The Soldier's Secret Child

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by Lee Tobin McClain

  Duty-bound Dad

  Former soldier Vito D’Angelo has come home with a foster son—and a secret that could devastate his comrade’s lovely widow. Lacey McPherson is Vito’s childhood friend and the last person he wants to hurt. But as their friendship turns to more, the truth grows harder to reveal. Lacey’s trying to renovate her guesthouse and build a peaceful single life. Yet letting ruggedly handsome Vito and young Charlie stay on her property awakens a longing for the family she’s sure she’ll never have. But it may open the door to a loving future...if the onetime boy next door proves to be just the man she needs...

  “Tongues are wagging. It is Rescue River.”

  “Gossip central,” he agreed.

  “And speaking of wagging tongues,” she said, “imagine what people will assume if you come and live in the guesthouse. They’ll think we’re a couple. I’m not comfortable with that.”

  “I understand.” He looked down at his hands, traced a scar that peeked out from his shirt cuff. “I’m not exactly a blue-ribbon bronco.”

  “Vito!” She sounded exasperated. “You haven’t changed a bit since you had to try on six different shirts for the homecoming dance.”

  “That was a long time ago. And the truth is, I have changed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re still good-looking, okay? Women don’t mind scars.” Then she pressed her lips together as her cheeks grew pink.

  His heart rate accelerated just a little. Why was she blushing? Did she think he was good-looking?

  But of course, she hadn’t seen the worst of his scars.

  And even if there was a little spark between them, it couldn’t go anywhere. Because he was living with a secret he couldn’t let her discover.

  Lee Tobin McClain read Gone with the Wind in the third grade and has been a hopeless romantic ever since. When she’s not writing angst-filled love stories with happy endings, she’s getting inspiration from her church singles group, her gymnastics-obsessed teenage daughter and her rescue dog and cat. In her day job, Lee gets to encourage aspiring romance writers in Seton Hill University’s low-residency MFA program. Visit her at

  Books by Lee Tobin McClain

  Love Inspired

  Rescue River

  Engaged to the Single Mom

  His Secret Child

  Small-Town Nanny

  The Soldier and the Single Mom

  The Soldier’s Secret Child

  Lone Star Cowboy League: Boys Ranch

  The Nanny’s Texas Christmas

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  Lee Tobin McClain

  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

  —Ezekiel 36:26

  To my daughter, Grace, who shows me

  every day that families aren’t about bloodlines;

  they’re about heart.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from Reuniting His Family by Jean C. Gordon

  Chapter One

  Lacey McPherson leaned back, propped her hands on the low white picket fence and surveyed the wedding reception before her with satisfaction. She’d pulled it off.

  She’d given her beloved brother and his bride a wedding reception to remember, not letting her own antiromance attitude show. But she had to admit she’d be glad when her half-remodeled guesthouse stopped being a nest for lovebirds.

  “Nothing like a spring wedding, eh, Lacey?”

  She jumped, startled at the sound of the gruff, familiar voice right behind her. She spun around. “Vito D’Angelo, you scared me!” And then her eyes widened and she gasped. “What happened?”

  His warm brown eyes took her back to her teen years. She’d been such a dreamer then, not good at navigating high school drama, and her brother’s friend had stepped in more than once to defend her from girls who wanted to gossip or boys who tried to take advantage. She and her brother had welcomed invitations to the D’Angelo family’s big, loud Italian dinners.

  But now the most noticeable thing about his face wasn’t his eyes, but the double scar that ran from his forehead to his jawline. A smaller scar slashed from his lower lip to his chin.

  Instinctively she reached out toward his face.

  He caught her hand, held it. “I know. I look bad. But you should see the other guy.”

  His attempt at a joke made her hurt more than it made her laugh. “You don’t look bad. It’s, they barely missed your eye.” Awkwardly, she tried to hug him with the fence in between.

  He broke away and came inside through the open gate. “How’re you doing, Lace? At least you’re still gorgeous, huh? But you’re too thin.”

  “You sound just like your grandma. And you’re late for the wedding.” Her heart was still racing from the surprise, both of seeing him and of how he looked.

  She wanted to find out what had happened. But this wasn’t the time or the place.

  “Buck won’t mind my being late. He looks busy.” Vito looked past the wedding guests toward Lacey’s brother, laughing and talking in the summer sun, his arm slung around his new bride. “Looks happy, too. Glad he found someone.”

  A slightly wistful quality in Vito’s words made Lacey study her old friend. She hadn’t seen him in almost ten years, not since he’d brought his army buddy home on a furlough and Lacey had fallen hard for the handsome stranger who’d quickly become her husband. Back then, after one very stormy conversation, Vito had faded into the background. He’d been in the firestorm that had killed Gerry, had tried to save him and had written to Lacey after Gerry’s death. But he’d continued on with another Iraq tour and then another. She’d heard he’d been injured, had undergone a lot of surgery and rehab.

