Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

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Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Page 26

by Keahey, Robin

  “Uh, I don’t have a swim suit. Do I need one?”

  “Yes. You most definitely need a swim suit.”

  “Oh, for the pool?” I asked with a sly grin.

  He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. I scowled at him when I realized he really wasn’t going to tell me where we were going.

  “I guess I better go buy one.”

  Levi’s eyes lit up when he heard this and insisted on taking me to the department store right then.


  We walked through the store hand in hand, finally finding the swim suit department. I was amazed at all the different styles. I thumbed through a rack of one-pieces. Levi stood patiently to the side, letting me shop. I found several one-pieces and a striped tankini I liked. I grabbed a few matching cover ups too. I made my way to the dressing room with him following behind.

  “Are you going to let me see them on you?” he asked, his blue eyes shining.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Sure. Just stay close.”

  A saleswoman unlocked a fitting room, and I tried on the first one-piece. It was black with red trim at the bust. I studied myself in the mirror. I weighed less now than in high school and knew it was because of the anxiety and stress I’d been under. I’d gone up almost two cup sizes during my pregnancy and only went back down one, so my body actually looked better now.

  Levi had gotten an eye full of me getting out of the shower a couple of weeks earlier, but that was just a glance and from a distance. This was an up close view, under the terrible lighting of the department store. I took a deep breath and opened the door, looking around the dressing area to make sure I was alone. I walked hesitantly to the entrance and hid behind the doorframe, only peeking around to find Levi. He sat in a chair next to the mirrors and when he looked up, our eyes met. He strolled over but stopped in the dressing area entrance, an expectant gleam in his eye.

  I stepped out from behind my hiding place and waited for his reaction. I watched his eyes go from my face, all the way to my feet. He kept his expression blank, so I couldn’t tell if he liked it or not. His eyes made their way back to mine. He made a twirling motion with his finger- I guess that meant he wanted me to show him the back view. I rolled my eyes and slowly turned around. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his huge grin. He was enjoying this, a lot.

  “Well?” I said as I turned back to face him.

  He had a serious look on his face. “I need to see the other ones.”

  I huffed out a breath and went back to the fitting room, his laughter ringing in my ears. I tried on the others and got the same response from him.

  “That was all of them, Levi. Which one did you like the most?”

  He cupped his chin in his hand pretending to be in heavy thought, so I went back to the fitting room to get dressed. I was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

  “Ma’am, your fiancée would like you to try on this one.”

  She held the suit over the door and after squinting to make sure what I saw was real, I cringed. I took it from her, holding it away from my body, and shook my head. He had picked out a hot pink string bikini. I sighed, only because I love him.

  I turned my back on the mirror and slipped it on. My mouth flew open when I turned around and saw my reflection. He was nuts if he thought I would wear this scrap of material in public. The top covered me, but not by much. I turned to check the back view and gasped, half of my rear hung out. I glanced down to check the size on the tag, thinking he’d picked up a size too small- nope, it was right. I tried to tug it into place, but it wasn’t happening. I turned back around and noted my bright red face. I blew my bangs out of my eyes and grabbed the door handle. I’m going to kill him.

  I slowly opened the door and made my way to the entrance. I hid behind the doorframe again. There was no way I’d let anyone but Levi see me in this peek-a-boo bikini. He saw my red face and laughed loudly. He came to stand in front of the entrance again, but I wouldn’t step out.

  “Katie, let me see it,” he said with a wicked grin.

  I quickly stepped from behind my hiding spot and watched his face. His jaw dropped and I smiled. Checkmate!

  “Do you like this one?” I asked sweetly.

  He closed his mouth, swallowed and nodded his head.

  “Would you like to see the back?”

  He nodded his head again, still unable to find his voice. I turned around but kept my eyes on his face. He stared, blinked several times and stared again. I turned back around and waited patiently, until his eyes finally found mine.

  “Uh...wow, you look amazing, but there is no way you are wearing that out in front of other people. That suit is for private viewing only,” he said, rubbing his hand down his face.

