Jet-Set Billionaire: The Complete Series

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Jet-Set Billionaire: The Complete Series Page 9

by Jenna Chase

  As she sank all the way down to the hilt her head fell backward and her mouth fell open and she let out a deep, sexy groan that turned into my name.

  "Oh God, Malcolm," Erica moaned, almost laying back on the rocks behind her.

  Her head snapped forward again as I pulled out a little then thrust back inside her. Her hands gripped my shoulders and with every thrust her nails dug deeper into my skin and she screamed my name over and over.

  There was no way I was going to allow myself to come before she finished but when I saw her mouth open and her lips quiver I knew that she was there. And after only a few more thrusts I let myself go past the point of no return.

  Her arms and legs were wrapped around me like a vice as the muscles inside of her squeezed me harder than anything I had ever felt in my life. We were locked together, inside and out, and neither of us could break free until we had both reached the end of our climax.

  As everything started to slow down and I felt Erica's muscles relax and let go, her legs dropped down and she fell back against the rocks. I was still inside her, still wanting to be a part of her, as I leaned forward and hovered, kissing her gently on the lips.

  I looked down at her stunning body as I pulled out, her full breast and hips more beautiful than anything I'd seen in my life. I kissed my way down to her hard nipples, tasting the hint of salt from her and from the ocean water that mixed together on her silky skin.

  When I looked back up her eyes were open and she was smiling down at me.

  "Malcolm, that was … you are … I don't even know what to say. You're amazing."

  I move back up so that my lips were close to hers and just stayed there, staring at her for a moment and recuperating from what had just gone on between us.

  "It can't be just me. I've never experienced anything that incredible before in my life. It has to be the two of us together, Erica."

  I kissed her again, letting my hands run over her warm, soft skin one more time before pulling away. I knew we were in danger of being caught completely naked by Brad and Lainey, although I figured they had probably lingered for a while in the water to do the exact same thing.

  "But we'd better get dressed. Who knows when those two will be back."

  "You're right, they could be here any minute!"

  Erica gazed up at me with an incredibly cute smile on her face in between putting her bra and shirt back on and pulling her skirt down. When we were both dressed we stayed there in each other's arms for a while longer. Holding each other and kissing passionately as the waves crashed around us. The sun and spray felt incredible on my skin and I couldn't help but wish that the rescue boat would never come. I wanted to stay like this with Erica forever.

  "If I didn't leave this island would you stay with me?" I asked as I looked down into her soft blue eyes that quickly grew big as my question sank in.

  "Are you serious? Are you actually considering staying on this island?"

  "I don't know. Not really. I couldn't do that to my father. I have to at least go back and talk to him. I just want to know if you could imagine that. If it's something you could ever see yourself doing. Staying with me, in a place like this. Or anywhere, really."

  "Are you saying that you are seriously considering leaving your family business?"

  I held Erica in my arms and looked into her eyes as she stared up at me. I knew that this was what I wanted. I couldn't go through the rest of my life pretending that I was happy. That all I needed was my father's approval as well as all the money and people that came along with the business. People who seemed to glom onto me everywhere I went. It was all so shallow and unfulfilling and ultimately nothing that I wanted my life to be.

  "You've changed me, Erica. This whole experience on this island has changed me and I don't think I can go back to my old life. I want something real. Something that makes me genuinely happy. I want you."

  She looked stunned for a moment and I wasn't sure what that meant. I hoped it was because what I had said made her happy, but there was always the chance that she saw me as a fling or someone she couldn't be serious about. I held my breath as I waited for her response and was beyond happy when she started speaking again.

  "Malcolm, I would go anywhere with you. Even if you decided to continue on with your father's business, or if you chose to stay here on this island, or you wanted to travel around the world on a boat — I would go with you. I want to be with you too," Erica said with tears in her eyes.

  "Really?" I said as I felt a big silly grin spread across my face. I reached up and touched her cheek, almost like I still couldn't believe she was real. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

  "Don't get too excited, though. I don't think I'll be hiking the Himalayas with you the next time you go. So don't get any crazy ideas like that."

  We were both still laughing when I heard a voice behind me.

  "Erica, I'm sorry to interrupt the two of you, but could I talk to you for a minute … alone?"

  Brad said Erica's name but he was looking at me and I knew that he meant he wanted me to leave. I was more than happy to oblige, though, because I knew where we all stood. There was no question in my mind about anything between the two of them anymore.

  He actually seemed a little embarrassed, maybe because of how awkward the situation between the three of us had been up to this point, but I was glad to see he didn't have a smirk or sneer on his face anymore.

  "Sure, no problem," I said as I looked back down at Erica. "I'll just head back to the plane."

  I walked over to where I had left my shoes and Erica had left her bag and I noticed that Lainey was standing there.

  "What's up?" I asked her, hoping she would be able to tell me why Brad needed to alone with Erica.

  "I think Brad feels bad about what happened yesterday and today. He wanted to talk to Erica before she saw us together and that obviously didn't happen, so I think he's just telling her now."

