Jet-Set Billionaire: The Complete Series

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Jet-Set Billionaire: The Complete Series Page 7

by Jenna Chase

  "But what if she didn't make it back to the plane?"

  Chapter 9


  I understood what Brad and Malcolm were saying. I understood that if we all went out there wandering around looking for Lainey that we may never find her and we could all become lost ourselves. I understood that we had a safe place to spend the night and it would be much more practical for us to search for her in the morning, but I couldn't help but worry that my friend was lost out there in the dark, or even in danger.

  "You're really worried about her, aren't you?" Malcolm asked as he held both of my hands in his. "I'll go out a little ways and yell for her, but I don't want you going wandering out there, Erica. I would never forgive myself if I lost you out there in the dark."

  Brad was still stoking the fire but I could tell he was watching the two of us. The disappearance of Lainey had put a temporary stop to their bickering, but I could sense that the competition wasn't over yet.

  "What if I go just far enough out so that I can still see the cave? The firelight will be visible for a ways now that it's dark. We could both call out to her just in case she got lost."

  I looked up into Malcolm's dark eyes, not asking for permission, but letting him know that I realized how dangerous it was out there and that I understood that his main concern was keeping me safe. But I couldn't just sit there and do nothing while my friend was missing.

  Just as Malcolm started to open his mouth and speak, Brad made a suggestion.

  "Why don't we all go out there together? We can keep an eye on each other that way," he said as he eyed Malcolm. "And gather more firewood while we're at it. We need enough to keep a fire going all night and it's not going to just fall out of the sky and get handed to us."

  I watched Malcolm's eyebrow raise as his eyes slowly moved across the cave and landed on Brad, his nostrils and eyes flaring for a moment before he spoke.

  "Yes, let's all go out there together."

  I could tell Malcolm spoke through gritted teeth at the dig Brad had just made and I was impressed after the earlier display of testosterone induced mania that he didn't respond with another antagonistic comment. I just wanted them to get along. I knew that I was the reason that they were fighting and it was starting to make me really uncomfortable.

  I had to admit that it was kind of thrilling in the beginning to have so much attention from both men, but realizing that I was responsible for the problems between them took the fun out of it really quickly.

  "Thanks, you guys, I really appreciate it," I said as I looked at the two men who were now standing on either side of me. Malcolm had let go of my hands but was still standing very close and almost appeared to be edging Brad out a bit. I would have laughed at their territorial behavior if this were a movie, but it was real and they were both serious.

  I watched as Brad continued to build the fire and Malcolm drank water from the stream that came down the cave wall. I felt incredibly lucky at that moment. If I had to be stranded on an island I was glad it was with these two men. They were both so strong and knowledgeable and they both made me feel incredibly safe.

  But it was Malcolm that stirred up feelings deep inside me. Brad was wonderful and sweet and kind, all things that I really wanted in a man, but Malcolm seemed to be those things too. The more I got to know him the more kindness and generosity I saw. I wondered how many people actually tried to get to know the real person behind all the money and power.

  "I think we can leave the fire unattended for a while now. I've got it going pretty strong," Brad said as he and Malcolm joined me outside the cave.

  The three of us walked out together until we were at least fifty yards away from the cave. I could still see the firelight but I knew if I went much further it would disappear behind the trees and ferns.

  "I don't want you to go out of my sight, ok?" Malcolm said to me as I took a few more steps into the jungle.

  "I'll stay right here," I said, looking at both of them. I could almost feel Brad rolling his eyes at just about everything Malcolm said.

  After ten minutes of all three of us calling out for Lainey and gathering pieces of fallen wood I started to wonder if this plan was going to work at all. We could be out here half the night and Lainey might pass by just far enough away that should wouldn't hear us. There was no way I could give up, though. It would kill me to think that she was out there somewhere scared and hurt and I didn't do everything I could to help.

  Finally, I heard a sound in the distance that was different that the animal noises that had popped up since the sun went down. I heard it a second time and I was sure it was her.

  "Lainey! Can you follow my voice? Lainey!"

  I heard another far off mumble then called out to her again. Within seconds I definitely heard her voice responding to me and not long after that saw a light flickering through the brush as she pushed her way through.


  "I found you guys!" she yelled as she ran up and threw her arms around me.

  "What happened? You were right behind me. Then when I got back to the cave you were gone. You scared me half to death."

  "Well, while we were out looking for firewood I suddenly remembered that while I was walking around outside the plane after it crashed I had seen a ravine nearby. Then I thought maybe the ravine Erica fell down into and the one near the plane might be the same and that maybe if I followed it I would find the plane fairly easily."

  Lainey continued to talk as we made our way back to the cave.

  "I didn't even notice the ravine by the plane. I guess I was pretty shaken up and I just walked toward the sunrise hoping to find someone. But why didn't you tell me where you were going? I would have gladly gone with you," Brad said as we approached the light of the cave. I could see in his face that he was genuinely worried about Lainey and I was really touched.