  I laughed. “Why don’t you go sit down while I change? You look a little flushed,” I teased.

  He chuckled but went and sat down. I grinned as a thought popped into my head. After seeing his reaction to me in this bikini, I needed to make a few purchases in another department- without him. I ended up buying three suits, including the bikini, and two cover ups.

  When we were finished, I asked him to wait in the truck while I bought a few more things I needed. He looked at me strangely but left the store, and I hustled to the lingerie department. Sydney, with her sweet baby, Isabel, in tow, had taken me shopping the week before for my wedding night lingerie. It was beautiful, but now I wanted more for the honeymoon. I picked up a lacy, black outfit that made the string bikini look like a turtleneck. I giggled as I picked out a few more things.

  That poor man isn’t going to know what hit him.

  I climbed into the truck with my bag of surprises tucked tightly under my arm. He looked over at me and grinned. “Whatcha got in that bag?”

  I smiled sweetly and replied, “I can’t tell you. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  He pouted and just like he’d done mine earlier, I kissed it away.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I looked over the white-tulle covered railings of the back deck in awe as the final touches were made to the beautiful flower lined arbor, where I would stand at sunset and promise my forever to the man of my dreams, the man that God had made with me in mind. The smell of lilacs, garden roses, lilies, and hydrangeas were intoxicating. I glanced over at the rows of chairs and candle filled lanterns that edged the white satin aisle. It would soon lead me to Levi. I smiled as I thought back to when I told him I wanted to have a simple wedding and loved that even though it was still a simple, garden style wedding, it was absolutely breathtaking.

  I was amazed at what Mom and Kathy had accomplished in a month. The moment I called them to see what they thought about putting together a wedding in such a short time, they both hit the ground running. We poured over at least half a dozen bridal magazines. I looked at pictures of flower arrangements, dresses, cakes, invitations, and everything else “wedding” until my eyes blurred from fatigue.

  Over the next week, with a plan of action in place, I was escorted by the two giggling women to the nursery, bridal shop, bakery, printers, and tons of other places that ran together after about the sixth one. I was in a wedding-planning whirlwind and even as exhausted as I was, I loved every minute of it. I hadn’t let myself picture a future that included being a wife and mother in a long time. I thought those options weren’t open to me after all I’d done, but God had other ideas.

  I spent my evenings with Levi and Asher, either at his place or mine. We’d have a nice dinner, play with Asher, talk wedding plans and about our future together, but we always ended the night the same way- with a hug and kiss goodnight at my front door. He’d kept his promise to God, even though I knew how gut-wrenchingly hard it was.

  I sensed him behind me before I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He leaned down and rested his head on my shoulder. “Are you ready for this, my sweet angel?” he whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear.

  I reached my hand back to stroke his face. “More ready than you could ever know,” I repli

  “When are our moms and Hallie coming over to help you get ready?

  At the mention of Hallie’s name, I smiled. I hadn’t seen my best friend since she’d left for college, and I missed her so much. “They’ll be here any minute.”

  Levi turned me around to face him and gave me a gentle kiss. ”I’ve got to go to Zach’s house to get ready, but when I come back I’ll be waiting for you at the end of that aisle.”

  My heart pounded in my chest as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I was so in love with this man. He kissed the small scar on my forehead before walking away.

  I went into the house, our house now, just as Mom, Kathy, and Hallie came through the door. Hallie squealed and ran into my arms, both of us crying tears of happiness over our reunion. She looked even more beautiful than I remembered. She was beaming, and I knew that look. I saw it on my own face in the mirror often. She was in love.


  They primped and pampered me the rest of the afternoon and by six-thirty, I heard my friends and family gathering outside. Mom helped me into my chiffon, V-neck gown. It was white with lace appliqué on the fitted bodice and a plunge ruffled back that fluttered in the breeze. The beautiful gown ended in a sweep train. I had chosen to wear white as a symbol of the purity of our relationship.

