but will you let me at least drop you off at home before I head out?”

  I’m tempted. It is a bit cold, and there is no sign of Arawl. Getting a ride home might not be a bad idea.

  “I...” Whatever I was going to say flees from my tongue as I catch a flash of luminous green orbs glowing in the dark seconds before I see a familiar silhouette step out of the shadows beneath the streetlamp.

  He came!

  I want to break out into a happy dance but settle for a pleased grin that I can feel stretching across my face. His posture is stiff as he eyes Jinx.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Arawl growls. His voice is low but pitched just loud enough for us to hear him. His hands hang loosely at his side, but I am aware of his fingers slowly curling. Jinx opens his mouth to protest but I squeeze his bicep.

  “It seems my date has arrived,” I announce cheerfully.

  Jinx grimaces and takes a reluctant step toward his car. “Just... give me a call in the morning, okay? I guess it could have been worse. It could have been that elf,” he mumbles. “I have no doubt he would have carried you into the fae realm and trapped you there. Don’t let this bastard try anything like that.”

  I laugh. “I’ll check in with you in the morning. You’ll see that I haven’t been murdered or kidnapped.”

  “If it turns south at any point, call me. I don’t care if it’s mid-invocation. I will come and get you.”

  I lean forward and hug him. “I love you. Now, go... have a good time.”

  Jinx’s face pinches with worry but he nods, a ghost of a smile pulling on his lips. “I love you too, Ana. I’ll talk to you in the morning. Early,” he promises with a meaningful look. I nod.

  I cannot dismiss his concerns, and my promise is a real one. Too many people simply went missing after the portals opened between the worlds. Men and women both. Now, we watch out for each other.

  Jinx gives Arawl one more suspicious glance before turning away to leave, his car keys jangling in his hand as he walks away from the door toward his c
ar parked in the back. Even as I watch him walk away, I can feel the heat of Arawl’s body draw up behind me. I look over my shoulder to see his strong jawline tighten as his gaze tracks Jinx until he disappears around the building. I know he feels my eyes on him because as soon as we are alone, his eyes snap down to mine, burning with green fire. My belly tightens.

  He tucks his head down a little lower and inhales deeply, a shiver running through his body. He lifts his head and green eyes meet mine with incredible intensity. Desire burns in those depths but one pale, silvery eyebrow arches in curiosity.

  “You said something of a date...” He hesitates and glances around helplessly. He seems curiously lost without his friends. It is quite possible that he is some sort of fae with pack-like tendencies.

  I breathe him in, enjoying the woodsy, spicy scent of him and lick my lips. I can’t get enough of it. It is intoxicating. “How do you feel about pizza and a movie at my place... then just seeing what happens from there?”

  The smile starts out slow but soon he is grinning down at me, his eyes crinkling with humor. “I think that is one of the strangest offers that I’ve received from a human. Usually, I am extended an offer only to find a place to fuck. A proposition of pizza and a movie is refreshing.”

  “You have seen a movie before, right?”

  His laughter is deep, and its resonance licks a path down my spine. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that I would be perfectly happy just jumping him, but I enjoy the little things that lead up to the moment. The little touches that build the anticipation. The pleasure of male company for an evening. Nothing rushed but enjoying the entire choreography to its sweet culmination.

  “Yes. My people’s contact with this world never closed, unlike that at the elven controlled borders. No one controls the portals within our lands but us, and we jealously keep our secrets. I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy many things from your world with my kin over the years.”

  He drops his nose and trails it lightly along my neck, his breath hot against my skin. My thoughts threaten to scatter at the contact as I raise my hands and grip his shirt. When he finally pulls back, it’s all I can do to keep myself upright. If it weren’t for his steady grip on my arms—I’m not even sure when that happened—I would have likely ended up as a puddle of pleasure on the ground at his feet.

  I am happy to know I’m not the only one affected so strongly.

  His eyes are feverishly bright, and his teeth appear sharper and longer than I recall. A low sound uncurls within his chest and issues out with a complex inhuman sound that lingers somewhere between moaning and a growl. Desire shoots through me, although the rational part of me panics that we might end up sating our passion in the parking lot rather than make it anywhere near my apartment.

  His hands drop away and his body shudders, but by increments he returns to himself and I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed. There is no denying the heat in his eyes, however. He is barely keeping himself under control. Somehow, I don’t think we will be watching much of the movie.

  “Where is your apartment?”

  Shivering at the absence of his body’s warmth, I pull my coat tighter around myself and smile. “It is not far. I can call a cab.”

  I fish my cellphone out of my coat pocket and place the call while his eyes practically devour me on the spot. I am grateful there’s a driver nearby so that we won’t have to wait long in the cold, although I cannot object to Arawl’s method of warming me. It doesn’t take him long to become distressed enough at my shivering to pull me into the warmth of his arms. I gratefully lean into him too, relishing the touch of his hands as they stroke down my back and over my hips. He doesn’t head toward any erogenous zones but keeps his touch light and comforting.

  The cab arrives and the driver stiffens warily as we crawl into the back of the cab. I let out giggle as Arawl ducks low and drags his nose across my hip as I bend over to slide inside. He growls as he clambers in behind me, the taxi moving slightly as he settles his large frame beside me. Through the rearview mirror, I can see that the driver’s eyes are glued to him in horror. It doesn’t take more than a second for Arawl to meet his gaze with his own glowing glare, his eyes narrowed threateningly. I nudge him a little so that I can slide forward and catch the attention of the driver long enough to give him my address, all too aware of the hot hands that are possessively gripping my hips as I speak to him.

