The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3)

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The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3) Page 5

by S. J. Sanders

  “Okay, so how far is this wizard?” Her eyes bore into me with determination.

  At first, I think she is toying with me, but as I return her scrutiny her jaw hardens. Perhaps she is speaking truthfully about not wishing to be bonded to me!

  “The only wizard known to my tribe lives in a tower many days’ journey from our lands,” I say slowly. “We would have to cross over the barrier of the wyvern mountains into the northern woods. His tower sits in a clearing at the heart of the forest where he has the allegiance of all manner of creatures who protect his dwelling.”

  “Fantastic. When do we leave? I will need to let my boss know and Jinx—oh my gods, Jinx!”

  My eyes track Ana as she leaps out of the bed and hastens out of the bedroom. The new bonds between us tug on me hard. I know logically that it is just because we are newly mated, that time will eventually make them ease, but right now the feeling is so raw that I can’t help following her.

  Just as Ana digs her phone out of her purse, I hear the muffled thump of footsteps running toward us, becoming incrementally louder at their approach. My entire body stiffens in preparation to defend my mate and her territory from attack. It is an instinct hardwired into me that I cannot ignore. I cannot leave her to fend for herself or to whatever fate comes. Everything within me demands I protect what is mine regardless of whether or not I want it.

  Whatever is hastily approaching, Ana doesn’t seem alarmed. Instead, she sighs and sets her phone back down and heads toward the door. I resist the urge to snarl and tuck her behind me. Instead, I warily follow her, my fangs exposed as I catch the familiar scent of a male. A growl bursts from me at the frenzied pounding that starts at her door and a male voice shouts, setting my instincts on edge.

  “Ana, open the fucking door!”

  My growl gets louder with the realization that this male wants access to my mate’s territory. No fucking chance that is going to happen! I brace myself, my vision reddening with anger. Ana gives me a concerned glance as she opens the door.

  I recognize my rival on the other side immediately. He jerks my mate forward into his embrace. An intelligent move on his part. He must know that I will not attack while he has my mate in his hold. I snarl and pace before them ineffectually. I am frustrated but take some pleasure out of the way his face quickly drains of color at the sight of me.

  “Ana... what the fuck is that!?” he shouts in a strained voice.

  My female lifts a helpless arm in my direction and smiles back at the other male. I bristle at their familiarity. Although I shouldn’t care about how a female I never asked for acts toward other males, ingrained instinct is nearly impossible to overcome. Until the time comes where I can sever her presence from my life, she is mine and I do not share.

  “Jinx, that would be the sole reason why I can no longer give you shit about any of your sexual escapades.”

  “No shit. Looking at this guy, I don’t want to hear another fucking word about the harpy! Still, what the fuck is it?”

  I am getting tired of being referred to as a what. Fucking humans.

  “I am not a what,” I growl. “Who I shall be, very shortly, is the cause of your untimely demise if you do not unhand my mate.”

  “Mate? What the fuck, Ana?” the male yelps, his gaze swinging down at my female’s sheepish grin.

  “Yeah, that’s what I was about to explain to you. Remember the hot guy I went home with?”

  He nods, his brow drawn down into a perplexed frown though my pride is stroked by her description. I would like it even better if she would continue to address me as such in my true form, but I don’t think that is going to be coming any time soon.

  Unlike many fae species, humans tend toward xenophobia when it comes to beauty. I am not considered unattractive by females among the werewolves and trolls of my forest. Even an orc visitor once issued an invitation to me. It is mildly insulting that my mate doesn’t look upon me with anywhere near the same level of interest.

  “Okay, well then, let me introduce you to Arawl. Apparently, this is his true form and he’s now... my mate. It was completely accidental, but we are stuck with each other until we can figure out how to fix it.”

  The male, Jinx, looks aghast as he alternately stares at me and then her. Slowly his arms drop away from around Ana and he steps back, his eyes fastened on me with trepidation. I snarl to emphasize my displeasure as my mate pushes by me. She raises an eyebrow at the male as she glances back at him over her shoulder.

