Sweetest Sin: Bad Boy Bundle

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Sweetest Sin: Bad Boy Bundle Page 5

by Delilah Wilde

  "You have my word."


  "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

  A motorcycle. Nate expected me to get on a motorcycle. He did look great in that leather jacket, but the idea of hurtling so fast down the highway with my arms around his waist was crazy. No fucking way.

  Nate grinned and passed me a helmet. I watched him sit down on the bike. He looked amazing, like a model or a movie star.

  "What, did you think I'd have a limo waiting for us or something? Get on, babe. You'll like it," he said, winking at me. I shook my head stubbornly.

  "No way! I'm wearing a skirt, it'll blow up and everyone will see my panties. And don't call me babe!" I argued. Nate shrugged and revved the engine just enough to make me nervous.

  "No one will see anything. Now come on," he reached out his hand, "You can trust me, Ruby."

  I wasn't so sure. Yet, despite my apprehension my curiosity had been piqued. Truth be told, the sight of Nate on the bike like that, like the bad boy he was, thrilled me. Sitting behind him felt like playing with fire, but I did it anyway and after putting on my helmet.

  "That's my girl," he said, starting up the death machine.

  "I'm not your girl!" I shouted, but the engine was so loud that he didn't seem to hear me. Either that or he didn't want to hear me. Suddenly we were hurtling forward and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. The bike was so fast, so loud, so dangerous. All I could do was clasp Nate tightly and trust that he would get me to our destination in one piece. That was the other scary thing. I hadn't asked where we were going.

  We rode through street after street together. Some of them were familiar to me and some of them were strange, areas far too classy for people like us. I was broke as shit and Nate, despite being insanely wealthy, didn't seem to quite fit the mold of the upper class business man. I saw people shooting us dirty looks as we sped past them but for once in my life I didn't care. By the time Nate Parked the bike right next to the beach, my fear had disappeared and the adrenaline was pumping inside me. I tore off my helmet.

  "Aw, why'd you stop?" I asked and Nate laughed, taking his helmet off and looking back at me.

  "Because we're here? Fuck Ruby, I can't figure you out. One minute you're yelling at me for making you ride on the back of my bike and the next you're yelling at me for stopping. I can't win," he scolded, though he was smiling. I watched him get up and hang the helmet off of the bike handles, so I did the same.

  "So, what did you take me to the beach for? What kind of platonic fun will we have here?" I asked. Nate ignored my little jab and pointed to a restaurant on the edge of the beach.

  "You see that? That's my restaurant. The first one," he looked down at me, "How would you like a free Italian dinner?"

  I shrugged, trying to seem casual though it sounded like an incredible offer. Otherwise I'd be having oatmeal for dinner again. It couldn't hurt to say yes, could it? I had already ridden on his motorcycle without incident. Maybe we really could have a great friendship together.


  By the time Ruby and I finished our dinner, the sun had set and the beach was deserted. She had been very sweet and shy, obviously not wanting to order anything too expensive. The thing is that that really isn't an option in my restaurants. I eventually convinced her to order what she wanted and she enjoyed a delicious salad, squid ink pasta and tiramisu for dessert. She relished every bite of food and thanked me profoundly for treating her. She obviously didn't eat very well at home, though I wasn't sure how she could on an artist's salary. I was glad to see her look so happy as we left the restaurant.

  "Wow, the beach is totally empty," she said, as we walked alone the sand, "and it's still so warm. I bet the water feels incredible right now."

  "I'll bet it does," I said, "But you can't see anything."

  The two of us had had a few beers after dinner and I could see that Ruby had loosened up considerably. She didn't walk. Instead, she skipped alongside me and couldn't keep a smile of her face. She wasn't drunk, not by any means, but certainly a little bit tipsy. It was adorable and made me want to kiss her more than anything. But I had been banned from that. For a while we didn't say anything, she just sang softly as I walked and she skipped. Then she stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

  "Nate," she said, giggling, "Nate, I have an idea."

  "What?" I asked. She giggled a little but more before finally answering me.

  "We should go skinny dipping together!" she exclaimed. The words confused me but as I tried to argue with her she began to strip off, "I bet the water is so nice."

  "But Ruby, I thought we were being strictly platonic?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me as if I had just said something incredibly stupid.

  "We are, silly. I just want to have some fun. Now are you in or not?" I watched her undo her bra and let those soft white tits come out before I answered.

  "OK, I'm in."

  Ruby gave a squeal of delight before pulling off her panties and rushing in to the water. I pulled my own clothes off in record time and ran behind her, diving in only seconds after she did. The two of us rose to the water's surface and had fun splashing each other before we swam out a little bit further.

  The moonlight shone on Ruby's alabaster skin in a way that illuminated it perfectly. I desperately wanted to touch her and could feel myself getting erect, but I did my best to resist her. Suddenly she stopped giggling and was looking right into my eyes, a serious expression on her face. I thought that she might kiss me but the moment passed and suddenly she was splashing me again.