  Looking at him now, she saw that he’d filled out from slim to brawny, and his hair curled over his ears, odd for a career military man. “How long are you home?”

  “For good. I’m out of the army.”

  “Out?” She stared. “Why? That was all you ever wanted to do!” She paused. “Just like Gerry.”

  “I felt awful I didn’t make his funeral.” He put an arm around her shoulders and tugged her to his side. “Aw, Lace, I’m sorry about all of it.”

  Her throat tightened and she nodded. Gerry had been dead for a year and a half, but the loss still ached.

  A shout went up from the crowd and something came hurtling toward her. Instinctively she put her hands up, but Vito stepped in front of her, catching the missile.

  Immediately, he turned and handed it to her.

  A bouquet of flowers? Why would someone...

  Oh. The bouquet. Gina’s.

  She looked acro
ss the crowd at her friend, glowing in her pearl-colored gown. Gina kept encouraging Lacey to date again. Happily in love, she wanted everyone to share in the same kind of joy.

  The crowd’s noise had quieted, and some of the guests frowned and murmured. Probably because Gina had obviously targeted Lacey, who’d been widowed less than two years ago. One of the older guests shook her head. “Completely inappropriate,” she said, loud enough for most of those nearby to hear.

  Well, that wouldn’t do. Gina was a Californian, relatively new to Ohio and still finding her way through the unspoken rules and rituals of the Midwest. She hadn’t meant to do anything wrong.

  Lacey forced a laugh and shook the bouquet threateningly at Gina. “You’re not going to get away with this, you know,” she said, keeping her tone light. “I’m passing it on to...” She looked around. “To my friend Daisy.”

  “Too late.” Daisy waved a finger in front of her face and backed away. “You caught it.”

  “Actually, Vito caught it,” old Gramps Camden said. “Not sure what happens when a man catches the bouquet.”

  As the crowd went back to general talk, Lacey tried to hand off the bouquet to all the females near her, but they all laughingly refused.

  Curious about Vito’s reaction, she turned to joke with him, but he was gone.

  * * *

  Later, after Gina and Buck had run out to Buck’s shaving-cream-decorated truck, heads down against a hail of birdseed, Lacey gave cleanup instructions to the two high school girls who were helping her with the reception. Then, after making sure that the remaining guests were well fed and happy, she went into the guesthouse. She needed to check on Nonna D’Angelo.

  Having Nonna stay here was working out great. The light nursing care she needed was right up Lacey’s alley, and she enjoyed the older woman’s company. And the extra bit of income Nonna insisted on paying had enabled Lacey to quit her job at the regional hospital. Now that the wedding was over, she could dive into the final stages of readying the guesthouse for its fall opening.

  Nonna D’Angelo had mingled during the early part of the reception, but she’d gone inside to rest more than an hour ago. Now Lacey heard the older woman crying and hastened her step, but then a reassuring male voice rumbled and the crying stopped.


  Of course, he’d come in to see his grandma first thing. He hadn’t been home in over a year, and they’d always been close.

  She’d just take a quick peek to make sure Nonna wasn’t getting overexcited, and then leave them to their reunion.

  Slowly, she strolled down the hall to the room she’d made up for Nonna D, keeping her ears open, giving them time. She surveyed the glossy wood floors with satisfaction. The place was coming along. She’d redo this wallpaper sometime, but the faded roses weren’t half-bad for now. Gave the place its historical character.

  She ran her hand along the long, thin table she’d just bought for the entryway, straightened her favorite, goofy ceramic rooster and a vase of flowers. Mr. Whiskers jumped up onto the table, and Lacey stopped to rub his face and ears, evoking a purr. “Where’s the Missus, huh?” she cooed quietly. “Is she hiding?”

  Hearing another weepy sniffle from Nonna D, Lacey quickened her step and stopped in the doorway of Nonna’s room.

  “My beautiful boy,” Nonna was saying with a catch in her voice. “You were always the good-looking one.”

  Vito sat on the edge of the bed, looking distinctly uncomfortable as Nonna sat up in bed to inspect his cheek and brush his hair back behind his ears.

  She felt a quick defensiveness on Vito’s behalf. Sure, the scars were noticeable. But to Lacey, they added to his rugged appeal.

  Nonna saw her and her weathered face broke into a smile, her eyes sparkling behind large glasses. “There’s my sweet girl. Come in and see my boy Vito.”

  “We talked already, Nonna.” Vito was rubbing the back of his neck. “Lacey, I didn’t realize you were taking care of my grandma to this extent. I’ll take her home tomorrow.”

  “Oh, no!” Lacey said. “I’m so happy to do it!”

  “I can’t go home!” Nonna said at the same time.

  “Why not?” Vito looked from Nonna to Lacey and back again.

  “I need my nursing help,” Nonna explained. “Lacey, here, is a wonderful nurse. She’s practically saved my life!”