  That seems to be enough to break the spell because he nods and tears his gaze away from Arawl. He does momentarily clutch something beneath his button-down shirt, muttering in a language I cannot decipher what could be a prayer or some sort of chant. I’m not sure what has him so upset, though he seems to be aware of something about the male that I am not. I frown, contemplating asking him, when Arawl pulls me back against him. His breath is warm against my ear as he nuzzles it and trails his lips across it.

  “Don’t mind the human. Some individuals of certain traditions and heritages may recognize my kind. I do not take it personally. I just didn’t want to chance him trying to take you away from me out of some misguided sense of duty over whatever inaccurate tales he has been told.”

  I relax against him and smile. That’s an explanation I can understand. Once the portals opened there was an alarming amount of hatefulness that sprung up among witches regarding other species, criticizing anyone who trusted them and throwing doubt onto any that weren’t of the most reputable sort. Namely, they became the elves’ bitches. Anything else was deemed unsafe. Personally, I think they got it backward. Case in point, I’m definitely not going home with the elf.

  “Your thoughts are distant,” Arawl whispers.

  I shake my head and smile. “Just thinking how peculiar people are when it comes to those who are different than them. Seems like humanity never learns its lesson about such biases.”

  He laughs and presses his lips to the side of my head. “You are truly a jewel, Ana. Many in the fae realms worry about being accepted among humans, but you have shown me that it very well may be possible, even if it is only at first among a limited few. You give me hope. Though, I do fear that you may not realize just how different some of us are that reasonably inspire such fears among your kind. I pray that you never find out just how monstrous we can be.”

  I frown at him warily, that last part making me a little concerned, but he just gives me a beguiling smile.

  “Do not worry. I will not devour you except in the best of ways.”

  “Sounds like the best offer I’ve had all night.” I giggle, my worry melting away under the warmth of his teasing.

  It doesn’t take long to reach my building, and Arawl follows close to my back like an attentive lover as I lead him to my apartment. It is a nice feeling, and I can even get a sense of him scoping the halls as I turn my back to them to unlock my door. The moment it is open, he herds me gently inside so I don’t linger in the open corridor longer than necessary and shut the door firmly behind us.

  Jack, ever possessing the worst timing, chooses that time to dart into the entryway between us. He is a menacing orange streak of love as he cuddles up around Arawl’s leg, and Arawl jerks back in surprise. The surprise doesn’t last long before it turns to ire. I cross my arms over my chest, determined, great sex or no, to kick his ass out if he so much as attempts to harm my cat. To my surprise, he doesn’t do anything but growl in agitation as he attempts to peel Jack off of him. Naturally, Jack isn’t dismayed or discouraged at all. A people-lover at heart, he takes an exceptional interest in Arawl and immediately purrs despite the displeased sound that his attempts are being greeted with.

  “Why does it not remove itself from me?” he grumbles in frustration.

  I shrug helpless and lean down to retrieve my furry orange love-puff. “Jack-O’lantern loves everyone. I guess that includes fae, though I had been under the impression that cats usually didn’t care for non-humans, which I should have considered before inviting you. I guess Jack is just exceptional that way.” I tu
ck Jack under my arm and grin. “Why not make yourself comfortable in the living room? I will call for a pizza and get Jack settled with his own snacks. If you like, you can pick out a movie from the collection I set out for tonight.”

  “The full moon?” he queries, perplexed, as he begins to flip through my DVDs.

  “No, Halloween. You know—the big event at the bar that everyone was dressed up for? All Hallows Eve, Samhain. Whatever you may want to call it.”

  His brows arch as he glances up from the movies. He’d been smiling down at one particular movie, an old favorite, An American Werewolf in London, but now I have his full attention.

  “Oh yes.” He laughs. “That is right. This is just one of the rare occasions when it happens to coincide with the full moon. Usually we are not so lucky to be able to visit during a feast day. How fabulous,” he says, his lips curving with delight.

  “Only on the full moon, huh?” I ask as I dial the pizza place. He waits patiently until I am done making the order, one large Hawaiian pizza plus mushrooms, extra ham and cheese. He wins points for looking pleased with my order. It’s not often I meet another person who enjoys pineapple on their pizza. It is almost unfortunate that he isn’t going to be hanging around longer. That is the sign of a keeper in my book.

  “The full moon is the only time our portal opens. We have three days during which we can travel between worlds. In two days, I will have to return to my world.”

  I feel a slight pinch of regret at how fleeting our time together is but push it back, reminding myself that I don’t want to hurry into another dead-end relationship. Arawl is fun, but I don’t get a strong sense of commitment from him. Possessive and territorial as in the sort that does not willingly share with anyone, he has in spades. Someone willing to share his entire life with another person and shower that one female with his love and adoration? Not so much. It’s possible that he has a more permanent partner in his own world, and his species just indulges in occasional safe hook-ups. That thought isn’t exactly comfortable or flattering, but I shrug it off. It’s not like anything will come of this, so even if he did have a female of his own kind with whom he had such an arrangement, in the end, it has nothing to do with me. We are both coming into this with only mutual pleasure in mind.


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