  “What are you just standing there for, Jinx? Come in. No need to hover in my doorway. You act like you’ve never been in my apartment.” She laughs.

  He lets out a nervous laugh in reply, but his eyes are fastened on me and wisely does not make a move until I step back and permit his entry. Only then does he scoot quickly by, hot on her heels.

  Jinx shakes his head and laughs. “Damn, he’s scary. No offense, Ana, but I think I’ll err on the side of caution around him. He looks like he would be happy to rip my arms off. How the hell does someone accidentally mate, anyway?”

  I grimace. I know that I will have to produce the explanation before the elders, so I begrudgingly answer. He jumps at the sound of my voice, and for the third time this morning I roll my eyes in exasperation. It is a trait I picked up from my time around the human mated to the troll prince in the kingdom bordering our territory.

  “A werewolf’s bite produces one of two reactions. If a human or another being is bitten, it can often cause madness. There are, naturally, cures for that particular bite, although they are unpleasant. The other bite is the one we use to tie our mates to us.”

  “And you accidentally bit her?” Jinx asks skeptically.

  I really can’t blame him. In any case other than the extreme pull of fated mates, anyone who claimed to be unable to resist the mating bite would be viewed with suspicion.

  “It was not intended,” I agree and leave it at that. Perhaps I don’t want to face just how truly fucked our situation is, but I don’t want to tear the lid off that particular subject.

  Jinx doesn’t look convinced, but he wisely declines to say anything else on the subject. Instead, he looks between us with an expression that shifts into something akin to extreme fascination. He is still more than a little afraid of me, but his piqued interest seems to be enough to overcome it. I am not sure if that is an admirable quality, or something more akin to a woeful lack in survival instinct that ought to be pitied.

  “So, now what?” he asks with a grin that verges on excitement.

  Ana shrugs as she flips a switch on what appears to be a kettle. No doubt another marvel of human civilization that our world doesn’t enjoy. The raw power of our world doesn’t seem to be compatible with human technology. A shame. I suspect that is why a number of beings have chosen to live in this realm. A dampening of our magic can be seen as a reasonable trade off for those who have little personal use for magic. I have found it tempting myself. My responsibilities and the fact that the sight of my true form would trigger fear in humans are what keeps me firmly with my tribe. I don’t know of any werewolf who has left the tribes to make their home among humans.

  “Arawl knows of a wizard who may be able to help us out,” she explains.

  It doesn’t seem possible, but Jinx’s eyes widen further with interest. “An actual wizard? You’re going to go adventuring in a perilous quest in another world to locate a wizard. I am so in! You have to take me with you guys!”

  “No,” I snap, but he ignores me, instead looking at Ana with a pleading expression. Her face pinches and her lips begin to twitch reluctantly. “No,” I reiterate, just in case no one heard me. “I am not dragging two humans through the Wyvern Mountains. I have no interest in babysitting a human who wants to follow along.”

  Jinx glances at me with curiosity. “Wyvern Mountains, huh? Are there real dragons in the mountains?”

  I snort. “Of course there are real dragons. If it weren’t for the wyverns and dragons living upon it, we woul
d just call it the Desolate Mountains of Death instead, what with the ogres and other creatures that make its lowlands and valleys their home,” I say with a menacing grin.

  This information has the opposite reaction I hoped for. Instead of revoking his request, he turns to Ana with his hands clasped together.

  “Please, Ana, you have to take me with you now! I can’t miss the opportunity to see a real-live dragon!”

  My mate peers at me helplessly. “Jinx could be useful.”

  “I fail to see how,” I rebut with a scowl.

  “Well, he’s smart and would provide some extra muscle to account for the lack that I possess.”

  “Are you doubting my ability to protect you?” I am offended right down to the tip of my tail.

  “It’s not that,” she retorts. “I just think our chances may improve if we don’t go into the mountains alone like sacrificial offerings. Another human could help. Even if it doesn’t, it would make me feel better having more people with us.”