  We got the childishness out of our systems by splashing each other, racing each other and splashing each other some more. After a while we had tired ourselves out so we just swam around lazily, enjoying the slight movement of each gentle wave.

  "Jeff wants me back," Ruby said, suddenly. I tried to keep my cool.

  "Your ex?"

  "Yeah, Amy dumped him. He's been begging me actually. It's funny, a few months ago I thought that was what I wanted. I wanted him to suffer, and then I wanted to take him back. It's funny how that stuff changes so fast," she said softly.

  "What do you want?" I asked. She moved closer to me in the water.

  "I don't know. How about you?"

  I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say so I told the truth. "I don't know either."


  The motorcycle ride back wasn't nearly as interesting or eventful, though my heart was pounding. I had asked Nate if we could go back to his place instead of him dropping me at mine. I couldn't face my crappy apartment or the texts from Jeff or, god forbid, Jeff himself. Of course I didn't want to sleep with Nate. I just wanted to spend some time with a friend. That was a perfectly normal thing to want.

  We pulled up at a beautiful house on the edge of the city. It was incredible, the kind of place you see photographs of in magazines when they interview celebrities at their homes. It had a modern, yet rustic feel that made it totally unique. Nate parked the bike in his incredible garage, which was home to two other bikes and a red Ferrari.

  "Like the car?" he asked, as we got off the bike, "First thing I bought when I hit lucky." I rolled my eyes.

  "Boys and their toys, huh?"

  He laughed and guided me inside the living room. When he flicked on the lights it was like entering a different world. Everything was so pristine and new. The small few pieces of furniture that I owned were all thrift store finds that Jeff had promised to restore. From the black leather sofa, monstrous television and huge crystal chandelier in Nate's living room, I could tell that he had spared no expense on his living space.

  "This place is beautiful," I breathed. Nate flopped down on the couch and I took that as an invitation to do the same.

  "It's OK. You get used to it after a while. But I'm glad you like it," he said, "Look, we're still kind of wet from the sea. Why don't we get cleaned up? I'll use the shower upstairs and you can shower downstairs. No funny business, OK?"

  I nodded.

  "No funny business, deal."

  Nate was a perfect gentleman, bringing me towels and explaining how to use the shower while I tried not to make a big deal at how incredible his bathroom was. I had never seen so much white and turquoise marble in one room.

  "So, you good to go?" he asked and I nodded eagerly.

  "Yup, thanks."

  He left me alone then and I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointment. Wasn't he supposed to be attracted to me? I thought he might make a bigger deal out of the showering alone thing. The biggest question of all was why on earth was I so unhappy.

  I turned on the shower and stepped in, enjoying the sensation of the warm water on my body. Of course, he had fantastic water pressure too. His entire place was perfect.

  Suddenly, I heard the door creak open. My body immediately shivered with anticipation. I pushed the shower curtain aside, not bothering to keep my body covered. I wanted him to see me.

  "The upstairs shower is broken," he said, without missing a beat, "Would you mind if I joined you?"

  "No, I don't mind," I said, before I had time to over think. Nate pulled off his shirt to reveal his defined chest and stomach muscles. His pants soon followed and he stepped in to the shower with me.

  He pinned me against the wall and kissed me so hard that I could feel my knees going weak. I had forgotten how amazing it felt to have him kiss me. I hated myself for being so easily aroused by him, so I pushed him off of me.

  "This is wrong. You know it is," I said. I looked at me so intently that my knees felt even weaker. They might give out from under me if he kept being that sexy and intense.

  "I don't know anything. All I know is that I want you," he said. That was it. I couldn't resist any more. He took me back into his arms and kissed me some more. His mouth trailed kisses down the side of my neck and back to my lips so gently that I couldn't help but moan at every brief bit of contact. Nate was an incredible kisser.

  He stopped kissing me all of a sudden and I saw him reach up for the shower head and slowly detach it.

  "What's that for?" I asked. He shot me his trademark smirk.

  "I just wanna try something."

  Nate pushed my thighs apart so that my pussy was open and ready for him to play with. Without warning, he placed the shower head between my thighs so that the water was hitting against me. It felt amazing, the perfect pressure hitting against my most sensitive spots. I cried out at this new pleasure but Nate was soon kissing me again, causing my voice to be muffled. It wasn't long before I could feel my orgasm fast approaching.

  "Cum for me baby," whispered Nate, "I want you to cum for me."

  I did just that. A massive wave of pleasure overtook my body and I screamed at the sensation. It flowed through my body in waves and I stood there, shaking and moaning until it finally subsided. "Fuck," I said. Nate looked pleased with himself.

  "Your turn."

  I got on my knees and grabbed his hard cock in my hand. He had such a beautiful cock, I couldn't help but take it straight into my mouth. He moaned at the sensation, obviously appreciating my skilled mouth and tongue. I jacked him off as I sucked him, wanting to increase his pleasure.

  Seemingly, this worked as he began to thrust harder and faster into my mouth.