  "So the two of you are …"

  Lainey smiled and blushed a little. "Well, we're seeing where things go."

  "I have to admit I'm glad to hear it. I didn't want to have to beat the guy up but there was no way I was giving Erica up without a fight."

  "Erica's really lucky to have found a guy like you. You seem like you're going to treat her like she deserves to be treated."

  I smiled and didn't have to think for more than a second before I responded. "I'm the one that's lucky. I feel like … I don't know, like I've won the lottery," I said as I watched Erica and Brad walk across the sand back toward us.

  "There's ton's of money to be had out there, but Erica is one in a million."

  As they approached us, Erica and Brad were talking and they both sounded more serious than I was expecting.

  "What's going on?" I asked, putting my arm around Erica and pulling her close.

  "You may get what you want after all. Brad can't get the radio to work and he says someone should have responded to the beacon by now."

  "Technically we've only been missing for about eighteen hours, but that's long enough for local authorities to be dispatched and get to our location, wherever that is."

  "So you have no idea where we are?" I asked.

  "Well, we were heading southeast when the storm hit but the instruments had been acting up for a while before that. The co-pilot and I both figured they would go back to normal once we got through the storm and then we could correct course, but the static electricity that was generated caused a major overload and knocked everything out.

  "I just checked again and the transceiver is completely dead too. It's like the plane was hit by lightning or something and everything electrical on board was effected. The thing is, we could have been flying further south for longer than we realized. There are all kinds of Islands between The Philippines and the Hawaiian islands, especially if we're south of that area, which would actually make sense."

  "But the beacon is working, right? That couldn't have been affected by the storm," Erica aske

  "No, that's working fine. I know our signal has to be being broadcast. There's no way they would have come and gone while we were in the cave because we had the beacon there with us. So it's just a matter of time. Someone will come soon."

  "Maybe we should clean up the plane in case we have to spend another night here," Erica said as she looked up at me. "Or longer."

  Chapter 13


  I watched my eyelashes get thicker and darker as I applied black mascara to them in slow, methodical strokes. It had been over a week since I had put any makeup on and all and I almost felt out of practice. I hadn't taken a flight through the agency in the week since I'd been back in my apartment in Manhattan. And while we were on the island I barely washed let alone had any reason to freshen up my mascara. Any reason other than Malcolm.

  I stopped moving the small brush over my lashes as I stood in my small white-tiled bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

  I thought about Malcolm for the millionth time in the last week as I closed my eyes and pictured his strong, sexy arms. I conjured up the feeling that would course through my body as his strong hands wrapped around my waist; lifting me up over fallen trees and carrying me back to the cave.

  I opened my eyes quickly and caught myself from falling over backward. That man really had some power over me, and I had to admit that it scared me.

  Part of me wished we were both still back on that island. When I thought back on those two days everything seemed so perfect and serene, but also exciting and exotic. And safe because there were no blonde heiresses around to catch his attention. It could have just been the feeling that overcame me whenever Malcolm was near, but I couldn't help but think that the island was a special place. A place just for the two of us.

  Don't be silly, I thought as I shook my head and continued to apply my makeup in the mirror. It was fun and exciting while it lasted but you're back to reality now.

  A rescue boat showed up not long after we made it back to the plane that second day. We had all been afraid that no one was coming because of the malfunctioning equipment, but they found us.

  We were all so excited when a helicopter circled overhead a few times before landing and taking us to a massive military aircraft carrier. Then after we were on our way, another crew was dispatched to clean up the wreckage and take care of the one person who didn't survive.

  The journey back was an emotional time for me. There just seemed to be so much going on; so many strangers trying to find out what happened and asking questions that were hard to answer. I was emotionally and physically exhausted and tried to avoid having to talk to anyone.

  And then there was Malcolm. He seemed to spend a lot of the return voyage talking to the crew about the island; about what they knew about it and where exactly it was located. I didn't pay much attention to the conversations, but I thought it was endearing that it held so much interest for him.

  When I watched the way he listened so intently to the crew member's stories I couldn't help but think about the strong effect he had on me while we were on the island … and even before that.

  But as we traveled home, I wondered if it all just been part of the excitement of what happened. That the feelings had all been in our heads and would fade the minute we were out of danger.

  Not unlike the way I felt about Brad just after the crash. I didn't mean to lead him on, but I did. Was that what had happened with Malcolm? Would he still feel the same about after we got back to civilization?

  I went into a sort of protective mode once I got home. I was suddenly so afraid that everything was over and was all some sort of dream that I didn't want to talk to anyone. Malcolm called, quite a few times, in fact. He asked me to see him but I couldn't. I wasn't able to let myself go back there yet.

  But when he called earlier today, he insisted that I come over to his apartment tonight. He said that he wanted to see me and he wouldn't take no for an answer. He said that he needed to see me.

  "Hey," I said to Lainey. "I can't really talk, I'm running a little late."