  "I don't know. It was still pretty light out and by the time I remembered the whole ravine thing when I looked around I had already lost sight of you. I didn't want to waste the light by backtracking, so I just followed my instincts and I was right! The ravine took me right to the plane! It got dark pretty fast, though. I almost stayed put, but I figured you guys would be worried about me, and I knew you could use some of this stuff."

  Lainey stepped into the cave and threw a large duffle bag down.

  "You won't believe what I brought back with me!"

  She crouched down and set the large flashlight that she was carrying down, then unzipped the bag. Out popped four miniature pillows and some blankets.

  "Oh, Lainey! That's fabulous! Now we have teeny airplane pillows and blankets to keep us warm for the night."

  "Not just that, I found your overnight case, Erica. I looked for another pair of shoes, but the only thing I could only find were these slippers," she said with a funny smile as she handed me my pair of fluffy pink fun fur slippers.

  "Oh, I'm going to look fabulous traipsing through the jungle in these tomorrow," I said as I threw them down and slipped my feet inside. "Thank you, Lainey, that was really thoughtful of you to look," I said, smiling and gripping her hand.

  "I would have brought back more of your stuff but I wanted to make sure I had room in the bag for food and water and I figured shoes were top priority for you. And look, bread and cheese! The refrigeration drawers were still cold when I opened them up so everything is perfectly fine to eat. I grabbed a couple knives too so we can dig in anytime."

  Lainey pulled out two large loaves of bread and about ten different types of cheese.

  "Oh my God, I'm starving! Lainey, you're the best!"

  "Yeah, I'm really impressed. You were incredibly brave to go all the way back there on your own," Brad said. I watched the two of them talk for a moment and wondered if they would be a good match. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they were drawn to each other. I had always felt like they had some kind of chemistry between them, even when I was dating Brad. And that would be just the thing to take the edge off the feud between the tw
o men so they would stop shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

  "And if you tell me that you brought the emergency beacon back here with you too you'll officially be my hero."

  Lainey grinned and pulled the beacon out of the bottom of the bag, it's red light flashing in a steady rhythm.

  "Lainey, you're everyone's hero tonight!" I said as I gave her another hug. "Now let's get settled around the fire and eat."

  Everyone was quiet as we sat, each wrapped in our own airplane blanket, and shared the bread and cheese as we warmed ourselves around the fire. Malcolm had been particularly quiet ever since we went out to find Lainey. And even though he had said a few words here and there thanking her for the food and blankets, he was mostly silent for a long time.

  I couldn't help but watch him while we sat there. The things he had told me while we were alone in the cave kept playing over in my head. About how he didn't feel like he could do what he truly wanted to do because of his family obligations. I wondered how much of his life was planned out for him and was sad to think that he had no say in how his future played out.

  It was very easy to look at someone who was as gorgeous and wealthy as he was and imagine that their life was comparatively easy. Or even perfect. But turning him into a caricature without any depth or pain seemed unfair. I guess it was fairly common when you saw someone who had something that you didn't — something that you wanted, like an enormous amount of money — to think that they had everything. It was easy to imagine that they didn't have a need or a care in the world.

  As I wondered what Malcolm might be missing in his life his eyes traveled up to mine and held there for a long time. He didn't seem like he was trying to do anything. He wasn't flirting or commanding or trying to convince me of anything. He was just looking into my eyes.

  That moment felt so honest to me. It felt like we were sharing a pure moment that wasn't filled with words or intentions or anything but him and me. Between that moment and the conversation we'd had earlier I was starting to trust him more than I imagined possible.

  "Where are you going to sleep," Malcolm asked, finally breaking the silence between us.

  I looked around and figured that one of the small patches of grass would be the most comfortable, but before I could say anything Malcolm leaned in so close his lips were almost touching my cheek.

  "If we sleep on one of the blankets together we can keep each other warm."

  I closed my eyes as I felt his words brush against my neck and slowly make their way down my spine. I was so overwhelmed by his closeness and his energy that it took me a full minute to respond. I knew that if I slept with Malcolm, even fully clothed, that I would basically be announcing to everyone the choice that I had made.

  But I knew who I wanted to be with. I knew that choice had been made a long time ago. It had been made the first time I laid eyes on Malcolm when he sat on that couch surrounded by all those girls and his eyes lit my entire body on fire from across the room. He didn't have to do anything to make me feel that way and is much as I cared about Brad that had never been the case with him.

  There's no way I could ever tell him that, though. I had never wanted to hurt him so I didn't tell him exactly how I felt. And now I messed up by leading him on and making him think that he had a chance with me. It was never intentional, though. I was so scared and he was there. In those first hours after the crash when we didn't know if anyone else had survived, we were there for each other.

  I looked across the fire and saw Brad and Lainey talking to each other. But they weren't just talking. They were laughing and almost touching they were sitting so close. My heart leapt up in my chest and I smiled at the thought of Brad and Lainey together. I wanted the best for both of them. They were both sweet and kind and they seemed to really enjoy each other.