  "Wait," he said, "Wait, I don't want to cum yet. I'm gonna fuck you first."

  I didn't argue.

  To my surprise, Nate picked me up with great ease and pressed me against the cool marble of the shower wall. I squealed and wrapped my arms tight around his neck.

  "Don't drop me!" I said. He chuckled and kissed my neck.

  "I won't," he promised, "You can trust me."

  I wanted to argue but his muscles were so big and developed that I had no doubt that they could withstand my small frame. I felt Nate's hard cock pressing against my entrance. To be so close without having it inside me was absolute torture. I couldn't wait.

  He kissed me, hard on the lips and kissed him back for a moment before pulling away and pleading with him.

  "Please fuck me," I begged, "Please."

  Nate gave a smug smile, obviously enjoying my desperation. I thought he might draw out the teasing a little bit longer, just to torture me. He seemed to like it when I got flustered. However, Nate was merciful and pushed his shaft into me within a few second. I cried out the sensation. It was big and thick but I had forgotten just how in incredible it felt inside me. Before he even began to move I could feel my pussy tightening around his cock in pleasure.

  I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist so that I could pull him in closer to me. Nate's eyes widened as I did this and his grip on me tightened.

  "Fuck, you're tight," he whispered, as he began to move inside me. Words had escaped me. All I could do was cry out at the sensation of his cock moving inside me. He was gentle at first, keeping his movements slow and steady. Every time he moved he kissed me and I felt my body giving in to the pleasure.

  "Harder," I urged him, whispering into his ear.

  "Not yet," he said, laughing smugly. "Let's go to my room."

  I groaned as Nate pulled out of me placed my back on my feet once again. He was doing this on purpose of course. Drawing out my desperate arousal so he could enjoy it for longer. I watched him get out of the shower and grab a towel. He dried himself off so casually, as if he didn't even notice his own raging erection. I had no idea how someone could be so in control of themselves. I sure wasn't.

  Nate looked at me as I stayed where I was, dripping wet from the shower and shivering.

  "Come here, Ruby," he said and I got hopeful. I thought he might give me the fucking that I needed right there on the bathroom floor, but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed another fluffy towel and began to dry me off.

  "We don't want you catching a cold now, do we?"

  He rubbed the soft white towel all over my body, going especially slowly when he got to my breasts and my ass. I couldn't help but whimper at the teasing.

  "You're so mean," I sighed and he laughed again. That was it. I had to show him that he couldn't play with me like this. I was a strong, independent woman. I needed to take control of the situation. I grabbed Nate's cock and began to stroke it before he knew what I was doing. His lips parted in surprise, and then in pleasure. His cock was still nice and wet from the shower and being inside me so my hand moved up and down easily. He leaned back against the bathroom sink as I played with him and swore under his breath.

  "Fuck Ruby, you're good at that," he said. It was true, I always had been. Something about having a man's pulsing arousal in my hand, being in control of his pleasure had always turned me on. Now it was my turn to tease.

  I pressed myself against him as I played with his cock, keeping my lips inches from his. My pace quickened and I could feel that he was getting closer and closer to his climax. He kept letting out deep, breathy moans that turned me on more than anything. But it wasn't time for that yet. In fact, I didn't plan for it to be that time for a long while.

  Just as I could feel Nate reaching the point of no return I stopped and let go of his big hard cock. He groaned in frustration and a look of disbelief fell upon his handsome features. It was obvious from the look on his face that I was in trouble now.

  "So you're being a tease now, huh?" he said. I nodded giddily, trying to stifle my giggles. It was nice to see that I'd had such a profound effect on such a powerful man. It made me feel like I was powerful too.

  "Well, we'll have to do something about that, won't we?"

  Before I could so much as nod, Nate had thrown me over his shoulder and walked out the door with me. I cried out at being so far from the ground but he ignored me and brought me upstairs, ignoring my playful kicking and screaming. He only let me go when we entered his bedroom and he threw me down on the bed.

  I looked around me. The room was as magnificent as the rest of his house, though it was a little bit more cluttered and lived in looking. He had a four poster bed that matched the elegant monochrome color scheme and a bedside table ov
erloaded with books, a few packs of cigarettes and some motorcycle magazines. I tried to ignore the tube of lipstick that I could see on the floor. One of Nate's other conquests must have left it there on her last visit. I hated myself for feeling so jealous. I looked up at Nate, who was standing above me with his hard cock in his hand.

  "Your room is really nice," I said. Nate joined me on the bed and got on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

  "Your pussy is really nice," he said. Then he was inside me again and I couldn't say anything else.

  He began to fuck me again, but this time he wasn't slow or gentle. He moved quickly and roughly, every thrust slamming deep inside me. The delicious mixture of pleasure and pain was something that I had never experienced before, but I soon found that I greatly enjoyed it. He continued to fuck me, all the while kissing and biting my nipples in a way that drove me wild. Because he had me pinned down by my wrists all I could do was lay there and take it, though I desperately wanted to reach out and touch him.


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