  Lacey’s cheeks burned. “I’m really a Certified Nursing Assistant, not a nurse,” she explained. “And I haven’t done anything special, just helped with medications and such.” In truth, she knew she’d helped Nonna D’Angelo with the mental side as well as the physical, calming her anxiety and making sure she ate well, arranging some outings and visits so the woman didn’t sink into the depression so common among people with her health issues.

  “Medications? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s my heart,” Nonna started to explain.

  Vito had the nerve to chuckle. “Oh, now, Nonna. You’ve been talking about your heart for twenty years, and you never needed a nurse before.”

  “Things are different now.” The older woman’s chin quivered.

  He reached out and patted her arm. “You’ll be fine.”

  Lacey drew in a breath. Should she intervene? Families were sometimes in denial about the seriousness of a beloved relative’s health problems, and patients sometimes shielded their families from the truth.

  “If you want to move your grandma, that’s fine,” she said, “but I’d recommend waiting a couple more weeks.”

  “That’s right.” Nonna looked relieved. “Lacey needs the money and I need the help.”

  Vito frowned. “Can we afford this?” He looked down at his grandma and seemed to realize that the woman was getting distressed. “Tell you what, Grandma, Lacey and I will talk about this and figure some things out. I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  “All right, dear.” She shot a concerned glance at Lacey.

  She leaned down in the guise of straightening a pillow for Nonna. “I’ll explain everything,” she reassured her.

  She led the way to the front room, out of earshot from Nonna D’Angelo. Then she turned to Vito, frowning. “You don’t think I’m taking advantage of your grandma, do you?”

  “No!” He reached for her, but when she took a step back, he crossed his arms instead. “I would never think that, Lacey. I know you. I just don’t know if you’ve thought this through.”

  She restrained an eye roll. “You always did like to interfere when your help wasn’t needed.”

  “Look, if this is about that talk we had years back...” He waved a dismissive hand. “Let’s just forget that.”

  She knew exactly what he meant. As soon as Vito had found out Gerry had proposed, he’d come storming over to her house and pulled her out onto the front porch to try and talk her out of it. “You were wrong,” she said now.

  “I wasn’t wrong.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up a hand. “But I was wrong to interfere.”

  That wasn’t exactly what she’d said, but whatever.

  “But back to my grandma. I don’t know what her insurance is like, but I know it hardly ever covers in-home nursing care. I’m living on limited means and until I get back on my feet—”

  “It’s handled. It’s fine.”

  He ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. “She’s always tended to be a hypochondriac—”

  “A heart attack is nothing to take lightly.”

  “A heart attack?” Vito’s jaw dropped. “Nonna had a heart attack?”

  His surprise was so genuine that her annoyance about what she’d thought was neglect faded away. “About two weeks ago. She didn’t tell you?”

  “No, she didn’t tell me. Do you think I’d have stayed away if I’d known?” His square jaw tightened. “Not a word.
How bad was it?”

  Lacey spread her hands. “Look, I’m just a CNA. You should definitely talk to her doctor.”

  “But from what you’ve seen, give me a guess.”

  Outside, she could hear people talking quietly. Dishes rattled in the kitchen, the girls cleaning up. She blew out a breath. “It was moderate severity. She had some damage, and there are some restrictions on what she can do. Changes she needs to make.”

  “What kind of changes?” He thrust his hands in his pockets and paced. “I can’t believe she had a heart attack and I didn’t know. Why didn’t you call me?”

  “It’s her business what she tells people.”

  His mouth twisted to one side. “C’mon, Lace.”

  “I’m serious. Patients have the right to confidentiality. I couldn’t breach that. In fact,” she said, stricken, “I probably shouldn’t have told you even now.”

  “You’re my friend. You can tell me as a friend. Now, what kind of changes? What does she need to do to get back on her feet?”

  She perched on the arm of an overstuffed chair. “You can probably guess. It’s a lot about diet. She needs to start a gentle exercise program. I have her walking around the block twice a day.”

  He stared. “Nonna’s walking? Like, for exercise?”

  “I know, right?” She smiled a little. “It wasn’t easy to talk her into it. I make sure we have an interesting destination.”

  “How did you get so involved?”

  She let her forehead sink down into her hand for just a second, then looked back up. Vito. He’d never take her seriously. He’d always been a big brother to her, and he always would be.

  He held up a hand. “I’m not questioning it, Lacey. I’m grateful. And I feel awful having been out of the loop, not helping her. I’ve had lots of personal stuff going on, but that’s no excuse.”

  His words flicked on a switch of interest in her, but she ignored it. “I worked her hall at the hospital, and since she knew me, we talked. She was worried about coming home alone, but she didn’t want to bother you, and your brother’s far away. I was looking to make a change, anyway, moving toward freelance home care so I could have time to finish renovating this place.” She waved an arm toward the unfinished breakfast area, currently walled off with sheets of plastic.


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