  “Doubtful,” I growl, but I can tell from the way she is glaring at me, her hands crossed in front of her breasts, that this isn’t an argument that I am going to win. I glare at the male, Jinx, instead. “I am not going to be carrying you up that damn mountain.”

  Jinx isn’t cowed in the least. His smile widens inexplicably, his eyes shining. “Wolfy-boy, you certainly know how to woo me. A little bit of danger sounds like the perfect vacation.”

  I huff. “I have no interest in wooing you. Just don’t make me regret yielding to Ana’s insistence,” I grumble. “We might as well make ready to leave.”

  “Wait, shouldn’t we pack bags or something?” Ana asks, her voice rising with worry.

  “No, we do not want to be weighed down with unnecessary items. Make sure that you dress comfortably for a long trek. My tribe will outfit us with warm furs and other things we may need when we arrive in my territory. If you insist on bringing anything, make sure it is something you absolutely need for survival.” The last I say as I narrow my eyes on Jinx. I don’t know why he strikes me as a male who would venture into the absurd without what he considered necessary.

  Jinx smirks, unabashed as he throws his comparatively smaller frame onto a chair. “I’m good to go as-is. Jeans, boots, a comfortable coat made for the worst winter weather can throw at me. And, of course, no fewer than ten talismans on my person to bring good fortune, protection, and sundry needs.”

  Ana snickers as she disappears into the bedroom to dress. I suspect I will regret bringing him along. I bare my teeth at him once more as his smirk widens deviously.

  Yes, I am definitely going to regret it.

  Chapter 7


  At some point while I was getting ready, after making a hasty call to Melissa to make sure she can watch Jack for me, Arawl made use of my phone to call his... I’m not sure what to call them... his pack? Tribal brothers? Well, his friends in any case.

  I can tell the males are close because when I emerge from the room, showered and a modest bag hanging from my arm containing clean changes of underwear and personal hygiene necessities—I’m not as adventurous as Jinx when it comes to that, they’re clustered around Arawl at my small kitchen table. Jinx is exiled from their ranks but sits happily on the counter eating Cocoa Puffs from one of my bowls.

  He smiles and waves at me cheerfully with the spoon as the werewolves turn as one, their gazes focused on me in an unsettling way until Arawl lets out a rough grunt-growl and they politely look away. Oh, they’re still looking at me, but in a more indirect way that my temporary mate finds less objectionable. I’m not sure what’s up with him anyway. He can’t wait to get rid of me but acts nuts around other males. The act would have been almost flattering if he weren’t so eager to ditch my ass.

  Then again, I don’t want to be saddled with him either. I don’t necessarily object to being with a fae, but I want more choice in who I am mated with. An enormous wolf-man, while pretty awesome, is not exactly the practical choice. How would a werewolf fit into my life? The public would be terrified of him so it would limit his ability to have any sort of peace. I certainly wouldn’t be able to keep him at home while I worked every day. This isn’t even taking into account that his dietary needs probably require more meat than my pitiful wages would be able to afford. It would be cruel. I ignore the little voice that reminds me that I can always live in his world. Even if I was willing to give up my entire life, it was a moot point.

  One of the guys, a male with dark hair and yellow eyes, glances at me briefly, his lips curving into a smile. His nostrils flare in what I suspect is his discreet way of drawing in my scent. The gesture appears innocent enough, but Arawl narrows his eyes.

  “Do not overstep, cousin,” he warns.

  The male chuckles and shakes his head. “Who would ever have thought that Arawl the insatiable would be raising his hackles over a female? Being mated looks good on you, cousin,” he jested. “Not that you have anything to worry about from me. You know where my loyalties lie, and what female I seek,” he teases. “That said, she is most intriguing. Dark mane over golden. Even her eyes have depths to them that a male might long to explore. She would provide you strong and handsome kits in my opinion, as well as incomparable pleasure. Perhaps you are being too hasty.”

  I can feel the heat crawling up my neck from his appraisal as the males laugh and voice their agreement. Although the frank admiration in his eyes is flattering, his words border on insulting. He’s talking about me as if I were a choice piece of livestock, a broodmare inspected for how serviceable I might be.