  "Late for what?"

  "I'm going over to Malcolm's place tonight."

  "Oooh! So you're finally going to see him? It's about time, Erica. I mean, the way he was with you— I just don't buy it that it was all because of the plane crash. He was like that with you way before any of that happened."

  "I don't want to talk about it, Lainey. I'm nervous and you're not helping."

  "Look, don't be nervous. You've got that guy wrapped up around your little finger. He's in love with you, Erica. How can you not see that?"

  "After two days? Don't be ridiculous, Lainey!"

  "Then why has he been calling you all week? You're so infuriating, Erica. Why is it so hard for you to admit to yourself that you're a hot, desirable woman? And that you have captured the undivided attention of quite possibly the single most sought after billionaire under the age of thirty on this entire planet?"

  "Because …" I started but paused to wrap my free hand around my stomach, trying to keep the anxiety inside me from exploding out into the room. "What if he doesn't feel the same way I do? What if he just wants to have fun and he can't get serious about someone like me?"

  "You were the one that told me that he asked you if you'd stay on the island with him."

  "Maybe he'll plead temporary insanity caused by a near-death experience."


  "All right! I'm going, aren't I? I'm going to go and see what he wants. And if it's just a regular fuck with no strings … I just can't do it, Lainey. I can't stop thinking about him and there's no way I could be intimate with him again if I couldn't have all of him."

  "I know, sweetie. I understand how you feel. But don't forget to send me a pic of the engagement ring because I know he's serious about you."


  "Have fun tonight!"

  "Okay, I'll talk to you later."

  I slipped my phone into a black and gold evening clutch along with my lipstick, my keys, and a small wallet then looked at myself in the mirror for a long time.

  I had chosen an incredibly sexy, sheer, black bra and panty set and was wondering if it was a good idea. I wanted Malcolm, but I wanted him for more than just fun and sex. I knew that, as ridiculous as it sounded when Lainey had said it about Malcolm, that I had fallen in love with him in that short time on the island and I didn't know what I'd do if he didn't feel the same.

  He had said it though. While we were on the beach, he told me he wanted me with him, on the island or where ever he went. I just wasn't sure he still felt that way anymore, but the only way to find out was to pull myself together and see him tonight.

  I stepped into a smooth black satin dress and pulled it up, slinging the straps over my shoulders and struggling a little to zip up the back. The dress, much like the underwear, left very little to the imagination. My breasts were pressed together, with half of them almost popping over what you could loosely call a plunging neckline. Although it was nowhere near my neck.

  I was just about to take the dress off and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt when I heard a knock at the door. That meant that Malcolm's driver was already here and I had no time to change. I checked my hair one more time and grabbed my purse then went to the front door.

  The driver was very courteous and professional, but he didn't seem immune to the power of the cleavage. He glanced down more than once and lingered behind me just a little as he helped me with my wrap.

  I was escorted down to a black limousine and taken from my small apartment on the Lower East Side up third avenue to a neighborhood I had walked through many times.

  On my days off, especially after Brad and I broke up, I loved to spend the day walking across the 59th St. Bridge over to Queens and back. Some days I would take the subway further into queens and visit the different neighborhoods and other times I would wander around the neighborhoods and shops near the UN building that stood at the very edge of the gorgeous Murry Hill se
ction of Manhattan.

  It was an incredibly beautiful walk and the view of both boroughs in each direction was spectacular. But my favorite part was coming back into Manhattan and looking at the dozens of tall apartment buildings on either side of the bridge with their beautifully landscaped patios. I always thought those landscaped outdoor spaces were so cute and quaint, but also extravagant, for a Manhattan apartment.

  We pulled up to the front of one of those very buildings then turned and drove down into a gated underground parking structure. The driver parked the limousine then escorted me to an elevator that he opened with a card and when the doors open he pressed penthouse

  "There you go, miss. Just step off the elevator when it stops. Mr. McDaniel's door will be directly in front of you. Have a nice evening," the driver said is the doors shut in between us.

  When the doors opened again I was surprised to see how beautifully decorated the hall was. The plane had been very tastefully done, but it had been more stark and modern, and I had no idea if he'd had any part in decorating that. But this was his home, so I imagined he put a lot into making it fit his tastes.

  The hall extended to either end of the building but I could only see one door, other than an emergency exit at one end. The entire hallway was decorated with a very soft, warm feel that put me at ease. I was still nervous, but my hopes for how things would turn out with Malcolm were brightening up some as I relaxed into the comforting surroundings.

  A large dark side table near the door to Malcolm's apartment held an enormous bouquet of red and pink peonies and I couldn't help but lose myself in their beauty after I rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer. I didn't have to wait long, though. The door opened almost immediately and there was Malcolm with his dark, dazzling eyes and a big smile on his face.

  "I'm not going to lie. I've been standing right behind this door for the last twenty minutes," he said as he took my hands. We both laughed and I looked down as I felt my face flush.


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