  Dad came into the room with Asher on his hip. He smiled and reached for me. “Momma,” he said as Dad gently held him next to me so I could kiss his chubby cheeks.

  He put him back on his hip. “Sorry, little man, but Momma already has on her pretty dress,” he said and tickled him under the chin. Asher forgot about me and giggled.

  He wore a small grey suit with a lilac tie. He looked so grown up and handsome. He was still too young to be involved in the ceremony, so he was going to sit with my parents on the front row.

  It was almost time to go, and I felt nervous but excited as Hallie pinned the sides of my hair back in an antique silver hair comb that once belonged to my grandmother. She hugged me before leaving to take her spot as the maid of honor along with Zach, who was Levi’s best man.

  Kathy dried the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. “I’m so happy for you and Levi,” she said, kissing my cheek before she left.

  Mom pulled me into her arms. “Katie, this is it sweetie. You found the one for you and are going to have a wonderful life together. I’m so proud of you,” she said as she kissed my forehead. She took Asher in her arms, leaving me alone with Dad. He smiled sweetly at me and handed me the bouquet of garden irises and lilacs. I took it, my hand shaking slightly.

  “Breathe, pumpkin,” he said and linked my arm through his. He led me to the open sliding glass door, where we stood waiting for our cue as the white curtains blew gently in the breeze. As the harp and violin music began to play the wedding march, he spoke in a voice thick with emotion, “That’s us. You look beautiful, and I love you so much.”

  He kissed my forehead, and I looked up into his sweet smiling face. “I love you, Daddy,” I said as I fought back my own tears.

  We made our way across the deck, down the stairs, and stepped onto the yard. I kept my eyes on my feet, making sure I didn’t trip. I took a deep breath as we reached the start of the white satin aisle. I looked up and locked eyes with Levi. He had a look of wonder on his face, and I knew my face held the same. He looked incredible in his light grey pinstripe suit and lilac tie.

  Dad led me to Levi’s side and kissed my cheek before joining my hand with my soon to be husband’s and answered, “Her mother and I,” when the pastor asked who was giving me away.

  We stood before Pastor Greg as he began the ceremony. Levi squeezed my hand. I looked up into his smiling face and saw the love for me shining in his blue eyes. We stood side-by-side, his muscular arm pressing against my bare shoulder, causing the butterflies in my belly to go wild. The sun started its slow decent as we said our vows, the slight breeze causing my dress to flutter.

  Levi said his first as he gazed into my eyes. “Katie, I stand before you in front of God, our family, and friends professing my eternal love for you. God brought you into my life and I will cherish you, be your strength when you have none left, help you when you have struggles, pick you up when you fall, and chase away all your fears. But most importantly, I’ll pray for you until I take my last breath. Thank you for letting me love you and for giving me a son. I love him with all my heart and promise these same vows to him.” He slipped the ring onto my finger and then it was my turn.

  “Levi, I stand here by your side with my heart overflowing with love for you. You found me when I was lost and struggling and through your faith in the Lord, showed me the way back to Him. You loved me enough to step aside and let me lean on the Lord’s strength, no matter the cost to you. I will spend the rest of my days at your side loving you, helping you, and following you as you lead us down the path the Lord has directed. I will pray for you and our family always. I thank you for believing in me when I didn’t, standing up for me when I couldn’t, and for loving me when I thought I wasn’t worth it. I will thank God every day for blessing me with a husband and Asher a father, like you.”

  I slipped the ring on his finger and Pastor Greg turned us to face our family and friends. I watched, confused, as Dad stood up and brought Asher over, placing him in Levi’s arms. He settled him on his hip, smiled at me, and took my hand.

  Behind us, Pastor Greg announced loudly, “It is my great pleasure to give you, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wesley Phillips and their son Asher Crane- soon to be Phillips.”

  I looked up at Levi and couldn’t fight back my tears of joy any longer. He released my hand and brushed them away. “I love you both so much,” he said softly.