  I bare my teeth at him in what I feel is a good imitation of Arawl’s snarl and interject before my seething “mate” has time to wring his cousin’s currently very human-looking neck.

  “Since you boys are gallivanting among humans, I am assuming that you are all unmated.”

  The males grin and nod in amusement. I smile at their response humorlessly.

  “What a fucking surprise. I’m having a hard time imagining a werewolf female appreciating you placing her value on how breedable or fuckable she is. It is beyond insulting. If I were you, I wouldn’t make any plans any time soon to find a mate if you can’t be fucking respectful. Personally, I would rather Arawl break this bond between us instead of forcing any sort of relationship based on what you are advocating. Just so you know—that makes him the better male.”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” Jinx cheers from his perch.

  Two of the males cut him a scathing look that he happily ignores as he shovels more food into his mouth. Though his tall, muscular stature is diminutive next to Arawl, he’s a match for any of the other males currently caught in their human form. I am pleased to see at least three of the werewolves are looking distinctly uncomfortable with the turn in the conversation. Silence is thick among everyone until an auburn male hesitantly speaks.

  “Rashi is being an ass, but he still does have a point. Perhaps you are acting a bit prematurely. No one has had a bond like yours in generations. To throw such a gift away, even if possible, seems like a terrible waste,” he mumbles, his dark auburn hair falling slightly in front of his eyes as he wilts under Rashi’s glare. He doesn’t look at me as he speaks, and his voice is soft-spoken. In wolf hierarchy, I would say that he is an omega, the bottom rung of the pack who would attend to the more common day-to-day tasks. The way he ducks his head submissively under the weight of the other werewolf’s ire confirms this thought.

  To my surprise, Arawl casts a concerned look to the cowed male before leaning forward to catch Rashi’s eye. A low growl fills the air around us until Rashi ceases his dominance shit and drops his eyes in deference. I want to cheer and kick Rashi in the ass. Since I don’t have a death wish, I manage to restrain myself. Instead, I settle for a small, satisfied smile at his expense as a warm feeling bubbles up inside of me. It is a tiny, almost insignificant warmth toward Arawl, who’s thus far been nothing but a complete dick since this morning, but it’s good to know that he
isn’t always an ass. To my surprise, Rashi smiles at the omega and nudges him playfully, breaking the tension. Werewolves are odd beasts. He even offers me a quiet apology before another breaks into the conversation.

  “What of the elders?” he inquires. Unlike Arawl’s pale silver coloring, this male is a deeper hue threaded with steel gray. “They will not be happy with your decision. How are you going to talk them into allowing you to seek out the wizard? All they’ll have to do is take one look at the two of you and they will know the truth of the matter.”

  Arawl snarls as he scrapes one hand through the thicker mane of hair falling down his shoulders. “I didn’t consider that. Naturally, they wouldn’t be able to help interfering in my life yet again. I’ll have to come up with something to give us a reason to go that way so they do not suspect anything.”

  I frown at the males clustered around my table as they grumble in agreement. I don’t like this bullshit idea of sneaking around. I’m about to say so when Jinx elbows me in the side. I hadn’t even realized that he moved from the counter until he decided to jab me.

  Rubbing my rib, I glare at the offending elbow. It would have served him right if Arawl had seen that and attempted to serve up his arm on a platter. Fortunately for him, my unwilling mate is engaged in conversation with the others.

  “What the fuck?” I hiss.

  Jinx leans in low to whisper in my ear. “I know that look too well. We don’t know anything about them or how their society operates. Probably best if we just keep out of it and let them figure it out.”

  My brow furrows. “That is hardly like you. When have you ever—and I do mean EVER—restrained yourself?”

  Jinx lets out a dry chuckle. “I’m not usually faced with seven-foot predators who could use my carcass for décor. Once we get a feel for things—then by all means, offend away! I guarantee you I will be,” he says with a mischievous smirk.

  I really have no doubt that he will. Jinx has almost no filter, which makes his self-restraint right now pretty remarkable.


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