  I turned back and looked into Malcolm's eyes and smiled.

  "Ok," I said with a smile as my lips trembled.

  I was scared because I wasn't just saying yes to sleeping on a patch of grass with him. I was saying yes to everything. I wanted to feel his arms around me and his hot breath on my neck. Not just tonight, but for all the nights for the rest of my life. I wanted to leave this island with him and go where ever he was going. I wanted to be with him.

  Chapter 10


  I didn't know how I was going to be able to control myself with Erica in my arms all night. I didn't even care about that pilot and the other stewardess anymore. As far as I was concerned he could say anything he wanted for the rest of the time we were there on that island, but he wasn't going to get me riled up anymore. I knew that Erica had made her choice.

  I felt pretty silly when I though back about the way I had acted — like Erica was some sort of prize to be won. But I was so blinded by my overwhelming desire to have her. I wanted to be the one to protect her and take care of her. I wanted to bring her as much pleasure as I possibly could.

  Brad and Lainey didn't even seem to notice when we got up and moved over to the small patch of grass against the cave wall. We wouldn't be getting as much warmth from the heat of the flames but the heat of our bodies pressed up against each other would make up for that.

  I laid my blanket down on top of the grass and sat down near the cave wall. I wanted Erica to be closer to the fire. I wanted to give her the best of everything. And not just things that money could buy.

  I watched as she threw the pillows down, then lowered herself onto the blanket. Then as we both settled back and got comfortable she curled up beside me, her head finding a resting place on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her. I pulled the other blanket up over both of us and felt her snuggled closer to me as one of her legs bent and crossed over mine. I would have been happy to stay like that with her forever.

  I could feel her body move slightly with each breath and I could hear her make those little contented sighs again. But most of all I could smell the delicious mixture of everything that was her. I instinctively turned and kissed the top of her head but had to hold myself back because I knew if I went any further I might lose control.

  I wanted Erica with every breath I took and every beat of my heart. I could feel every inch of my body respond to the energy between us as every hair stood on end, so I just held her in my arms with my lips pressed into her soft hair and savored the moment.

  I could hear her breath catching as she tried to calm the intensity that seemed to be rising in her as well. Part of me was irritated that our night together was being interrupted by the presence of that pilot, but I also knew that this wasn't just about sex for me.

  Of course, I wanted her more than anything right now, I wanted to run my hands over her soft skin and squeeze and lick every inch of her body. But I was also incredibly happy to be lying with her in my arms. I had no plans of letting her go after we got back to New York. I had no plans of ever letting her leave my side.

  "Malcolm?" Erica asked, whispering up to my ear.

  "What were you thinking about earlier? You've been so quiet all evening."

  I didn't answer right away. I wasn't even really sure myself what I had been thinking. I knew what it was that I was thinking about, I just didn't know how I felt about it. Or, more accurately, what to do.

  "Just some of the things we talked about earlier. My job and what I want to do with my life. I guess I hadn't really thought about any of that in a while. About my dreams. But coming to this place has really made me remember all the things I wanted to do when I was a kid."

  "I hope you do find a way. I don't think we're put on this planet to sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of others. Even if it is family. You have to do what makes you happy."

  Erica looked up at me with the sweetest eyes I'd ever seen. When I looked at her I believed it was all possible. That I really could go back to my old life knowing that I was free. That I could say goodbye to all of my responsibilities and still feel like a good person and a good son. But the thought of looking my father in the eyes and t
elling him that I wasn't going to take over the business just about killed me.

  I didn't want to think about it anymore, though. I'd figure it all out once we got back to New York City. For that moment I wanted to enjoy my time with the beautiful woman I had in my arms, in the beautiful place we were stranded in. I smiled at the thought that I was actually enjoying being stranded on an island.

  I looked over at the other two occupants of the cave and was surprised to see that they had made a little bed of their own together on the other side of the fire.

  "It looks like they've gotten pretty cozy over there," I said as I gestured to Brad and Lainey.

  Erica turned her head and looked behind her then back at me with a big smile.

  "I'm so happy for them! I really thought that they would be good together but I wasn't sure if Lainey would ever go for Brad considering our past. We used to date," she said as a serious luck came over her face. "Although, I'm sure you probably guessed that already."

  "Yeah, I knew. Lainey told me on the way over here this morning. So you're not still interested in him? It kinda looked that way when we walked into the cave and you were in his arms."

  "Well, I think I was really just scared and confused. I was sure about how I felt when we broke up months ago, but after the accident, I was terrified. I didn't know if anyone else was alive and when I saw him I was so happy and relieved and just wanted to feel safe again."

  "Do I make you feel safe?"

  "Yes." Her eyes softened and sparkled as she snuggled closer to me. "You make me feel a lot more than that, though."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't know how to explain it, but when you touch me I feel it everywhere. I feel everything you do to me throughout my entire body."

  Those words made every muscle in my body relax and I wrapped my arms tight around Erica then kissed her on the head again. I knew if I went anywhere near those perfect lips there would be no turning back.


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