  I smiled and kissed his hand. “We love you, always.”

  We made our way, as a family, down the aisle to the sounds of applause.

  With the ceremony over, most of the guests moved to the white reception tent further down the property. We stayed behind for pictures and as we finally made our way to the tent, were greeted by cheers, applause, and a few whistles. We couldn’t contain our laughter as we were directed to the head table.

  The tent looked just as wonderful as everything else. Our moms had really outdone themselves. Candlelight reflected off the tent walls creating a romantic atmosphere. The linen covered tables each had a beautiful lilac and garden rose centerpiece. The tables were lined along the edges of the tent, leaving an open space in the middle for a dance floor. Music played as our friends and family served themselves from the casual, buffet style table of food. I glanced over at all the food and cringed. I was too nervous to eat.

  Levi had told his mom that I sang like an angle, so of course, she thought it would be wonderful for us to sing a duet during the reception. She’d informed us she already had the perfect song in mind.

  Never one to like the spotlight, I said no but that didn’t deter Kathy. She simply got my mom involved, and I agreed to do it. She wouldn’t let us practice together saying she wanted our duet to be a new experience for us and saved for the reception.

  I laughed when Levi came back with a huge plate of food. Obviously, he isn’t nervous. “You’re going to be sick if you eat all that,” I said, staring at the pile of food.

  He set the plate between us and smiled. “It’s not all for me. I know you’re nervous about singing in front of everyone, but you need to eat.”

  I let out a small groan but picked up a grape and popped it into my mouth. After I got it down, I smiled sweetly at him. “Katie,” he said, handing me a fork. “eat for me, please.”

  I sighed, took the fork, and ate several bites. The food felt like lead in my stomach. I set the fork back down, scared that if I ate anymore it would come back up. I picked up my glass and gulped down some water, trying to ease my dry throat. I glanced over at Levi. He smiled and continued to eat. Yep, he’s just fine.

  I uncrossed and crossed my leg again, swinging it back and forth under the table. I accidentally kicked him in the shin. “Sorry,”
I muttered but continued to swing my leg nervously.

  He reached under the table, grabbing my calf after I’d kicked him for the third time. “Baby, you have got to settle down. I’m going to be limping by the time we get up there to sing,” he said.

  “It’s no big deal for you. You sing all the time and sound great. What if I freeze up or sound terrible?” I whined.

  He released my calf and moved his hand to the back of my head. He reached under my hair and began to slowly stroke the back of my neck with his thumb. “You won’t. You have a beautiful voice. Now, just take a deep breath.”

  I took a few slow deep breaths as he continued to glide his thumb up and down my neck. Chill bumps erupted on my arms, and I completely forgot about being nervous. I glanced up at his smiling face. He winked then leaned down, placing his warm lips against my ear. “Better?” he asked in a whisper.

  My brain stopped functioning for a second. I nodded my head. “Uh huh,” I managed to reply. He chuckled and picked up his fork, feeding me a bite of food. I gladly accepted it before realizing what he’d done. Oh, he’s rotten. He knew exactly what he was doing. I grinned and kicked him lightly under the table once more. “I’m on to you.”

  He laughed loudly and replied, “I got you to eat another bite, didn’t I?” Nerves calmed, I picked up my fork and ate while he smiled on.

  When the guests had finished their meals, Kathy stepped onto the dance floor and spoke into a microphone. “The bride and groom have a surprise for their guests. They have prepared a song for you all and let me just say, this is a big deal because they have never sang together.”

  We stood up and trooped to the dance floor. Kathy handed us our microphones and the music started for “When God Made You”. Levi turned to face me, took my hand, and began to sing. I smiled as he sang the words that meant so much to both of us. My part was up and I opened my mouth and sang the beautiful words from my heart. A breathtaking smile crossed Levi’s face. We sang the duet part and our voices blended perfectly. When it was over, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I saw Levi wipe his eyes before he pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips. “Baby, I’m in awe of you,” he said as he dried my tears.


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